"Ready for Bat-tle."

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Eddie's POV:
"Sweetheart." I said to Emmaline. She looked over her shoulder and said "yeah?" "I need your help with this." She furrowed her eyebrows and I gestured to the line of bullets I was going to use for a belt. "Erica has great fucking taste." Emmaline and looked at the young girl who was sitting with her older brother who seemed to stare at Max. Emmaline giggled and said "that she does." She helped me with the bullets, making sure they didn't get caught on my belt loops. "There." Emmaline took a step back to look at it. "How does it look, your majesty?" "It looks so good, Taran." I smirked and said "it's your turn to change into your battle clothes. What new attire should you adorn?" I pulled her closer to me, desperately trying to close the gap between us. Emmaline grabbed a stack of clothes and said "you'll just have to wait and see." She gently pushed me away and stepped into the rv. I shook my head while smiling. Robin and Steve sat directly outside of the trailer, making Molotov cocktails. "Why're you all smiley?" Robin teased. I rolled my eyes and said "leave me alone, Robin." "If you and Emmaline don't get married I think I'll die." I put my hands in my pockets and said "marry Em?" "Uh, yeah. You guys are meant for each other." My heart swelled at the thought of being with Emmaline forever. I felt my cheeks heating up and I looked down to hide the blush I was sure was on my cheeks. Steve nodded and said "you both deserve to be happy." I nodded and Emmaline poked her head out of the rv. "Eddie, come here." I walked into the rv and looked at Emmaline's clothes she bought from the store. Black jeans hugged her hips along with the long sleeve shirt she had on earlier and a camo jacket. She looked down at her combat boots and said "how does it look?" She looked back up at me and I looked her up and down. "Badass." Emmaline rolled her eyes and said "seriously?" "I'm being serious. It looks really good." Emmaline smiled and I picked her up, setting her on the counter. She squealed softly and I kissed her cheek which made her giggle. As I pulled away her smile disappeared and her shoulders slumped. "Em?" Emmaline looked down and said "what if we can't beat him?" A sick feeling entered my stomach when the words left her mouth. "What if what I saw comes true? I didn't just see the end of Hawkins, Eddie." "I know. Vecna showed me some shit too. When I was under his spell I saw something that's infested into my brain. Don't get mad at me, but I don't want to tell you what because I don't want you to worry. The stuff he showed me under his spell, he was probably just trying to get to me. We got this. We got him. Ok?" Emmaline nodded and I cupped her cheek, making her look up at me. She half smiled and I kissed her lips passionately. "Come on. Let's help Dustin make some weapons." Emmaline nodded again and brushed my hair off my shoulder. "I love you so much, Eddie." "I love you too, Emmaline." I took her hand and led her out of the rv. "Oh my god you look amazing! So cool!" Robin said as she jumped up to stand in front of Emmaline. Emmaline smiled and said "thank you." "We must show you off to everyone else!" Robin grabbed Emmaline's wrist and pulled her off. "Robin, I kinda need Em so we can build weapons." I told her. "Robin, we didn't finish these....Molotov's." Steve mumbled. I sighed and Steve shook his head. I sat down next to Steve and said "want me to help?" Steve shrugged and said "sure." I started to help Steve, my eyes going to Emmaline doing a twirl in front of Max. Max and Dustin showed their enthusiasm and praised her. I chuckled, Steve immediately looking over. "She's so cool." Steve said. I nodded and said "yeah. She is." Dustin almost knocked Emmaline down as he hugged her. I handed a Molotov to Steve as I looked away from the group. Steve took it from me and set it aside, starting on a new one. "We got this, right, Steve?" Steve looked at me and said "yeah. Vecna doesn't stand a chance." "Even if we don't have the girl with the superpowers?" I asked. Steve gestured to Alyssa and said "we have her. And all of us? He can't take us all down, can he?" "It seems that way to Emmaline. He showed her...." "Something to scare her." Steve replied. "Steve, you don't understand. It was the future. Alyssa confirmed it." Steve looked down and sighed. He shook his head and said "I really hope that's not true." "Come on, man. Why would Vecna show them something that isn't true?" I said. Steve filled a bottle with gasoline and said "to mess with your heads. Just like he scared you. With Emmaline." I gulped and said "we gotta get him, Steve. We need to take him out." "We will, Eddie. We got this." Steve patted my shoulder and I nodded. "Eddie, wanna make a shield with me?" Dustin asked. Steve nudged me and said "go with Henderson. He'll ease your nerves. We got this, Eddie." I nodded and said "we got this, Steve. We got this." I stood up and Steve said "Eddie." I looked at him and Steve said "build a kick ass shield, ok?" I smirked and said "you know it'll be the best shield you've ever seen." "Eddie, come on!" I walked over to where Dustin sat, nails and trash can lids surrounding him. "Can I build one too?" Emmaline asked. Dustin nodded eagerly and said "yeah!" "What do you need a shield for? You're just a girl." I teased. Emmaline narrowed her eyes at me and said "a girl?" "Yeah. A girl." She scoffed softly and said "yeah, I am just a girl. A girl who can kick your ass." I sniggered and turned my back to Emmaline. Then I felt someone jump on my back. "Oh shit!" I stumbled forward and immediately went to fall. The girl on my back giggled and said "take back what you said." "Never. A princess needs to stay in her castle." Emmaline poked my side which made me laugh and I said "quit!" "Is that your weakness, sir knight? A jab to the side?" She poked me again making me stumble. The two of us toppled over in the grass, rolling down the hill a bit. Emmaline landed on top of me. She sat up, her hair hanging in my face. "A princess can defend herself from anything. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't." I surrendered and said "of course, princess. Twas only a joke." Emmaline smiled and cupped my cheek. "I love you, stupid." I frowned playfully and said "m'not stupid." Emmaline kissed my lips passionately. "Get a room!" Erica yelled from across the field. Emmaline laughed softly as she pulled away. "Princess Elionwy, I'd like to build shields with you. So we can fight the Horned King." I told her. Emmaline kissed my cheek and said "of course, Taran. We have to protect Gurgi." Dustin hammered some nails into a trash can lid and Emmaline got off my lap. She offered her hand to me, pulling me up to my feet. The two of us then sat down next to Dustin, beginning to make our own shields.

