Scared - Liam (Imagine)

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You were going up against Devenford prep, at tonight's game, your first real game.

"Are you ok?" Liam, your bestfriend, asks you as you nervously tightened you lacrosse net.

"Yea I'm fine, never better!" You lied.

Obviously, liam knew that your lying.

You kept tightening you lacrosse net, until liam stops you.

"(Y/N), you're nervous aren't you?" Liam said.

"No..." you deny.

Liam looks at you in disbelief.

"Maybe..." you deny again.

Liam looks at you again in disbelief with his irresistible blue eyes.

"Just a little...." you say.

Liam snorts.

"Ok, maybe alot!" You blurt out, as you tap your foot in anxiousness.

"Look, calm down, your gonna do fine.." liam says as he pats your back.

"Ok, I got this...just breathe.." you say as you inhale and exhale.

Liam laughs at you.

"Stop laughing it's not funny..." you whine.

"I'm the only girl on the team so, there's alot of pressure! " you say.

"Not alot..." liam says.

"Alright! (Y/N) we're counting on you so don't let us down!" Coach says.

You look at liam.

"Not alot, huh?" You say as you're more nervous.

"Just breathe you got this, plus, you're not gonna be alone, I'm here, Scott's here, Stiles is too..." he says as he pointed out scott and stiles warming up.

You smile, as you saw stiles warming up funny so you can lighten up, but then your smile fades as you see the Devenford prep boys arrive.

You gulp.

Liam looks at your direction.

You look at the blonde one, with muscles, and....oh my lord Jesus.

"They look so.....tough, especially that one.." you say as you point at the blonde.

"You mean brett?" Liam asks.

"Yea...he's so...he's so..." you barely made out your words.

"Hot...." mason said out of nowhere.

Aw mason.

You and liam look at mason.

"What? I'm just saying the truth!" Mason says in defense.

"I was gonna say.... tough, like he can break me, like a twig!" You say in fright as you held your lacrosse stick tightly.

"Oh yea, it's your first game right?" Mason asked.

Liam gave mason a look that ment 'really mason you're not helping! '

"I can take him! He wont even touch you..."liam said.

"I hope so..." you say.


You began to play and your heart was racing.

Liam passed the ball to stiles, and all of the sudden Stiles was surrounded and passed it you.

You got the ball.

You started to run and tried to pass it scott, but then brett pushed you down, but lucky the ball flew into scotts net and he made the score.

Unfortunately you fell down hard.

You winced in pain as you grab your leg.

You took off your helmet.

Liam, scott, and Stiles came rushing to you.

"Are you ok?!"liam said.

"N-no, M-my leg, it hurts, it hurts So bad..." you started to uncontrollably cry.

Stiles carried you to the nurse, and then they took you to the hospital.

You were crying all they way to hospital.

You were in stiles arms as rushed to the hospital.

Stiles cared about so much, he treated you like his own sister.

"Some one need help! Now!" Stiles yells in the hospital as you cry.

"You're gonna be ok (Y/N)...don't worry, shhh" stiles said as he caressed your hair.

In 1 second mrs. McCall comes rushing toward you.


You were in the hospital bed with your leg elivated.

Scott and the whole lacrosse team came to vist you.

They all brought you balloons and teddy bears.

One of them bought you a bouquet of flowers.

You laugh and giggle as you were in a room filled with stuff.

There was a whole bunch of teddy bears but there was one huge one, that liam got you.

Everyone waited in the waiting room.

The doctor came in your room.

"Wow, it looks like you have fans!" The doctor said.

You laugh and wince alittle.

"But I'm very sorry, to say
That I'm afraid I have bad news..." the doctor said.

Your heart started to pump so fast.

"What?" You say as your eyes start to water.

"You had a really rough fall,.and your leg took it really badly, your leg is broken, and you'll need surgery...." the doctor said.

Liam over heard the doctor outside, and he fell to ground with tears.

"SURGERY! " you yell in tears.

"Yes... I'm afraid so..." the doctor says.

The doctor left.

You were left scared out of your mind....

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