The Creel House

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Emmaline's POV:
Today we were going to the Creel House to see if we could find some clues. After reeling from almost ending up as one of Vecna's victims, I had went back to sleep for a little bit. I then woke up to Eddie's head in between my legs. He definitely was doing it for his pleasure. "Fuck, Eddie." I said. Eddie's eyes flickered up to look at me and he pulled away. I panted softly and Eddie kissed my thigh. "I can help you too." Eddie shook his head at me. "No, this is all about you, sweetheart. I'm gonna make you feel good. Relieve some of your stress. Then we can go to that spooky house everyone wants to go to." He smirked. He licked up my slit and my hips bucked up against his face. Eddie wrapped his arms around my thighs and started sucking at my clit. I threw my head back against my pillow. My eyes fluttered closed and soft moans left my lips. I'd never experienced this before. It was a new feeling. And it was euphoric. Eddie was very skilled with his tongue. He moved from my clit and I felt his tongue start to thrust in and out of me. I ground my hips against his face out of instinct, his nose bumping my clit. "Oh, Eddie." He groaned against me, sending vibrations through my body. My hands flew to his hair, tugging on it. "Don't stop, Eddie. It feels so good. God, it feels so good." I brushed Eddie's hair out of his face, his brown eyes looking up at me. The rope inside me tightened and I desperately needed the release. "I'm close." Eddie hummed in response, his tongue moving faster. I started to move my hips against his face, trying to bring myself to finish. Eddie pulled away from me to bring me closer to him, his hold on me tighter than before. "I'm gonna make you cum, sweetheart." He went back down, letting me grind against his face as he fucked me with his tongue. I pulled hard on Eddie's hair as I started to come undone. Eddie's name left my mouth like a mantra. I ground against his face to help myself finish, obscene noises entering the air as Eddie lapped at me as if I was his last meal. Eddie moaned against me, making my orgasm more powerful. My legs shook as Eddie held them in place. "Thank you. Thank you." I quickly said. As I slowly came down from my high, he licked at my clit lightly and I pushed him away. He smirked and kissed at my clit. "Eddie, m'sensitive." I whined. Eddie pulled away and kissed the insides of my thighs. My legs continued to shake and Eddie helped me stretch out. I was trying to catch my breath and I reached for him. Eddie shook out his hair and patted my thigh. "I'll help you." I said. "Oh, sweetheart I already came." I looked at his boxers and saw the wet spot. I gasped softly and thought he was incredibly attractive in this moment. I reached for him again and he quickly changed out of his boxers and put clean ones on. "Eddie." I said, wanting him to hold me. He smirked and sat down next to me, pulling me into his lap. He kissed my forehead and said "I'm here, sweetheart." I buried my face into the crook of his neck. "I love you." I whispered. Eddie squeezed me and said "I love you too." The doorknob jiggled and Dustin said "why is the door locked?" "I was changing, Gurgi." I told him. Eddie chuckled at the quick lie I told. "Ok, well everyone's ready to go to the house. Are you almost done?" "Yeah. I'll be down in two minutes." "They said they'll be down in two minutes!" Dustin yelled into the house. Eddie laughed and said "my god." "We'd better get dressed." I said. I removed myself from Eddie as much as I didn't want to. I quickly got dressed, looking at the bruises appearing on my thighs. I pulled on some jeans and said "thanks for the bruises." Eddie's eyes widened as he put on his jacket. "Shit. Did I hurt you?" I shook my head and said "no. I'm just teasing." Eddie clicked his tongue and his hands went to my hips. "You sure?" His thumb rubbed the exposed skin of my hip and I said "yeah. I'm ok. I'm teasing." Eddie brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt my cheeks heating up and Eddie said "as long as you're sure." "I promise I'm ok." I kissed his cheek. "Are you gonna be warm in that crop top?" Eddie asked. I looked down at my exposed stomach and said "yeah. It's long sleeve. I'll be ok. Plus I can wear your jacket if I get cold." Eddie rolled his eyes playfully and said "of course." He wrapped his arms around me, closing the gap between us. I giggled softly and he kissed my lips sweetly. I deepened the kiss, Eddie moaning softly as our lips moved in sync. "Guys, seriously?" Dustin said. I pulled away from Eddie and looked at the doorway. Alyssa wiped her nose and said "come on." The two of us walked out of the bedroom, following Dustin and Alyssa. I pulled on my sneakers and we had to take two cars to fit everyone. "Hey, you're ok right? After the whole Vecna thing?" Robin asked. I nodded and said "yeah." "Sorry Nance and I weren't there." I shook my head and said "you're good. Eddie saved me." Eddie put his hands over his heart and said "oh shucks." I hit him playfully and Eddie laughed. "I found the Walkman by the way." Dustin said. Steve nodded and said "yeah, I had to help him clean his room to find it." Dustin rolled his eyes and Steve said "Eddie and I put it on a