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"lavender... my new favorite smell." he said opening his eyes and staring down at her, a smirk was drawn to his lips as she remained motionless in her spot.

he took a few steps back and finally disappeared through the door. soon dropped in one of the chairs as she recalled what just happened, feeling more and more confused about it all, she couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth.

she recalled the moment when he told her that her hair was his new favorite smell. she had listened to it and freaked out for a second but he quickly excused himself, saying it only had been a joke.

but judging by how serious he looked a few minutes ago and how he emphasized it, soon realized it had been a truth all along.

she wanted somehow to talk to him again, to confront him about it but the thought also scared her.

it scared her the fact that he knew in detail the smell of her shampoo. in fact, it was a lavender shampoo, the only one she could use that'd leave her hair decent and that had a smell that didn't make her throw up.

it was lavender after all and he had known all the time. he guessed it, or maybe he knew it from before.

maybe it wasn't hyungwon's or whatever this identity was, first time smelling it. maybe lavender had a meaning to him and she was now determined to know the truth behind it all.

she quickly returned to her desk as she tried to keep her mind busy with other things like organizing all the files of the new patients and examining them.

and as time went by, so did the clock on her wall. in a second when she stopped reading to rest her eyes, she glanced at the clock and realized she had overstayed again. it was past 7 p.m.

her eyes widened and the natural reaction was to check her phone. she knew her fiancé had been crystal clear about her next time overstaying.

but there was no message nor missed calls. nothing.

she sighed in relief, thinking that maybe he had forgotten about it or maybe he was busy too and had to overstay as well.

the thought of it being true excited her, at least now she could turn the tables and throw it to his face.

and with a victorious smile, she collected all her stuff as she did her way out of the office since her back had started to hurt.

as usual, kyunji wasn't there. she always left on time.

but that was not what caught her eye, it wasn't the empty spot in kyunji's desk. it was the shadow of a known profile that disappeared upstairs.

her body froze when she took a second to find some sense into it and to realize she hasn't been dreaming.

"kihyunnie?" she asked, glancing at the stairs. his body wasn't there anymore, only the footsteps could be heard.

"kihyunnie? oppa?!" she asked as her feet moved quickly through the stairs. her heart racing at the expectation.

"yoo kihyun!" she exclaimed once she reached the last floor aka the ceo's floor, just in time for her to see kihyun walking inside his office and closing the door behind him.

she swallowed hard as she almost dropped on her knees.

kihyun had warned her. he had told her that the next time she'd overstay, he'd come here to talk with her boss.

and she did it, so he did it as well. both of them kept their promises somehow.

she wanted to rip his head off and as her feet moved automatically, she thought of ways to interrupt their session but quickly she ran out of plan b's and just ended up knocking on the door, maybe more times than the reasonable-acceptable amount.

what is worse is that soon didn't even wait for the ceo to invite her in, she just opened the door and walked inside. her brown eyes looking for a familiar suited body, her fiancé.

"ah... dr. lee... i am sorry, i didn't know you were busy- she started with a nervous laugh, glancing constantly between the two man.

kihyun seemed comfortable, sitting on the chair across the ceo's desk. he looked relaxed so as the ceo.

it seemed they knew each other very well and much indeed since both of their families, also soon's knew each other from before. all doctors.

"ah... dr. park." kihyun said with a charming smile. smile that didn't reach his eyes for sure.

he had his leg crossed over the other and his hands rested entwined on his knee. "dr. park what a pleasure to see you here."

soon chuckled nervously as she walked slowly towards the desk, taking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"i am sorry if i am interrupting something-

"no, please – lee dongkyu started – you did not. please... we're like family." her boss said raising his eyebrows, glancing at the two.

kihyun cleared his throat, fixing his tie. "of course... come and sit my love." he said pointing at the free chair with a sharp nod.

soon hesitated but finally sat down. lee dongkyu smiled widely. "i heard you two got engaged."

both kihyun and soon nodded. "what a wonderful news... congratulations." the boss said.

"thank you, we really appreciate your wishes and that's basically why i am here tonight ahjussi." kihyun started, soon's auto reflect was to touch his arm to stop him.

but kihyun had fire on his eyes. soon knew him pretty well to know he was upset, beyond upset, he was mad.

although all these years being a doctor, he knew exactly how to perfect hiding his emotions and he acted as if he was cool.

"oh really? why is that?" dongkyu asked.

"well, you'll see- kihyun started but was soon interrupted by the nervous woman next to him.

"we wanted to invite you formally to our wedding." she said with a wide smile.

kihyun turned to look at her with a confused face. a small visible frown as he sat straight on the chair. "oh what a wonderful surprise, i'll be delighted to attend your wedding." he said.

