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2 months later

"are you sure you can walk by yourself baby?" kihyun's worried voice echoed in the hallway under the covered parking lot. soon tried not to laugh.

"of course i am fine, don't you see?" she said as if she was running towards the elevator's entrance.

kihyun had parked the car on the usual parking lot and was taking her coat since she had forgotten it on the back's seat.

"i am fine. stop worrying so much." she said once he put it around her shoulders. he smiled warmly at her and grabbed her hand, leading her towards the elevator.

"i still think you could have taken the rest of the year. you have no need of working-

"but i miss it and think about my patients... they must be feeling lonely and abandoned." she said pushing the buttons on the familiar elevator.

she was excited to be back at the clinic, after 3 months. doctors had recommended to have one more month of resting but only because kihyun tried to convince them for her to stay at home longer.

but soon felt and looked fine. she was back at her usual self and she was dying to get back at work.

everyone in the clinic greeted with smiles and cheerful words. some nurses were happy she was back and wished her a great day.

and she couldn't help but also feel excited about seeing dahyun, hoseok and hyunwoo again.

"i heard hyunwoo recovered just fine." kihyun said once the elevator's door opened on her floor. they walked out, hand in hand. she nodded.

"i can't wait to see him." she obviously wanted to see him and ask him how these past months had been for him, especially since he was recovering as well.

dr. lee had prepared a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates for her, waiting at her office. there were also card of good wishes, signed by all the staff and some of the patients of the clinic.

the smile didn't fit in her mouth when she saw all these gifts and kyunji waiting faithfully inside. "it's so nice to have you back dr. park." she said hugging her.

it was true. it was great to be back.

kihyun looked at her with sparkly eyes as he smiled, walking around the office. "chocolates look tasty." he said taking a seat on the couch. she smiled as she put on the white robe and looked around.

everything seemed to be on the same exact place where she left it and it made her happy to see kyunji had left everything like that.

"thank you." she said to her and kihyun.

"so... where's the first patient?" he asked, grabbing one of the chocolates from the box.

soon looked at him with scolding eyes. "don't you think you need to go to your work too?" she asked, placing her hands on her waist, with a joking tone.

he grimaced. "i don't think so. i like it here more." he said shrugging.

kyunji laughed. "i heard you set a date for the wedding." she said with shy eyes.

"true. it's on april 4th." he said with a triumphant smile. soon's cheeks changed colors.

"ohh wonderful! it'd be spring!" kyunji said with lovey eyes. "i congratulate you both. i can't wait for april to arrive."

suddenly someone knocked on the door and after soon told to come inside, both hoseok and hyunwoo appeared with cute smiles.

they were holding a small flowerpot with a tiny cactus. "welcome back!" of course soon had seen them previously, the past few days when she had visited the clinic to arrange some paperwork but they were coming formally to her office, bringing a cute present.

"i chose it!" hoseok said.

"i planted it!" hyunwoo said with a smile. it was the cutest cactus she had ever seen. "we chose a cactus because it doesn't need too much care, that way you can focus more on your patients." hoseok said as hyunwoo nodded.

"thank you so much, it's so cute!" she exclaimed. kihyun smiled as he stood from the couch. "well... i leave all of you so you can work. i am going to stop on dr. lee's office first – he said approaching soon, planting a kiss on her forehead – see you later." he said winking and leaving through the door.

kyunji sighed. "he's so handsome." she said punching soon playfully.

"hyunwoo-ssi... can i speak to you for a second? alone?"she asked once they told many jokes and asked soon about her recovering.

kyunji cleared her throat. "well i'll leave now, have plenty paperwork to do."

"yeah. i have to check some patients. see you later." hoseok quickly said, folling kyunji towards the door.

once they were left alone, soon sighed. "you look nice." she said with a smile. he nodded.

"i feel great. you look nice as well."

"thank you. i also feel great... how was your recovering?"

he sighed. "long... i felt it was never going to end and it left me this- he said pointing to his scar, on the face – which is annoying sometimes."