loop. I think it's 40 minutes long." Eddie reached for the Walkman, taking it from Dustin. Eddie slipped it into my jean pocket, placing the headphones around my neck. I stared up at him as he did so. "Curt Smith can keep you safe now." Eddie half smiled and I kissed his cheek. "So will you." Eddie kissed my forehead. Steve put his hands in his pockets and said "so, riding situations." Nancy shrugged and said "I'm driving. I've got the station wagon. I can fit mostly everyone." Milo pulled on his jacket and said "I'm going where Em goes." "I don't really feel like driving. I just want to give Em all my attention." Eddie said. Alyssa said "well, half of us could go with Nancy and the other half could go with Steve?" "I'm going with Steve." Dustin said. Max shrugged and said "I'll go with Nancy." "Me too." Lucas answered. Robin looked at me and then Steve. "I could go with Nancy." Nancy sighed deeply and then said "fine." Alyssa looked at Rhett and said "wanna go with me Nancy?" "I guess we'll ride with Harrington." Eddie said. Steve patted his shoulder and said "I'll let you play some Metallica." Eddie rolled his eyes and said "thanks, dad." "Be nice." I scolded them both. We all walked outside and got in our cars. Eddie, Milo, and I were in the backseat of Steve's car. Dustin was in the front. Everyone else was in Nancy's car. Steve started up his car. Eddie handed Steve a Metallica tape. Steve put it in and his eyes widened at the loud guitar solo that entered the car. Milo covered his ears and said "metal sucks!" "You suck, Linderman!" Eddie told him. I laughed softly and Steve followed Nancy to the house.


We parked in front of the house. It was boarded up and was definitely old and abandoned. We walked up the steps to the house. Eddie had ahold of my hand and Dustin pushed past Steve. Steve rolled his eyes and said "don't go up there without us." Nancy followed Steve and the front door was boarded up. Steve pulled at the wooden board, Nancy helping him. Dustin jumped as it fell on the ground in front of him. Rhett picked up the board and tossed it in the grass. Steve pulled on the doorknob and huffed. "Well, it's locked." He put his hands on his hips and Robin picked up a brick. "Guys, I found a key." The door then opened. Alyssa wiped her nose and Steve's eyes widened. "How'd you do that?" Dustin giggled and said "she has superpowers like El." Max looked at Alyssa and said "wait, really?" Alyssa nodded and Eddie said "so, you're a superhero?" Alyssa shrugged and said "I guess?" "That's badass." Robin gushed. "How do you have superpowers?" Lucas asked. Alyssa said "I was born with them. My grandmother had them. They skipped my dad and I got them. My grandma was tested on by the government in the 1930s. I don't know why but she had them. That's why I was in Hawkins lab. My powers were out of control. Whenever I'd get mad or sad, I'd end up damaging something or hurting myself or my parents. They went to the lab, asking for help. And guess who took interest in me?" "Brenner." Nancy answered. Alyssa nodded and said "yeah. I was in the lab for a few years. Of course my parents would come to visit. I had some special privileges. It was weird. I was so young. I didn't have any friends there. That was how my relationship with Henry started. He believed in me when no one else did. Brenner used harsh methods to get the children to use their powers and achieve certain things. Henry was an orderly there. I had no idea that he was Henry Creel, the boy who was presumed dead from the Creel murders." "Henry Creel is Vecna?" Nancy gasped. Robin covered her mouth in shock and Eddie said "so, the kid who survived is trying to kill Max and my girlfriend?" "Well, he's not human. Eleven sent him to the upside down. She thought she killed him. I don't know the full story behind that but Henry was so kind to me until my parents took me out of the lab. I never knew he'd turn into what he is now. He's...not human." Alyssa said. Max nodded in agreement and said "he's like burned." "He was terrifying. His skin is burned but it moves. Like snakes." I said. Eddie looked at me and grimaced. "Snakes?" Dustin asked. "Like vines almost." Max added. Lucas exclaimed in disgust. "Gross." Alyssa nodded and said "yeah. There's a lot of history between me and him. But, I'm not going to let him hurt my friends. Me and Eleven could probably hurt him together. I have the same powers as Eleven. But I can also see things that haven't happened yet." "You can see the future?!" Dustin and Lucas said in unison. Eddie shook his head and said "no way." "Well, I guess technically I can. But it's never clear. Only flashes. I just see a little bit and I don't know what the outcome is." Nancy looked at Alyssa and said "have you seen anything?" Alyssa looked down and said "not anything clear. I'm not really sure what I saw. But if I see something I'll definitely mention it." Eddie then looked at the Creel house. He pulled me forward and him and I stood in the door way. "Let's light this candle." Eddie smirked. We all walked into the house. Eddie still had ahold of my hand. Steve closed the door behind us and Dustin dug in his bag, handing everyone flashlights. Max froze and I felt super uneasy. "I promise I'll stop asking this but you guys see that too, right?" Max