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"it-ts... me isn't it?" he turned around and looked for soon's eyes desperately wanting to find some sort of explanation or reassurance.

she nodded.

"it is you... well... i assume." she shrugged, running a hand through his now red and wet hair.

he stared at the picture in detail. "i don't know... it feels weird."

"what does it feel weird?" she asked tilting her head.

"i can't remember any of this yet... - he looked back at her with a frown – yet it feels so familiar."

soon remained silent for a few seconds as she stared down at the sandwiches between them with a careless air. "i guess... there's an explanation for that."

he seemed lost, as if he couldn't understand soon's words. "my assumptions are that... that night, it wasn't exactly you but one of your alters hyungwon-ah." she finally said.

his eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "w-what? how?"

"i don't know. it's hard to explain but- maybe you didn't know you suffer from DID back then... maybe it was one of your alters who met us that night and that would explain the reason why you can't remember anything, yet it feels familiar."

"like a dejavu." he added, nodding softly.

saying those words out loud made soon's heart race. she knew if her theory was true, it couldn't have been haejun. he didn't have that type of personality.

and it couldn't have been inho, since he manifested for the first time to her and not to dr. kang. even if inho claims that he was around since college, the versions didn't make any sense in her mind.

it must have been nam gun.

that made more sense.

"well... i don't want to stress you with this... - she said grabbing the picture from his hands and putting it away – it's in the past."

"when?" he asked now, staring at the plate with the untouched food.

she moved around and looked for his calmed yet odd expression. "when what?"

"when was this?"he didn't move.

"around 6 or 7 years ago." she answered.

he looked down and sighed. a heavy and deep-tired sigh. "i am sorry." he simply said.

soon couldn't understand why he'd apologize, especially if he didn't remember any of what happened that night.

"why are you apologizing?" she asked curious, playing with the bread crumbs on the table.

"i don't remember what happened – he said now looking at her, his eyes somehow clouded with a glassy curtain – yet i feel that whatever happened, it must have been my fault, so i am sorry." he said now looking away.

she felt a punch in her stomach at the hurtful words. she couldn't imagine a worst scenario than someone apologizing for something they didn't remember doing. especially in hyungwon's case.

"it's- o-okay." she managed to say.

they both remained silent, somehow the appetite was lost now. hyungwon's slim fingers wrapped around the mug with the warm yellow tea. "did you know all this time?" he asked cautiously.

soon tilted her head. "what do you mean?"

"did you know we knew each other from before?" he asked, his voice serious just as the look on his face.

soon shook her head. "no. i didn't... at first." she said honestly.

he looked at her. "how is that?"

"well... when you were transferred to me, i didn't know who you were." she sat across him on the table and played with her hair. "i guess... i was so mesmerized by your case that i didn't want to dig too much on your past... until i did it."

his eyes widened almost imperceptibly. "what did you find?"

"well... at first nothing too relevant until- she stopped talking when she pondered whether telling her or not about him being her university stalker.

"until... i saw this picture of us." she decided better not.

he frowned. "then... i remembered that one last semester after i passed all of my tests with perfect grades, me and my friends went out for drinks and we met you and these other two boys i can't remember their names but... we met that night and drank a lot and then..." she looked away and hugged herself.

"i guess... we drank too much." she simply said. hyungwon stared at her with confusion. it seemed he was expecting to hear more, but he was too reserved to ask for more.

"back in those days... kihyun and i broke up – she turned to look at him. he seemed surprised – i asked him for some time, we had a fight and i broke up with him. we stopped seeing each other for three months and this- she said pointing between them – this thing happened during that time." she looked tired and ashamed. she closed her eyes.

"i never told him." she added.

hyungwon swallowed hard. "who is kihyun?" he asked frowning.

soon stared at him for a few seconds. it seemed he was being honest. he didn't know who he was. "my fiancé." she simply said.

he narrowed his eyes, as if he was trying to understand. "are you still together?" he asked, only realizing afterwards, that the question had been too personal. soon only nodded.

"i am sorry... i shouldn't have asked-

"it's fine. i am glad you did." soon didn't know why she said that, but she meant it.

"did it... mean something to you?" he asked, unsure of it. he didn't know if he should have asked that either, but somehow, the words escaped his mouth as if he didn't have control of it.

soon looked at him with warning signs. "it was only a onetime thing... you know? one of those... one night stand situations." she tried to pick the least hurtful words.

