Family Origins

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A few minutes later Naruto was walking down the street with Inoichi.

"So why don't you join us for dinner tonight I'm sure with what's happened Ino will want to see you soon we will just stop by your apartment first" Inoichi said.

"Thank you sir I'm very happy you helped. There are only a few people that have ever really helped me" Naruto said.

"Really who has helped you if you don't mind me asking" Inoichi asked.

"Well you and your wife,Ino, Shikamaru, Hinata, Asuma-sensei, old man Ichiraku, Ayame, old man Hokage, and 3 Anbu who i never knew there real names, inu, neko, hebie. That's it tho those are all the people that have either helped me in some way or been nice to me" Naruto said.

"I truly am sorry Naruto you should ever had to go threw it" Inoichi said.

Before Naruto could reply they came to Naruto's apartment building and it was on fire they both looked on in horror. Naruto fell to his knees" I don't know what to do anymore all my stuff up there"Naruto said.

Inoichi looked at the fire then at Naruto then back to the fire. He thought to him self " can i really leave him on the street. His father was one of my best friends his mother was one of my wife's best friends if i leave him here now. Know his mother she would find away back from the dead to kill me. " That thought scared him the most. Then he came up with an idea.

"Naruto i know this sucks but why don't you come stay with us I'll replace your stuff like your clothes and ninja tools and you can work in the shop on a couple of your days off" Inoichi said.

"You would really do that for me why" Naruto asked.

"I tell you someday and you will understand then okay " Inoichi said.

After that they walked back to  Inoichi's house when the came threw the door Ino had tackled Naruto and hugging him super tight while kissing him.

"What happened I thought you were going to die. I was so sad I thought I lost you" Ino said.

Before Naruto could reply Inoichi spoke up " Naruto can tell you about what happened now here is 10,000 ryo I need you to take Naruto shopping okay princess. Naruto needs clothes and ninja gear okay" Inoichi said.

Ino never looked so happy because now she was going to play dress up with her boyfriend. She got up and dragged him out to shop. Naruto was frozen in fear as to what she will make him try on.

On that they were gone Inoichi looked at his wife. "So Naruto will be staying here with us for a while so can you make up guest bedroom for him. He's also going to be working at the shop to pay back the money to get his stuff" .

Sabine looked at him with a funny face "so your just going to let your daughter's boyfriend just move to or house" Sabine asked.

"Yes the first reason is someone burned down his apartment and its a total loss. The second is you know if it was the other way around Minato or Kushina wouldn't even bat an eye they would have bought her in there home much sooner and the last reason is that of i didn't Kushina would find someway back to the world of the living and kill me". Inoichi said.

"Haha she would I guess your right it would be good to get to know my son-in-law better" she giggled.

"Sabine you know i don't like that stupid contract you and Kushina almost forced Minato to make. Let them be if they truly are meant for one another they will be get together. I don't ever want to use something like that and you know that".

Sabine just kept giggling as she had her way to the guest bedroom to make. It up for him.

While Inoichi start preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Three hours later Naruto and Ino returned home. They had bought a few pairs of ninja sandals along with other ninja tools and 6 pairs of anbu black pants with 6 black tee shirts with orange fingerless gloves. She also had him get a black suit so the could go to fancy places to eat.

"So your really going to let Naruto stay here daddy" Ino asked.

"Yes i am princess and he's going to work at the shop with you. So you will have to show him the ropes okay" Inoichi said.

"Thank you for letting him stay with us daddy your the best" Ino replied.

"No problem pumpkin and Naruto please be respectful of my daughter please it all I ask" Inoichi said.
Later that night Naruto got ready for bed he looked around his new room and saw it was bigger then his old one along with his bed when he laid in his new bed he loved it it was like laying on a cloud. He started to fall a sleep. When he felt someone curl up next to him. He looked and of course it was Ino.

"Ino what are you doing i don't want your dad getting mad at me he has been so nice to me" Naruto said.

"Naruto i cant sleep with you as my pillow and my dad wont get mad at you. As long as we don't do anything more then what were doing now. Were still to young and not ready for that okay now go to sleep I love you" Ino said.

