Eddie the Banished

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Emmaline's POV:
The group had decided we were going to go Lover's Lake. That's where Patrick had been murdered. "Shit! Eddie's van is out front!" Dustin said. I looked at the driveway and said "we can put it in the backyard." "Your parents won't freak out?" Eddie said. I shrugged and said "I don't care. We have to protect you. I will not let you take the fall for a murder you didn't commit." Eddie nodded and Willard said "I'll open the gate. Luckily a lot of people aren't up yet. It's still early in the morning. I'll move it. Eddie, give me your keys." Eddie pulled his keys out of his jacket pocket, handing Willard the keys and he went outside to move his van. "Ok. Now what? Eddie can't be seen. He's a suspect." Steve said. Eddie looked down at his feet and I rubbed his back reassuringly. "They're probably hounding my uncle. They're telling him I did these things." I cupped Eddie's cheek and said "he wouldn't believe them for a second. Anyone who knows you, knows that you wouldn't do this. Jason Carver and his goons probably made up a lie. They couldn't explain what they saw. Vecna probably killed Patrick in front of them. They had no logical explanation so they blamed it on you. There's no proof of it, Eddie. We can all say you were here with us. Because you were. I mean your van hasn't even left my house in days." Eddie hugged me and swayed us back and forth. "I love you. Thank you for being you, baby." I looked up at him. Eddie kissed my forehead, then my cheek before placing a sweet kiss on my lips. Eddie's eyes went to the tv and he said "that's Reefer Rick's. What were they doing there?" "Jason and Peter were trying to figure out places where you could be hiding. I can't believe they didn't try here." Lucas said. "They did. I told them Eddie wasn't here. I told them he left his van here but that Emmaline hadn't seen him." Willard said. I gulped and said "they came here?" "Oh yeah. I got them off the scent though. Peter was a little adamant about wanting to come inside but he's always been scared of me. All I had to do was take a step outside and he almost fell into the bushes out there. Jason backed down pretty quick too." Willard said. Nancy took a breath and said "so, let's all get some food into our stomachs and then we'll head over there. We'll take my car for sure. And Alyssa's car." "What about my car?" Steve said. Nancy looked at Steve and said "your car is more noticeable." "Than your station wagon packed full?" Robin looked between Steve and Nancy. "Well, if I'm being honest, none of us have ever been seen with Eddie outside of school. And in school. Emmaline and the kids have a direct link to him but we don't. So people would never suspect we'd be with Eddie." Eddie nodded in agreement at Robin and said "yeah. For sure. It'd be pretty abnormal that I was hanging out with King Steve." Steve looked over at Eddie and frowned. "And Wheeler could never be seen with a freak like me, right? Robin's in band so it would've be too far fetched for us to be seen cause we're both in nerdy groups at school." Eddie's face morphed into annoyance, a slight anger in his eyes. Robin shook her head and said "Eddie, I didn't mean it like that." Eddie shrugged and Dustin said "Eddie. It doesn't matter what people think or if you're friends with Nancy or Steve. We're all here trying to help you. Especially me. And her." Dustin pointed at me. Eddie's face softened and I half smiled up at him. I kissed his cheek and Steve said "we'll just take Nancy and Alyssa's car." "Mine is also an option if you want." Willard offered. I looked at him and said "no. It's fine." "Emmaline, I already know if something happens to Eddie it'll be over. So, as your brother, I can drive yall or you guys can just take the car." "No. You stay here. In case Jason and them come back looking for Eddie. You'll throw them off the track." I said. Willard nodded and we all quickly got something to eat. The majority of us piled into Nancy's car. Eddie grumbled softly as I was sat in between him and Steve. Dustin reached for a handful of chips that Steve had been eating. Eddie grabbed a bag of Oreos Dustin had and started shoveling them into his mouth. I took a cookie and looked out the window. "We need to find a place to wait until it gets dark." Nancy said as she drove. Steve nodded and said "Skull Rock." His mouth was full of chips. "Can you not talk with your mouth full?" Eddie retorted. I wiped some crumbs off Eddie's face and Steve said "I'm just saying. Skull Rock." "The makeout spot?" Milo asked. Steve nodded. "Have you ever been to Skull Rock?" Dustin said to me. I shook my head and said "no." "You didn't take Emmaline to Skull Rock?" Eddie shoved another Oreo into his mouth and said "no. Skull Rock is for sluts." Steve choked on a chip and Nancy scoffed from up at the front seat. Robin bit her lip to keep from laughing. "So, you've never taken a girl to Skull Rock?" Dustin said. Eddie looked at Dustin and said "yeah, of course. But they were sluts." Steve caught his breath and said "it's not for sluts." "Have you taken any girl of any standards there?" Eddie quipped. Steve shook his head and Eddie said "exactly. Em's too good for Skull Rock. I'd never take her there. When I can just makeout with her at my trailer." Steve seemed to nod in agreement and said "yeah. I wouldn't take any girl who had standards there or who I was in love with." Eddie nodded and gestured to nothing as he used his hands to talk. "See? You get it." Dustin looked between Steve and Eddie, smiling at the fact they were getting along. Eddie pulled me into his lap and a surprised noise left my lips. "I'd never take you to a makeout spot that Steve Harrington made popular." Eddie said to me. I shook my head at him and Steve said "oh, so you remember me making it popular?" "Of course we do, Steve." I took an Oreo out of Eddie's hand and popped it into my mouth. "Baby." He whined. I rolled my eyes and Nancy parked the car. Everyone slowly got out of the car, Dustin crawling over Eddie's legs so he could stand next to Steve. Steve held out his hand for me. I grabbed it and he pulled me out of Eddie's lap. Eddie rolled his eyes slightly at Steve. Eddie then got out of the car, standing next to me. Milo carried the bag of Oreos, still eating them as we went to make our way into the woods. Dustin had his compass and him and Steve bickered about the correct way. Eddie grabbed my hand as we walked. I looked up at him, taking in how pretty he was. His plump lips, his sparkling brown eyes shining in the sun. "See something you like, sweetheart?" I blushed and looked away. "Just admiring you." "You mean, you're staring." Eddie teased. I pushed him playfully and Eddie kissed my cheek. I wrapped my arms around him as the two of us walked. "Steve, I know where we're going!" Dustin said. Steve shook his head and said "you don't actually!" "Steve, let him lead the way." I said. Steve looked over his shoulder and I slowly let go of Eddie. "Babe.." Eddie groaned as I left him. Dustin started leading the way and Steve said "Henderson, you're going the wrong way!" "Don't be so mean. Let him lead. And when he goes off course you can correct him." I told Steve. Steve rolled his eyes and said "he's going the wrong way now." I chuckled softly and Steve said "I never would've pegged you to be Eddie Munson's girlfriend." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why is that? Is it a bad thing?" Steve looked at me and immediately shook his head. "No. No. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant, I didn't think he'd be your type." "What's my type?" I said. Steve shrugged and said "I don't know." "You?" I quipped. Steve looked away from me and said "not me exactly but a guy like me?" "Preppy rich boy?" Steve narrowed his eyes at me and didn't answer as he continued to walk. I laughed and he did the same.

