Wingman- liam (Imagine)

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Hayden open the door and she had disgusted expression plastered on her face.

"What are doing here?..." Hayden spat.

"You said I could bring a plus 1" mason said.

"Yea not a plus liam!" Hayden said.

"I'm his flight attendant.. " liam said.

Hayden seemed confused on what liam said.

"Wingman, Im his wing man" liam said.

mason suggested a bribe as he took out money.

Hayden accepted it and let them pass.

Liam and mason walk in the night club.

"I think we're too young to be here..." liam said as moslty the people in there we're in there 20's.

Mason looked around and then he spotted brett dancing with a girl and then with a guy.

"This is a mix..." mason said.

Liam looked at brett.


"Are you sure you don't smell anything like us?" Liam asked brett.

"No..there's no one like us here." Brett said.

Liam was about to leave but brett pulled him back.

"Wait.... I do smell a scent..." brett said as he sniffed.

"What is it?" Liam asked.

"'s a beta.....she's a beta" brett said.

"It's a she?" Liam asked.

"Yea...and she dancing right over there..." brett pointed at you, you dancing and looking up at the lights shining down.

Liam looked where brett was pointing and his jaw dropped.

You were wearing high waisted washed out shorts, crop top and converse.

"She's pretty hot...for you, she your age, go on and ask her to dance.." brett pushed liam.

"What? Me? No way..." liam said in denial.

"Go on, I see they way you look at her....whats the worst thing that can happen..."brett said.

Liam looks at you dancing by yourself, swaying you hips side to side, provocatively.

"What if she's not into guys?" Liam asked.

"She is...she's striaght, I can scent it off of her...Just go and ask her to dance.." brett said.

"Fine..." liam said as he walks in wave of people to get to you.

You were dancing and suddenly you felt a hand touch yours.

You turn around and your jaw dropped, you saw the most cutest guy, with blue ocean eyes, and brown hair staring at you.

"D-dance with me?" He asked nervously.

"Sure..." you say as you wrap your arms around his neck.

He places his hands on you hips as you sway them side to side.

You smelled him and you knew he was a beta.

"Don't worry...I don't bite" you smirk as You glew your yellow eyes at him and  you give him a playful growl.

He blushed as he glew his yellow eyes at you too.

You both swayed as the music was blasting.

"What's your name? " liam asked as his lips slightly brush against your ear.

You blush.

" (Y/N)...What's your's? " you ask as you did the same.

"Liam..." he said as his hot breath went down your bare back.

"Pleasure to meet you..." you seductively say.

"The pleasure is mine..." liam says as he flips you over so you back is against his chest.

His lips brushed agianst your neck.

You swayed back and fourth making a rhythm with your hips as they were against liam.

Liams hands were on your waist as you swiftly move them. 

Liam smiled and so did you.

Brett watched you guys from a far.

"turns out I'm the wingman..." Brett snorted.

Who saw tonight's episode?!!
It was awesome.

Especially the club scene....


-gaby xoxo

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