"yeah... we'll be glad to see you there ahjussi – kihyun said still glancing at soon – but i am afraid that is not the only reason behind our presence here." he said finally turning to look at him, feeling soon's hand closing dangerously on his sleeve, as if she was trying to stop him from talking.

"you see... my fiancé here had been overstaying every day for the past month or two." he started without anesthesia.

lee dongkyu's eyes widened as he took turns to look at both kihyun and soon. "what?" he asked shocked.

kihyun only nodded. "i've talked about this plenty times with her, she won't listen to me... she keeps overstaying and you'll see... we're engaged and she's supposed to spend time with me and her family now, after work."

the boss nodded eagerly. "absolutely, especially now if you two are going to get married soon – he turned to look at soon – but why are you overstaying? you know already our working hours."

soon pouted as she felt her blood boiling. "but ahjussi... you overstay too!" she protested.

"soon-ah." kihyun warned her. the boss laughed.

"this is my clinic, i am supposed to stay here longer – he sighed – but do not worry abour me soonie-ssi... from now on you are forbidden from overstaying... - he glanced at kihyun – please don't worry, i'll inform my personal so they kick her out at 5 p.m. exactly as it should be." he said with a sharp nod.

kihyun's face changed as he felt now relieved. "thank you dr. lee... i knew you'd understand." he said standing from the chair, buttoning his expensive suit and extending his hand to the old man.

"don't worry kihyun-ssi... we'll take care of your fiancé and we'll send her home in time." the boss said.

soon wanted to roll her eyes. she hated the situation more than anything but it was true, she had look for it all herself.

"i won't take more of your precious time dr. lee... it was a pleasure seeing you, and we expect you at our wedding." kihyun said with a charming smile.

it was natural. everybody seemed to love him. all the people loved being around him. he was naturally handsome and smart. but he possessed a certain charm that was pretty unique.

on their way downstairs, none of them said a word. they both remained quiet as they stepped each step. kihyun had his hands on his pockets as soon held onto her bag.

when she couldn't hold it anymore, she stopped when they reached the 4th floor, casually her floor, she turned to look at him and touched his arm to stop him from going downstairs.

"why would you do that?" she asked with a hurt tone.

kihyun glanced at her with obvious eyes. "i warned you soon... i told you to stop- he stopped talking hen suddenly a door opened and two people emerged from the room.

a male dressed all in black, medical clothes with short black hair, being followed by a taller one, slim with big dark eyes that stared at the pair with the intensity of a thousand burning stars.

soon stopped frozen on her spot as she held onto kihyun's sleeve, and kihyun only stared at the pair of men that walked past by them.

the male nurse only gave a nod to soon and kihyun, as the other, the patient, only stared at them with curious eyes.

eyes that slowly traveled down to their hands in the appropriate time to notice the engagement ring. ring that he never noticed before until now.

the proximity between the two made it obvious as he walked slowly behind the nurse.

dr. park was engaged. but only engaged, she was engaged to that man, standing right next to her.

none of them said anything, they only glanced at each other until the nurse and the patient disappeared through a hall.

kihyun turned to look at her and sighed. "listen... it's too late okay? let's go back home and talk about this in the morning."

"i can't, i have to come here-

"tomorrow is the weekend, you're not coming here." he said grabbing her hand and almost dragging her with him.

for a second, soon forgot that that day was friday and next day was saturday and she didn't work on saturdays.

"i can come either way- she stared, making kihyun stop and letting go of her hand.

"you won't. i won't let you come here on a saturday. you need to rest, you need to go outside, to watch a movie, to sleep till late, to cook something, to see your friends and parents, to spend time with me, your actual fiancé!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing inside the hall.

soon swallowed hard as she realized all that he said was true. even if she hated it, he was always right.

but truth be told, her work was her life, and she loved being there. she loved helping people and seeing her patients.

she didn't say anything. she only thought about his words and tried to find some comeback to say to him but she couldn't find any since he was completely right.

"you need to stop... this isn't healthy for you, you're being stupid soon-ah... - he shook his head – do not make me worry more than i already do... sometimes... i think you're so selfish- he stopped for a second and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"let's go home, kaja." he said shaking his head and grabbing her hand, leading her downstairs.

she wanted to say many things, especially after he claimed that she was being selfish.

she couldn't find sense into that reasoning. soon didn't seem to understand how overstaying to check on her patients and to see them could be seen as an act of selfishness.

but thinking about the other part. the part where he claimed that she wasn't spending time doing the other things she liked and enjoyed, spending time with her friends and family and with him, made her realized he might be true after all.

and maybe just maybe, she was being selfish. 


a/n: hey guys! i know i said i'd update only on weekends but tonight i am not that tired and i have data left so, please enjoy! 

ps. i'll probably update tomorrow  as well since it's a free day yay!!! 


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