Baken' Cake

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You all had to have seen this coming. Ssundee X reader, Baken' Cake. I'm not sure if Ssundee was in teamcrafted, but he's cool and I've had this idea in my head. So enjoy!

Hope ya get noticed,

(2nd pov)

You giggled as you got the milk from the fridge. You placed it next to the bowl and spoon on the counter. Ian continued to do the funny voice he does. You walked over to the the cabinet and opened it. Of course everyone was taller than you and put the flour on the highest shelf. With a groan you stood on your toes and reached as far as you could with a hand. You trances your fingers around the wooden shelf looking for what you needed. You had your face pressed against a lower shelf as you were on one foot. You grabbed the corner of the flour bag and pulled it down into your arms. With a sigh you set the bag down and looked at Ian.

"You could of helped me ya know." You said

"Yeah, but it's more fun to watch you struggle. Plus you already have it figured out." He laughed


You've been making a cake with the occasional help from  Ian. You happily hummed as you did so. You mixed the eggs, yeast, and milk together (idk what order you do to make cake batter from scratch). You grabbed the flour and put your hand in what you didn't realize was Ian was behind you.

"BOO!" He yelled with a laugh

You screeched the threw flour at whatever was behind you. The white powder covered Ian's face causing him to stop laughing and cough. You started to laugh seeing his reaction.

"So that's how it is?" He asked

"What?" You said tilting your head in confusion

He stuck his hand in the flour bag then few the hand full at you. You started to giggle as it spread around leaving the front of your shirt white.

"Oh it's on!" You laughed plunging both hands in the bag and throwing it at him.

That's how it started. The great flour fight of '16. It left the kitchen a white wonder land of flour and your clothes and bodies a matching ghostly white. You giggled as you held the flour you had in an arm and one fist full ready to throw. That's when you were tackled by someone with a laugh. Ian had pinned you down to the floor. Both of you laughed loudly. As the laugh quieted you couldn't help, but look over him. His normally black suit covered with white splashes of flour and parts of his hair turned grey also from flour getting into his brown hair and beard. (It's true if you put flour in your hair it'll turn your hair temporarily grey.) You found yourself blushing at being pinned beneath him. He was actually well muscled. You saw that he too was blushing. Your (e/c) eyes trailed around his face looking at every detail. The strong jaw, well groomed beard and mustache. What's not to like about him?

Your eyes trailed to the deep blue pools he used as eyes. Your two gazes met and they were held in a still peaceful silence. It was nice. He leaned forward so your faces were only inches apart. Both of you were blushing a very deep scarlet. Neither of you broke the stare, but Ian had started to speak.

"(Y/n)..." He whispered

"Yes...?" You whispered not breaking the stare

"I-i-I love you..." He whispered pressing his lips to yours

Your eyes widened, but fluttered shut as you began to kiss back. You sensed the surprise from him, but neither of you broke the kiss. It was sweet and full of bliss, you wanted this to last forever. Then you saw bright light and heard a camera shutter. Ian pulled back and your eyes shot open. Their Sky was in the doorway phone out and was fangirling.

"Sky! IM GONNA GET YOU!!!" Ian yelled launching himself from you to the doorway 

Sky suddenly looked scared and stared to run. Ian followed soon after. You giggled and got up. You walked to the counter to the mangled flour bag. You looked to see if you could scrounge enough flour to finish the cake. You could just barely. As you were stirring you heard a Bing from your pocket. To took out your phone to see a notification from Tweeter (this universes Twitter) opening it you saw Sky had managed to post something while running from Ian.

The picture was of the kiss that just happened a few minutes ago. You giggled at the caption. "(Y/n) and Ian baking cake? Well maybe a different kind of cake~" You giggled and started to type.

"@SkyDaBudderKing I hope Ian gets you for this!"

"@(y/n)_Isamazballz he is gonna AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! HAAALLLPPP!!!" Sky replied quickly

That's when you heard Sky screaming. Rolling your eyes you put your phone back in your pocket and continued to stir the cake batter.

Well, this is one of he shorter ones, but I like it. Comment what you think. Also comment what you want next!

Hope ya get noticed,

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