Once Upon A Dream

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Emmaline's POV:
I woke up alone in my bed. I quickly sat up and looked around my room. Nothing. Complete silence. Tears filled my eyes as I quickly realized that last night was a dream. Eddie was indeed still down there. And he was dead. I put my head in my hands as I started to cry. My toilet flushing in my bathroom made me stop. I froze and slowly looked up. Eddie yawned and stretched, his T-shirt rising up and his happy trail becoming exposed. "Sweetheart, why're you crying? Are you ok?" I didn't answer as I stared at him in shock. Eddie pulled me into a hug and said "hey, it's ok." I grabbed onto him and my hands ran all over. I squeezed him and Eddie said "ow, babe." "You're really here." "Yeah, I told you last night." "That was real?" I pulled away. Eddie nodded and said "yeah. You cleaned me up remember? I scared you. Well, I guess I'd scare anyone cause I looked like night of the living dead." "But, you were gone. You weren't in bed with me." Eddie smiled and said "awe, baby. I had to pee. I'm sorry." He laughed and I crossed my arms over my chest. "S'not funny." I retorted. Eddie continued to laugh and said "it's a little funny. You're adorable." Eddie pulled me into a hug again and I couldn't resist hugging him back. "What time is it?" I said. Eddie picked up my clock and said "it's uh almost 5 in the morning." I looked at my window and saw it was still dark outside. "Yeah. Makes sense." I mumbled. Eddie leaned his head on mine while keeping his arms around me. It was silent for a minute or two, the both of us holding one another. The red string lights above my bed gave off the perfect amount of light. I slowly pulled away from him and examined him for any wounds. Eddie quirked an eyebrow and he looked completely unscathed. "They're gone." I whispered. Eddie nodded and said "yeah, I woke up and they were gone. It's weird." I was trying to understand how and why my boyfriend was sitting in front of me right now. I mourned him for six months. He was gone. I left him in the Upside Down. "Whatcha thinking about?" Eddie asked. "Everything. You were gone. I had accepted that. And now you're here in front of me. It's surreal. I love you so much, Eddie. This moment is real and my brain can't process it. How do we know you're not under a spell? Vecna is just toying with me. How could you possibly love someone like me?" Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and said "I'm not under a spell. What do you mean someone like you?" "I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, Eddie." "To me you are." "Not with these scars I'm not." Eddie's eyes went to my arms and legs. The eczema scars on my body were something that was never brought up. "You know I don't care about that." Eddie said. I sighed and said "they're gross. I'm gross." Eddie shook his head and said "you're the most gorgeous woman on this planet. I can't imagine being with someone else. I love you so much, Emmaline. I could've went anywhere when I crawled out of that hellhole. I came here because I needed you. All I could feel was you. I sensed you. I walked so far to get here and I was exhausted but kept going. When I saw you in your kitchen, everything seemed right. I was here with you. Em, I need you. I love you." A shaky breath left my lips. I honestly should've thought more about Eddie's words but couldn't once his lips were on mine. I cupped his cheek, Eddie deepening the kiss. He moaned softly and his hand reached up to my cheek before falling into his lap as I sucked on his bottom lip. A breathy laugh came from Eddie and I pulled away from him. Eddie grabbed me and put me in his lap. I brushed his hair out of his face. Eddie looked up at me and I said "I haven't been myself in a long time. But I kind of feel like myself now that you're here." Eddie's brown eyes bore into mine and he said "that's ok. I was gone. However you mourned is ok. You're not wrong for that." "I wasn't myself, Eddie. I don't even know if I ever will be. I feel a little bit like myself but you might not like who you came back to. I'm not me." Eddie cupped my cheeks with both his hands. "Emmaline, sweetheart, I don't care about that. If you're not feeling like yourself I'm not going to hate you for it. There's some things I haven't told you. About when I came out of the Upside Down. There's one particular thing that might make you scared of me." "What is it?" I asked. Eddie shook his head and said "I don't know if I'm ready to tell you yet. But I will. I promise." I nodded and Eddie kissed my forehead. "Let me show you how much I love you." Eddie's lips were on mine again. His hands went to my waist as one of mine went to his cheek and the other pulled him closer to me by his shirt collar. Eddie moaned against my lips, deepening the kiss between us. He pulled away and moved to my neck. He kissed up and down, his teeth grazing