Alyssa's POV:
The sound of Steve and Emmaline's laughter made Eddie grumble from next to me. "Are you jealous?" I said. Eddie looked at me and scoffed. "No." "Are you sure?" "I just don't like Harrington." Emmaline talked to Steve about Dustin and I said "you don't need to worry about Steve. I think he actually wants to be your friend." Eddie looked at Steve and shook his head. "No, I'm too much of a freak." Eddie put his hands in his pockets as we walked. "I don't think he cares about that. He's here helping you. He was freaked out when Vecna had you under his spell." Eddie's breath hitched and he looked down at his shoes. "How are you doing? With the spell?" Eddie shrugged and said "fine. It's like a bad dream. It's rolling off my back as we speak." Eddie chuckled and I said "are you sure? I know how he can be. His words can hurt and he can be very threatening. Henry can be...horrible." Eddie looked at me and said "I'm good, Wesley." "Just checking, Munson." "God, I know the way! Come on!" Steve said as he started to lead the way. Dustin ran after him and Emmaline dodged the branches they pushed past. "Babe." Eddie said. Emmaline continued to walk and Eddie left my side. Emmaline tried to step over a log and Eddie said "babe. No, no, no." Emmaline looked at him as he spoke quickly. "What?" She furrowed her eyebrows. Eddie climbed over it and then held his hand out for Emmaline. She grabbed his hand as he helped her over it. Emmaline curtsied and said "thank you, Taran." He smirked and said "you're very welcome, Elionwy." She kissed his cheek and rushed off after Dustin. Eddie held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and Rhett said "I could've done that." "But, you didn't." Eddie replied with a wink. I thanked Eddie as he helped me over. I watched him do the same for Nancy and Robin. Max tried to refuse him but he helped her anyway. "Ha! I found it!" Steve's voice said in the distance. Rhett took my hand and we followed the group to Skull Rock. "Now what?" Max said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Dustin was fiddling with his compass and Eddie grabbed Emmaline. She gasped and said "Eddie!" "Emmaline!" He whined in response. She pushed him off of her which made him wrap his arms around her. I watched the two of them look at each other. My best friend looked up at him with admiration and a sweetness that I'd never seen before. Eddie had pure love in his eyes as he kissed Emmaline's lips. "So, we're just going to wait until dark?" Robin said. Nancy nodded with a shrug and Dustin said "boom!" Emmaline and Nancy jumped. Steve looked at Dustin with annoyance. "I figured it out. There has to be a gate nearby. The electromagnetic field is off! So, Patrick had to have been killed right around here. We just have to find the gate." Eddie quirked an eyebrow and Lucas said "that makes so much sense. Your compass is going crazy." Dustin nodded and said "so, should we make our way?" Nancy seemed to like the idea. Everyone agreed. "What say you, Eddie the Banished?" Dustin asked. "That sounds like you're asking me to follow you into Mordor. Which I gotta say doesn't sound like a good idea." Eddie said. Steve nodded in agreement. Emmaline furrowed her eyebrows at Eddie. "Lord of the Rings, babe." She nodded and leaned her head on Eddie's shoulder. "But, the Shire...the Shire is burning." Steve looked at Eddie in confusion. Dustin jumped up and down with excitement and Steve watched as everyone started to follow Dustin. "What the hell is Mordor?" Steve said. Eddie grabbed Emmaline's hand and pulled her behind him as everyone followed Dustin.

This chapter is eh, not too eventful but next chapter and the chapter after will be fun!! There'll be alot going on!!

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