The Dive

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Eddie's POV:
Dustin continued to lead the way to where this gate was supposed to be. A gate? I didn't even know what the hell a gate was. Apparently it was a gate to the Upside Down. "We're getting closer!" Dustin said. He started to get out of view as he hurried to get there first. "Dustin." I called out. I followed after him and stopped him just before he went walking into Lover's Lake. "Stop here, big guy." Dustin looked at the water and then at me. "Thanks." I nodded and Steve noticed a boat on the shore. "Where's the gate?" I asked. Dustin giggled and said "it's a watergate." Emmaline held back a laugh while Steve and I looked at him so annoyed. "Get it? Water-Gate?" Robin shook her head at him and Nancy said "I'm going out there." "Me too." Emmaline said. Steve and I immediately both looked at her. "No, you're not." I said. She furrowed her eyebrows and said "why? Nancy might need help finding the gate. And I wanna see it." "Baby, light of my life, I really don't want you to go out there." I said. Emmaline kissed my cheek and said "just come with me." I shook my head and said "Nancy's a big girl. She can go with Robin or Alyssa." "Eddie, come on. We're going." She said. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets. "Nice try." Rhett said with a laugh. Alyssa smirked and said "smooth." I rolled my eyes at both of them as Steve pulled the boat closer to the group. I went to get into the boat. I turned around, holding my hand out for Emmaline. She took it and I helped her into the boat. "Come on." Alyssa told Rhett. Milo looked at me and Em, shaking his head. I helped Nancy and Robin into the boat. "We'll be back. Stay here and keep a lookout for anything suspicious." Nancy told Milo. He nodded and Max said "we got this." Steve pushed the boat off the bank and then got in. "You suck!" Dustin yelled. Steve shrugged and said "sorry." "You're supposed to stay!" "I'm sorry!" Steve turned around to face us. "Really, Harrington? Just had to get on the boat?" I snapped. Steve looked at me and said "yeah. I actually know about the upside down. You all need me." Nancy and Robin rowed the boat to where the compass was going crazy. The stress of the whole situation started to get to me. I took a deep breath and when Nancy and Robin stopped, the topic about who would go down there was brought up. Emmaline offered, I declined for her. She huffed softly and Steve said "I'll go." "Good! Harrington'll go." "God, shut it, Munson." "Bite me." I smirked. Robin laughed softly and Emmaline did the same. Steve took off his shirt, Nancy and Emmaline's eyes immediately going to him. He shuffled off his shoes and socks and threw his yellow sweater at me. I reached in my pocket to grab a cigarette. I went to light it and Emmaline took it from me. "Gross." She threw it in the water and my eyes widened. "Babe!" Emmaline didn't even react to me. Steve dove in the water and I flinched, not wanting to get wet. Emmaline looked over the side of the boat, staring down at the black water. "Lover's Lake is so scary at night. I forget it sometimes." She said softly. I scooted closer to her and said "it looks like an abyss of nothing." She nodded and Alyssa said "the gate is definitely down there. I can feel it." "You can feel it?" I asked curiously. Alyssa nodded and said "yeah. I don't know how to explain it." "Well, you're connected to Vecna. Could that be it?" Alyssa shrugged and said "could be." Steve then came back up. "Jesus!" I said as he scared the living shit out of me. Steve hung on the side of the boat. "Did you find it?" Emmaline said. Steve looked down at the water and looked back at us. "Oh yeah. It's down there. It's kinda scary actually." Nancy took a breath and Emmaline said "ok, well get back in the boat. We'll figure something out." Emmaline went to give Steve her hand. Steve grabbed her hand and tried to get in the boat. It seemed like someone pulled on his leg as he struggled to get in the boat. A nervous expression appeared on his face. "Can't get up on the boat, Steve?" I sniggered. Then my eyes widened when Steve was drug under the water. "Steve!" Robin said. Emmaline gasped as Steve's hand had slipped from hers. "Shit! We gotta go after him!" Emmaline said as she stood up. "W-What?!" I said. Emmaline went to dive in and Nancy beat her to it, going first. Robin took a breath and said "I'm going too." "Are you crazy?! This is such a stupid idea!" I yelled. Robin then went into the water. Emmaline looked over her shoulder at me. "Emmaline." I started. She then dove into the water. "What the fuck?! Emmaline! Shit! Shit! Shit!" I pulled at my hair and couldn't believe what was happening right now. "She just dove in there! What do I do?! I'm so fucking scared for her right now! And I'm scared about everything!" "Eddie, come on. Me and you. Let's go." Alyssa said. I inhaled deeply and then exhaled. "You'd better come right after me." "I will! Em's my girlfriend. I have to." Alyssa then went into the water, her boyfriend following her. "Shit, shit, shit! Goddamn it! Son of a bitch." I stood up, my hands shaking at my sides. "Shit!" I then dove into the water. The red glow emitting at the bottom of Lover's Lake was what I assumed the gate was. What I didn't expect to see when I went through the gate was Steve Harrington being attacked by some kind of bats and my girlfriend fighting them off.

This chapter is a little short but next chapter will have some character building and a big surprise!! Eddie and Steve will become friends because the duffer's were so wrong to not make them be friends! And this will be a double update!😈

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