"Princess Emmaline knows Metallica!"

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Emmaline's POV:
A soft knocking sound awoke me from my slumber. I slowly lifted my head up, the pounding pain signaling I had drank a lot. I moaned in pain softly and looked around to see where the knocking sound was coming from. I followed it to my window, the sun hadn't rose yet which I was thankful for. Eddie Munson sat outside my window. "Hey, can I come in?" His muffled voice said. I furrowed my eyebrows and then nodded. "One second." I told him. I quickly locked my bedroom door and then opened the window. Eddie slowly climbed in and I said "what're you doing here?" "I see you changed." Eddie said as he looked me up and down. I was in a pair of pajamas which was a little crop top and shorts. I huffed softly and said "what do you want, Eddie?" "You were trashed. I was worried about you. I brought you home, you know." He said. I sighed and said "yeah, I know, Eddie. I thank you for that." I sat down on my bed and Eddie then asked if he could sit. I nodded and he said "your boyfriend's a douche." Tears brimmed my eyes and said "I know that too." "What're you going to do?" Eddie said. I furrowed my eyebrows again. "What do you mean?" I looked at Eddie. He shrugged and said "what're you going to do? Are you going to stay with him? Or break up with him? I mean, you can't stay with him. He'll make you look stupid. Actually, he already has." I gulped and said "would I be an idiot if I got back with him?" "I mean, you shouldn't. He hurt you." I nodded, listening to Eddie. "He really hurt you. He did the worst thing he could do. He broke your heart." "Have you ever been in love?" I asked Eddie. Eddie's soft brown eyes said it all. He didn't even have to answer me. "No, sweetheart. Eddie 'the freak' Munson has not found his true love. Or any love for that matter. I'm too much of a freak." I shook my head and said "I don't think so. You seem nice enough. Any girl would be lucky to have you." Eddie half smiled and said "you think?" "Yeah." "Do you still love him?" I looked down at my lap and said "I don't know." It was silent for a minute or so. The both of us just enjoyed the silence and each other's company for a short while. "Well, I just wanted to check on you. I was kinda stressed out. I knew you'd had a lot to drink and I was scared to leave you but I'd knew you'd be fine here at home. You were just so upset and I hated it. I wished there was something I could've done to make you not feel so bad. I'll see you around, Em." Eddie stood up and went to my window. "Wait." Eddie looked over his shoulder. "Will you stay with me? Just until the morning? Please?" Eddie nodded and then sat back down next to me. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him. I started to cry softly and Eddie's arms slowly went around me. "Thank you." I whispered. Eddie's hand moved up and down my back. "For what?" Eddie's soft voice said. I sniffled and looked up at him. "For being there. For helping me. You didn't have to." Eddie frowned and then said "I did. I couldn't have just left you there. You were so wasted, sweetheart. Something worse than your boyfriend cheating on you would've happened." Andy trying to coax me upstairs creeped back into my mind. I seemed to squeeze Eddie and I buried my face into his shirt. Eddie hugged me tightly and I relished in the warmth of his body. Eddie continued to rub my back and I said "can we lay down?" "Sure." He replied. Eddie kicked off his shoes and as much as I didn't want to, I pulled away and went to get under my covers. Eddie gave me a tight lipped smile and said "I'll stay on top of the covers." I nodded and then handed him a blanket. "So you don't get cold." Eddie chuckled and said "thank you." I smiled in response and Eddie said "there she is. I was going to make it my goal to make you smile before you passed out again." I laughed and said "you're so sweet. Thank you." The both of us laid down and I stared at all the tattoos on Eddie's arms. "I like your bats." Eddie held up his arm and said "yeah?" "They're so cool!" I slowly reached out to trace them and Eddie watched my fingers move across his skin slowly. "Did it hurt?" "The tattoo?" Eddie asked. I nodded and Eddie shrugged. "Nah. They're not as bad as everyone says. You should get one." I rolled my eyes playfully and said "I wouldn't even know where to start. I wouldn't know what to get." "Get a bat. Or get some bats." I shook my head at him and said "where? My parents would kill me." Eddie's hand slowly made it's way towards me. I watched his hand disappear under my blanket and go to my hip. "Here." He tapped my hip with his index finger and I jumped at his touch. "Your hands are cold." I whispered. Eddie smirked and said "sorry. But right here, some bats, that'd be kick ass." "Do you mean that?" I asked. Eddie nodded and said "yeah. We could get matching bat tattoos. Today. Come on." I debated it and figured if I hated it in ten years it'd be on my hip and I wouldn't care about