Pent Up!

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Eddie's POV:
"Slow down, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere. Slow." Emmaline was currently straddling my lap as she kissed my neck. I swallowed a groan as she sucked on my neck. I gripped handfuls of the comforter that sat underneath us. Emmaline pulled off my neck with a smacking sound. "Touch me, Eddie." I nodded and brought my hands to her waist. The skirt she wore was bunched up at the top of her thighs. Emmaline moved to the opposite side of my neck, going to leave a hickey. A strangled moan left my lips, my pants becoming incredibly tight. Emmaline ground her hips down on mine which gave me a little relief. She pulled away from my neck, her hands going to my shoulders for support as she started to drag herself against me. Emmaline whimpered softly and I smirked to myself, loving that she was all worked up. "Eddie, I need you." "You don't have to tell me twice, princess." I replied as I squeezed her hips. "Eddie!" My uncle's voice said. I furrowed my eyebrows and immediately woke up in my bed. I groaned and looked down, seeing the tent in between my legs. "Boy, don't make me come in there." I ran a hand through my hair and said "hang on!" I exhaled and knew I wouldn't be able to just wish the very prominent boner away. Then my bedroom door burst open. "Jesus H. Christ!" I rolled onto my stomach. Wayne came into the room and said "I need you to get up." "What's up?" I said. "I need to go down to the hardware store. I'm gonna fix some stuff up around the trailer. I need your help lugging some of it into the truck. I can do most of it myself but it'd go alot quicker with help." I nodded and said "ok. Uhm, is there any way I could take a shower? Before we go? Just a really quick one." Wayne shrugged and said "yeah that's fine. But, hurry it up. I wanna go and come back and get started." I saluted him and said "yes sir." Wayne shook his head and left the room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I quickly grabbed some clean clothes and rushed to the shower. I'd never relieved myself so quick in my entire life. I practically came after a couple of strokes. But it was powerful and almost made my knees give out. I then washed my hair and finished up in the shower, not wanting to upset my uncle.


"I don't know what to do. I've been avoiding her all day." I said. Dustin looked at me and said "well, she's home today. I think she's staying in. Do you usually hang out with her on Saturday's?" "Yeah. I can't look her in the eye, man." Dustin grimaced and said "I don't want any details. But, she won't suspect anything. Unless you make it a big deal. Which it isn't." "It isn't? So it's normal to have dreams like that about a girl who's your friend?" "You like her. So, yeah." "Dustin, she's a friend. A FRIEND!" "Well, make her not your friend. Ask her out already." I shook my head and said "nope! She'll reject me. We all know what her type is." "She doesn't like assholes. You're not an asshole. You and her would be perfect." "You think so?" "Yeah. Just ask her out, Eddie. It's going to kill you if you don't." "You're right." I walked to the phone in the kitchen and took a breath. "I'm going to invite her over to hang out tonight. Then I'll ask her in person." Dustin nodded at me and I dialed her number. Wayne banged on the roof outside, fixing god knows what. Emmaline's phone rang a few times before she answered. "Hello?" She said. I gulped and said "hey, Em." "Hi, Eddie. How's your day going?" "It's going good. Henderson's with me right now." "I was wondering where he was off to earlier." "Yeah. Anyway uhm did you wanna come over later? I can pick you up." I nervously pulled on the ripped denim on my jeans. "Sure. Maybe you can play those songs for me." "Hell yeah. I'll come and get you around five thirty or six." "Cool. I was catching up with Alyssa. I'll see you later, Eds." My eyes widened at the nickname and I said "see you, princess." The receiver clicked on her end and I hung up the phone. I walked back to the couch, sitting next to Dustin. "What?" He said. I looked at him and said "she called me Eds. Nobody's really called me that before." "Holy shit." Fear spread across my face at his response. "Don't freak out. I was just gonna say, that must be what she calls you when she talks about you. And she slipped up." I brought my hand up to my face, biting on my nail nervously. "Don't." Dustin pulled my hand away and I took a deep breath. "Eddie, I fixed the hole in the roof." Wayne said as he came in. His eyes landed on Dustin. "I'm not sure we've met." "I'm Dustin." Dustin stood up and went to shake Wayne's hand. Wayne smiled at him and said "you're Eddie's friend?" "I am. Eddie's one of my best friends." "That's good. So, you know about that girl who always comes over then." "Wayne." I began, not wanting him to embarrass me. "Emmaline. She's so sweet." Wayne said. Dustin nodded in agreement and said "she used to babysit me. Now she's practically best friends with Eddie." I grimaced and hoped to god Dustin wouldn't mention what I told him. Wayne then said he was going to go and fix some more stuff outside. Dustin looked at me and said "I wasn't gonna tell." "I-I didn't know that!" I spluttered. "What kind of friend do you think I am?" Dustin threw his arms up in the air. I rolled my eyes at him and Dustin only smiled.


