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that next morning everything felt different for the both of them. feelings were clear or maybe in a middle ground. they felt alright with it and soon was more than decided to help create a safe and even loving environment to hyungwon, to help him.

the morning was fresh and the annoying rain was long forgotten. the sun shined brightly above and the air was fresh. it had a soft greenish smell that she loved, for what she opened the windows to let it in.

"breakfast was delicious." he said with a smile that reflected on his eyes.

soon had woken up early to prepare a substantial breakfast since they had lots of work ahead of the day. "i am glad you liked it."

it mainly consisted in eggs, oatmeal and fruits accompanied by tea and juice.

hyungwon seemed to be in a much lighter and better mood that morning. but he also couldn't help but glance at her with a certain lovey air. it was understandable since last time, every time he'd look at her, he'd feel her heart skipping a beat.

and for a second soon couldn't help but smile back at him. he looked cute, relaxed, as if he didn't have a care in the world and she loved the view.

but as soon as she felt her phone vibrating on her pocket, her body immediately tensed.

hyungwon took a step towards her. "is everything alright?" he asked when he noticed she was taking her hand to her pocket. she laughed nervously. "of course... i'll go get some tea. get comfortable." she said pointing at the living room as she smiled and turned around, quickly walking to the kitchen.

she checked her phone and noticed there were plenty missed calls from the clinic, from dr. lee and from kihyun.

there were also text messages and emails of kihyun asking where she was. stating that he was scared of her well being. he was almost begging her to contact him as soon as she read those.

but she felt a knot in her stomach and her fingers didn't move at all.

soon didn't want to contact him, nor dr. lee or the clinic. she wanted to stay there with hyungwon because she firmly believed she could help him get better.

"alright... so, can we talk about your father?" she asked, placing the pot with the freshly done tea. he glanced at her with widened eyes, tensed expression as he swallowed hard.

"why?" he asked with mistrust.

she shrugged. "i believe you almost never want to talk about him."

he narrowed his eyes, lips pressed together in a thin line. "that's because i don't."

soon remembered that in dr. kang's notes, she had stated that it was better to not ask about his father.

"what happened with him?" her tone was steady. even if hyungwon seemed uncomfortable, she wouldn't let it go. she needed to know what have happened between the two.

"i only want to help." she added, sitting across him, on the couches.

he moved uncomfortably on the couch and sighed. "he was a mean person."

she narrowed her eyes as she started remembering all the things one of his alters told her, time ago. she remembered they've said he wasn't a good man.

"can you be more explicit?" she asked, trying to sound as friendly as she could. she wanted hyungwon to trust her.

he looked down, as if he was ashamed of even remembering it. "he... was hard on me. always disciplining me – he looked at her with scared eyes – but not always in normal ways. or maybe... not as usual parents discipline their children."

behind his big and dark eyes, laid a layer of pain and sorrow. it was more than obvious. "what kind of things he made you do?" she asked.

he looked at her for a long minute as the living room filled with tensed silence. "disgusting things... things a father shouldn't do with his son."

soon's eyes widened as her heart felt a stung of pain. "w-what?" she asked both hurt and confused. she didn't expect and outcome like this in a million years.

hyungwon looked down, his face clearly hurt, disappointed and full of shame. "i was a kid and... i was scared most of the times. scared of him and scared of what he could do to me." he added, his voice filled with emotion.

"that's why i would comply in everything... i didn't want to get punished."

soon understood so many things. one of them would be the reason why hyungwon was so compliant around. maybe a few of his alters weren't, but that would also make sense. it was hyungwon's true feelings that had been stuck inside for so long, as a protection mechanism from his father.

"do you... hate him?" she asked.

it seemed he hesitated it for a long time, but after a few seconds he shook his head. "i hate what he did to me... but now, looking back... i think he was a troubled man." he said nodding softly to her.

"that doesn't excuse his reckless and sinful behavior but... i feel sorry for him. i pity him. he's the worse." he added, looking away.

soon swallowed hard as she imagined how hard it must have been for a small hyungwon to have to grow up in a household like that. it must have been a complete hell.

"i am glad to see that you acknowledge that what he did to you was wrong... it was a crime hyungwon-ah." she said.

he closed his eyes and nodded. "i know."

"why did you never sue him? why did you never... tell the police?"

he immediately shrugged. "my dad was a police officer soon... they wouldn't believe me."

her heart broke after hearing his confession. soon couldn't imagine how much pain he must have go through during his childhood, only for this.

"where's he now?" she asked.

he shook his head. "i have no idea. i haven't been outside in ... i can't remember how long."

"3 years." she said with a reassuring tone. he nodded.

"thanks god... i don't know where he is."

she narrowed her eyes as curiosity started itching inside her. "did he ever... visit you back in the clinic?" he quickly shook his head.

"he wouldn't do that."

she understood hyungwon didn't want to keep talking about his father and she thought by now she had way more information than what she planned to have in the beginning. "thank you for sharing this with me." she honestly said.

hyungwon smiled, a sad smile and nodded. "as long as it helps." he said glancing at her notes from the distance.

