Merry Christmas Omake

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Naruto awoke up be for Ino as he laid on top of her as she cuddled him. He moved up and started blowing in her ear. She started to wake up when Naruto licked the inside of her ear.

"Your gross when you do that you know you" Ino said.

"Yeah but you know you love it and you love me" Naruto said.

"Maybe I love you but stop trying to turn me on with your mother in the next room" Ino said.

Just then there was a knock at the door and Kushina poked her head in.

"Don't worry about me I'm ready to a grandma so please give me grandbabies" Kushina teased.

"Merry Christmas mom" Naruto said as he unwrapped him self from his beautiful blonde girlfriend.

"Merry Christmas dear and you too Ino get yourselves ready And ill make breakfast then when Tsunade and Shizune and your parents get here will open gifts Ino" Kushina said.

"Merry Christmas to you too mom. We will be down in a min " Ino said.

"I have always wanted you to call me mom " Kushina said as she went down stairs to make breakfast.

"Your mother is so cute" as she kissed Naruto on the nose "now go shower and ill pick out our clothes for today" Ino said.

"You don't need to pick out my clothes. I am old enough to do it myself" Naruto said.

"Your so cute to think that but you used to wear an orange jump suit and were taking family pictures so I will be dressing you today" Ino said.

"Not cool" Naruto said.

"Listen just wear what I put out and Ill make it worth your while" Ino said

"How" Naruto asked.

Ino leaned over and whispers in his ear and blood shoots out of his nose.

"Okay deal" Naruto said as he runs in to the shower.

"He is too easy " Ino laughed and got there clothes picked out.

Later on they both came down stairs.
Ino was in a blue dress that went down to her knee with her hair down. Naruto came down in black dress pants and a red dress shirt.

"You two look great" Kushina said.

Then there was a knock at the door Naruto went to get the door. When he opened the door. Sabine and Inoichi were standing there.

"Merry Christmas son" Sabine smiled.
Merry Christmas kid" Inoichi said.

Naruto shook Inoichi hand then Sabine bought him in for a hug and kissed him on the cheek.

Ino parents came in and wish Kushina a Merry Christmas and sat down for breakfast.

Then a few minutes later there was another knock at the door. So Naruto got up and answered the door went he opened it. It was Tsunade and Shizune at the door.

"Merry Christmas Naruto" Tsunade said as she kissed in on the forehead.

"Merry Christmas Grandma" Naruto replied with a hug.

He then turned to Shizune. He hugged he and said" Merry Christmas Aunty".

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek " Merry Christmas Naruto" Shizune.

They all walked in and ate breakfast. Then it was time for presents.

"Okay everyone time for gifts" Kushina said.

Everyone went in to the family room where the Christmas tree was set up. On the way in Ino stopped Naruto in the door way. She pointed up and Naruto was confused.

"Its mistletoe you have to kiss me it tradition" Ino smiled. So Naruto with all his passion kissed Ino and they started to make out when Inoichi interrupted then.

"Hey love birds its time for gifts not making babies" Inoichi said.

They started opening gifts and the final gifts were Tsunade giving her blue gem necklace to Naruto.

The final gift was from Naruto to Ino. She open this small box and in it was a diamond ring. She was shocked. She turned to Naruto. Naruto was down on one knee.

"Babe I know were kind of already engaged already but I want to make it official. Ino I love you with all my heart will you marry me" Naruto asked.

This brought Ino to tears "yes baby i love you and I will marry you" Ino cried. As Naruto put the ring on her finger.

Everyone congratulated them on there engagement. Then there was another knock at the door.

Ino went to answer it and found the Hokage with his grandson Konohamaru. Also Asuma and Shikamaru.

They wished her Merry Christmas and asked to come in. She invited them in and they came in to the family room where everyone else is.

Merry Christmas they all said. The Hokage pulled out one gift.

"Naruto this is for you I think your father would want you to have it" lord third.

Naruto unwrapped the gift and he stared at it for a min.

It was a 3 prong kuni with a seal on it.

"Is this what I think it is" Naruto asked.

"Yes Naruto that is your father kuni with his formula for flying thunder god" lord third said.

"I haven't seen this in years" Tsunade said.

"If anyone can make that formula work its you" Kushina said.

"The second yellow flash has a nice ring to it" Ino said.

"That's the most troublesome thing I have herd all day" Shikamaru said.

"Naruto proposed to me today" Ino smiled.

"I take it back that is the most trouble some thing I herd all day" Shikamaru said.

"I want you to be my best man in are wedding" Naruto said.

"I take that back" Ino elbows him in the ribs " I give up" Shikamaru said.

"Congratulations you guys" Asuma said.

"Thanks Asuma-sensei" Naruto said.

"Yes I believe a toast is called for" lord third said.

Tsunade then went and grabbed 9 shot glasses and poured sake in them and handed them out to everyone but Konohamaru.

"To the lovely couple may there love blossom thur the end of time. My you always love each other" Tsunade said

"Cheers" everyone said. The all drank there sake and Kushina made dinner. Everyone had a good time then they all took a family photo with everyone there that day.

Later that night everyone went home after stuffing there face everyone went home happy.

Ino and Naruto were settling in to bed as Ino started kissing Naruto.

"Remember that thing I said I do if you did what I wanted what I would do for you" Ino teased.

"YES" Naruto said.

"Well I'm going to go it " Ino said as she rips his belt off and starts to slide down his pants....

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