Elionwy's Castle

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Emmaline's POV:
"Baby." Eddie's hands cupped my cheeks. His eyes were wide and full of worry. I looked around and said "what's wrong?" "You were gone. He took you again." I gasped and Alyssa said "I saw it too." "Saw what?" Milo asked. Alyssa shook her head and said "tomorrow. Let's go over it tomorrow. Let's just get out of here. Before something crawls out of that gate." Everyone seemed to look up at the squelching gate. Between Milo and Willard's car there was enough room for us everyone to get back to mine. Once we got there, Willard took Nancy and Alyssa to get their cars. My house was packed full of teenagers. "Steve, if you want to take a shower, you're more than welcome to. I'm sure I have some clothes that you could wear." I offered. Eddie nodded and said "yeah and I want my vest back." Steve rolled his eyes and Eddie's hands were caked in the dirt that covered the upside down. His hair was slightly frizzy and he looked like he had just rolled around outside. "You shower first." Steve said. I nodded, giving him a half smile. Robin looked at the group and said "pizza again?" "Yes, I'm starving." Dustin replied. Max shook her head and Lucas said "when are you not hungry, Dustin?" I went upstairs to my bathroom, discarding my clothes as I stepped into the shower. The hot water felt amazing on my skin as I washed off the muck of the upside down. "God, you're gorgeous." Eddie's voice said. I jumped and said "Eddie!" I turned around to see him peeking into the shower. He chuckled and I huffed as he stepped in the shower behind me. "Get out." I told him. Eddie pouted and said "me? Your boyfriend?" "You scared me." Eddie kissed my forehead and said "I'm sorry, sweetheart." His arms slowly went around my waist, closing the gap between us. "I'm cold." I whined. Eddie's hand left my lower back to touch the shower water. "Jesus Christ, why is it so hot? Are you bathing in literal fire?" I pushed Eddie off of me and said "yes, I am. I actually want to shower." I grabbed my body wash and started to wash my body. Eddie's eyes seemed to follow my hands as they ran across my chest and stomach. I grabbed Eddie's hands that were covered in dirt. I ran them under the shower before putting a glob of body wash in his hands. "Wash." Eddie washed his hands and face. I then handed him my shampoo and said "and your hair." He rolled his eyes and I giggled to myself as his hair looked like a mop on his head. "What?" He said. I shook my head and said "nothing. You just look like a mop." Eddie scoffed and said "ha ha." He went under the shower head, taking me with him. The shampoo ran down his body, he hummed at the feeling of the hot water on his skin. I ran my hands over his chest, going to kiss his neck. Eddie's hands immediately went to my hips, pulling me closer to him. I squealed at the slight force and Eddie kissed my lips passionately. I smiled into the kiss and I went back to Eddie's neck. Eddie's eyes fluttered closed as I proceeded to suck a hickey onto his neck. Eddie sighed and I felt his hard cock poking my stomach. I reached in between us, putting him in between my legs. I slowly moved against him, soft groans leaving Eddie. He grabbed my hips, starting to guide me back and forth. "Eds." I said into his neck. Eddie squeezed my hips and said "you don't have to do this, baby." "I need you, Eddie. I need this." I quickly replied. Eddie's hips started to stutter, his pace starting to die down. I kissed Eddie's lips, our lips moving in sync. I moaned into the kiss as my orgasm went through my body. Eddie's grip on my hip tightened and he pulled away for air. His head fell onto my shoulder, whimpers leaving his lips. "Oh, Eddie." I egged him on. I felt Eddie jolt and bite down on my shoulder, groaning as his release wracked his body. I ran my hand up and down his back, trying to coax him down. I winced at Eddie's teeth on my shoulder. He pulled away to look at me, smirking as his eyes went downwards. I looked down and looked at his cum that coated my thighs. "Feel better?" I said. Eddie sighed and said "loads." I looked back up at him, shaking my head. "Ok, now that you've had your fun-" "You had some fun too. I distinctly remember you begging for it." I narrowed my eyes at him as he interrupted me. "Can we finish showering? Steve is waiting to shower." Eddie nodded, pushing me under the shower head. Once we finished, the two of us got dressed. I threw Eddie's hellfire shirt back at him and pulled on one of his Metallica shirts to sleep in. One I had cropped. Eddie's eyes widened. "What the hell did you do to my shirt?" He immediately approached me, his fingers running along the cut fabric. "Baby, what'd you do?" "I wanted a crop top." I replied. Eddie groaned and said "sweetheart, this was my shirt." "I know. It looks so much better on you. Oh my god, Eddie. You have to wear a crop top! Please!" Eddie shook his head and said "nope. No. No. No." "Eddie, please? Please? Please? Please?" My boyfriend continued to shake his head. "Uh-uh. No. No. No. No. Double nope." I pouted and sighed. "You're