The will of fire

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All the current clan heads ,the civilian counsel and all the Jounin and Chunin were gathered at the Hokage tower.

Shikaku Nara decided to say " As troublesome as it is, Lord 3rd has passed but in his last few moments he sent me a letter. In it he names the one who will be 5th Hokage.

He has also come out with the truth of the Uchiha massacre. The letter goes as follows that the Uchiha were planning a civil war to take the mantle of Hokage.

So under my order and the elders Itachi Uchiha was given the go ahead to take out his clan. It was for the good of the village but not one of our best moments.

With that being said I Pardon Itachi of all crimes and he is to be reinstated as a Jounin of this village" Shikaku said.

"We must recall the Uchiha, this village needs the Sharingan" some counsellor yelled.

"Who did Lord 3rd name the 5th Hokage" Tsunade asked.

Just then the doors opened and six Anbu with the new Hokage walked in there wearing an Anbu mask. He reached the middle of the room to sit in the Hokage seat. With everyone in front of him he put his hat off and his mask.

Everyone was speechless, no one knew what to say. The 5th Hokage cleared his throat.

"Hello everyone Clan heads Esteemed Counsel members Jounin and Chunin. I have gathered you all here for a few things. One is to introduce myself. My name is...


Naruto had just opened his eyes. He turn his head to the left seeing his mother sleeping in a chair.

He turned to the right and there was Ino who was asleep as well. Her head rested against his right hand.

Ino finally started to wake. She sat up and looked at her foxy boyfriend. He smiled at her and reached for her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Ino had a few tears of happiness coming out her eyes. "I thought I lost you" she continued to cry.

"Ino... Don't cry, I'm still here. You're too beautiful to cry '' Naruto replied.

"My baby," Kushina yelled. As she kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm so sorry to worry you both. I tried to stop her... I couldn't lose you Ino. I love you too much." Naruto said he had tears running down his face.

My name is Itachi Uchiha and I have a thing or two to say and we have a few thing to talk about.

The first thing I want to say is that when the Chunin exam finals are coming, the sound and sand villages are going to invade us" Itachi said.

Everyone started to freak out. The civilian counsel was the worst.

"Now that we got that out of the way I'm saying we need to postpone the finals an extra month this will give us time to plan for battle. Just so you all know Orochimaru is the one leading there attack." lord 5th said.

"This is very troublesome" Shikaku replied.

After the family hug Kushina went to tell Tsunade and her students who were all at the Hokage meeting that Naruto was awake.

"Naruto, I want you to promise me your not going to die on me" Ino said still teary eyed.

"I'm not going to die till were old and grey and go quietly into the night together. But if something ever happens to you, Ino I don't know if it could go on" Naruto said.

"You think I can go on without you. You mean everything to me. I love you with everything I have in my heart. I told you the day we decided to be together I would give you all of my heart from day one" Ino cried.
(Flashback to train back at the cabin)

Naruto had just master his water walking. He was laying out on the waters edge just staying up at the sky.

He was in deep thought after what Ino had said to him the night before.

"Sasuke is to focused on himself. I want a man with love and passion" Ino said.

He was still unsure of what to think; everything happen so fast.

Ino came up to him and sat down.

"Naruto, what are you thinking about?" Ino asked.

"Everything its all happening so fast I haven't had time to really think about us' ' Naruto replied.

"What's there to think about?" Ino asked.

"Well do you really like me Ino because I really hope you do. I've always liked you. Even back in the academy. I like you and never said anything because I didn't want to be rejected by you. So if you're just trying to make Sasuke jealous that would just crush me" Naruto said.

"Naruto look at me" he turned to her "I like you that's why I want to be with you. Sasuke has nothing to do with us anymore, we are NaruIno. I give you my heart, my being and I want you to do the same" Ino said. As she lowered her head down to Naruto's and kissed him on the lips for the first time.

Naruto in that moment felt the one thing he always wanted in his life and that was to feel loved. And Ino made him feel it. No one else had ever made him feel this way. Naruto would do anything to keep it that way to make sure nothing would ever make stop..

(End of flashback)

"So we shall postpone the chunin exams one extra month. We finish the prelims tomorrow. I shall leave the battle plan to you Shikaku Nara Jounin commander. Which leaves us with the funeral of lord 3rd shall be in two day. meeting dismissed" Itachi said.

Kushina saw everyone leaving from the meeting so she waited for everyone.

One by one her students and Tsunade came out of the room and they were grouped together then Asuma , Inoichi and Kakashi too.

"So Naruto is awake and Ino is with him. He looks okay. I'm just so relieved" Kushina said.

"Good now he just needs to rest for a month and he will be back to 100 percent" Tsunade said.

"Well knowing my daughter she will have him chained to a bed and wait on him hand and foot till he's 100 percent" Inoichi said.

"That's not what she'll be doing," Anko said before Kushina punched her in the gut.

"Anko, that's not at all lady-like. I thought we went over this. Your my family Naruto is your little brother and you shouldn't talk about your brother like that. No Dango for a month as your punishment" Kushina smiled.

Anko gulped. "Well with the Chunin exams in two months Naruto can rest then train a little for the finals" Yugao said.

"Kushina-sensei, did you know Naruto can use his fathers jutsu? '' Kurenai said.

"Naruto can use Rasengan," Kushina said, shocked.

"It peers so. Naruto is very strong, he is one of lord 3rd's Will Of Fire" Itachi said as he walked up.

"Lord 5th how are you liking it back in the village Asuma said.

"It's very good. And Aunt Kushina it's good to see you again as well" Itachi said.

"Good to see you as well. How I wish your mother was here. I miss her so much" Kushina said.

"Well that is something I need to talk to Tsunade about. I would also like to talk to your son if you wouldn't mind" Itachi said.

"Of course Itachi, we are going to see him now. Would you like to come with us" Kushina asked.

"I can't right now but soon Tsunade may have a few words with you. And Aunt Kushina we will talk later about my mother" Itachi said.

Everyone else went and left for the hospital.

"Lord Hokage, what would you like to talk about?" Tsunade asked.

"One would be if you would be one of my advisers and the other would you please follow me to the Anbu hospital" Itachi

"Naruto, I don't want to wait to marry you. I don't need to be 16 years old to know that I love you and will love you forever" Ino said.

"I don't either. We should talk to our parents and push up the wedding" Naruto said.

Just then Kushina ,Inoichi and the gang walked.

" What did you want to talk to us about?" Inoichi asked.

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