baby?- Theo (Imagine pt2)

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You kissed theo as he moaned.
You grabbed his hair and pressed him closer to you. He kissed your neck and found your sweet spot.

"T-theo...." you moan as you tighten your thighs around his waist. He grabs your thigh and pulls you more closer to his body. He took of his shirt leaving his with his bare chest. He continued kissing you, as you ran your fingers down his chest.
You caressed his face as he bites your lip lightly. You look into his brown soft eyes.

"What are you up to , theo ..." you sighed as you were biting your lip, and looked down.

"I can't tell you yet....but you'll soon know baby....Please trust me..." theo said as he brushed his lips on yours.

"Ok..." you said.

He was about to kiss you again but you felt light headed.

You pushed him off.

"Baby? Are you ok?" Theo said.

You got up from the bed, and you started to breathe heavily....

"Somethings wrong.." you say as you begin to cough.

Theo began to worry.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling ok? Is it about your night terrors?" He asks rubbing your back.

Your coughs got heavier.
You fist theos shirt and throw up.

Not an ordinary throw up...a gross black feathery throw up.

Theo eyes grew wide, fright and worry went through his eyes.

You began to cry, as you were scared.

"What's happening to m-me?" You cried.

"I-I don't know.." theo said as he hugged you.

"No, don't touch me" you say as pull away from him and go to the bath room.

Theo looks at the black substance and he noticed feathers.

"What the fuck?" He says as he observes the feathers.

You were in bathroom breathing heavily as you tried to calm your self. You rinsed your mouth and face with cold water.

"Your not real, your not real !" You wispher to your self as you see the doctors.

You felt claws appearing on fingers.

You saw them and you screamed in fright.

Theo came rushing into the bathroom.

He found you crouching in the corner with your back faced to him.

"(Y/N)?" He says as he comes closer to you.

He comes closer and closer.

"(Y/N)?" He says as he crouched down to tap you.

You turned around .........then....*ROAR*

You growled, and slashed his face.

You ran away breaking out of widow.

Theo grabbed his face and turns into his wolf self to go after you.

You ran out filled with rage.

Suddenly theo attacks you.

He held you tight in his arms as you growl and hiss to get out of his grip to rip someones throat out.

Soon your werewolf growls became , teenage girl cries.

Theo held you in a hug as you cry in his arms.

"I'm sorry" you whimper, as you touch your scratch on Theo's face.

He didn't reply he just kissed you.

"It's ok..." he murmurs.

He brought you back upstairs to his room.

You fell asleep in his arms as he placed you in his bed, he layed down next to you. You guys were spooning. Untill you faced him.

You played with his lips with your fingers.

You kissed him and he smiled.

"What ever happens I will be at your side...remember that ok" you wispher.

"I love you theo..." you say in his neck.

"I love you too (Y/N), what ever happens I will still love you...very much" theo says.

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