You Changed Me- Garrett (Imagine)

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(Still making an Imagine for him, even though he wasn't an important character)

You were an exchanged freshman student from Australia and you just arrived at your new school. You had a tiny Australian accent,which people thought was uber-cute.

You made friends, Instantly when your secret came out to a not so ordinary group of friends. Aka Scott McCall's pack. You were a were-coyte just like malia. You instantly became besties with her. You also bonded with liam since you're into the same video games as him.

"Hey who's that?" You asked to liam as you pointed to the blonde boy with blue eyes and a toned body.

"who? oh... you mean Garrett "Liam said as he headed to the lacrosse feild.

"Yea...." You said starring at Garrett.

"what...You think he's. ...Cute?!" He asks as he literary fan girls.

"No!" You snapped.

"are you sure (Y/N)? Cause you know I can set you guys up...? eh, eh?" He says as he smirks at you and elbows you.

"Yes, I'm sure...." You said as you sat on the bleachers to do homework.

"You're seriously doing homework! You're such a nerd!" liam laughed.

"Am not!" you said.

"are too!" he said.

"Do both of us a favor, go practice?" You suggested.

"Sure, I'll leave you with you're thoughts of Garrett! " he said putting emphasis on Garrett.

Stupid liam, you thought.

After practice was over, you slinged your bag over your arm and headed out. There was only one tiny exit. They are so dumb if they think all of them can fit in one single gate. All of the lacrosse members pushed you as you exit the Field. But suddenly you felt your hair being pulled.

"Ouch!" You say as you realize your hair was stuck on one of the players lacrosse net, And you wouldn't believe who that player was.

It was Garrett.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry! wait hold on, let me get it out!" he said as he tried to untangle your hair from the net.

"Hold still, this might hurt...." he said and suddenly you felt like half of your head was ripped out.

"ow! that really hurt... you should really watch where you swing that thing..." you said as you grab the back of your head. Garrett chuckled.

"and you should watch where you're going, I'm Garrett by the way." he laughed.

" (Y/N)" you say.

As time passed you guys became friends, but you started to have feelings for him. You kept quiet because you're scared that he won't feel the same way. But little did you know he was a professional assain that was after you and your friends.

"so a linear equation always has to be in y= mx+b form? " Garrett asked you as you guys were up in his room having a study session.

"Technically yes, But if its not, you have to make it into y= mx+b form." you explain.

"How do I do that?" He asks.

"well, for problem #2 , the equation is
y - x = 4. First you have to add x on both sides, to get y by it's self, then You place every thing in y= mx+b form ,And you get the new equation y=-x+4. But when you graph a any equation, always lable your line with the original equation, in this case it's y - x = 4." you explained.

"Oh...ok, I get it now, You're a really good Teacher..." he said as he looked into your eyes.

"thanks, but you're a really good listener! " You said as you poked his nose.

You guys stared at each other for a few minutes. Then he started to Lean closer to you.

"Can I kiss you? because I really, really want to and I know you want to too" He wisphers.

You took the question in suprise but you nodded yes.

He leaned closer to your lips as you leaned in too.

Suddenly your lips connected and it molded together perfectly. You felt fire works go out in your stomach as he kissed you. with out you knowing he grabbed a dagger filled with wolfsbane and aimed it at your side. You thought he was pulling you closer into the kiss. You were clueless about his intetions. He was about to stab you the side while you where kissing him, but he felt like it was wrong. He quickly hid the dagger behind something and made it look as if he lifted you up onto his lap. For some reason he couldn't do it. The thought of you dead was the end of him. He would be completely shattered if you were no longer alive.

He started to kiss you passionately. 'am I falling for her?' he thought. Suddenly he felt the urge to kiss you more and more. He kissed down to your neck but then you pulled away.

"sorry, was I going too far?" he asked shyly.

You laughed.

"No, it's just that, I need to go to the bathroom." you said as you got up from his bed.

"oh...." he said lightly laughing.

You walked in the hallway and realized you don't know where his bathroom is.

"where's the bathroom? " you giggle.

"All the way down to your left, the thrid door, you'll see towels next to it." He said.