so mean, Taran." I turned away from him and Eddie grabbed me, pulling me back to where he stood. "I'll wear a crop top. Only for you, Elionwy." I looked at the ground, my socks becoming super interesting. "Elionwy." Eddie cupped my cheek, making me look up at him. "I'll do anything for you. You know that?" I nodded. "I love you. I love you so much." I whispered. "I love you too, Em." Eddie kissed my forehead and then leaned down to kiss my lips. I kissed him passionately, my hands gripping his hellfire shirt. "Mmm." Eddie moaned against my lips. I pulled away, Eddie chasing after the kiss. His hands then went to the crop top on my body. He pulled it over my head and his eyes went to my naked chest. "Eds." I covered my chest and he was quick to pull my arms away. "God, you're gorgeous." He kissed the top of both my breasts. He then pulled his hellfire shirt off and handed it to me. Eddie put the crop top on his body. I gasped and said "oh wow." "Like what you see, princess?" I nodded and Eddie went back to kiss my breasts again. Eddie went to take my left breast in his mouth. I hit him on the head while giggling. "Ow!" He pulled off with a pop and I said "quit. We need to go downstairs." I threw his hellfire shirt over my head, adorning it with a pair of shorts. "God, you're so hot." He pulled me close to him, closing the gap between us. Eddie's hands slid down to rest on my ass. "Behave." I warned. Eddie shrugged and said "I'm behaving. I just want a kiss." I cupped his cheek and kissed his lips passionately. Eddie smiled into the kiss and I pulled away. "Come on. I'm hungry." The two of us went downstairs, Steve going to take a shower. Alyssa and Rhett were sitting on the couch, Willard was trying to serve all the kids pizza. With the help of Aimee. I offered Chrissy some fresh clothes and she could shower after Steve. My best friend motioned for me to follow her in the kitchen. I gave Eddie's hand a squeeze and said "I'll be right back." Eddie sighed over dramatically and I approached Alyssa. "You saw the end of Hawkins right?" I nodded and said "yeah. And I'm scared." I looked at Eddie and Alyssa did the same. Willard handed Eddie a plate with a piece of pizza on it. "Everything will be ok. Don't worry." Alyssa said. I looked back at her and said "you didn't see anything different, did you? You didn't sense anything wrong? I know your powers can help you see things sometimes." Alyssa shook her head. "No. And it's never clear. If I do see some stuff. I've had some weird feelings but Emmaline, anything I see is never clear. And it could be something that won't even happen. We could also interpret it differently than how it's supposed to happen." I sighed softly and said "yeah. It's no use stressing over something that could mean something totally different. We'll beat him and everything will be ok, right?" Alyssa gave me a hug and said "yes. Of course." Steve came out of the bathroom in some of Willard's older clothes. Chrissy looked up at him and he said "might wanna wait a few more minutes. I don't want you to not have hot water. Plus you should eat first." Chrissy half smiled at Steve and then went to grab a plate of pizza. I left Alyssa and walked over to Eddie. A boyish smile was on his face. "I got you some pizza, babe." I kissed his cheek and said "thank you. You're so sweet." I sat down on the couch next to him, munching on my piece of pizza. I laughed at Robin's expression as she told a story about a very annoying customer at Family Video. Steve groaned and said "god, I remember this asshole." Max sat up a little as Robin recounted the memory. Eddie went to get himself another piece of pizza and I stopped him. "Could you get me one too?" Eddie smirked and said "of course, sweetheart." He took my plate and went into the kitchen. I wanted nothing more than to get rid of Vecna and win. My eyes went to Eddie in the kitchen. He took a bite out of his piece before slapping it onto his plate. He then grabbed me one and giddily hurried back to the couch. "Your pizza, milady." He said in a very good English accent. I giggled and mimicked the accent. "Thank you, good sir." He sat down next to me, his arm draping over my shoulder. Eddie ate his pizza with one hand as he had a full conversation with Dustin. My eyes fluttered closed as I was halfway through my second piece. I hadn't eaten much since we'd been in the Upside Down and everything seemed calm. Once I was finished I leaned my head on Eddie's shoulder. "Eddie, loving the crop top." Robin said. Eddie smirked and said "thank her." He pointed at me and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Give us a twirl." Robin said as she spun in place. Steve nodded and said "yeah, how about it, Munson?" I got off of Eddie and said "please?" "I'm doing one spin and we're going to act like this never happened. You guys will never catch me in a crop top again." Eddie said as he stood up. Dustin and Lucas sniggered. Max snorted and tried to hide her laughter. Eddie spun around so everyone could see how great the crop top looked on him. I clapped and he shook his head at me. Robin and Steve cheered