Chapter 1: A New World?

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(3rd Person P.O.V.)

"Squids!" Sky shouted. TeamCrafted came in charging with their budder swords fighting off the squids that terrorized SkyBase. The battle was getting terribly nasty day after day, until the squids find out a spell. A portal appeared right in front of Sky. "Sky!" Jason shouted. Everyone went to help Sky out, but squids were surrounding them into the portal. "Hang on!" Mitch said gripping a tree branch that was low enough for him to reach. Everyone else was holding onto Mitch to get out of the swarm of squids, yet to only fail. The portal started to suck everything into it and the force getting stronger. Finally TeamCrafted gave up and fell into the portal. Only to know they must have lost the battle.

(Ian's P.O.V. Yay! We get to the exciting part!)

Ugh, my head hurts, I thought. I realized I had paws!? I examined myself to just realiz I was a cat! Wait minute, where are the others? "Sky, Quentin, Mitch, Ty, Jason, Jerome?" I called. I heard Jerome's voice. "What the heck!?" I think he figured he was a cat. "Jerome? It's me Ian." Jerome was a very fluffy brown cat. And I noticed I was a black cat with gray paws. I remembered about my sunglasses, oh thank Notch they are there! "Jerome?" I recognized that voice. "Mitch!" Me and Jerome said in unison. "Hey guys, seen the other four?" We shook our heads. "Well, let's go look for them!" Mitch said walking off. Me and Jerome followed him. We kept calling out their names not caring what we attract. Suddenly I hear something in the bushes, so did Jerome. I really hope this ain't an attack. Then a brown tabby launches at me. I screeched. Mitch hurried to help me, but another cat got to him. I managed to kick the tabby off of me and ran to help Mitch and I launched at the cat that attacked my friend. I got a good scratch at his muzzle, but he pushed me back hard with his hind legs and try to swipe at me. "Squirrelflight!" I hear a cat shout. Jerome attacked Squirrelflight. For first time being cats we were terrific fighters! Finally I stopped attacking the cat to push up my sunglasses before they fell off. The cat launched at me, but I ducked and he ended up smacking right into the tree behind me. Then there was this orange tabby that attacked me right in the muzzle. I dodged a few of his swipes and I bit him right in the tail. "Lionblaze!" I hear a small gray cat shriek. The orange cat stared at me with shock and confusion. I ignored him and went to help Mitch who was doing incredibly good, and Jerome was doing pretty good. Suddenly the orange tom shouted "Stop!" All the cats froze even Mitch. "But Lionblaze, these are rogues that attacked us-" "We attacked them first." Lionblaze said. It was obvious he was through with fighting. Mitch spoke up "Um sorry to interrupt, but have you seen any other cats out here?" Lionblaze stared at him "Others?" I decided to pitch in "Yeah, we have other friends that we kind of lost-" Then I hear a screech that sounded a lot like Sky's. "Sky!" I ran toward tye direction of the voice to find the others. Cats were attacking them, luckily Sky, Ty, Jason and Quentin were back to back not seperate. Then I heard Lionblaze behind me shout "Stop fighting!" The cats stopped and we padded over to our friends. "There were more of them!?" A cat spat. "Yes, they were just lost. But the looks of it they are great fighters and Thunderclan could use some right now-" A cat interrupted Lionblaze "So now we need rogues to join the clan?" "Something tells me they are special." Lionblaze said. "So, your names?" I decided to use my alias and everyone else did to except Mitch and Jerome. "So I guess should be apart of Thunderclan now. But we'll need to make sure with Firestar first." I understood why he had to ask a leader first because we were an odd looking group of cats. The weird things about us were just the accessories. Like Ty's headphones, me and Sky's sunglasses as well his amulet, Jason's suit and also Mitch's jacket. Lionblaze said to follow him and do as he says. So we did and when I saw the camp I was impressed of what cats could do. I saw little kittens and old cats and cats seemed about our age and saw something they call a 'fresh kill pile' which I guess cats eat and thats what we are eating for a while I'm guessing. "Firestar, meet the new cats that will be joining Thunderclan." Firestar said he needed to talk to Lionblaze for a second before we join so we just talked a bit about the battle and how did the squids learn such a spell. Of course there is always a curious person or in this case cat that would be listening to the whole conversation. "I couldn't help but notice that Lionblaze invited you into the clan. You know why?" We all didn't really know, but I thought of the battle I had with the orange tom. "I just bit his tail in battle, then he just stared at me for quite a bit." I said. "Uh, I have to go!" The tom quickly went, but before he was fully out of sight I called "Your name?" "Jayfeather." He replied back. "What's so important about biting a cats tail?" I ask. Everyone just shrugged. Firestar came out of his den with Lionblaze at his side and said "Welcome to Thunderclan! And Lionblaze will give you a tour around the camp and the territory, but first we have to get rid of some of that stuff you guys have on." Uh oh that meant my sunglasses. "So both of you have to take off those things on your eyes." Lionblaze said. "Er can I keep these, they are extremely important." "Why are they important?" Great. The question that I hope no one will ask. "It's kind of personal." I said. "Well this clan has to many secrets so we need to know why you need them." I shuffled my paws. "Well?" Firestar said impatiently. "Okay, Quentin when I take these off quickly put them back on. Okay?" He nodded. I pulled off my sunglasses with my paws and quickly things got dark.