Emmaline's POV:
My eyes lingered on Eddie's hands as he hammered nails into his shield. The sun seemed to hit his rings just right, the silver shining brightly. Eddie looked up to say something to Dustin. I tore my gaze away as the two of them conversed. I set my hammer down to grab another nail, Eddie handing me one. "Thank you." I said. My boyfriend smirked and said "you're welcome, sweetheart." Eddie then stood up, holding up his shield. Dustin smiled really big and Eddie waved it around, as if he was fighting off evil. "There will be no more retreating from Eddie the Banished." I smiled at Eddie and Dustin said "looks like you're ready for bat-tle!" The curly headed boy laughed and Eddie looked at him blankly. I giggled softly. "Bat-tle. B,A,T. No?" Dustin looked deflated as Eddie didn't at his joke. Eddie then tackled Dustin who pushed against Eddie, not wanting to get knocked down. "No wedgies! No wedgies!" Dustin yelled. "Eddie you'd better not give him a wedgie." I warned. Eddie looked over his shoulder and said "never." Dustin tried to knock Eddie down and Eddie pulled him into an embrace, pulling away to hold him in place. "Never change, Dustin Henderson." Dustin looked at Eddie in awe. "Promise me." Dustin nodded and said "I promise." "Never change." "I wasn't planning on it." "Good." Eddie said. Dustin nodded again and said "good." "Good!" Eddie teased. My heart swelled at the two of them. I absolutely loved their relationship. "Dustin, if you keep that up I just might have to fight for Eddie's attention." I said playfully. Dustin looked at me and said "no way. You're what makes him so happy. Eddie's the happiest he's ever been." I opened my mouth to say something snarky and was stopped by Eddie who pressed his lips to mine. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer. Eddie chuckled against my lips and I pulled away. Eddie chased after the kiss, falling forward a bit. I put my hand on his chest and giggled softly. Eddie cupped my cheek, his thumb moving up and down. "I love you." I held his hand to my cheek and said "I love you too. So much." Eddie kissed my forehead and said "we're going to kick Vecna's ass. And maybe after all this scary shit is over, me and you could get a place. An apartment or a trailer together. Just me and you." My heart swelled and I could feel happy tears wanting to stream down my face. "I'd love that. That would be wonderful." Eddie hugged me, holding me tightly. I then felt someone squeezing their way in between the both of us. "I want a hug too!" Dustin said. Eddie laughed, throwing his head back. "Oh, Gurgi!" I said. Eddie opened his arm to let Dustin hug the both of us. "Where would we be without you, Gurgi?" Eddie asked. Dustin looked up at Eddie and said "struggling. You and Elionwy would be lost without me." "I'm not so sure about that, Gurgi." "I think so, Taran. I had to kick your ass into gear so you would ask the princess for her hand." I blushed and said "technically I asked for Taran's hand. But it was because I was afraid to lose him and I never thought in a million years that he'd like me back." Eddie shook his head and said "I've always liked you, no, loved you. I've loved you for years, Emmaline. And we're going to kick Vecna's ass today. We're going to win. I promise." I smiled really big and Dustin reached up to push Eddie and I's heads together. I gasped at the action and Eddie kissed me passionately. I pulled away and Dustin said "let's be the best distraction the upside down has ever seen." Eddie looked at Dustin and said "hell yeah."

This should've been up days ago but I've been so busy with work!! The new trailer for A Quiet Place Day One has my brain buzzing. I'm making ideas for that fic!! I'm hoping to have this one completed by then.

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