The council meeting

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"So I'm going to ask you if you love my daughter," Inoichi asked.

"Yes I love her, I would do anything for her. But can I ask you something" Naruto asked.

"Anything son" Inoichi replied.

"Did my parents love me?" Naruto teared up.

Ino pulled him in close and kissed him on the cheek.

"Naruto, your parents loved you very much from the moment they found out they were having you" Inoichi said proudly.

Naruto started to cry for years and wondered if his parents ever loved him. Finally he knows that he was loved by both his mother and father.

"So this means I'm going to marry Ino," Naruto said happily.

"Yes but not till you're both 16 it's a law for now you're engaged. And Naruto I'm going to say this. I am happy that you are marrying my Ino. I know you will respect her and love her. Your parents would be proud of the man you have become" Inoichi proudly told him.

"See and for years you were giving me grief over that contract and here it is saving our daughter from some selfish fool" Sabine came in and handed Naruto a photo.

He and Ino stared at the picture of his parents. They looked happy. You can see Kushina was pregnant with Naruto as they were both. Hugging her stomach.

"Wow you look a lot like your dad and your mother was so beautiful" Ino said.

"Thanks Ino but now I have to ask you if you want to marry me. I don't want to force you into something you don't want to do '' Naruto said.

"Of course I want to marry you, I love you. It didn't matter who your parents were or any of that. I want to marry you because I love you" Ino said as she kissed her soon to be husband.

"Good now this is out of the way all four of us will be attending the counsel meeting in a little while. So I want you guys to look your best" Inoichi said.

"Oh Naruto, I have some stuff to give you that your parents left you" Sabine said.

He followed her up the stairs to her bedroom. She goes into her closet and comes back with a box. " Your parents would want you to have this," Sabine said . He sat down on the floor and opened the box and saw a bunch of scrolls. So he went and started opening them. The first open he opened had his fathers white cloak with red flames on the bottom with symbols on it that say yellow flash on it.

The second one he unsealed and found his mothers katana. It has a red handle with a diamond encrusted blade.

"That was your mothers sword. She called it the diamond cutter because it is so sharp it will never dull and it can cut through almost anything and you can funnel chakra into it" Sabine said.

"It's beautiful, " Naruto said.

"Yes it is and now it's yours. But it's getting late and we have to go to the counsel meeting. So go and get ready, okay Naruto" Sabine said.

"Thank you Mrs Yamanaka," Naruto said.

"Hey you will no longer call me anything but mom you got that son in law " Sabine teased.

"Sorry mom" he said as he ran off to his room.

"That's better" she yelled as she did love her new son in law.

Naruto laid on his bed for a few mins just taking in everything. He looked at the picture of his parents and came up with an idea.

A few mins later there was a knock at the door Inoichi answered the door.

"Inoichi you and your family have been requested to appear in the counsel chambers. I am here to escort you there" the Anbu in the neko mask said.

"Thank you Neko will be right out." he said. She waited outside. " Sabine ,Ino, Naruto, it's time to go."

Just then Sabine met him at the door then they both did a double take. As he saw Naruto coming down stairs in his black pants with a black long sleeve shirt with his father's cloak on with his mothers sword strapped to his back.

"I guess you're going to make one hell of a statement, kid" Inoichi laughed.

Then Ino came down in a beautiful white dress that was knee length and her hair was up in a single bun. She smiled as she came down the stairs. Naruto was speechless. The only word he could say is "Beautiful".

She giggled and kissed her soon to be husband on the cheek okay let's go.

As they stepped outside, Neko noticed Naruto. She had to do a double take believing she just saw his father. Then she saw his mothers sword.

"So i take it you know who your parents are then" Neko smiled but he couldn't see it with her mask

"Yes I do. I'm happy I do. Did you know them" Naruto said.

"Yes your mother was mine and herbie's sensei. If you would like, I can train you on how to use your mothers sword" Neko said.

"You would do that for me," Naruto said.

"Of course i would like my little brother Naruto and it looks like your little girlfriend really likes you" she teased.

He smiled at her and blushed then took Ino by hand. As they flickered to the counsel meeting.

When they made it to the Hokage tower for the counsel meeting. Naruto Ino and Sabine waited outside the room.
Inside all the clan heads were there as well as the civilian counsel.

The Hokage then came in from his chambers.

"So I have called you all here for a very important reason. It has to do with Sasuke Uchiha , Ino Yamanaka,and Naruto Uzumaki". The Hokage was talking when he was interrupted by one of the civilian counsel.