(Quentin's P.O.V.)

When Ian took off his sunglasses I quickly grabbed them. Or something, but Derp was already out. Great. Ian eyes quickly went derpy and Mitch and Jerome tackled Derp to the ground "Get off of me you- hey when did Ian become a cat?" Now his voice was hoarse. When he was distracted I quickly slipped his glasses on him and Ian got back up and complained about a headache. "Well there's your proof, Firestar." Sky said. "Okay now do you have a reason?" Firestar asked Sky. "I guess not." So Sky took his off and his eyes were the pure shade of gold. "Wow that's the first time we ever seen your glasses off, Sky" Ty said. "You all are a couple of odd cats." Lionblaze commented. "We get that a lot." Ian said. Firestar said "Now that collar." Sky looked at his amulet. "Er, this I have a reason for. And this is an amulet." Firestar looked a bit confused at first. "So not a collar?" Sky nodded "Amulet." Sky's amulet glowed then the light went faint. I think Seto told us that the amulet had great power, but not so sure of what it is. "Fine, keep the amulet. But that means the rest of you have to take off your stuff." With that Mitch took off his jacket and Jason made an attempt to take off his suit, but only his helmet was the only thing that came off was his helmet and we all pitched in to help. Just to say Jason was a cat that was a shiny brown color and amber eyes that he blinked a couple of times. I guess his eyes only saw orange or yellow from his helmet, but he'll just have to get use to it. When we got him out of his suit next was Ty to only hesitate to take his headphones off. Now this was something new to all of us "What's with the headphones, Deadlox?" Ian asked. Oh, I forgot we were using our alias for a second. "These headphones? Uh yeah, might need them." "Now what's your reason?" Firestar said with a bit of annoyance. "These actually hold all my feelings." We all stared at him like he was crazy."I'll prove it. I'll take these off and you guys try to hurt my feelings, okay?" Ty said. Ty took off his headphones and Mitch was the first to say. "Ty you are annoying when you protest against something." Ty's expression emotionless. Sky went next "You are horrible at singing and have horrible dance moves." Again his expression emotionless. Ty put his headphones back on and said "Wow guys, that really hurt." Now his expression was full of sadness. "Okay then the three of you keep your stuff." Firestar said. "Where will me, Sky's and TrueMU's stuff go?" Mitch asked. "It will stay here in my den." Firestar said. "Okay, now you all look about 7 moons. I'll tell you your new names when you get done with the tour." We all nodded and Lionblaze lead usbout of the den and showed us the 'apprentice den'. "This is the apprentice den, where you all will sleep- Ivypaw, Dovepaw? Where do you think you are going?" Lionblaze shouted at the two cats. "Er, um- oh hey! Are those new cats?" One of them said. "Stop trying to avoid the conversation. Where are you going?" "No where now." The other said while both of them came over to us. "Um, this is Dovepaw." He said looking at one. "And the other is Ivypaw." We all said hello. "So you are new to the clan?" Ivypaw asked. We nodded "Or everything." Jason said. "Ow!" Jerome shouted lifting his paw. There was a big splinter in it while his paw was oozing blood. "Here, I'll take you to the medicine cat den." Ivypaw offered. Jerome hopped on three legs to the medicine cat den with a bit of help from Ivypaw and Mitch. Lionblaze looked