The Mutilator and The Metalhead

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Emmaline's POV:
I got in my car and quickly started it up. As I drove to my house, I kept thinking about how Eddie didn't let go of my hand when we got to the parking lot. Maybe we were so engrossed with our conversation that we didn't even notice. I pulled into my driveway and went inside. I set my school stuff in my room and put my keys down as well. "Dolly?" Mom called out. "Yeah, it's me mom!" I replied. I came out of my room and she said "you're home early." "I'm going over to Eddie's. We have some more studying to do." I quickly lied even though it wasn't a big deal. My mom looked at me and said "well, that's fine. And I don't care that you're skipping." "How'd you-" "Dolly, it's written all over your face. Have fun and be safe." I nodded with a smile and gave my mom a hug before going to leave. I stopped and said "mom?" She looked up at me and said "yeah?" "If Peter calls or comes here, tell him I'm with Milo or Alyssa." Mom nodded and said "he called when you left for school this morning. Did something happen between you two?" I sighed and said "we broke up. I'll explain it later. I promise." "That's fine. You go and have fun." I gave my mom another smile before going outside. Eddie inhaled on a cigarette as I walked towards his van. "Hey, sweetheart." I waved some of the smoke out of my face and said "hey, metalhead." Eddie gestured to the van and said "get in." I walked around the other side and got in the passenger seat. Eddie then started the drive to his trailer. I liked that he lived on the outskirts of town, away from everyone and everything. Eddie's van came screeching to a halt as he parked the car. The two of us got out and headed into the trailer. Eddie opened the door, gesturing for me to go inside. "Ladies first." He smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and stepped in. Eddie closed the screen door behind us instead of the actual door. "Eddie?" A male voice called out. "Yeah, it's just me. And Emmaline." An older man came out of one of the bedrooms and Eddie said "uncle Wayne, this is Emmaline. Emmaline, this is my uncle." "Hello." I said, slightly nervous because I was meeting his uncle. I always was super nervous when I'd meet anyone's parent or guardian. Wayne looked at Eddie and then looked at me. "Another girlfriend?" Eddie shook his head and said "no. No. Uhm, Em is my friend. She's the one I picked up from the party the other night. Remember I told you about the basketball players?" I looked at Eddie, shocked he had even mentioned me or the situation to his uncle. "Right. Right. Well, make yourself at home, Emmaline. Any friend of Eddie's is always welcome." I smiled and said "thank you. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Munson." Wayne nodded and said "Eddie, I'll be leaving for work in a few minutes." "Why so early?" Eddie asked. Wayne sighed and said "I have some stuff to do before work. Figure I'd do it all before and then head in. I'll leave some money for dinner. You guys can get whatever. Have a good night, Emmaline." "You too, Mr. Munson." The older man went into his bedroom and Eddie walked into the kitchen. "Want anything to eat? Drink? We can wait for the guys and Rosalie to show up later to get pizza. Or we could get something now?" I followed Eddie into the kitchen and said "what all do you have?" The tall boy sighed and opened up the cabinets. He grimaced as they were empty and looked around. He went to the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs. "Breakfast for lunch?" Eddie suggested. I shrugged and said "I'll cook us some eggs. If you want." "Yeah. That'd be nice." "How do you like your eggs?" "Scrambled." "Me too." Eddie chuckled and said "who knew the freak and the princess were so alike? It's like a goddamn movie playing out." "Shut up. And that's how friends are. They have things in common." I told him. Eddie made a funny face and said "duh, I'm not stupid." "Didn't say you were." I replied as I started to crack the eggs. "I'm heading out." Wayne said from the front door. Eddie waved at his uncle and said "bye, uncle Wayne." "Bye, Mr. Munson." I said. Wayne half smiled and said "keep Eddie out of trouble, will you? You seem like someone who could do that." "Me? Trouble?" Eddie feigned innocence. I bit my lip to keep from laughing and I said "will do, Mr. Munson." Wayne then stepped out. I started to whisk the eggs and grabbed some milk from the fridge. "Bye, Mr. Munson." Eddie mocked in a funny voice. I gasped and said "don't!" I pushed him playfully and he laughed. "You sounded all proper and shit! I'd never heard you talk like that before! Bye, Mr. Munson. I'll keep him out of trouble, Mr. Munson." Eddie continued to mock me. I rolled my eyes and said "stop!" I went to push him again and Eddie was quick to dodge me. I reached for him again, Eddie laughing as I couldn't get him. I followed him to the edge of the kitchen where the tile met the carpet. I tripped on the carpet as I went to push him. Eddie grabbed me and stopped me from face planting. "Be careful, sweetheart." "Sorry." I said softly. Eddie shook his head and said "you're ok." I turned away from him, slowly pulling away. I went back to the stove and cooked us eggs.