Emmaline and I had been hanging out for a couple of hours now. I'd played many Metallica songs for her and she seemed to be enjoying herself. She seemed to fidget in her seat. "What's up?" I quipped. Emmaline took a breath and said "I don't want to make our friendship weird. But, I saw your hickey from a couple of days ago." "Yeah?" "Fuck, this is bad." "Em, what's up? You can say anything and I won't judge." "I've never had a hickey. Could you show me what it's like to have one?" My mouth slightly dropped and Emmaline said "I trust you and don't want someone random to give me my first. Especially not after Peter." I set my guitar down gently and said "uhm, I could. Sure." My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't believe the girl of my dreams was asking me to give her a hickey. I gestured for Emmaline to sit next to me and I said "do you want to stay sitting up or do you want to lay down?" "Lay down." She whispered. I nodded and Emmaline laid down. I slowly got in between her legs that were bent at the knees. I gently pushed her curly hair away from her neck. "It might hurt." I warned. Emmaline shook her head and said "I don't care. Just be gentle please. And I trust you." I half smiled and tried to swallow my nerves that were rising up. "I'm gonna start with some kisses first. Then I'll start on a hickey, ok?" Emmaline nodded. "I need your words. I need to hear it." "Ok, Eddie. Be soft." "I won't hurt you, sweetheart." I moved down to her neck and pressed my lips to it. I kissed up and down her neck slowly, wanting her to get used to the feeling. I cupped her cheek which made her gasp softly. I started to nip at her neck, biting down softer than I usually would. Emmaline's breath hitched and I felt her hands go to my shoulders. I licked over her neck before biting down again, a little bit harder. A moan left
Emmaline's lips and I smirked against her neck. I moved down to start on another one. I didn't move my hand from her cheek as the other one kept me propped up above her. I didn't want to touch her and make her uncomfortable but I also couldn't touch her anywhere else because once I started, I wouldn't be able to stop. I could feel myself start to get hard. Emmaline's hand went to my hair, running her fingers through it. I held back a groan and her hand left my hair. "Sorry." She whispered. I pulled away and said "you're ok. D-Do you like how it feels?" Emmaline nodded and said "uh huh. I really like it. I like how it feels when you kiss my neck." Her eyes then widened as if she wasn't supposed to say that. "I'd be lying I'd I said I didn't like it too." I replied. Emmaline half smiled and said "could you give me one more and then...could I try it on you?" I nodded, not being able to form any words. I went to the other side of her neck, making this one more prominent. I sucked harshly on her neck. Emmaline gasped and I felt her hips buck up against mine. A muffled groan escaped my lips from the contact. I licked over the hickey before going to suck again. Emmaline's hips bucked up for the second time. I inhaled sharply and pulled away from her neck to admire my work. I chuckled and said "there you go." Emmaline went to sit up so I moved out of her way. "Can I try on you?" I gestured to my lap and said "be my guest." Emmaline looked at my lap and said "you want me to..." "It'll be easier, sweetheart. Trust me." Emmaline slowly got into my lap and her hands went to my shoulders for support. I groaned through my nose as she was sitting on my lap. She then started to make a hickey on my neck. I guided her through it, wanting her to give me one that'd last a couple of days. "Go a little harder, sweetheart. It won't hurt me." Emmaline's teeth sunk in and I sighed as I started to feel some pleasure from it. Emmaline's hips started to move against mine. I threw my head back, my head hitting the wall, a clunking sound entering the air. "Eddie." Emmaline gasped. I shook my head and said "I'm ok. I promise. J-Just keep going. Please." Emmaline went back to my neck. "Eddie, what're you doing in there?" Wayne's voice rung out. Emmaline stopped and I quickly told her to keep going. "I dropped my guitar. Sorry!" I replied to my uncle. Wayne didn't answer which meant he believed me. Emmaline's hips kept going at a steady pace and it was becoming harder to hold back. My dream was coming true? I couldn't believe it. Emmaline's lips left my neck and she leaned her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me. "Em. Em. Princess, wait." Emmaline stopped moving and it was if realization kicked in. "If you wanna keep going, let me at least take my pants off. We don't have to go all the way. We can keep doing what we were doing. I just don't wanna cum in my pants." I smirked at her. Emmaline got off my lap and I saw her pull her panties off. All that remained was her skirt. I tugged at my pants and quickly pulled them down to my ankles. Emmaline wouldn't look down at my cock and when she sat down on my lap, she gasped softly. I exhaled and then said "are you ok with this?" "Eddie, shut up." Emmaline mumbled as she started to move against me. I leaned my head against the wall, loving the way I slid through her folds so easily. Emmaline panted softly as she grinded against me. My hands went to her hips, guiding her. "Eddie. Oh, Eddie." She whimpered. I felt myself twitch and gripped her hips, making her go faster. "Gotta be quiet when you cum, ok? Don't want Wayne to hear." Emmaline nodded and buried her face into the crook of my neck. Her body started to tremble as she was getting closer to the edge. And I was pretty close myself. I'd never experienced something like this before. "I'm so close." Emmaline's voice raised and I kissed her neck. Emmaline sat up, using my shoulders for support as she pushed down, going harder. "Eddie. Eddie. Eddie, oh my god." I was quick to cover her mouth as she moaned into my hand. I'd never seen something so beautiful in my life. The girl of my dreams having an orgasm. I groaned and said "c-cumming." Emmaline's moans died down as I finished underneath her. I held back most of my moans but a few slipped out. Emmaline slumped against me and I sighed in relief. Emmaline slowly wrapped her arms around me, leaning her head against my chest. I rubbed her back and tried to catch my breath. After a few minutes I said "let me clean you up." Emmaline got off my lap and I quickly pulled my pants up, going to grab some tissues. I didn't look under her skirt as I cleaned her up. I made sure she was ok and she grabbed her panties. I looked away as she got dressed and the both of us laid down on my bed, not really saying anything to each other.