"Kay, thanks, I won't take long..." you said as you head out.

One week later, you guys were flirtatious with each other. You guy's weren't official or anything but you were a thing. But recently you heard from youre pack that He was a assain trying to kill you guys , for money. You couldn't Believe it. All this time he was using you for money?!. You were so pissed off, and betrayed. You simply blocked him out of your life and pretended he never existed. Which made him feel hurt alot. Deep inside you were hurting as well. You loved him but he didn't love you.

One night, You guy's were trying to find liam, since he disappeared. You were so worried that he might be hurt. He was your game buddy.

"liam? " you screamed as you search the woods with scott and stiles.

Suddenly you heard a load roar.

It was liam.

You followed scott as he lead you to a well. It looks like someone pushed liam into a well and expected him to die there.

As soon as Scott took him out of the well, you ran up to up and hugged him very tightly. Tears slipped, as you thought your good friend had been dead. He hugged you tightly as well.

"Are you ok?!? are you hurt?!?! Oh my god he has wolf's bane in him?!? we need to get help NOW!!!" you as anticipation ran through you.

"(Y/N),!!!! calm down we'll get help, you just go home ok, he'll be fine-

Scott's voice was cut off by a roar. It was not a wolf or a coyote. It was a ....


You simply hated those things, they scared the crap out of you.

All of you guys walked to it and it led you to a road.

It was gone.

" (Y/N) MOVE!!!!" Garrett said as he pushed you out of the way.

You realized that a berserker was right behind you and was about to kill you, untill Garrett pushed you out causing the berserker to kill him.

"GARRETT!!!!" you scream as you run to him.

He was bleeding on his side. You pressed on his wound to help stop the bleeding but it didn't work.

"Garrett, your gonna be ok, were gonna get some help!!!" you say as tears just come nonstop.

"(Y/N), I'm s-sorry, I'm s-so sorry I lied to you. I should of told you, but something got in the w-way!" He cried.

"'s ok, it's ok, stop don't say anything were gonna get you some help ok? your gonna be fine and you're gonna play lacrosse again and youre-

" (Y/N)!!!!" he screamed.

"I don't have anymore time left and I wanna say somthing to you that you need to know" He said. When he said that he doesn't have any time left, your heart broke in half.

You held in your arms with his head in your neck.

" (Y/N), before I met you, you were just a target on my list. But now I'm a target of your love. I l-love you (Y/N), so much, I was selfish, mean, and cold heart. But you came in and unfroze my heart completely, so completely that ut melted F-for you...You changed me, and I'm great full for that, even though you'll never forgive me...I love you....And I will aLways love y-you" After his lovely words that brought more tears, he started to wince and had trouble breathing. He led out one breath and then he was Gone.

"GARRETT!!! NO!!! I FORGIVE YOU, I FORGIVE YOU, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!! GARRETT!! GARRETT!!!! I LOVE YOU, I-I, LOVE, Y-YOU!!!" you scream as you hug him so tightly. You couldn't let go. You were vulnerable and heart broken.

There was so many things you wanted to say to him, but you didn't have the chance to.

"(Y/N)...let go...come on..." Scott said in your ear as he grabs your arm's to let go of what's was once Garrett.

"No, I-I can't......I, I can't " you said as you hug the lifeless body tighter.

"(Y/N)....Please look at me...I know it's hard to loose someone that you love, Trust me I've been through it too....But you got to keep moving foward, that's the only was you can get through this, Garrett wouldn't want you throwing your life away...crying...he would want you to live your come on let go..." Scott said. He did have a point.

"can I atleast say g-goodbye.." you said with hopefull eyes.

"yea...take your time" Scott said as ge left you alone.

You cradled Garrett like a mother cradling her newborn baby.

"I Just wanted to say, I love you too, and I forgive you, You'll always be in my heart, I love you Garrett. See you soon, someday..." You said as you kissed his lips for the last time.

You placed him on the floor and got up. You took a look at him once more and a tear shed from your eyes but you didn't led it drop. You were gonna be strong.

From that day on you knew that you changed Garrett but he certainly had changed you too.

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