Arrow - Scott/ Liam (Imagine)

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For somanyfandomsABC

You and liam were practicing archery in the woods. You guys decided to cut school. Shame on you.

"Bullseye! " You said as your arrow head landed right in the middle of the target. You hit the target so many times, while liam only hit it twice.

"You're really good at this!" liam said as he observed the target.

"Thanks, even though we're super natural creatures, You still need a way to defend your self...." You said as you let go of another arrow head. It landed right on the target. AGAIN.

"Hey, uh, how do you do that claw thing, Scott told me how to do it , but i'm still new at this whole 'beta' thing, And I don't get it...Can you help me?" You asked kind of shy.

"Only...If you teach me how you can get the arrow heads right on the targets. " liam said as he smirked.

"Sure!" you said.

"Ok, so the claws are super simple..." Liam said as he explained.

After he explained. You tried a couple of times but unfortunately you couldn't do it.

You started to get frustrated, until liam went behind you and took your hand and showed you how to do it.

"Oh, my, god, I did it!!" You squealed in joy.

You observant over your claws.

Liam also showed you to put them away. Super simple.

"Ok, for the target, first your aim is totally" you said as you moved his arms to aim at the target.

"Second, No offense but your posture sucks...Like this" you laughed as you fixed his posture. It looks like you touched his ticklish spot, when he flinched in laughter.

"Sorry..." You said.

"It's ok...Ok, now what..." he said.

"Ok now aim towards the red dot..." You said. He didn't lift his arm enough which caused him to hit something else.

Something really bad.

" what is t-that?!" you wispher in his ear as your heart beats out of your chest.

"I don't K-know?!" Liam said as he was frightened as well.

Liam accidentally hit a creature, that looked like a werewolf but a much bigger one. You both were petrified.

"I think we pissed it off..." You said as you pointed to the arrow head in the creatures shoulder.


"Yup, we pissed it off" You said as it roared right in your face.

"Run!" Liam said.

You guys both started to run as fast as you guys can. Unfortunately the creature was much faster.

It caught up to liam and it grabbed his leg causing him to fall.

"LIAM!!!" you scream as the creature throws liam across the forest and hits a tree.

You try to shoot more arrows at it, but it was no use. Insted the creature threw the arrows at your face. That's what got you pissed.

"You wanna get angry?!, FINE! LET'S GET ANGRY!" you yell at the creature.

At this point you transformed. You try to fight it, but it flips you over and throws you, causing a tree to hit your side.

Liam jumps on top of the creature trying to fight it.

Which causes the creature to also flip him and throw him next you.

"It is one tough cookie...." you breath out and winced as you grabbed you side.

You grabbed liams hand as the creature jumps ontop of both of you.

The creature was about to roar but another sound replaced it. It was a howl.

Scott's Howl.

Scott jumped ontop of the creature and fought it out good until it ran away.

Thank god.

You and liam looked at each other and then at scott and then back at each other.

"Shouldn't you guys be in school...." Scott said as he helped you guys up.

"uh- we- were..." Liam tried to say.

"Next time go get your education first then, you can get your face slashed by an omega..."

"omega who?" you said as you were confused.

"an omega, is a lone wolf, who abounded their pack.." Liam says.

"oh..." You say.

"wait aren't you supposed to be in school too?" You said. You smirked at liam and liam returned it.

"Well I was....I was..." Scott said trying to cover up. (I see you scott shame on you too!)

"Extaclty..." you said.

"Anyways lets get to class, we time to get to 5th period. "Scott says.

You both grunt as scott drives you guys back to school.

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