said. Lucas followed Max's gaze. Eddie did the same and said "the clock?" "Yeah. Can you guys see it?" Everyone answered yes. "Is that the one you saw?" Dustin said. Max nodded. I looked over my shoulder and around the room. The house was creeping me out. "Let's all split up. Me and Robin will go. Lucas and Max can look around. Alyssa and Rhett." "I guess you're coming with us." Eddie said to Milo. He nodded in agreement and said "yeah." Everyone started to split up and Steve sighed loudly as he was partnered with Dustin. Eddie started to lead me upstairs. The stairs creaked under my feet and I gasped as a shadow moved across the wall. Eddie looked at me and said "hey, you ok?" "I'm just nervous. It's weird. I can feel him. I feel like he's watching us or something. This whole place makes me feel uneasy." I replied. Eddie took a breath and said "just listen to the song. Just in case." I put the headphones on my head, pushing play on the tape. Eddie and I walked into a room filled with old furniture and things that had been left behind. I shined my flashlight around the room. The house looked like it was beautiful at one point. It always made me sad to see things deteriorate and become destroyed. Cobwebs littered the ceilings and I walked over to an armoire, opening it. A coat stand fell out of it, landing at my feet. I jumped and backed away from it. I felt hands on my waist and I turned my head to see Eddie. His mouth moved as he asked me something but all I could hear was Curt Smith. I reached up to remove the headphones and Eddie said "you ok, sweetheart?" I nodded and said "yeah. Just scared me." Eddie kissed my cheek and said "you're ok." Milo had ducked into a room adjacent from us. I turned around completely so I could face Eddie. "If we weren't dealing with a monster trying to kill you, this house would be so metal." Eddie said as he looked around the room. "This creepy old house?" I said. Eddie nodded and said "oh yeah. This is something out of a metal album's darkest nightmares." I laughed softly and said "would Kirk Hammet perform a guitar solo in here?" "Definitely." Eddie rocked back and forth on his heels and I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him. Eddie was taken aback but slowly put his arms around me. Head Over Heels played softly from the headphones around my neck. Eddie hummed the song as he started to sway us back and forth. My arms tightened around Eddie and I smiled really big. Eddie spun us around really fast causing me to giggle. He then slowed us back down and laughed to the crook of my neck. "I love you." I whispered. Eddie cupped my cheek and made me look up at him. "I love you too, sweetheart." Eddie then pulled away from me, going to open a door that led to a very leaky bathroom. I peeked inside as Eddie rummaged through cabinets. "Did you guys find anything?" Dustin's voice asked. I looked over my shoulder and said "no." Milo stepped back into the room and said "there's nothing but spiders in this room." Steve shook out his hair and said "yeah, I know. I walked right into a spider web." I grimaced and I felt something tickling my shoulder. I yelped in fear and Eddie started to laugh. I huffed and hit him in the shoulder. "Jerk!" I said. Eddie held a stick in his hand and said "it was a stick, babe." I walked away from him and stood next to Steve. "Kick his ass for me." I told him. Steve chuckled and said "hear that, Munson?" "You couldn't kick my ass if you tried, Harrington." Steve rolled his eyes and I pulled a piece of web off his jacket. Lights in the house started to flicker and move around. Everyone had come into the room we were in slowly but surely. Max stared at the lights and I did the same. "It's him." Max said. Eddie looked at me and I nodded. "Headphones on. Both of you." Steve said. Max and I immediately put our headphones on. The lights started to move up the stairs to the attic. Nancy and Lucas slowly led the way. "Guys!" Dustin said. Alyssa walked ahead of me and I followed her, Steve directly behind me. As we all walked up into the attic, our flashlights shined brightly in the room. I furrowed my eyebrows and couldn't understand why the lights were so bright. Max slowly took her headphones off. I did the same and I said "I think he's in here." "But on the other side." Max added. Lucas' eyes widened and Eddie pushed past Steve to stand next to me. "Can he hear us?" Milo said. Steve exhaled and said "can he see us?" "God, I hope not." Lucas said. All of a sudden our flashlights started to burst. One by one. Eddie was quick to shield me as the lightbulbs inside shattered. Everyone exclaimed in fear and then all the lights in the house got super bright and then went out. "What just happened?" Robin asked. Nobody answered as we all tried to process the situation.

Here's the update!! I posted another chapter before this one but don't know of it uploaded properly or not!! So if you guys didn't get the notification or didn't see it, please go back and read that chapter!! I'm sure this one was a bit confusing if you hadn't. Anyways this book has reached 2k!! Wow that's awesome!! I know I always say this but I really hope you're all enjoying this and that you guys don't mind that the chapters are long

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