around the area and found that a branch broke off a tree and covered the ground with splinters. "Dovepaw, tell everyone that there os splinters in this area." Lionblaze ordered Dovepaw. "Okay, let's continue the tour." Lionblaze said and he showed us another place. "This is the elders den. They get cranky so I suggest you all keep quiet when your near here." Llionblaze also showed us the medicine cats den where we picked up Jerome and Mitch then we explained to them about the elders den so they keep down there voices when near there, then Lionblaze showed us the warriors den and showed us the leaders den again and we finally we got to the nursery. "Hey look new cats!" A kit squealed. Apparently that's what they called kittens. "Cool!" Another kit said. Then three kits came out of the nursery and jumped on Ian. Ian screamed and fell down. We all laughed at him because he lost to a bunch of kits. "Oh shut up." Ian said which just made us laugh harder and it got Lionblaze laughing to. The kits were now acting like we were another clan and attacked the rest of us while Mitch was playfully pushing them off and we were just falling again and again from kits. "Okay, I think that's enough play time for all of you." A queen said. "But we want to play!" And the kits yawned. "Looks like you want to sleep." The kits nodded and went into the den. "Thank you so much for tiring them out.l the queen said. "I can never get them to sleep like this at all." "It's our pleaasure." Mitch said. Sky yawned "Looks like we didn't just tire kits." Lionblaze said. Sky passed out on the ground. "Is he okay?" The queen asked "Uh yeah, he does this a lot." Ty said picking up Sky on his back. "Anywhere we can put Sky to sleep?" Ty asked. "Yeah the apprentice den like I said you all would sleep. And it's getting dark anyways, we should get some sleep. Tomorrow you get your names and get to see the territory." So he showed us our nests and we put Sky in his nests and we went to our nests. I layed down in my nest to find that it was hard to sleep in moss and leaves. Strangely I got comfortable real fast, but before I drifted off into sleep I said "Ian?" "Yeah?" "Do you think we can get back home?" It was silent and the moon now hovered over the trees brightening up the night. Ian replied "I don't know." Then he drifted to sleep and I did hoping to go home

(A/N Hi Timepack! Or Timeclan in this situation. I hope you enjoy this story so far! I should be doing this daily unless I get grounded or something. If you find any mistakes feel free to correct me in the comments because I'm using a kindle! And what do you think should happen in the next chapter? Should I do an invasion from another clan or should I-think-you-know-who come for them? (No not save them, possibly kill them)

Sky: Wait what!?

Me: Get out of here Sky! This is an A/N!

Sky: But I brought Ty!

Ty: Hi.

Me: Just go!

Sky: Why!? D:

Me: Or I will get the squids! >:)

Ty: Good-bye Wattpad! *leaves the room*

Sky: Peace! *leaves room*

Me: Like I was saying, I just want to say that I know I didn't describe what Sky, Ty, Quentin and Mitch so heres what they look like; Sky, a gold tom with of course budder shaded eyes and white paws and chest. Ty, a white tom with black paws and chest and green eyes. Quentin, still kinda looks the same, a tom. Mitch, a darkish-red tabby tom with dark brown eyes. And there you have it! Hope you guys and gals enjoyed the story so far! Peace Timepack/clan!

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