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"who is nam gun?" he looked serious, leaning against the door. he waited patiently for soon's anwer to arrive.

she swallowed hard. "it's... chae hyungwon- w-well, one of his identities."

kihyun sighed exhaustively, shaking his head in disapproval. "why are you still talking about him? he's not your patient anymore." he said approaching her bed side.

she stared at him with confusion. "i can't leave him like that. he's my patient."

his lips were pressed together in a thin line. it seemed he was trying to come up with a nice answer, in a way that he wouldn't hurt her feelings.

"he's a danger to you and to others. you can't keep seeing him." he finally said, caressing her arm.

soon shook her head. "i can't give up on him or any of my patients for the matter, i don't care if they're or not dangerous. it is my duty to help them."

"what if he doesn't want to get helped?" kihyun asked, his eyes widening and his tone raising.

soon swallowed hard. "everyone need help at some point... i've seen it kihyunnie- i've seen it in his eyes. he's close."

kihyun looked tired and with reason, he's been helping soon around for the past two weeks. he's been taking care of her like a wounded bird.

she was feeling better of course but the nightmares remained. especially that night, when kihyun stayed up reading one of the books he'd read every night before going to bed. it was around 11 p.m when soon woke up violently shaking on the bed, bathed in a sticky cold sweat.

"what it is? what happened?" kihyun's worried voice echoed inside the room as he threw the book away, his hands looking desperately for soon's face.

she sat up on the bed, holding onto the thick quilt as she tried to find some air to breathe. "he was- t-trying to kill me – she muttered, crying.

kihyun frowned as he brought her close to his chest, caressing softly her tangled hair. "it's okay. it was just a nightmare." he whispered closely to his ear.

she nodded, holding now onto the soft fabric of his washed t-shirt. the comforting mix of smells, bath gel and perfume, brought her reassuring memories.

with kihyun, she was safe.

the next few days remained the same. but her wounds were almost gone, she could eat everything and swallow perfectly. the headaches were long forgotten and she'd only have one or two nightmares.

but a curious one kept appearing. it was her, back in her university years. she was walking carelessly down the hallway, her clumsy arms carrying books and as she was listening to music, her heart would beat faster at the feeling of being watched.

the hallway would be deserted but she'd feel someone's eyes on her. she'd stop in the middle of the place and remove one ear bud as she looked around, trying to find the source of her despair.

but the hallway would be completely empty.

the eerie feeling remained as she hurried herself out of the building and she would turn around and look at the doors. a long, tall shadow stared back at her from the inside and her blood would turn cold and her knees would grow weak.

she knew the feeling, it had happened before. and it was a recurrent nightmare, a one that she would keep having and that was as disturbing as the memories of what really happened, in the past, years ago.

"what do you think it means?" she knew it was stupid asking that to kihyun, after all, he wasn't a psychiatrist not even a psychologist. he was only a dermatologist.

but still, he would listen to her story, about the recurrent nightmare with such care, as if he was the most professional psychiatrist and dream expert in the whole world.

"maybe you're bringing up events from the past? maybe you're mixing it with what's happening in the present?"

soon realized, he wasn't as far from the truth. it sounded like a proper diagnosis. she nodded. "maybe... but why these events specifically?"

he narrowed his eyes. "do you... perhaps remember the name of that boy?"

soon tensed. "what boy?"

"the one who used to stalk you back in our university days, remember?"

her eyes widened as she shook her head. "i never knew his name."

"why?" he asked confused.

she shrugged. "i guess i didn't want to know... i didn't want to have to do anything with it. i just wanted it all to end." she added.

kihyun sighed, running a hand through his dark brown hair. "maybe... - he started but then quickly stopped, as he shook his head- no. it can't be." he said, stretching to grab the book and leaving it on top of his night stand.

but soon was smart enough to know what exactly he was thinking about, because she have thought about it first, before she even got the opportunity to tell him about the nightmares.

she knew kihyun was thinking about the slight possibility that there might be a connection between those traumatic events in the past and these new ones.

but naturally, she didn't want to jump into conclusions yet.

but days passed and that thought of her stalker, back in the university, years ago, wouldn't leave her mind.

it had appeared on her dreams more than once and it provided her with the same odd feeling as it did those nightmares with nam gun on it, strangling her.

once she was starting feeling more like herself, like she used to, almost a month ago. she claimed that the fridge looked empty, which was partially a lie.

kihyun was the type of man who knew how to run a house and the fridge was always full. or at least, full of the most vital and important things a house should have.

that's one of the things she loved about kihyun, she didn't have to worry too much about things that weren't exactly important to her, because they were important for kihyun instead.

but that day it was true, they had ran out of fruits, since kihyun would provide her with daily fruit smoothies to increase the iron and magnesium on her blood levels.

"are you sure you can go alone? i don't feel too comfortable with this." kihyun said as he tied his tie. she nodded.

"you need to go to work... i'll be fine, i promise. it's only one stop to the market."

in kihyun's mind it made sense. it was only one place, to the market, for fruit. easy as that.

"fine.... go." he said nodding, grabbing his phone and keys and walking towards the kitchen. she followed him. "anything special that you'd like?" she asked with a smile.