it hopefully. "You'll go with me?" I said hopefully. "I'll take you later if you want. I go to the same guy. Him and I are practically friends." I shrugged and said "I don't know." "Come on, Brooks. What else are you going to do? Mope in your room all day about an asshole who doesn't deserve you?" Eddie said. I sighed softly and said "I guess not." "If we go early, nobody'll be there." I nodded and said "give me a minute to get dressed." Eddie smirked and said "I'll be outside." I watched the tall lanky boy climb out of my window. I quickly discarded my pajamas, pulling on a pair of jeans with a sweater. I grabbed some cash and my purse, quickly going downstairs. "Where're you off to, dolly?" Mom asked. I looked at her and said "breakfast with Milo. I'm meeting him at his house. I'm just going to walk." Mom nodded and said "ok. It's a little early isn't it?" I shook my head and said "no. It's like 7:30." I looked at my watch and mom shrugged. "I guess I'll see you when you get home." "Bye, mom." I opened the front door and closed it behind me. My eyes scanned the street for Eddie's van that was parked under some trees that surrounded my house. I walked down the sidewalk to where his van was parked. "Hi, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes and said "let's go. Before I change my mind." "Change your mind? I'm going to get one with you." "You are?" I asked. Eddie nodded. "Yeah. I could use another bat. I'll get it on my opposite arm or my shoulder or something. And you get yours on your hip. And years from now, when we don't talk to each other, you'll always remember Eddie Munson took you to get your first tattoo after your boyfriend broke your heart." He smirked at me and I smiled at him. "You're not what I thought you were." I said to him. Eddie started up his van and then said "mean and scary?" I nodded with a blush. "I thought you were mean and scary too." I gasped and said "me?" Eddie nodded again as he drove. "You're surrounded by the popular kids. I figured you were heartless like them." "Are you glad I'm not heartless?" "I'm so glad! You're actually cool! No! You're sweet. You're so fucking sweet, Emmaline. Maybe in a different version of this world we could be friends." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "we're not friends?" Eddie's face softened and his big brown eyes drifted over to me. "You want to be friends with me?" His voice was full of fear as if I'd reject him. "Eddie, you're the coolest. You saved me from the Hawkins basketball team, got me an A in English which I could've done on my own but it was a bigger effort since you put work in and you're literally taking me to get my first tattoo! And you're getting one with me! Friends do that kind of stuff, Eddie." Eddie smiled really big and chuckled. "What fucking universe did you come from, Em?" "This one?" I giggled. Eddie reached for the radio, turning it up. My eyes widened at Metallica blasting through the speakers. Eddie drummed his hands against the steering wheel and I stared at him in curiosity. He managed to headbang, drum to the beat and drive all at the same time. I looked through his collection of tapes, my eyes landing on the one Metallica song I knew. I ejected the tape and Eddie froze. "Why'd you do that?!" "I'm putting something better in." I slid the tape into the player and Eddie's eyes lit up. "For Whom The Bell Tolls?! Princess Emmaline Brooks knows this?!" I covered my face and said "it's the only Metallica song I know." "You just became my best friend." "Over your hellfire club?" "Oh yeah! Princess Emmaline knows Metallica!" I giggled as I removed my hands from my face. Eddie screamed the lyrics to the song as we drove. I was too busy laughing and watching him sing to even sing along with him. Eddie drove fast but not unsafe. It was faster than I was used to but I didn't feel like he'd kill us. As we pulled up to the tattoo shop, nerves started to bubble up in my stomach. I climbed out of Eddie's van and stared at the store in front of me. Eddie was now standing next to me. "I'm scared." I said. Eddie shook his head and said "don't be scared. I'll be right there with you." "What if it hurts?" "Listen, you can get a small one. Nothing too big." I bit my lip and said "but, I want one like yours. Like the size. Couldn't I just do one bat that's like yours?" Eddie held out his arm and said "yeah. You like this size?" I nodded. Eddie smirked and grabbed my hand. "Come on, Em. Don't back out now." I exhaled and the man inside immediately greeted Eddie as the two of us walked in. "So, my friend here wants a tattoo. She wants one like this. On her hip. One bat. This size." Eddie was pointing at his arm as he held it out. My eyes went to the tattoo gun and I reached for Eddie's arm. "Eddie." I whispered. He looked at me and said "hey, it won't hurt that bad. I promise." "It'll hurt a little. Nothing too serious." The tattoo artist said. I nodded and laid on my side on the table. Eddie pulled up a chair and slowly lifted my sweater. The coolness