my neck every couple of kisses. I exhaled as I was enjoying the feeling of Eddie's lips on me. Eddie kissed my sweet spot on my neck. I immediately wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. Eddie attempted to suck a hickey onto my neck. He wasn't really using his teeth and it was weird cause he always had. Eddie pulled his face out of my neck and I said "what's wrong?" "Nothing. I just wanna be inside you. Fuck, I need you so bad, baby." Eddie replied with a smirk. The two of us took our clothes off, throwing the items of clothing in every direction. I giggled as Eddie laid me down. He did the same as he smiled really big. "Can I be on top?" I said. Eddie quirked an eyebrow and said "hell yeah." Eddie laid on his back and I slowly straddled his lap, sitting on his thighs. I took in Eddie's body. His pale skin seemed to shine under the red string lights. His tattoos looked so much cooler than before. I took in every inch of him. I ran my hand down his chest, his abs, wanting to feel him. Eddie's hand went to his cock as he jerked himself. He exhaled as he stared at my chest, his hand starting to move quicker. I stopped him and said "ready?" "So fucking ready." I grabbed his cock, lining myself up with it. As I went to sit down Eddie said "are you ready?" "Yeah." I slowly sunk down and he felt amazing inside me. I gasped and Eddie's hips bucked up into mine. Eddie's hands went to my hips and I started to move. Eddie's eyes fluttered closed and I had a slow pace going. I wanted the pleasure to build up for both of us. Every once in a while Eddie's hips would thrust up to meet mine. I put my hands on his chest for support as I picked up the pace. "Oh fuck." Eddie groaned. Nothing mattered except for Eddie. All I could focus on was him. Pants started to leave his lips and his face kept scrunching up in pleasure. "You feel so good, Eddie. Fuck, you feel so good." Eddie nodded and said "yeah?" My clit brushed up against the patch of hair Eddie had on his pubic bone, bringing more pleasure to me. A soft creaking came from my bed which only spurred me to go faster. Eddie then stopped me. I went to scold him and he said "my turn, princess." He flipped us over and started thrusting into me as if his life depended on it. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Oh, wow." I said into his ear. Eddie kissed my shoulder, my neck, my cheek. He then moved to kiss my lips. "You close?" He said against my lips. I pulled away and nodded. My headboard knocked against the wall and I swore my mattress was going to snap from his hard Eddie was going. The only sound I could produce where the uh, uh, uh's escaping my lips. I inhaled sharply and said "I'm gonna cum, Eddie." Eddie's hand went down to my clit, rubbing harshly. "Cum for me, sweetheart. I wanna see how pretty you are." My eyes fluttered closed and Eddie said "look at me, Em. I wanna see you." I looked at him as I was pushed over the edge. I gasped and moved my hips furiously against Eddie's. He chuckled as I chanted his name. "Eddie. Eddie. Oh, Eddie. Oh my god, Eddie." My hips slowly stopped and Eddie collapsed on top of me, his thrusts becoming erratic. I was still coming down from my orgasm but Eddie hadn't reached his yet. His face was buried into the crook of my neck, his moans being muffled by my pillow. His hair that was damp with sweat tickled my face as he hung onto me for dear life. The overstimulation I was feeling was starting to hurt but felt good at the same time. It seemed as if he was pressing me into the mattress. "Ohhh, fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna cum. I'm right there. Fuck! Em.." Eddie whined. I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding him in place. Eddie gasped at the new angle as did I. Everything going on in my room was so loud. I was sure Alyssa and Rhett could hear everything. From Eddie's balls slapping against me to the whimpers and moans leaving both our lips. My headboard started to knock against the wall loudly. A loud grunt came from Eddie as he came. I gasped as I slid up the mattress from how hard Eddie had thrusted. That final thrust had done it. Eddie's body shook on top of mine as he came. "Emmaline. Oh, Em. I love you. I love you, Em. Emmaline, oh my god. Fuck, you feel so good. Oh, Em." I could feel his cum shooting inside me. I sighed in relief and Eddie's slowly rutted his hips into me. His orgasm seemed to last longer than normal. When Eddie's hips slowed and pants left his lips I knew he was finished. I stroked his head as he desperately tried to catch his breath. My legs fell from his waist and Eddie held me in place. The soft groans leaving Eddie's lips were a sound I'd never forget. I lazily rubbed Eddie's back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder and then his head. Eddie's arms shook as he propped himself up to look at me. I brushed his hair out of his face. I watched his cheeks turn pink