(Flashback) The day the fourth died/ The Awakening

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Minato and Kushina had just stopped the 9 tailed fox from killing baby Naruto.

"It's my job as a father to die for his child" Minato said.

"Its my job too as his mother" Kushina replied.

"No your job is to raise him " Minato said.

"But Minato with the fox being taken out of me I will die my body is to weak" Kushina cried.

Kushina saw Minato do a jutsu that see has never seen before. Then he touched her forhead.

"Kushina I love you but you need to be there for Naruto to help him. With this jutsu it will heal you but it will sometime to work fully I wish it would work fast but Im not as good as my mother with healing jutsus" Minato said.

Kushina than froze as crystal covered her body. He then kissed her one final time and used flying thunder god to put her in there room. The whole room was sealed so when a family member entered there room she will awaken.

Minato the finished the sealing of the 9 tails in Naruto and died.
Over the years Kushina healed but was never awoken because no one has touched the house. So she waited for the day Naruto to come home.
They made it back to the village and reported to the Hokage.

As all members of team ten and Tsunade and Shizune came walking in to his office.

"So Naruto I take it the mission went well" lord 3rd asked.

"Yes it did" Naruto smiled.

"Good to hear" lord 3rd replied.


"They have been taken care for too many years i have let them walk over me. That had to stop so I had my new top Anbu crow end them." lord 3rd replied.

"They are lucky you granted them with that kind of mercy but I am glad there gone.

"Maybe so " lord 3rd replied.

"Well then I guess we should be going"  Tsunade said.

"Welcome back Tsunade I'm glad You reunited with your grandson" lord 3rf said.

"Thank you lord third" Tsunade bowed.

Team ten went there ways Asuma left with Shikamaru. Ino and naruto stayed with Tsunade and Shizune.

As they were walking down the the street they spotted Sakura and she rushed to them. Ino seeing this she went to stop Sakura from doing something stupid .

"What do you want forehead" Ino hissed.

Sakura stopped dead in her tracks.
"Ino I want to say I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you and Naruto. I am deeply sorry I want to apologize for my actions. I want my best friend back. Sakura cried.

Ino thought about it for a min then said" that well and good Sakura but I'm not sure I can trust you yet. You have done some messed up things to my boyfriend and almost got him killed. I want my best friend back too. But your going to have to work for it for me to trust you again. If i think your up to something tho Sakura that's it were done and I'm going to hurt you bad. I love Naruto with all of my being I would die for him I would let anyone hurt him understood" Ino said.

"I understand Ino" Sakura said as she was still crying. She put her arms around Ino and hugged her. Crying in her shoulder.

"I'm glad you do Sakura" she hugged her back.

Sakura whipped her tears on her hands " I hope I find someone to love the way you and Naruto love each other. And I want to say congratulations on you engagement Ino I am really happy for you" Sakura said.

"Thank you Sakura I hope you do to but I got a lot of stuff to move in to my and  Naruto's new house. So once were settled will have you over okay" Ino said.

"Sounds good see you around Ino" Sakura said.

"Okay see you" Ino said.

Ino caught up with them at her house as there were getting there stuff to move in to Naruto's parents house.

"I'm so excited so finally see are new house babe" Ino said.

"I know I hope the house is in good shape" Naruto said.

Naruto summoned a ton of shadow clones to carry and move his and Ino's stuff.
On the edge of the village

There was a large front yard three trees, a brick pathway, leading to a circular shaped patio space. The pathway led up to the house and came to form the front porch. on either side of the porch, surrounding the porch we unused flower beds.

The house itself was huge. It had to be a least four floors tall including the basement and on the top floor were three balconies.

First floor was the a big kitchen two bathrooms a huge dinning room and living room.

The second floor was a few bedrooms and his mother and father office and a huge training doju and two more bathroom. On the top floor was a few bigger bedrooms and the sealed master bedroom.

As they were all checking out the the clones were putting stuff away. A few tried to open the door and the clones popped.

Naruto realizing what was happening made his way up with Ino and Tsunade in tow.

Tsunade saw that the door was sealed "Naruto put a little blood on the door handle and channel your chakra as you open the door" Tsunade said.

Naruto did just that and the door opened. The walked in and were shocked and what they saw.

There on the bed lay Kushina Naruto's mother in a crystal prison. They made there way over the the bed. The crystal started to crack.

Then it busted in millions of pieces and Kushina's eyes opened.
Kushina then sat up she noticed Tsunade standing there in shock.

"Tsunade is that you. Where's Naruto how old is he. How long was I a sleep.

Tsunade should her head "Kushina how are you hear I thought you died with Minato when you sealed the fox"

"I was going to die but Minato did some crystal healing jutsu you created" Kushina said.

"The healing crystal Cryonics prison jutsu" Tsunade said.

"Not sure but where my baby Tsunade" Kushina asked.

"Ma-Mom" Naruto teared up.

Kushina turned to look at the boy and she realized she was out a lot longer then they thought she would be.

"Naruto baby " she reached out for him.

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