from Eddie's rings made me flinch. "Here." Eddie said. I exhaled and inhaled deeply. "One bat?" The artist confirmed. I nodded and said "one bat." I then looked up at Eddie who said "I'm getting one too." "On your hip?" "No, idiot! On my shoulder blade." "You're getting matching tattoos?" "Yes, Dylan we're getting matching tattoos." Eddie rolled his eyes and Dylan started on the tattoo on my hip. This was by far the craziest thing I had ever done. I couldn't even believe I was sitting in a tattoo shop with Eddie Munson. I winced softly at the feeling of the gun on my hip. Eddie offered his hand and said "you can hold it." I shook my head and said "no." Eddie put his hands up in defense and said "just asking, sweetheart." The gun moved a certain way which hurt and I immediately grabbed Eddie's hand. He chuckled softly and said "hey, I promise your tattoo is going to be kick ass. You'll love it." I nodded in response and said "yeah." Before I knew it, I was finished. "That's it?" I said. Dylan sighed and said "that's it." I looked down at my hip, gasping softly at the black bat that now resided there. Eddie took off his shirt and slapped his shoulder. "Right here. Just like hers." Dylan shook his head at him and started on Eddie. I sat in the chair Eddie had sat in before. I looked around at the shop. I'd never been in here. There were books on different tattoos and piercings you could get. Everything in here looked so cool. It was definitely something I wasn't familiar with. Hell, I was so scared to get my ears pierced and when I finally did it wasn't all that bad. My ears were pierced with a needle instead of a gun. Which was a little bit different but I had pierced ears. Eddie didn't even flinch as he got another tattoo on his body. Mine was starting to sting a little and I must've been squirming because Eddie said "it's supposed to sting a little." "Oh. It is?" He nodded. "Don't worry. You'll be ok. Maybe soon you'll have sweet tattoos like mine." I smiled and a few minutes later Eddie was finished. He pulled some cash out of his pocket and I said "I can get mine." Eddie shook his head and said "no. This is on me." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?" Eddie looked at me and said "cause of last night. That shouldn't of happened to you. At all. And if I can make you feel better about it, then that's what I'm gonna do." My lips parted in shock and when Eddie finished paying Dylan we left the shop. "Now, where to?" He said. I shrugged and said "I did tell my mom I was going to get breakfast. Maybe we could get something? At the diner or we could get something like McDonald's? It's up to you. Unless you'd rather do something else." "That sounds great. I'm fucking starving." Eddie stretched, his back popping. He hummed contentedly and then said "how about McDonald's in my van? We could go through the drive thru and drive somewhere quiet and just be away from everyone and everything." "If this wasn't already such a weird day I'd say you were trying to make a move on me, Eddie." I teased. Eddie smirked and said "weird day? This is the best day of your fucking life, Em." Eddie grabbed my hand and pulled me to his van. We headed to McDonald's, got some breakfast and he drove away from town, heading to a spot near Lover's Lake. I gasped softly as he parked the van. He gestured to the back which was quite plush. The two of us sat in the back, eating our breakfast and staring out at the lake. "How'd you find this place?" I asked. Eddie took a bite of his hash brown and said "I come here to get high. Sometimes I'll bring Gareth along. Not often though. Occasionally I'll bring Rosalie. But, none of them appreciate it like you do. You seem amazed right now." "I am. This is such a pretty spot. I never knew this existed. It's the perfect place for a picnic or something. I'd stay here all day if I could." Eddie bumped my shoulder and said "we could, you know." "I'd have to check in with my mom eventually. I only told her I was going for breakfast. Maybe we could meet up later?" I tried to hide the hopefulness in my voice. Eddie nodded and said "sure. I need to check in with Wayne anyway." "Wayne?" "My uncle. He works nights at the plant. I thought I told you that." I shook my head and said "no." Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and said "oh. I thought I did. My bad." I shrugged and said "it's not a big deal." Eddie yawned and rubbed at his eyes. "Have you even been to bed?" I said. "Uhmm, maybe an hour? I couldn't really sleep after..." I looked down at my lap and said "I'm sorry you had to see me like that last night. I usually don't get super drunk like that." "Your boyfriend kissed another girl. It's understandable. But, you should've made sure you had someone with you." Eddie said. "I did." I replied softly. It was silent for a few seconds before Eddie said "who?" "My friend Alyssa." "Alyssa.." Eddie awaited me to say her last name. "Alyssa Wesley. She's my best friend. We met in freshman year of high school. I met Milo Linderman in