"Does SOS count?"

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Emmaline's POV:
The Wheeler house looked like something out of a horror movie as the vines of the Upside Down wrapped around it. "This is so creepy." Robin whispered. I nodded and said "I know." "I feel like we're in the middle of a horror movie right now." Eddie mumbled. Chrissy nodded in agreement. Nancy walked around her house, being extremely quiet. "Dustin?! Dustin, hello?!" Steve yelled. Chrissy jumped and my eyes widened. Dustin's faint voice echoed into the house. "Henderson?" Eddie asked as he took a step towards the kitchen. I immediately grabbed Eddie's hand and followed him. "Dustin?" I said softly. His voice sounded a little more clear. "Emmaline?" His voice said. I smiled and looked up at the chandelier in the kitchen. An orange glittery glow emitted around it. I reached up to touch it, giggling softly. Chrissy mimicked my actions. Her giggle was louder. Eddie looked between the two of us and stuck his hand inside. Robin and Nancy did the same. Alyssa used her powers and made the glow brighter, a humming sound entering the air. "It tickles." Steve stated. Eddie nodded in agreement and Robin said "it kinda feels nice." I seemed to be in my own little world as I twirled my fingers through the ball of light. "We need to get their attention." Nancy looked at us all. Dustin, Lucas and Erica's voices were heard as they talked in the kitchen. "Does anyone know Morse code?" Nancy said the group. I shook my head. Robin and Steve said "no." "I know a little bit. Not much." Rhett answered. Alyssa shook her head. We all seemed to pull our hands away from the light. Eddie sighed and said "does SOS count?" Nancy turned around to look at him. I looked up at my boyfriend who said it so nonchalantly. Eddie's eyes darted between me and Nancy. "Is that-is that good?" He stuttered. Nancy nodded and said "that's great, Eddie." Eddie stuck his hand back into the orange glow, trying to signal SOS to Dustin. I stared at his hand, watching his fingers move through the glow. I shivered at the coldness of the Upside Down. Chrissy held her cardigan closer to her body. Steve winced softly as he held his side. I looked over at him, Eddie's Dio vest hanging on him loosely. "Eddie?" Dustin called out. Eddie continued to signal SOS and Dustin's voice seemed to travel around the room. "Upstairs. Nancy's room." "Follow us." Lucas said. Eddie chuckled softly as their voices could be heard going up the stairs. He retracted his hand and I kissed his cheek. "Good job, Eds." Eddie blushed a bit and looked away from me. Another shiver ran through my body and Eddie shrugged off his leather jacket. I gasped softly as he put it on me. The jacket was huge on me. Eddie zipped it up and said "there." "Thank you." I whispered. Eddie kissed my lips sweetly and said "anything for you, sweetheart." We followed Nancy up the stairs. Steve groaned softly from behind me. "Steve, you ok?" I said. "Yeah. It just burns." He replied. Eddie looked over his shoulder and said "don't die on us now, Harrington." I nudged Eddie and Steve rolled his eyes. Eddie took my hand and his eyes darted around the room at every single sound. I gave him a reassuring squeeze as I held his hand. The same orange flow from the chandelier was floating above Nancy's bed. We all knelt down by the side of Nancy's bed. "Try to write a word out." Dustin's voice echoed. Nancy spelt the word 'Hi' in the glow. Cheers were heard from the other side. "Hi, guys!" Dustin said. Steve chuckled in disbelief and we were all happy in the moment. "Hi!" Eddie yelled into the glow. I laughed softly at his antics. The orange hue that seemed to cascade onto Eddie's face made Eddie look unbelievably beautiful. Eddie rocked back and forth as Nancy talked to Dustin. "Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm." Eddie nodded over enthusiastically. I broke my gaze from Eddie to actually listen to the conversation. We were going to go to Eddie's to go through the gate. So we could get back to Hawkins. "Eddie's trailer?" Chrissy said. Nancy nodded and said "yeah. I guess there's a gate there." "Yeah. I guess there would be. That's where Vecna took me from." I frowned and said "I'm so sorry he did that, Chris." She shook her head and said "I didn't want him to hurt you or Eddie." "We didn't want him to hurt you either." She half smiled at me and Steve said "you're safe now. We got you." "We don't have a car. How are we getting there? Are we going to walk?" Robin said. Nancy shook her head and said "bikes." "You're riding with me, sweetheart." Eddie smirked. I nodded at him and he turned to Steve to whisper something