Little runt- Liam/Stiles (Imagine)

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For @Lydia-martin

You were having a group study in the library with your pack.

You guys were taking about who's stealing the bodies.

You were just studying for your AP Biology test.

Even though you were a sophomore, you had senior classes with Scott and Lydia due to your smart noggin.

" should be studying too! Don't you think?" You wispher for only Scott to hear.

Scott looked at you and then looked away and continued to talk to malia.

You rolled your eyes and continued with your flash cards.

Liam kept on studying you and stiles, aka your older brother, caught him.

Liam kept on smiling and blushing when ever you smiled at him.

You guys kept making googly eyes at each other and giggling and laughing.

Liam makes his way over to you.

Stiles jaw clenchs.

Stiles immediately pulls Liam away and out of the library.

"Hey, why did you do that!" Liam said.

"You know why I did that!" Stiles said.

Liam blushes in embarrassment.

"Listen here you little runt! If I even see you trying to hurt my sister, I will hunt you down and feed you to the lions, got that!"stiles said.

"I won't hurt her I promise, I just want to take her out..." Liam said nervously.

"Fine! But no funny business ok?"stiles said.

"Ok..."Liam said and smiled.

"Don't get to little runt....I'm Coming with you guys" Stiles said as he pats Liam's head as he chuckles.

Liam rolled his eyes.

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