"What does giving the Yamanaka girl to the Uchiha boy have to do with that demon?" He said as the hebie anbu cut his head clean off.

The civilian counsel was in an uproar over one of their own being killed.

The Hokage spoke again "silence you will all hold your tongue or they will be cut out. Good now he broke my law and he was punished for it now that will drop now. Good now to get back on track, the Yamanaka girl will not be handed over to Sasuke Uchiha. Because there is a marriage contract for her and Naruto Uzumaki."

"There is no way that I will allow that to happen. This was decided two months ago and any new contract is null invoid. The Yamanaka girl will marry Sasuke Uchiha" Koharu said.

"Over my dead body she will" Inoichi said.

"That can be arranged," Koharu said.

"Stop this now, I am the Hokage and I will have order in the meeting. " he looked around and no one said anything. Good now to Naruto. It's time. You all learn a secret that was kept from almost all of you. Naruto is the son of Kushina and Minato Namikaze."

"That is bullshit if I have ever heard it, there is no way that demon is the son of our hero." and their counsel member.

"Hebie if you would please,"The Hokage said.

"My pleasure " said hebie as she cut another member's head off.

"Now I shall prove it to you." He pulls out one scroll that has a blood seal on it meaning only Minato or one of his family could open this please bring Naruto and the others in here please" the Hokage said.

Naruto,Ino and Sabine entered the counseling chambers. Everyone was shocked when they saw a mini version of the 4th. Then the Hokage spoke, " Naruto, would you please come over here and bite your thumb and smear a little blood on this seal please" the Hokage asked.

Naruto did just that and the seal undid. Naruto was holding all his fathers books on sealing and his jutsu.
Everyone was shocked.

"Now this proves Naruto is the son of Minato and with that is a marriage contract to Ino Yamanaka. That was signed by Minato himself 3 days after Ino was born. Inoichi if you please" said the Hokage.

Yes my wife and Kushina were best friends and they set this up before Naruto was born. Here is the contract." Inoichi said as he handed it to the hebie anbu who then gave it to the Hokage. " So with this if you try to give my daughter to the Uchiha you are breaking a law set by the 4th Hokage. I will not stand for this. If you come for my daughter you will go through me and if that spoiled brat comes near my daughter and its not for a mission given by the Hokage. There will be no more Uchiha clan in Konah '' Inoichi finished.

"You dare threaten the Uchiha clan. I am an elite you are nothing more than a loser in a good for nothing clan. you should be grateful i would choose your daughter to be one of the women I choose to become broodmares for me," Sasuke said.

"Well you won't get Ino. I have made sure of that" Inoichi said.

"I will get her anyway none of you can stop me whether she likes it or not I will get from her what I want. I am Uchiha. No one can tell me what to do. I will have her" Sasuke smirked.

This had pissed Naruto off. He pulled out his sword and it was at Sasuke's throat. " If you talk about Ino or try anything like that again I will kill you. I don't care what this counsel thinks you will die by my hands' ' Naruto said.

He saw Sasuke smirk and did the substitution jutsu with Sabine who was standing behind Ino. He grabbed her by the thoat. She tried to scream but it was too late.

Naruto then used the substitution jutsu with Ino and then he stabbed Sasuke in the heart killing him on the spot.

"You were nothing more then scum. I told you I would kill you if you tried to hurt Ino. I hope you never find peace." Naruto said as he made his way over to Ino to make sure she was alright. She cried in his arms for a few minutes.

"Okay Sasuke Uchiha is gone for good now Naruto you protected what's yours there will be no file charges brought against you. You are free to go by defending Sasuke, you are to receive all property and jutsu money the Uchiha clan have. Meet me at my office tomorrow around noon and will go over some things you are dismissed." the Hokage said.

Naruto and Ino left and headed home.
The counsel was still shocked to finally meet the son of their hero and to find out he was the demon kid everyone hated. Then to see how their golden boy acted and said. Then so see him attack a girl for no reason then to say. He could. Then to see him killed by that demon kid.

Sabine looked over at Inoichi as they all were all leaving now " I love that boy look at how he protected are baby girl. But what the fuck if Naruto didn't kill that kid i was going to. No one talks about my little girl like she's some piece of meat."

"I know dear I was already planning where to hide the body. He was going to be dead before sun up" Inoichi said.

As they made it back to the house they checked on the young couple. They found them cuddled in bed like they are most nights.

Sabine looked at her husband " so Naruto is going to get Minato and Kushina's house. You think we should let Ino move in with him" she said.

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