Were-Tiger - liam (Imagine)

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Before we begin! Firstly I want to give a final Authors note.....

Hey guys!
I just wanted to start off by saying thank you for all of your support by voting and your hilarious comments! Thank you for making this book popular and thank you for connecting with one another! You're probably wondering if this book is completed or not, and why there's so much repetition and grammar mistakes. Haha! well to reiterate what I have been announcing once in a while on my announcements, I just wanted to clarify that this book is as old as time! And it is very much completed and very out dated. It was written back when teen wolf was still airing on Live tv which was from 2011-2017, so YEA, it's pretty damn old.  Additionally, back in the day, when I was writing this book, I was too lazy to go back and check all my grammar mistakes so I'm a giving a shout out and a THANK YOU  to all the "mr./ms. Obvious" in the comment section that have and probably will always point out my old grammar mistakes! It's been noted for like years now! Hahahah. Furthermore, I just wanted to say that since this book is very old, I'm guessing it was one of the of OG books of Imagines from teen wolf, hence, it's most likely that you'll see an imagine thats familiar to you because you've seen it in another newer books from other authors, and I'm here to tell you that it was most likely either copied from me or other older books from other authors that came before me! You know us writers get inspiration from anything and everyone! So be kind and don't make assumptions on who wrote what first and what not!
Finally, I just wanted to clarify that any references made in this book are VERY OUT DATED! So don't take it too seriously!

Thank you so much my Wolfies!
Love you guys!



      You were the new girl in school and you wanted to try out for the lacrosse team, But you we're afraid that the coach might laugh at you. Since your a girl, a freshman girl. You didn't stand a chance. As a young girl you loved lacrosse but people said 'lacrosse is for boys'. NOW is the time to prove them wrong and you finally got the courage to try out.

You were on the field and no one seemed to notice you were a girl since you had your hair hid in the lacrosse helmet . You stood there as goalie. As you stood their in goalie not one ball passed you. You heard many gasps.

"hey coach who's that?" scott, the team captain asks the coach.

"(Y/L/N), .....alright liam your up." The coach said.

Liam stepped forward as it was his turn.

Everyone knew he was the best player yet, aside from scott. But let's see if he is the true best. You swinged your lacrosse stick like it it was a samurai sword. Bring it on pretty boy... you thought.

As liam swings....as ball flew in the air everyone's eyes were on the ball. The ball landed right in your lacrosse stick.

A smirk hid behind your helmet.

You just beat the best player on the field.

You took off your helmet and all jaws dropped. Liam's included.

Your hair was let loose in waves as the wind blew through the strands. Your walked like you owned the world.

"WHAT another freshman come on? really, a girl too?!where on earth are they coming from!? She's probably a were-tiger or something!!" Stiles said as you headed towards your stuff.

You gave liam a glance with a smirk on your lips as you push pass him.

Liam just stood there in Awe as he stared at you.

Everyone stared at you but a smirk stayed put on your lips. You drank water from your water bottle. As more eyes stared at you, not only because you beat liam, also because you were smokin hot.

"YOU'RE ON THE TEAM (Y/N) CONGRATS! Now everyone get into your places we have a new season to get ready for"

"SHE'S ON THE TEAM!?" one of boys said in shock as he throws his lacrosse stick on the floor in rage.

"Yea you got a problem? Cause as you can see she can beat your ass right now if she wanted to" You heard liam say as you heard many 'ohh's'.

That shut him up real good.

"Nice job, I'm liam" he said as he shook your hand.

"(Y/N), thanks, You're not so bad your self and thanks for standing up for me" you say.

"No problem, You know, I was wondering If you wanted to practice together you know like-"

"DUNBAR STOP FLIRTING WITH (Y/N) AND GET YOUR ASS ON THE FIELD. " coach said as he cutt liam off.

Liam rolled his blue eyes and said

"lets go..."

You laughed as you grabbed your lacrosse stick.

"(Y/L/N) your #10..." coach said.

"Oh...what do you know, i'm right after you..." you giggled to liam.

Liam smiled wide as you elbowed him on his shoulder.

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