Lesson 1 chakra control

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The next day Naruto woke up to the blinding sunlight in his eyes. He used his hands to shield his then he sat up. He looked to his left and saw Shikamaru silently sleeping. Then turn to his right where he saw Ino lightly snoring. He lightly giggled to mine self she was cute and left wide open for a prank but he was think that's not a smart idea. So he got up made his way down stairs to shower.

When he got out of the shower Asuma was wake "so whats the plan sensei" he asked.

"So I'm going to wake the other up then were going to work on your  chakra control for the morning then will have breakfast the taijutsu trainning till dinner then ill teach yo
Ninjutsu before bed" Asuma said.

Naruto waited for Asuma to wake the others. Once there were up and ate breakfast. Asuma let them out to the forest he stopped at a small clearing surrounded by trees. Then he handed them each a kunai.

"Ok guy were going to work on your chakra control. Your going to use the kunai to make you progress. Your going to climb this trees with out your hands."Asuma said

"How are we climbing tree with out you hands" Naruto asked.

"You channel chakra in too your feet and stick to the tree if you use to much you will be blown backwards and crack the tree if you just to little you will slip and fall off the tree. So you run up the tree as far as you can when you get as far as you can mark the height on the tree and try again.
Ino you will probably pick this up faster then Shikamaru or Naruto. This reasonwhy is girls have smaller chakra levels so you control will be better then the boys and you will strengthen you chakra reserves. Once all of you guys master the we will move on to water walking. Now get to work!" Asuma demanded.

For the next several hour the ran up and down the trees. Just like Asuma said Ino was the first to master it. She then help the others to master that. Shikamaru mastered it just before lunch. This piss Naruto off that he couldn't master in in the time they did.

Asuma pulled Naruto off to the side and said "Naruto the reason you couldn't master it in the same amount of time is because you have a massive amount of chakra. Your levels are higher than my own. You know why don't you."

"Its because of that dam fox right sensei. I bet you don't even want me on the team anymore right because I'm the fox right" Naruto cried

"Kid i've have known about that since you were two years old. When i left to be one of the fire guardian 12. You are Naruto and you always have and you have always will be. that is the deference so people are just to stupid to see it" Asuma replied.

"Thank you sensei it means a lot to me that you see me as a person instead of the fox." Naruto said.

Well kid i believe in what the fourth said you are a hero and should be treated as such.

He though I'm a hero" Naruto asked

"Yes he did Naruto you should too. Now I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You learn the shadow jutsu from the forbidden scroll right well the thing with those are anything they do you learn. So when it comes to learning something just make another clone and you can learn it in half the time" Asuma said.

"Really wow okay i have a few ideas for after lunch" Naruto said.

They made it back to the cabin for lunch ate then Asuma brought out side. "Okay so know were moving on too the next lesson. Lesson number 2 taijutsu" Asuma said

"Sensei just give me one moment." Naruto said as he made some hand signs " (Muti Shadow Clone Jutsu).

Then there was a huge cloud of smoke. Naruto had made 500 clones of himself. The other were speechless at the site of 500 Naruto's.

"Okay you 4 stay here the rest of you go practice tree climbing". He demanded.

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