Chapter 2: Foxy

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Kushina Uzumaki was reading a Pregnancy book when water started streaming from her thighs like a river, and it made her panic endlessly like Chucky was after her (she knew watching those horror was an extremely bad idea, and she had slapped Minato's head for that). She groaned, screamed, and yelled for help.

"Minato. Minato! It's coming...the baby's coming!"

Kakashi, who was standing on the kitchen of their house (he had been there since day one and he kept an invisible presence), reached for his Blackberry and called.

He was assigned to take care of his (former) master's child. The fact that he was an excelled Mutant who could strike an enemy with lightning, and basically copy anyone's power, made him earn the job of being the Fourth President of the United States's body guard.

New York's Dead Ringer.

Winter had come to China, and there were days Kakashi just stayed outside the house so Kushina would be less suspicious. It wasn't that he was an introvert--introducing himself was a piece of cake, but ensuring her her safety when there was a reason to be warded, that had to be something. So Kakashi enjoyed lingering around the house sometimes, without any knowledge of Kushina.

He didn't mind the snowflakes falling onto his cap, either. There was more to shielding a vulnerable red-haired woman: she was a woman in the state of gestation, and her offspring would be like her as well. That made the baby somewhat special.

There was also a potential in this boy, as a fortune-teller once touched Kushina's hair and saw the possibilities: this boy is the sun, and he and the moon shall battle the Demon for the sake of justice.

Justice, huh? Kakashi thought to himself.

After all the crimes that have happened in New York, and many urban cities, that was a labyrinthine thing to see. Corruption and lawlessness clouded that word.

"Come on, come on...answer the phone." Kakashi mumbled to himself. He could hear Kushina's cries and they were overwhelming. "Mr. President, it's time."

Minato held the phone on his hand. There was almost a blank expression in his face that made the situation look more frightening.

There was an attack on the White House. Laying before him were his human body guards, dead as meat.

"Listen to me, Kakashi. Whatever you do, don't ever go in here." He panted. "Someone's trying to kill me.

Kakashi just hopped towards the Ambulance's front seat. Beside him was Genma, the University's driver--the nippy person he was, now freezing up--he tapped his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel, looked at the middle mirror to check on Kushina's condition. A nurse had shushed her on the bed, and practiced her breathing drills.

Genma pulled over the stick shift.

Everything was now in order.

The news left Kakashi aghast.

He just glared at the windshield and thought of many things. Hong Kong was truly beautiful; the transportation was magnificent, as a double-deck tram with bright neon colors just passed by. He had just seen Minato and Kushina watch the Skyline with fireworks setting up on the midnight-blue sky. Just a while ago Minato just gave Kakashi a pat on the shoulder before he fled to work.

This man...Namikaze Minato...

Kakashi just saw him.

Was that how the lifespan of many worked? People--remarkable people were just taken?

No, he shouldn't be feeling stupendous all of a sudden. He knew this would happen.

When you are a person of distinction, ethicality and supreme kindness, you may never know when you will breathe your last breath.

Kakashi straightened up. That's it. Human no more, but I am a Monster. I will protect others my way (those were words Uchiha Madara brought to life).

"What do you want me to do?" Kakashi asked.

He was breathing heavily that Genma advised him to take it slow (the anxiety), but he was speed-driving. Fuck the police.

"Keep your eyes open for traitors. If something happens to my boy, take care of him."

Minato grabbed his teleportation dagger from his drawer. He looked at the sharp blade of the metal, picturing the end of the fight: would it finally give him what he always dreamed of?

Betrayal. It should be a crime.

A person texted, and immediately Minato knew who it was: the assassin who badly wanted him dead.

The thing is, he just really didn't see the surprise coming. Minato opened his mouth in disbelief.

Who said I wanted to kill you?


"Hey, Kurama. Kurama, get up." 

Unless if you have someone to feed on me, I'd be f*cking grateful. But you, Naruto, are the worst person to be with.

"Why did I become a carrier?" He suddenly asked, and pictured a longing life he always had on the back of his mind. The one where he'd have a family, a Mother and a Father that supported him with all their heart. "Not that I don't want it, but...don't you ever wonder if some things would have turned out differently?" 

All the time. 

"I used to think I'm unfortunate to have you. I could dupicate, I could throw big bunch of airballs, but you know what I think? You're not my prison...because you're my source of stamina and strength. My powers come from you. My name is you."

I don't need you sympathising over me. I'm still a virus at the end of the day. My rabies infected you when you were seven. That is Mutation. It's never a matter of choice. 

"But seriously, what are you? You pretend to be some demon dog, but you're not. You're an animal; running mad is one of the biggest perks. We're just different people on the outside...on the inside, I doubt that. Since you're a Mutation, I do believe you have emotions. But who am I to judge you, right? I guess I should probably sleep already."

You're thinking about your parents. 

"I find it so hard to believe they would just...give me away for adoption. A garbage that everybody throws away. Like I really am nothing."

Kurama stays low for a second. 

You should know that I'm not the animal responsible for their deaths. 

"I know, I know." Naruto sighed, and picked up Icha Icha. "Kurama, do I even want to know?"

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