"so you didn't remember me next morning?"

soon pressed her lips in a thin line. "i couldn't even remember my own name. i am sorry."

she realized how lots of things made sense now. he frowned.

"i guess... you drank lots." he tried to joke, but terribly failing at it.

"i am sorry i can't remember either." he finally said, playing with the mug. "i wish i could remember though." he added.

soon cleared her throat and drank a sip of the tea. "you're taking this whole thing pretty well." she said.

he smiled. a sad kind-of-smile. "you can't argue much when you can't remember a thing." he complained, running a hand through his now less wet silver hair.

"it's been like that most of my life. i am always apologizing for things people say i did yet... things i can't remember. i guess i am used to by now." he shrugged.

"again... it's not your fault." she said with a reassuring tone. he looked at her.

"did something else happened between us?" he asked, standing from the breakfast bar. his towering height making its strong presence before a barefooted soon.

she swallowed hard. "no. i don't think so."she lied.

he sighed. "i guess it's just- a terrible coincidence." she added, trying to sound cool. she even laughed a bit but he didn't laugh back.

"i am tired." he stated, leaving the food untouched as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen, soon followed him. "you didn't eat-

"you didn't either." he answered, stopping on his tracks.

"i am not hungry any...more." she muttered to herself, as if she was realizing this only now.

"neither i am." he said standing alone in the middle of the living room. he glaced around him and only saw a couple of bags, the ones soon brought with her. "can i ask you something?" he turned to look for her big eyes.

"why did you bring me here?" his voice sounded peaceful yet it had a serious tone of it, as if he wasn't making jokes around. "and please tell me the truth." he added, with intense eyes.

"it's... hard to explain but – she blinked twice – i p-promise it's for your own good." she managed to explain.

he remained silent for a few seconds, examining if he should believe in her or not. all he knew was that she was his doctor and they have had a few therapy sessions together. he didn't know her well, he didn't know her age or the fact that she was engaged.

he didn't know they knew each other from before, from a one night thing. he didn't know lots of things and he felt weird about it.

it felt weird and he didn't know if he should trust her.

"may i ask... how are we going to sleep? there's only one room and one bed." he added, changing the subject.

soon swallowed hard, playing with the hem of her shirt. "i guess... you can choose where do you want to sleep. i am fine with any choice."

he glanced around and finally at the bedroom. "there." he said walking towards the room, standing still on the door's frame in silence.

"great. i'll take the couch-

"no." he said with a steady voice. soon stopped on her tracks and turned to look at him.

he knew that old saying was a bit cliché, but it was true, you had to have your friends close, but your enemies closer.

he didn't consider dr. park an enemy, but she brought him sedated here and partially refused to explain the real reason why she was doing all of this. she even changed his hair color and the plate of her car to go unnoticed.

hyungwon wasn't stupid. he understood she was planning something. something that was probably illegal and wrong.

but he felt she was being honest when she said it was all for his own good. "you can sleep next to me. i don't mind." he finally added, with a sweet smile, as he disappeared inside the bedroom.

soon remained confused and silent, standing in the middle of the living room, as she tried to comprehend why he'd do that.

she walked inside the bedroom and found him already sitting on the bed, in the middle. "what side do you preffer?" he asked, glancing at both sides.

she shrugged. "i really... don't care- she shook her head, eyes closed – may i ask... why do you want me to sleep here?"

he opened his mouth but quickly shut it, as if he regretted it before speaking. "i don't trust your nor your intentions 100% that's why i feel it's better if we're together in the same room." he answered honestly.

hyungwon contemplated the scenario of lying to her. telling her that he couldn't sleep alone at night and that he'd feel better with her, or that he was scared.

but he knew she wouldn't believe those things.

he'd sleep alone in the clinic every night and everyone knew he wasn't easily scared.

"al...right?" she said-asked, slightly confused. "i like the left side." she said, sitting on it. he smiled.

"casually... i like the right side."

they both remained silent, each one of them sitting on their favorite side. "so you don't trust me completely?" soon asked, turning to look at him.

"i'd say... i trust you partially." he said doing the same.

his intense dark eyes pierced her soul. he had an intense look, a look that'd disarm her.

she swallowed hard. "then... how are you going to sleep?" she asked confused.

he shrugged. "i won't."

soon looked at him confused. she knew he probably had his own reasons, after all, she had been shady about this all matter.

"unless... - he said narrowing his eyes. she waited almost desperately for his next answer – unless you explain to me everything. the real reason why you took me out of the clinic sedated and why you brought me here... only then, i'd be able to sleep." 


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