"you, back with me, safe and sound." he said placing a soft kiss on her forehead and then on her lips. "see you later." he said winking at her and finally making his way out of the house.

she shook her head as a sweet smile appeared on her lips. now she felt relieved because in a way, she got kihyun's permission.

not that she needed it. she knew she could go by herself, even if he gave her or not permission. but she was trying to play by his rules.

soon was really trying to make things work. she knew he was always right, in everything and she just wanted to try and save the marriage that hasn't even take place yet.

she knew those moments with hyungwon had been intense but they also had been very irresponsible and wrong. she knew kihyun was the right man for her and she was now more than willing to try and fall in love with him again.

and she promised to herself that she'd start by letting him taking care of her during this weird stage of her life, after what happened with the clinic's incident.

she changed into comfy sporty clothes and grabbed her things and her car keys.

it wasn't a lie. she was going to the market and she did. she bought all the fruits they usually bought. bananas, melon, watermelon, strawberries and oranges and then once she was done, she drove back home.

but in one of those stops, she glanced at a familiar zone and her heart raced. it was the univerisity's neighborhood.

she swallowed hard as her hands automatically held onto the wheel and without thinking it too much, she drove there.

soon knew that behind that excuse of buying fruits, laid something else. a real motive that she had for leaving the house.

and when she arrived the familiar placed, she found her usual parking lot was empty so she parked there. the whole situation was strangely familiar.

she stepped out of the car and grabbed her bag and walked through those empty halls until she reached the entrance of the complex.

the different buildings with different colors raised around her, indicating there were different faculties and careers.

memories of her days back in the university blossomed as she walked, discovering new things around.

she spotted her building, the med school in the distance, with its characteristic navy blue color. the whole building was beautifully painted in navy blue and white.

but once again her heart raced when she remembered how traumatic her last year had been. soon looked around as the eerie feeling of being watched appeared again. and this time she looked around but there was nothing.

of course there were new students, young and fresh faces, but nothing like those days.

years back, she'd notice something was wrong. she'd feel it.

her feet took her to the security area, so she rushed through the halls. she didn't know what she was waiting or what she was expecting to find but she went in anyways.

a couple of guys, bored and sitting on a dark room filled with tons of little monitors, lightened by the images of the cameras spread around the different faculties almost blinded her.

she cleared her throat when the two almost jumped, clearly they were sleeping. they both stood from the chairs and bowed at her.

"good morning."

"good morning agasshi."

she smiled nervously as she desperately looked for the hem of her jacket. "good morning... excuse me for bothering you but i was a student here not so long ago – she said looking for the old ID she still had, on her bag. she showed it to them and they smiled widely.

"ah med student." one said. the other nodded. "you must be pretty smart agasshi." he said. soon blushed.

"thank you – she said putting the ID back into her bag –i... well i was hoping you could help me with something?" she asked.

soon didn't recognize these two boys. they seemed younger, probably her age or maybe a couple of years older but they were definitely new faces. she thought they were probably new workers.

"of course, anything."

"yes, anything." they both said. she smiled.

"i need to see the files... of me." she added, not sure if she should have say it that way. the two boys looked at each other and then back at her. "what kind of files agasshi?"

"well... you see, a few years ago there was a situation i had- i – she swallowed hard just remembering it all – i had a person who followed me around and-

"ah a stalker?" one of them asked.

she nodded. "yes. and i well... my boyfriend he... sued him? and the case was brought to the university, it was filed here and the stalker had to keep his distance from me, at 300 meters." the pair opened their eyes like plates.

"oh... i didn't know, i am deeply sorry agasshi."

"that must have been terrible."

she nodded. "i need your help, i need to check the files of my case. do you think that would be possible?" she tried to look cute for them and they seemed to think about it but finally agreed.

"i can't see why not. this way." the taller said nodding, indicating her to follow him. she was led to a office next to the camera's area.

"may i ask your names?"

the tallest smiled widely. "my name's jaeyoon." he said with a wide smile.

"inseong ma'am." the other said with a clumsy yet heartwarming smile. soon nodded. "park soon."

"park soon." jaeyoon said as he went through the shelves of files, looking for her name.

"i don't see any park soon in here." inseong said with narrowed eyes.

"must be around 2012? maybe?" she asked not so sure. they both nodded and kept looking.

"ah here!" jaeyoon said, taking out a big folder and putting it on top of the nearest wooden table. "woah that's a lot of information." inseong said, staring at the big folder with surprised eyes.

they both remained silent as they gave her some space. she removed her bag and left it on top of the table as she opened desperately the folder.

"what are you exactly looking miss?" the tallest asked.

"just a name." she said, her eyes focused on the small letters, reading page after page. she didn't care too much about details. she just needed to know the name of the person who used to stalk her.

the person who ruined the last year of her career. the person who kept her awake at night, thinking she was being watched. the person who created a level of paranoia so unbearable that she had to seek for therapy, for months and the person who pretty much ruined her trust in general.

"a name? what kind of name?" the other asked.

her eyes widened as she took a step backwards, her hand automatically posed on her lips as her heart raced.

a hurtful sensation grew inside her belly and her knees began to betray her. "what is it? agasshi?" jaeyoon asked.

she swallowed hard when her eyes read something she wasn't expecting.

name of the victim: park soon.

name of the accused: chae hyungwon. 


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