Eddie and I had more than a few hours to spare before the group came over to watch The Mutilator. Eddie was currently strumming his guitar and I was enjoying spending time with him. He was outside of my friend group and wasn't someone I'd spend time with usually but was making me feel so comfortable. My other friends had lives or a significant other to keep them company most days. Peter Birch broke my heart and now I was heartbroken. Eddie had saved me from a terrible moment in time and made me feel comfortable. Which is something I hadn't felt in a long time. The two of us could laugh and talk for hours. Eddie hummed to himself as he played a song on the guitar. It wasn't a fast one. Something slow. I wanted to tell Eddie how I was feeling. That I was grateful to be his friend even though it had been a couple of days. I hadn't had a friend like him in a while. I felt like I bothered Alyssa with all my problems. And she had Rhett to keep her company most of the time. She didn't need me anymore. "E-Eddie?" I stuttered. "Hmm?" Eddie hummed. I played with the ring on my finger and said "I just wanted to thank you." "For what?" "Being my friend. Not judging me even though I was apart of the popular kids. For being so kind. I know it's only been a short while but I'm glad we're friends, Eddie. It's been nice to have a friend like you. I feel like I can be a lot sometimes. And you've just been so nice and supportive. It just means a lot to me. And I'm sorry if that's weird." Eddie has stopped strumming his guitar and he had been looking at me the entire time I spoke. "It's not weird. I understand it. I love my friends. But, none of them are like you. It's different with you. Everything. I like having my little princess around." He teased. I shook my head at him and said "I'm serious." "So am I. You're the coolest. The coolest girl I know. And you're so sweet. How are you so sweet? You don't think I'm a freak. You think I'm the opposite. Most girls like you would haul ass and run away from me. Just because of how I look. But, you stayed. You didn't run even though I looked mean and scary. And I didn't run from you even though you looked mean and scary." I half smiled and Eddie looked down at his lap. The both of us seemed shy in the moment. "Show me your posters." I said. Eddie looked back up at me. "Which ones?" I pointed to his ceiling and he quickly put his guitar away and then gestured for me to lay on my back. The two of us laid next to each other. "That one there, that's Iron Maiden. Supposedly that's what hell looks like." Eddie pointed to one directly above us. I went to answer when a thunderclap entered the air. I jumped and Eddie chuckled. "Scared of thunder, sweetheart?" "Kind of. It caught me off guard. Sorry. What's that one?" Eddie smiled really big and said "that's Dio. Do you know Dio?" "I know Rainbow in the Dark. And Holy Diver." Eddie exclaimed happily and said "I might just marry you, Emmaline Brooks." I blushed and Eddie started explaining how he had made his Dio vest. "It's so cool." I told him. Eddie looked at me and said "you think so?" I nodded and Eddie smiled really big. As the rain started to pour I looked at Eddie's window. "Now it's gonna be all muddy outside." Eddie grumbled. I shook my head and said "forget the mud. It's going to be cold." "Well I have plenty of things in here to keep you warm. Just look at my room." Eddie and I were currently laying on a bundle of blankets as his bed wasn't made. And he has so many jackets and had a couple of sweaters. "Could I borrow a sweater?" Eddie pointed to the closet and said "sure." I slowly got up from the bed, smoothing out my skirt. I carefully stepped over a pile of comic books and made my way to his closet. I turned the light on and looked around inside. Band T-shirts hung from almost every hanger along with the occasional movie T-shirt. I grabbed a black long sleeve sweater that had been haphazardly folded on one of the shelves. I pulled it over my head and turned the closet light out. Eddie sat up, leaning on his elbows. "Is this one ok?" I asked softly. Eddie looked at me, his eyes going