and Dustin said "gotta say, this might be your new look." "Shut it, Henderson." Eddie said through gritted teeth. "For a metalhead it does suit you." Willard said as he leaned against the kitchen counter. Aimee nodded in agreement. "I like it." Chrissy said in a small voice. Her blonde hair was slightly wet from having a shower and her cheeks tinted pink. Steve looked her up and down, seeming to be completely gobsmacked. "Thanks, Chrissy." Eddie said. She nodded and said "it's so cool. That was a great idea, Em." I smiled and Chrissy's blush seemed to deepen as she notice Steve and Eddie's eyes on her. Eddie had a small smirk appear on his face but was quick to disguise it with annoyance. "Tomorrow, you and Alyssa need to tell us what you saw. Whatever Vecna showed you." Nancy said. Robin frowned as she looked at Nancy. "Way to kill the mood, Wheeler." Eddie scoffed. Nancy rolled her eyes and said "I didn't mean to. I was simply reminding them." Eddie ran his hands over his face with a sigh. "I'm going to bed." I reached for his wrist and he was quick to shrug me off as he trudged up the stairs. I sighed softly and Nancy said "Emmaline, I didn't mean to..." "It's fine. He's stressed. He's worried about what I saw. Everyone is. Alyssa saw it too. Eddie and I have both been targeted by Vecna. Him or I could be next. It seems he's left Max alone for now. And for her sake I hope he does. My boyfriend is terrified of what's going to happen next and I am too. I'm trying to keep him as calm as I can. If I can help him forget about the bad, just for a little, I think it'll help him." "We totally understand that, Em. But, we have to come up with a plan to stop him. Tomorrow you guys tell us what you saw." Steve said. I nodded with a half smile. I took Eddie and I's dirty dishes and put them in the sink. "Does everyone have a pillow or blanket? If not I can get something for you. And someone could take the guest room again as well. Or even my parent's room." Everyone seemed to have everything they needed and I went up the stairs towards my bedroom. When I walked in it was mostly dark. I sighed deeply and walked over to the open side of my bed. "Eddie?" I whispered. The boy didn't move and I laid down and faced away from him.


I woke up with a jolt. Vecna showing me the end of the world plagued my mind. Small tears filled my eyes and I cried softly as I remembered the threats he made. A decaying Eddie entered my mind, his evil laugh echoing in my ears. A soft sob left my lips and I was quick to cover my mouth. The bed shifted behind me and I immediately stopped. "Em, what's wrong?" I swallowed another sob and said "I'm fine." I just hoped my voice didn't waver or sound like I'd been crying. "Em, I know when you're not ok." "Eddie, I'm fine." I was then grabbed by my boyfriend. He made me look at him and his face fell as he saw I'd been crying. "Emmaline, what's wrong?" I sniffled and said "what I saw. Vecna showed me..." Eddie cupped my cheeks and said "baby?" "Vecna showed me the end of Hawkins. It will fall. We all die, Eddie. All of us." Eddie's eyes widened and he shook his head. "No. No. You're not gonna die. I promise." "Eddie, I don't want you to die. I don't want to die." I cried. Eddie hugged me and I clung to him. Eddie shushed me and said "I'm not gonna die, Em. We're going to beat Vecna. He's not going to know what hit him." I cried for a few minutes as Eddie rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. As my sobs turned to sniffles I looked up at Eddie. "Promise me." Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "Promise me you won't die." Eddie kissed my forehead and said "I promise, Emmaline." I hugged him again and Eddie said "I'm gonna grab some tissues for you, ok?" "I didn't mean to get your shirt wet." I said. My boyfriend shook his head. "You're ok, Em. You're fine. Doesn't bother me." Eddie went into my bathroom and grabbed some tissue. I turned away from him as I blew my nose and wiped my face. The two of us then laid down and Eddie held me close to him. "I love you, Em." "I love you too, Eddie." I kissed his lips passionately. "You do know Vecna can't get in your castle, right? I'm here. I'll smite him where he stands. Your castle is heavily protected, Elionwy." I smiled and said "it is?" "That it is, princess." "Taran, I thank you for your courage and your dedication to protecting me. It makes me love you even more. And I do love you so so much." Eddie smiled really big and pulled me closer to him. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and didn't want to let him go. Eddie seemed to drift into sleep before me. His breathing started to get deeper and his body was relaxed. Soft moans left his lips as he shifted in his sleep. His heartbeat was incredibly soothing and was helping me fall asleep as well. And I knew in this moment that nothing could hurt me as long as Eddie was around.

Okkkk so this was supposed to be up a while ago but I've been busy!! I will be writing a quiet place fic when the movie drops! I hope yall are ready for that and will read it!

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