Swept- Theo (imagine)

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"(Y\N) don't go In that far!" Stiles your brother yells as he sets the towels on the sand.

You and your pack went to the beach.

"Stiles can you pass me the sunscreen?" Malia asked as she looked in bag.

"Here" stiles said as he rubbed sun screen on back. Malia smiled.

"Don't you think she's going too far?" Liam asks Lydia as they both stare at you swimming with your surf board In the ocean.

"Maybe...but she's a surfer so...she need big waves" Lydia says.

Liam had a worried face.

Kira and Scott were snuggling together as they tanned.

You swam as you sat on your board and you saw a cute guy with a surf board too. He kept on glancing at you with a smile.

"Surfing too?" You ask.

"Yea...these waves a killer!" The guy said.

"Speaking of killer! Here it comes.." You say as you point to a huge wave coming your way.

"Uh-that ones too big, I'll pass..." The guy says.

"Fine...suit your self!" You laugh as you headed for the wave.

"I think you shouldn't surf that, it dangerous!" The guy yells as you go further .

You ignored him.

You headed for the wave and it was ginormous !

"Bring it on!" You say as you stand up and surf on it.

"OH MY GOD! IS SHE CRAZY!!!" Stiles freaked out as he saw you surfing that big wave.

suddenly you lost balance and you fell off. You couldn't breath and you were swept by the ocean.

Liam saw you and started to freak out.

Scott ran to the ocean but some one has already got you.


He had your surf board in hand as the other he carried you.

He ran to the sand and placed you there.

Theo did CPR and suddenly you woke up and coughed up water.

You open your eyes and you see the cute surfer dude on top of you.

"Oh my god what happened?" You say.

"You fell off your board and almost died..drowning but I pulled you out.." The guy said as helped you up.

"I told you not to surf that wave..." He smirks.

"Thanks for saving me,that was really nice of you" you say.

"No problem, anyone would of saved a beautiful girl like you any day, I'm Theo by the way.." He said as gives you a toothily smile. God he's so perfect....you thought.

"I'm (Y/N)..." You say as you blush.

"Do you wanna get something to eat some time? Maybe tomorrow at six?" He asks.

"Sure..I'd love to eat with you!" You smirk.

Theo smiles so wide.

Theo literally squealed like a girl in the inside when you said yes.


You guys were heading home...

"I told you not to go in that far! And who was that guy anyways? Was here bothering you? What did he say to you?" Stiles said he drove.

"Stiles he was a surfer and he saved me! Plus I'm going out with him tomorrow!" You smile.

"Ooooo someone's got a boyfriend !" Kira says as she smirks at you.

"YASS! He's totally SLAYS!" Malia said .

"He was cute though!" Mason said as he elbowed you in arm. You laugh.

"Awwww..." Liam smirks at you.

Stiles had annoyed face.

Scott chuckled as he stared at the window.

Everyone in the car fan girls as stiles is annoyed.

Poor stiles.

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