"of course... - she said smiling – anything helps. do you want to share anything else? from your childhood?" she asked.

"i wore diapers until i was 4." he said with a funny smile. soon couldn't help but burst out in laugh. she wasn't expecting that type of confession. "seriously?" she asked shocked, he nodded as a wide smile appeared on his lips.

"i was spoiled and stubborn."

"that i can see." she said smiling, taking a sip of the tea.

he sat comfortably crossing his legs and stared at her. "can i ask you something now?" his voice was eager, as if he had been waiting for so long for this moment.

she thought that his request was nothing but fair. "sure."

"why did you agree to spend the night with me?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

soon at first didn't understand what he was talking about but after a long second, she knew he was talking about that time they slept together in the university, almost 4 years in the past.

"i was going through a hard time after me and kihyun decided to take some time... to get some space."

"no. i mean... why did you agree to spend the night with me specifically? i mean... it could have been with any other guy in that club, why me?" he asked, his eyes almost piercing her soul.

for a second she felt as if she had to tell him the truth, she couldn't lie to those intense eyes. "you were cute... and you talked to me about psychiatry, which was my favorite area back then... i was impressed." she said smiling.

she had also recovered lots of memories. one of them being hyungwon talking about psychology and psychiatry as if he understood them pretty well. he'd talk about mind and heart as if he was a professional.

"it's sad... i can't remember these things." he added.

soon shrugged. "that's maybe because it wasn't you but one of your- she didn't finish the sentence.

somehow it felt weird to talk about the alters in presence of hyungwon.

"can you tell me about the others?" he asked, as if he was reading minds.

soon cleared her throat as she scratched the back of her head. "the others?" she asked nervously. he nodded.

"the other identities... i don't know anything about them."

soon frowned. "why?"

"dr. kang refused to let me know anything about them."

soon found it completely normal. it wouldn't be wise for a patient to know about the other alters, unless they knew it already. but it seemed hyungwon wasn't the case.

"well... you have 3 other known identities." she said at the time his eyes widened in surprise or disbelief.

"3?" he asked almost shocked.

soon nodded. "i am really messed up, am i?" he muttered that question, but it was audible enough for soon to hearing it.

"that's not your fault." she quickly assured. he nodded.

"i know. i know."

soon remained silent, she didn't know what else to say. she had lost the track of the conversation. but soon hyungwon distracted her again. "can you tell me about them?" he asked with a nervous voice.

she frowned. "do you really want to know about them?"

he only nodded as an answer. "well... one of them is haejun." she said with a smile . remembering him was always like a sip of juice. he was sweet and fresh. young and pretty.

"he is the nicest. he's around 14? or maybe 15. he's sweet and kind and gentle and innocent."

hyungwon nodded as his eyes remained focused on her. "then we have inho." she said with certain disgust on her lips. her heart ached at the mention of him.

he noticed her discomfort. "a player. a playboy and a liar. he's good in acting and he loves to manipulate people... talks like a business man." she said. hyungwon immediately felt guilty and ashamed.

"then finally there's nam gun. probably the most dangerous one. he's reckless and cold... he looks like he could kill someone. he's the most scary of them all." she honestly admitted.

hyungwon looked down as shame covered his face. he felt embarrassed to have to listen such thing. what he hate the most was that all of those alters, were also himself.

a part of himself that had been hidden for so long. "i am sorry." he simply said since he didn't have any more words in him. he had apologized so many times, it was almost absurd.

soon approached him on the couch and smiled at him. "it's fine. you're not responsible for their actions hyungwon."

it was true and hyungwon knew it. but it was hard for him to not feel responsible for the others.

they remained silent for a few seconds and then he turned to look at her.

a fun look on his eyes reflected on hers and he quickly leaned down to press a soft and short kiss on her lips.

soon blinked twice as she realized, the playful hyungwon had just stolen a kiss from her and she loved it. "why are you stealing kisses?"

he remained silent as a wide smile flashed on his cute face. "because i like it... and because i can."

for a second her heart twitched at the thought of kihyun. when they were younger, around hyungwon's age, he'd do things like those, stealing kisses from her, holding her hand and kissing the back of it, caressing her hair and even play with it.

she blinked twice when she smelled hyungwon's fresh aroma next to her and when she felt his warmth entering her body.

he was sitting next to her, playing with her hair, just as kihyun used to do it back in the day.

her heart went crazy as she cursed herself mentally for reacting like a teenager in love.

she wasn't in love, not with him.

she had a fiancé that she loved... right?

and suddenly it hit her. they've been there less than 24 hours and in that time, only once nam gun had appeared.

back in the clinic, either nam gun, inho or haejun would appear at least up to 5 times in a day. but here everything felt different because everything was.

she couldn't help but smile at him and when he noticed he immediately asked the reason why.

soon felt her heart filling with joy as she admitted the real reason why she was so happy. "it's been more than 24h since you've been only you. only hyungwon." 



a/n: double update for you all, as promised! i'll try to update tomorrow as well. enjoy! 


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