"I love you too Ino" Naruto said before kissing her noise and going to sleep.

Little did they both know that both Inoichi and Sabine were in his room as well under a invisible genjutsu.
As they walked out of the room. Both were happy for different things. Sabine was happy because they were so cute together and her and Kushina's plan was so going off with out a hitch. Inoichi was happy because his baby girl was with a respectful man.
A the next few weeks went by with them doing missions and working at the shop and going on dates when they could the two blondes just loved being with one another.

Then one day there came a knock at the door. It was Koharu with some other counsel members.

"Inoichi your daughter has been chosen to be one of the many brides for Sasuke Uchiha for his CRA to bring the Uchiha numbers back up in the village" Koharu said.

"I am sorry Koharu but my daughter will do no such thing. I never wanted her to be with him and no are no longer part of the Hokage's advisers. You have no right to take her" Inoichi said.

"This is not a discussion the counsel has ruled and even the Hokage is in favor of this you will turn her over to us by tomorrow or you will be put in prison" Koharu said as she left.

Ino was just hugging Naruto crying her eyes out. Naruto looked like he was just going to kill someone. Sabine looked at him and he could tell what she was thinking and it involved her biggest frying pan.

He just left to go speak with tho Hokage. He appeared in his office. "

"What can I do for you today Inoichi" the old man said.

Well i would like to know why some of the other counsel members just showed up to my door demanding i hand Ino over to be put in Sasuke Uchiha's harlem" Inoichi said.

"So i see he chosen Ino well I'm going to beat around the bush there's not much you can do to stop this. With the counsel at his side its out of my hands im sorry Inoichi. Well in less you already have her in a marriage contract signed and dated by the Hokage before Sasuke was put in CRA" The Hokage said.

"Well then I guess I'm in luck then all tho I never wanted to use it it appears I will be. So Naruto going to find out about his parents then" Inoichi said.

"What are you talking about" The Hokage said

" Well just after Ino was born Kushina was about 8 month pregnant with Naruto. I was in this office when my wife was carring Ino who was three days old kicked in that door with Kushina in toe and demanded that there be a marriage contract between Naruto and Ino so that are wives can have blonde haired blue eyed grandbabies. So it looks like I will just have to use it." Inoichi said.

"You kidding me right" The Hokage said.

"Nope" he pulls out a scroll and hands it to the Hokage. The Hokage looked it over.

"Let me call Asuma here right now before we do anything okay" the Hokage said.

Just then Asuma flickers in. " yes dad you need something" he asked.

"How strong is Naruto right now "the Hokage asked his son.

I would put him low jonin class really by the time the end of the chunin exams are finished he be high jonin" Asuma said.

"Do you think he can handle learning the truth son" the Hokage asked.

"Yes he's ready plus with getting his fathers jutsu that will help him a lot"  Asuma said.

"Okay Inoichi go home and you can tell Naruto about his parents. Then i will summon you Naruto and your family for an emergency counsel meeting. Its about time this village know the truth" the homage said.

Inoichi went home leaving father and son when Asuma turns to his father " this village is about to shit it's self " he said with a smirk.
Inoichi returned home and found his home in no better shape. Ino rush to her father.

"Daddy did you find away out of CRA for me" she asked.

"Yes princess but tell me do you really love Naruto" he asked.

"Yes but whats that got to do with it" she asked.

"You will see Naruto can you come down here" a second later he was at ino's side." okay naruto I'm going to tell you about your parents." Inoichi said.

"My parents but whats that have to do with Ino" Naruto asked.

"You will see now let me finish your father's names was Minato Namikaze the yellow flash and the 4th Hokage. Your mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki the red death. Your parents were great people and your father was one of my best friend's your mother was one of Sabine's best friends.
A few days after Ino was born i was in the Hokage's office talking to Minato
When my wife and your mother kicked the door down. And the demanded that we make a marriage contract you two. I didn't like idea but if it made your mother happy i didn't care to much really. That contract is what is going to keep Ino away from Sasuke. So Naruto I'm going to ask you. Do you love my daughter" Inoichi asked.

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