Chapter 16: The Curse

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Black Mist nursed his wound for a few days. He found ice in a freezer somewhere in the house and cooled the bruise down. He didn't hear any knocks on the door, and he was surprised at that. He was sure that Scar would demand a rematch, but it didn't happen.


Oh, well. He didn't really mind it all that much. After all, he was injured at his side, and he was injured badly. He could hardly move without causing a sharp pain to shoot up his right side. He had to stay indoors for the longest times, and he couldn't even train, which caused him to be irritated and restless. The voice tried to calm him, but it wasn't working.

Black Mist wandered around the house, clutching his side to try and ease the pain. Of course, it didn't help. It just made it worse.

"Stop moving around," the voice said. It sounded irritated. "If you keep moving around, it'll get worse, and the pain will not go away."

"Piss off!" Black Mist shouted. He didn't care who heard them. "I don't care what you think!" He, too, was irritated.

"Stop this! What will I do with you if you will not listen to you!?"

Black Mist growled and sat on his bed on the floor. "Shut up, won't you? I'm not in the damn mood."

The voice sighed. "One of these days, I will make sure you do what I say."

Black Mist laid down on the bed and sighed. He couldn't really stand the pain too much. He wasn't really that great stamina-wise. It was annoying to the Number.

"What should I do?" he asked the voice. He was hoping that it would at least give him something to do.

"Rest. That is what you should do instead of pacing around like an idiot."

"Like an idiot?" Black Mist snarled. That proved to be a mistake as his side started to hurt again. "Shit..."

"Like I said: you need to rest."



The next day, his side was better then the days before, so he went walking outside. The people weren't so cruel as to attack a "girl boy." They would just do the norm and try to hit on him since he looked so much like a girl. Sure, it would tick him off, but he knew that he wasn't in any condition to fight.

"Where are you going now?"

"Just walking," Black Mist sighed. "It's so boring here..."

"I know." The voice paused for a while. "Say, did you know that there was a world beyond this one? A world with weaklings?"

Black Mist grew interested at that possibility. "Really? What's that world called?"

"Earth. We tend to call it the Human World."

"So, I'm guessing that 'humans' live in the Human World?"


"Interesting." Black Mist suddenly remembered the race information. He completely forgot about telling Yoru! "Hey, I'm going to the forest."

"Be safe."

"Yeah, sure!" Black Mist rushed as fast as he could to the forest to look for Yoru. He couldn't wait to tell him about this! He was sure to be interested.

He wasn't looking where he was going, which ended him up crashing against another Number. Black Mist growled at the Number angrily, feeling his power rising.

The one who he bumped into was an old Dark Number, who still had her energy left. In fact, she didn't really look so old. She still had some youth in her.

"Hey, you old hag!" Black Mist foolishly screamed. "Watch where you're going!"

The woman stood up and looked down her nose at the young Number. She scoffed. "Children these days! They don't even know the word respect!" she spat.

"There's no such thing as respect!" he spat back viciously. "Not in this sorry excuse for a town!"

The woman frowned. "It starts with the young people like you! If you make a change in your behavior, people will follow, you brat!"

Black Mist sneered. "Oh, yeah, like I have all the power in the world! If I do something, people aren't just gonna do what I do because I'm nothing here!"

Then, the woman started chanting. Black Mist rolled his eyes and kept walking away from her toward the forest until he was stopped dead in his tracks by an unknown force that kept his feet frozen on the ground. He turned back to the old hag with fury.

"Hey! What the hell is going on!?" he screamed at her with a firey tongue.

When the woman wouldn't respond, he grew far more vexed.

"I'm talking to you, you old hag!!"

Still, she didn't answer. Instead, in the Number language, she started chanting the rest of her spell. "Thy feelings are true to thy clan, and thou shall suffer from it. Thou shall kill those you love, and if tears should be shed at their death, I shall take them and make sure you know they suffer or they shall haunt you until the end of your days!"

Dark smoke surrounded the Dark Number and entered through his skin, which freaked him out some. He was a tad concerned about foreign substances getting into his body. Still, once he was free, he walked away from the old witch.

"Who does she think she is?" he grumbled. "What did that even mean? It made no sense at all!" He spoke these words out loud, yet be said them soft enough so that no one would hear what was on his mind. In a place like this, it was best to keep one's thoughts to oneself.

After a while of walking, he made it to the edge of the forest, where he started making those scratchy growling sounds. He kept this up for a while until he was well into the forest, where he knew that Yoru was resting.

Sure enough, there was the Darkling's sleeping silhouette curled around itself. Black Mist made a calling growl to wake him up.

Yoru growled and rolled over to look at Black Mist through the noise of rustling leaves. His blind eyes narrowed.

"Black Mist," he sighed in his own Darkling language. "You interrupted my sleep. This had better be important."

Black Mist sat on the grass and leaves and grinned. "It's more than important. It's interesting."

Yoru's jaw dropped as he yawned and shook his head. "Interesting, you say? Well then, don't dawdle."

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