sophomore year. Alyssa was trying to get me stop drinking. I chugged drink after drink. Then that was when Andy started to mess with me. I honestly didn't think he was like that but maybe it was the alcohol." "No, no, no." Eddie sat cross legged and faced me, leaning his back against the wall of the van. "Don't excuse his actions, Em. If he did that to you at a party, he'd do it in a secluded area at school." I looked at Eddie and said "I felt so safe with you last night. When you took me away from Andy, I felt like nothing could get me. You were my knight in shining armor." "Your knight in shining denim." Eddie gestured to his outfit. His black ripped jeans and his signature Dio vest sat on his body on top of the leather jacket. The Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt that sat on his body wasn't the shirt he had on last night but definitely looked like something he'd wear. "Do you know Ozzy?" He had caught me staring at his shirt. I shook my head and said "I mean. I know Crazy Train. But don't know the words or anything. I know the song if it came on." Eddie rolled his eyes and said "everyone knows Crazy Train." "Not everyone. I feel like you have to be into music to know it. Lorna Phillips doesn't know Crazy Train." "No way. She probably listens to The Go-Go's or fucking Bananarama." Eddie sniggered. I poked his knee and said "Bananarama has some good music." "Ew, Em. They're gross!" "Ok, metalhead." Eddie smirked and said "I'm a metalhead and proud of it." I reached for Eddie's wrist that now had a watch on it. "Yeah, I needed to get one. I kept being late to everything. I'm trying to not lose track of time." I half smiled and said "will you drive me home? Maybe we can meet up later." "For sure. Let's just come back here and escape the demons of Hawkins." I bit my lip to keep from smiling and said "and by the demons do you mean the popular kids?" "Yeah. They're all demons except you. I don't think they realized there's an angel among them." I looked down to hide my blush, praying Eddie didn't see it. The two of us got back in the front seat after Eddie closed up the van. He then drove me back to my house and parked a little ways down since I had told my mom I went out with Milo. "I'll call you." Eddie said. I nodded and said "ok. Thanks for today. I needed it. It means a lot that you were willing to spend time with one of the popular kids." "Hey, you'll never be one of those assholes to me. I'll see you later, sweetheart." "Bye, Eddie." The long haired boy pulled away as I went to walk towards my house.


"You went and got a tattoo with Eddie Munson?!" Alyssa yelled. Milo stared at my hip and said "what the fuck is that?! A bat?!" "Yes! It's a bat! What's wrong with it?" I asked. Milo made an exasperated sound and said "what's wrong with it?! There's a fucking bat on your hip!" "So? It's cool." I replied. Alyssa chuckled in disbelief and said "no way. If you told anyone else that story, they'd think you and Eddie went out on a date." "It wasn't a date. He helped me get back to my house last night and he just comforted me. I don't know." "The freak comforted you? You! Emmaline Brooks! One step away from being the Queen of Hawkins High?!" Milo exclaimed. I scoffed softly and said "I'm not the Queen of Hawkins High and you know it. That title solely belongs to Chrissy Cunningham. And I'm totally fine with that. I'd never want that title. I'm fine being who I am. After everything that happened with Peter, I kinda wanna disappear from the popular crowd. I'm sure the news will be all over the place at school for the next couple of weeks. Everyone's gonna whisper when I walk down the halls and shit. It's stupid. I wish I could be invisible." Alyssa frowned and said "I understand what you mean. You're going to have to ignore the looks and the comments. You could just skip the day." "That'll make it worse." Milo commented. I nodded in agreement and said "yeah, it will. It'll be so much worse if I do that." I thought about school on Monday. "I think we should sit with Eddie at lunch." Alyssa raised her eyebrows at me and said "what about Peter and Jack?" I scoffed and said "what about them? Peter broke my fucking heart and Jack will defend him. Guys, I had the best morning with Eddie today. It was like, I got to be myself." I fell back onto my bed and Milo said "yeah. Peter and Jack can be a handful. I won't have to look at Lorna Philips if we sit with Eddie." "At the Hellfire table. With the rest of his D&D nerds." Alyssa said. I shrugged and said "it's better than the popular kids." Milo raised his eyebrows and said "she's got a point." Alyssa sighed and said "that's fine." I nodded with a smile and said "he's actually really cool." Milo sniggered and said "I think you got it bad for Eddie Munson." "I do not!" I replied while crossing my arms.

The end is lame but omg this is the longest chapter yet!! Your girl will be seeing Eddie at Halloween Horror Nights!! I'm very excited and can't wait

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