and I leaned up to kiss his lips. My boyfriend looked unbelievably ethereal. "I think that was the best one yet." I said with a laugh. Eddie smirked and said "yeah, I think so too." I covered my face while giggling. Eddie's giggle filled my ears and I peeked through my fingers to look at him. "I love you." I whispered. Eddie kissed my lips sweetly and said "I love you too, sweetheart." Eddie slowly pulled out, a small wince leaving his lips. I shifted my body in discomfort and tried to move away from him. "Sorry." He said. I shook my head and said "s'fine." Eddie stood up and went towards my bathroom. I closed my eyes as I was starting to relax, the cool September air creeping in through my window. I jumped as I felt Eddie's hand on my thigh. "Sorry." He said. I looked at him and said "you scared me." He half smiled and said "sorry, babe." He had a wet rag in his hand and started to clean me up. He touched me as if I was a piece of glass. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, his eyes darting to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what's wrong?" He shook his head and said "nothing. I'm fine. Kinda tired I guess. I'm kinda hungry too." I immediately sat up and said "oh my god, I didn't get you anything to eat. I'm a horrible girlfriend. You literally crawled through another dimension and have had nothing to eat." I put my head in my hands and Eddie made me look at him. "Hey, it's ok. Honestly I wasn't hungry. I just wanted to be with you. I had to get to you, Emmaline." Eddie kissed my head and pulled me into a hug. I held him tightly and I felt Eddie's hands go to my chest. I pushed him playfully and he laughed. "I want some pancakes." Eddie said with the biggest boyish smile on his face. I nodded and said "get dressed, loverboy." Eddie started to quickly get dressed. I did the same but at a much slower pace. I felt myself wobble a bit and Eddie chuckled. "You alright there, Bambi?" My eyes widened and I said "Eddie!" I shook my head in disbelief with a small laugh. Eddie grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. He swayed us back and forth I put my arms around him, squeezing him. Eddie looked down at me and said "you ok?" "I'm just really glad you're here with me." Eddie kissed my head and then my lips. "I'm hungry." He said. I nodded at him and said "give me a minute to freshen up a little. You can go down and start getting everything ready for me." Eddie headed downstairs and I reached for the walkie Dustin gave me. "Dustin, are you awake? Over." I waited a few seconds and then said "Dustin. It's urgent. I really need to talk to you." I waited a minute before saying "Dustin!" "Em, it's so early!" Dustin groaned. I smiled in satisfaction and said "get your butt over here now. I need to talk to you about some stuff." Dustin didn't answer at first and then he said "give me a few minutes, ok?" "You have 10 minutes. I expect to see you. Over." "Over and out." Dustin grumbled. I giggled softly to myself and I headed downstairs and Alyssa said "could the two of you be any louder?" I felt the heat going to my cheeks and I said "sorry." "Don't apologize, Bambi. Had to make her feel good, now don't I?" Rhett covered his mouth as he tried not to laugh. "Rhett!" Alyssa scolded. I grimaced at the new nickname Eddie had given me. "I'm really sorry for the awkwardness and that you guys heard all that but I'm making pancakes. Do you guys want some?" I said to Alyssa and Rhett. Rhett nodded and removed his hand from his mouth. "Sure." Alyssa huffed and said "fine." I saw that Eddie had gotten mostly everything I needed out. He then set a bag of chocolate chips on the counter. "Can we have chocolate chip pancakes, babe?" He rocked back and forth on his heels as he awaited my answer. I rolled my eyes playfully and said "sure."

This chapter was lowkey therapeutic to write (the beginning half before the smut) your girl has really been feeling insecure lately and is slightly feeling alienated from her friends. Even though I know my friends do care about me, I feel like I care more about them and maybe they just don't see that I'd do anything for some of them. I had a long weekend and felt incredibly lonely which is so odd because I never feel that way. But I do get to see my friends tomorrow. Well, one of them anyway. And he's been really understanding about things and him and I seem to be getting closer. I'm ranting and I'm sure this doesn't matter to you guys but it's easier to put it out than keep it bottled up. HAPPY TWO YEARS TO ST4!!! It's officially been two years since I fell in love with Eddie Munson and Joseph Quinn himself. Stranger Things is such a big part of my life and I don't know who I'd be without the show. And I'm not one of those cringe fans I promise! I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend and hope that you all are enjoying this book!!

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