Emmaline's POV:
My mind was racing at the fact that Eddie Munson and I had dry humped. I definitely enjoyed it and didn't know giving each other hickeys would lead up to that. I looked over at Eddie to see him falling asleep. "Eddie." I shook him softly and he groaned, rolling over. The realization started to set in. "Oh god." I whispered. Did Eddie take this opportunity to just get something out of me? Or was it so weird he won't talk to me after this? I stood up and left Eddie's room. I went to the phone in the kitchen and called Alyssa to come and pick me up. It only took her a few minutes to get here. She'd been at her boyfriend's; Rhett's. He lived out in a big house before the trailer park. I snuck out of the Munson trailer and went into her car. "Hey." She said. I half smiled and said "hey." "Did something happen?" "I'll tell you tomorrow. I don't wanna talk about it right now." Alyssa nodded and drove me home. When I got home, I couldn't help but cry. I felt used and embarrassed. Was it normal for guys to pass out over something like that? I didn't think Eddie would have done that and I also didn't think it would get to that point. I had definitely jeopardized the friendship. I should've kept it to myself. I should never have asked him for something like that. He must've done it out of pity or he did it for himself. I sighed softly as I wiped my tears as I changed into sleepwear. And even though I felt weird and my feelings were slightly hurt, the Munson boy was still on my mind.

I hope this didn't suck ass!! And it will mean something later on. And my best friend gave me a really cool idea for the next chapter and I think you guys will like it too!! Next one might be a long one!

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