How to train you Genin

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5am came and team 10 made there way to the village gate. Asuma was waiting for them. Once everyone was there. Asuma said " from this point on your mine genin. I'm going to push you to your limit then im good to push you some more. Where on our way to a cabin outside of fire country its 20 miles away we will be there by noon that is our first exercise. There is where we will be staying for the next month to train. Lets move out were wasting time."

All the genin groaned and start run. They ran for 4 hours straight in a diamond formation with asuma at the front with Shikamaru and Naruto flanked to his left and right and Ino bringing in the rear. After a few hours of running asuma stop them. " Alright stop guy take 15 mins and i have breakfast ready then"Asuma said.

All three kids fell over exhausted not wanting to move. Asuma just laughted and went about his time making a fire with some sticks he found. He pilled them up and then made some hand signs. He build some chakra in his lungs. (Fire style Open flame jutsu) he said and blew out a very small fire to on the pile of sticks . Then he unsealed a pot with water in it and threw some oatmeal with some fruit he brought with him and he had brought with him and started to stir it. Naruto watched from where he laid on the ground in a amazement. He got up and walked a few feet over to where Asuma was sitting. He sat next to him. "So you can use jutsu for things like that" Naruto asked.

"You can use jutsu for just about anything if you put your mind to it all depends on you chakra nature" Asuma said.

"Chakra nature?" Naruto said as he  was confused.

Ino and Shikamaru had mad there way over to where they were sitting

"Okay guys first lesson we all have chakra in side of us but we have our own chakra nature mine is wind and fire. So i can use wind and fire jutsus easily because I've mastered them. I can still use a different nature but it would take alot more chakra to use it. I have some chakra paper here ill give you each a piece of it." he handed them a piece " now channel chakra in to the paper. If it spits in two you have wind. If it get damp then you have water. If it catches a flame you have fire. If it crinkles you have lightning and if it turns to dust you have earth" Asuma said.

Ino's got damp "so i guess i have a water nature" she smiled.

Shikamaru's lit a flame "so i guess i have a fire nature that troublesome" sighed.

Naruto look down at hes and sighed "i think mine is broken".

"What do you mean its broken" Asuma repied

Asuma look at Naruto's paper and he dead paned it was spit in 2 with one piece crinkling the other nothing happened to it.

"So what does this mean" Naruto asked.

"It means you have two chakra natures wind and lightning and thats very trouble some" Shikamaru said.

"Most Jonin only have one and it takes a lot of trainning to get two so your a special case Naruto" Asuma said.

"Way to go Naruto thats amazing were going to kick ass now" Ino said

They finished there breakfast and tea. "Ok guys were only 4 mile away lets get there and you guy can have off till dinner" Asuma said.

The made there way to the cabin. When they got there it was a beautiful site to see with a 2 story log cabin with a lake in the back and was surrounded by a dense forest.

They made there way in side the cabin the was a small kitchen in the back with a living room in the front also down stairs was the bathroom it had a small shower next to that had a small bedroom adjacent to it.

The upstairs was a loft with three beds in it.

"Okay this is my room you three are up in the loft" Asuma said

"You mean i have to room with both boys" Ino asked.

"Is that a problem"Asuma replied

"Well im a girl should i get my own room" Ino said.

"No you should be fine trust you teammate Ino i mean you have known Shikamaru since birth right i dont think he wont hurt you and Naruto wont do anything if he does i let you kill him" Asuma said with a laugh.

"You guy better not try anything or i swear to whatever god is listening i will kill you" Ino yelled.

"We wouldn't" they said in unison.

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