Team blonding

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After 2 days of water walking team ten had mastered it. Asuma was very in pressed out of and the genin he had trained this group in front of him was special.

"Okay guys i have to report to my father ill be gone a couple of days. So its on you to keep up what you have learned. Don't get hurt and don't kill each other well I'm gone."

He grabbed his bag and left. They just looked at each other waiting for one of them two make a move. Naruto looked at them and said I'm going to train out side for a bit ill be back later".

Naruto left leaving Shikamaru and Ino looking at each other. "So we should do something nice for Naruto" Ino said.

"Yeah its still early we could make a trip in to that town a buy him something his birthday was like 4 months ago. So will get him a late birthday gift " Shikamaru suggested.

"Good idea Shika lets get a move on" she demanded.

"Okay but don't be so trouble some Ino" as he look at her with a smirk.

They left in a hurry and returned a few hours later. Each with the own gift and a cake.

"Okay Shika this is the plain you go stall Naruto so i can make my moms ramen dish i need like one hour to do it all then you can return here and will have his party" Ino said

Shikamaru nods and takes off to stall Naruto. Ino starts making the ramen and then gets the table set up for dinner then put the cake in the refrigerator. Then finishes the ramen.

Just as shes filling bowls of full of ramen at the table. The guys come strolling in from some light sparring.
Naruto looks over and see's Ino had made dinner.

Ino see's him and smiles " i know your birthday was a few months ago bit this is me and Shika's way of saying happy birthday Naruto and were glad your are teammate."

"Thanks guys this means a lot to me" Naruto said happily

"Good now go change for dinner. You stink from training both of you she demanded.

After both guys quickly washed up and changed for dinner say sat down to eat the dinner Ino had prepared for them.

"I've never really had ramen before but this is good where did you learn to cook this Ino" Shikamaru asked.

"Its my mom's special ramen. She showed me how to make it when i was a little girl. I just followed the instructions" Ino said

"Its super good i love it " Naruto relied.

They finished dinner then they pulled out rapped gifts for Naruto. He opened Shikamaru's first it was a book on sealing and a kunai set. Next was Ino's gift two new set of cloths and a framed photo of there team picture for back at home.

"Thanks guys i love it. You guys are the best. I'm glad i ended up on team ten i couldn't of what my life would have been if i was on another team. "

They night went on and they all went to bed. In the middle of the night Ino awoke to some one crying. She sat up and saw Naruto crying in is sleep again. She looked around and saw Shikamaru must have herd him and went somewhere else to sleep. She got out of her bed and made her way over to him.

She gently padded his shoulder and he slowly opened his watery eyes looking in to her eyes.

"Whats wrong Naruto this the second night you been crying in your sleep. I'm worried about you please tell me whats wrong.''

"It's nothing Ino just go back to bed" Naruto said sadly.

"I know your not telling me the truth Naruto now let me whats wrong. I'm just trying to help".

"Fine naruto if that's how you want to play it then ill force you to tell me". She quick did some hand signs (Mind body transfer).

Ino found her self walking down a long hallway in Naruto's mind. All the doors were blackened the further she got the more black doors there were.

She remember her dad telling her black doors were peoples bad moments or memoirs. " okay how can a person have this many black doors i guess i just have to see whats behind door number 1".

She entered she door and she saw a 5 year old Naruto running home on his birthday. Then she saw the angry mob chasing him when one of the ninjas in the mob threw a kunai and him him in the leg.


"GET THAT DEMON" someone shouted. She watched in horror as the mob beat him then they started stabbing him.

She was crying "i cant believe someone would do this to a child." she ran out of that room she wouldn't go in another blackened door in Naruto's head.

She finally made it to the end of the hall way where there was a giant cell with bars on it.

Ino saw yellow eyes glare at her. In the cage was a giant 9 tail fox.

" so your the one that's digging in his mind."

"Ya so whats it to you you stupid fox its your fault Naruto has been treated badly his whole life."

" like i care I'm going to take control of his body then I'm going destroy that village and everything he holds dear and im going to start with you."

She saw the fox stick his paw out and tried to step on her when the jutsu ended.

Ino blinked and saw Naruto still crying. " Naruto please don't cry anymore I'm hear for you and I'm not going anywhere i will protect you. I wont let the fox take over your body. We will stop him together okay."

Naruto dried his eyes" okay Ino i believe you I'm just so afraid that ill be by myself again i just cant be alone anymore " Naruto said.

" Your not alone anymore you have me. I wont let you be alone anymore.

" I thought you loved sasuke what about him?" Naruto asked in a questionably tone.

"I don't think he wants a girl he to focused on himself. I come to realize i don't want a man like that. I want a man with love and passion. I want a guy that when i say flirty thing to them they react making me feel sexy. And most of all i have decided i want to be with you Naruto and maybe if everything works out will have blonde haired baby's. "

"You really like me ?" he asked happily. "Yes now move over my bed is cold bed and i hate a cold bed". He moved over and she got in bed with him and cuddled up to him. She kiss on he cheek. It wasn't before long when they were both a sleep.

Shikamaru had herd the whole thing he was coming back from the bathroom " troublesome blondes" he whispered  as he went to bed and went back to sleep.

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