"why is that?" she asked curious.

"sometimes hurts." he said shrugging.

"i am sorry." she said looking down. somehow she felt guilty for everything he had caused. she felt responsible for his cruel acts.

"it's not your fault dr. park." he said nodding with a reassuring tone.

she didn't want to talk to him about how she ran away with him, to help him. kihyun told her it was better to say to everyone that he had kidnapped her. it was easier and that way, they wouldn't be involved in a much bigger scandal.

"anyway... i am happy you're fine and back at working." she said honestly.

" i missed it. i was going crazy back home, doing nothing." he said taking a seat in one of the chairs, she did the same.

"i know... i was going through the same."

hyunwoo talked about how he recovered and how his treatment worked. but truth be told, she was just hoping ask one thing.

"excuse me... but can i ask you a question? it's about that day." she said with a embarrassed tone.

hyunwoo's eyes widened in surprise. "i believe you asked me already?"

"yeah but... it's been too long now, maybe you remember new things?"

he seemed to hesitated it but after a few seconds, he finally agreed. "before... before the attack took place... you visited his room plenty times, right?"

"yes. to give him his pills and to check on him." he nodded.

"those times... you never noticed something strange on him?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

she had this theory now more than ever that there was other. than even if he admitted that neither inho, a nam gun nor a haeju existed, she didn't believe in him.

he narrowed his eyes as well. "i don't think so."

"why?" he asked immediately.

soon shrugged. "did you ever hear him talking alone? acting differently? or maybe noticed something strange on his attitude?" she asked.

he shook his head slowly. "no."

her eyes widened. "so... you never met his other personalities? ever?" she asked worried now.

"no. he never acted strange... in fact i didn't understand why doctors always said he had other alters... i didn't think that was his case."

soon felt her whole body frozen at hyunwoo's sudden revelation. "what are you trying to say?" she asked confused.

"he was hyungwon all the time. he got angry sometimes and aggressive. but that's part of his personality. he never spoke differently, nor acted different." he said as if it was obvious.

"he remained the same patient who entered here. he was quiet most of the times, but aggressive and violent others. it was part of who he was. he never told me other name, age or spoke with a different accent. it was hyungwon all the time." he said nodding.

she swallowed hard. "the day he attacked you."

"it was himself. i know it."

"how can you be so sure."

"he never acted different with me. he always called me hyunwoo-ssi and he called me like that that day." he said as if it was reason enough.

"i don't understand."

"listen dr. park. hyungwon is the kind of person who can stare at you for a whole minute and then jump at you with a knife. i thought you knew this, you were his psychiatrist." his small eyes widened as he tried to reason with her.

but soon was hurt and confused.

she swallowed hard. "i see..." she said, feeling dizzy.

"are you okay? do you need water?" he quickly approached her. she shook her head.

"no. i am fine. thanks." she said running a hand through her hair.

"i am just- s-surprised. that's all."

hyunwoo glanced at her with pity and sighed. "i am sorry you had to go through all this. but you need to know it's not your fault." he said nodding.

she looked up at him. "i don't think he suffers from DID." he said with reassurance.

soon blinked twice. "what do you mean?"

"excuse me if i am stepping over the line... i know i am not a doctor nor a specialist like you... but i've seen plenty patients and for me, hyungwon-ssi is clearly a psychopath." he said with a serious expression.

she felt her temples throbbing after hearing the word.

soon decided to not say anything and she claimed she was fine, quickly she dismissed hyunwoo and said she needed to check on her patients.

but his statement was constantly flying on her mind.

a psychopath.


a/n: hey guys sorry for being absent all this time but i was super busy with work. tonight we'll have double update and tomorrow it's the big final. i know i said last weekend was the ending of this fanfic but i got sooo busy i couldn't. so it's finishing this weekend. thank you soo so much for the incredible support and i am planning the new fanfics already. 

is there any group or specific member you'd like to read about? i am open to suggestions! 


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