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Emmaline's POV:
The group piled into the rv. Steve looked down at my shoulder and said "shit. Guys, we need to get her to a hospital." Lucas sobbed while holding Max and said "we gotta go!" I looked at Max who was limp in Lucas' arms. Steve grabbed some napkins and said "keep pressure on this." I didn't respond, staring right through him. "Em, I need you to put pressure on this." Dustin looked at me and said "Em?" "He's going to be alone. We left him. We left him!" Steve grabbed me by my shoulders and said "he's dead, Em. I'm-" I cut Steve off and said "you should've left me with him. I hate you. God, I hate you." Steve sighed and stood up. He looked down at his hands that were covered in my blood. "Dustin, keep pressure on her shoulder." He went to the driver's seat and started driving. I felt Dustin push on my shoulder. "Emmaline, as much as I didn't want to leave him, we couldn't stay." Dustin said softly. I shook my head and said "what about Wayne? That's his nephew. There won't even be a body. How are we going to have a funeral?" Dustin's lip quivered and he said "we'll make do with what we can. I'm here for you, Em." "I know, Dustin. I'm here for you too." When we got to the hospital, Max was rushed inside. The hospital was chaotic to say the least. I walked in with my bloody shoulder, not even feeling the pain anymore. They wrapped my shoulder and gave me some medication for it before letting me go.


Hawkins had fallen. Vecna was right. Earthquakes had split Hawkins into pieces. The Upside Down and Hawkins were now one. Gates were all over. Creatures and such would come out and probably kill half the town. None of that mattered to me. Eddie was gone. My parents came home to a city that was practically destroyed. "What happened?" My mom gaped as she walked into the house. Willard had been comforting me since he found out about Eddie. The rest of the group had went home and met up with family members. I looked across the street at Dustin's. "Honey, what's wrong?" I looked up at my mom and said "he's gone, mama." Before she could ask me who I told her. "Eddie. He's gone. He died in the earthquake." "Oh, Dolly." My mom whispered. She hugged me as I started to cry. "H-He died saving me. It's m-my fault." "No, honey, no. He loved you. I could see it in his eyes. I know he did whatever he had to save you." I sobbed and my mom held me, trying to coax me down. My father frowned and said "it'll be ok, Emmaline." "It won't. He's gone. I needed him and he's gone." Alyssa came to visit me after a week. I couldn't bear to tell Wayne Munson that his nephew died saving my life. I couldn't face him. "How're you doing?" Alyssa asked me. I shook my head and said "horrible." Alyssa sat down next to me and said "Vecna had me in a trance. He stopped me from using my powers. I'm so sorry. I didn't even know he was gone until we got to the hospital and I woke up. I was so drained. I'm so sorry." I half smiled and said "it's not your fault. All of this started because of Vecna. It's his fault. Eddie told me that it would be me or him. He made sure it was him. He was in so much pain....i wish I could've helped him. It's my fault he's gone." "No, it's not. He died for you. He died to save you. Honestly, he shouldn't be dead right now." "They're blaming him! Everyone's saying this is all Eddie's fault. That dungeons and dragons did this! Do you know how stupid that sounds? They're saying my boyfriend is a murderer. I get looks in public. It's why I don't go out anymore." I looked down. Alyssa gave me a hug and said "they can't possibly think you're at fault. And don't not go out because of what people are saying." "I don't want to go back to school. I can't." "I don't think there'll be any more school for a while. Maybe they'll just pass us all." "Eddie and I were going to graduate together." I cried. Alyssa held me tighter and said "I know. I'm gonna grab you some stuff from the store. Do you need anything?" "I can't think of anything. Just bring me some stuff that you think will cheer me up." Alyssa nodded and then left. I rolled on my side, turning out my lamp. My parents and brother were worried about me. I knew they were. But my world was shattered. There was no fixing it. Every time I closed my eyes, I'd see those bats tearing into Eddie. I hadn't got a proper nights sleep since he died. If the whole world stopped it wouldn't be so bad. Because maybe I'd be with him.


"Hey." Robin's soft voice said. I blinked a few times and sat up. "What're you doing here?" I asked. Robin frowned and said "we're here to see you." "Who's we?" Steve sat down across from me and said "hey, Em." I hadn't seen or spoken to Steve in almost a month now. I never left the house, I never answered the phone. Wayne had made a headstone for Eddie. He held a small funeral and that had been the last time I was outside. I didn't talk to Steve then. I had drove myself and Dustin there. Once the service was over, I said some things to Wayne and then left. I still hadn't opened the box he gave me full of stuff that was Eddie's. It was stuff he thought I'd want. The box haunted me as I looked at it in my closet. "Still haven't opened it, huh?" Steve said. I shook my head and said "no." I gulped and looked down at my lap. "I'm sorry, Steve." "It's ok." He mumbled. A breathy sob left my lips and I said "no, it's not. If you hadn't of drug me out of there, I'd still be down there with him. I just...didn't want to leave him and it hurts to know that he's down there." Steve pulled me into a hug and said "I know. You were in a state of shock. We all were. Nobody was supposed to die." "I don't hate you. I could never hate you, Steve." Steve squeezed me and said "I'm glad." "Do you guys want anything? Some snacks or something to drink?" Mom asked. I pulled away from Steve, wiping my face. I looked at Robin and Steve. "Yeah, Mrs. Brooks that'd be nice." Robin said. My mom smiled at them both and left the room. Robin sat on my bed and said "so, we brought over some movies from family video. Ones we know you like." They mostly consisted of Disney movies but there were a couple of non Disney movies like Star Wars and such. "Can we watch Star Wars?" I asked softly. Steve nodded and said "yeah. Of course." The three of us got settled in my bed after Steve put in the VHS tape. My mom brought us some snacks a few minutes later. Robin made sure I was covered up with a blanket and she gave me a hug. "We're here for you, Em." She whispered. I nodded with a half smile. Halfway through I ended up leaning my head on Steve's shoulder, barely being able to hold myself up. Robin laid her head on my shoulder and Steve held me closer to him. "Thanks for being such a good friends. I know I'm not myself right now but..." "That's ok. You just lost your boyfriend. A horrible thing happened to you. No one is expecting you to jump up and be happy. You're allowed to mourn and be sad. After everything we've been through, I think we're all allowed to not be ok." Robin reassured me. I was relieved that Steve and Robin were accepting me in this state. Alyssa already had and Dustin and I were practically the same at the moment. Dustin had given me one of Eddie's rings while he kept the rest and Dustin gave Wayne Eddie's guitar pick necklace. I ended up falling asleep on Steve's shoulder, actually being able to fall asleep easily for the first time in weeks.


Reports of people being mauled by unknown creatures was a regular occurrence now. And nobody went into the woods anymore. Or around it. There was a large gate in the woods and in the heart of Hawkins. People didn't know what to do with everything going on. I learned through Lucas that Jason Carver died that night the gates opened up. And that Jason and his goons were there to kill Lucas. My ex boyfriend was there. I just prayed I didn't see him anytime soon. Because it wouldn't be good. People were missing and it was a terrifying time in Hawkins. I didn't want to leave my room ever again. Dustin was almost always at my house, talking to me about Eddie. It seemed like him and I were struggling to move on. And that was ok but at the same time, I felt broken; broken beyond repair. I just didn't know if I would ever be myself again. Everything reminded me of Eddie and I just wanted him back. What I would to to have him back. I wouldn't care if he was a rotting corpse. At least I'd have him back.

Here's the update! This was really sad to write and the way I wrote this at work is crazy

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