to him. The both of them were illuminated by the orange glittering glow. They were the prettiest boys I'd ever seen. Nancy told the group to follow her downstairs so we could get some bikes. "Come on, Cunningham you're with me." Steve said. Robin looked at Steve and said "what about me?" "Ride with Nancy." Robin rolled her eyes and Chrissy smiled up at Steve as he led her to one of the bikes. Rhett kissed Alyssa's head as he helped her get onto the bike. "Sweetheart." Eddie said. I looked over at him and he gestured for me to come over. I walked over to him and he said "will you do me the honor of riding my noble steed? It is the only way I can get you safe Princess Elionwy." I blushed and nodded. "Of course, Sir Taran. I must get back to my castle. My kingdom needs me." Eddie smirked and placed a sweet kiss to my lips. I climbed on the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist. I leaned my head on Eddie's back and Eddie said "hang on back there, ok?" "I will." "Lead the way, Munson." Steve said. I looked at Steve and Chrissy. Chrissy clung to Steve and he even had a protective arm around her, holding her close to him. Eddie started peddling and I tightened my grip on him. "You got me, sweetheart?" "I got you, Eds." Eddie's hand squeezed mine as we drove. Red flashes and white lightning lit up the sky as we made our way to Eddie's trailer. I was so tired. I just wanted to sleep but I knew we still had to get out of the Upside Down. Once we reached Eddie's trailer, we all made our way inside. "What the hell is that?" Eddie mumbled. Chrissy gasped softly at the red glowing gate that illuminated the room. A humming sound seemed to come from the gate. "Is that where you...." Steve said. Chrissy nodded and said "yes." "It was literally the scariest thing I've ever seen." Eddie said. I reached for Eddie's arm out of fear as I started to get scared. Chrissy seemed to do the same to Steve. The gate then seemed to open. A squelching sound entered the air, slime falling onto the ground. Steve and Eddie slowly approached the gate. Dustin, Erica, Max, Lucas, Milo, and Willard stood on the other side. Upside down. Steve chuckled in disbelief. Eddie waved up at Dustin who waved back like an idiot. "Hey, guys." Max said. I smiled at Max and Milo said "Jesus Christ, you guys are in another dimension. Why don't you guys come back to this one?" I laughed softly and said "will do." "Bada bada boom!" Dustin yelled excitedly. Robin laughed and the group above us threw a rope down to us. "We'll get you guys something to land on." Lucas said. The group rummaged around for something that could cushion our fall. "Ready to go back to the real world?" Eddie asked me. I nodded and said "yeah." Eddie pressed a kiss to my lips. He went to pull away and I grabbed him by his guitar pick necklace. I pulled him down to my lips, kissing him passionately. Robin gagged and said "disgusting." "Fuck off, Robin." Eddie mumbled against my lips. We then all looked up to see Eddie's mattress would be our landing. Eddie cleared his throat nervously and said "I don't-I dont know what those stains are." Robin grimaced and I said "nice, Eddie." Everyone in the room looked at the rope. Steve took a step back and Eddie said "I'll go first." I rolled my eyes and Eddie climbed up the rope. He landed on his mattress underneath him. "Whoa. That was fun. Shit!" Dustin pulled him off the mattress and Eddie was now looking up at me. "Come on, sweetheart." I looked at the group and Steve gestured to the rope. "Chrissy, you go after her." He said. "Chrissy?!" Dustin said. Chrissy waved up the group above us. I started to climb up the rope, falling onto Eddie's mattress. I giggled and said "wow. That's so cool." Eddie pulled me up and kissed my cheek. "Good?" I nodded and Chrissy came through, landing on the mattress. Eddie and I pulled her up. "Thank you." She said. Max smiled at Chrissy and said "I'm glad you're ok." "Yeah. We all are." Dustin added. Robin, Alyssa, and Rhett came through the portal. Steve and Nancy were the last ones to come through. Nancy came through, somehow landing gracefully on the mattress. Steve struggled to climb through with his injury. I was then transported somewhere. "Sweetheart....join me." My boyfriend was dead, rotting in front of me. I shook my head and said "no." "Why won't you join me? We can be together forever? We can serve him." My eyes widened as I realized he was talking about Vecna. "Emmaline, let me show you what I'm going to do to your precious Hawkins."

Here's the update!! This should've been up weeks ago but life continues to get in my way.

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