up and down. I immediately looked away from him and he said "uhm, it looks fine. It looks good on you." "Really?" My voice being a little hopeful. Eddie nodded and I made my way back to his bed. "Is that gonna keep you warm?" Eddie pulled on the material. I shrugged and said "maybe. I still might need a blanket. For my legs." Eddie's eyes went to my exposed legs and said "are you that cold?" "I get cold really easily." I smoothed my skirt out over my thighs and Eddie seemed to stare. I snapped in front of his face. He blinked and said "I'll get you that blanket. And do you wanna order the pizza?" I nodded and said "sure. And don't stare at me, Eddie." Eddie leaned closer to me and said "I'm harmless, sweetheart." "I know. It's just..." Eddie quirked an eyebrow and I shook my head, not wanting to tell him it slightly made me nervous or that I enjoyed that he looked at me that way. I also didn't want him to feel like I was coming onto him or something. "Did I make you uncomfortable?" "No, you didn't. I'm ok." "Well, if I did, you gotta tell me, Em." "No, you didn't. I promise. Can we get pepperoni pizza?" Eddie didn't seem convinced but he let it go as he grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the living room. Eddie was quick to order the pizza and he went to get the movie set up. Gareth and Jeff arrived first, Dustin and Mike had rode with Steve Harrington and they arrived shortly after them. Eddie leaned against the doorframe as he watched his two younger friends come inside. Dustin waved to Steve as Mike walked past Eddie and I into the trailer. Steve nodded to Eddie and then made eye contact with me. "H-Hey, Em." He stuttered. He waved awkwardly and I waved back. "Hi?" I questioned. Steve had barely acknowledged me in school or if he saw me in the front yard during the many times he'd pick Dustin up. "Hi, em!" Dustin said. I smiled at him and Eddie ruffled Dustin's hair even though he had a hat on. The three of us went inside. Rosalie was the last to arrive. She got there about 10 minutes later. "Emmaline Brooks?" She said as she looked at Eddie. Eddie took a step towards her and said "listen, you weren't at lunch today so you don't know what's going on-" "Eddie, you have a popular girl in here? She's literally dating Peter Birch." "No, she isn't." Dustin said. Rosalie looked at him and scoffed. "Eddie, what'd she tell you? She's lying." I cleared my throat and said "I can just go. Obviously I'm not wanted here. I didn't mean to make anything uncomfortable or weird." Jeff shook his head and said "you're fine, Emmaline." "Jeff." Rosalie said as she rolled her eyes. Eddie grabbed Rosalie's wrist and pulled her into his bedroom, the door slamming shut. "Maybe Steve could give me a ride home. If he's still out there." I said quietly, mostly to myself. "Don't go. Please." Dustin said. I frowned and said "Dustin, it's fine. I'll just come back another night." "Please, Em." I took a breath and went to reach for the door handle when Eddie stopped me. "Em, stay."

Eddie's POV:
Rosalie's nose flared as she stared at me angrily after I had pulled her into my bedroom. "Listen, before you say anything just listen to me." Rosalie huffed and I said "I invited her." "Why? She's not one of us, Eddie." I scoffed and said "so? So what? You weren't at that party the other night. If it wasn't for me, Em would've got assaulted by Andy. And the basketball team would've covered for him." "Eddie, I know you like her and stuff but she's not the person you think she is. Why would Emmaline Brooks ever date you when she's dating Peter Birch?" I looked down and said "you don't understand, Rosie. I knew you guys were going to be like this. Emmaline is not Lorna. She's not Jason. She's not Andy. And she's not Peter. She was only in that crowd because she was with Peter. Should I have just let her got hurt? Should I have let Andy do whatever he wanted to do to her? Because I don't put up with that shit. I would've done it for you. I had to do it, Rosalie. Otherwise..." I shook my head and Rosalie said "you've got Peter Birch's girlfriend here. They'll figure it out, Eddie." "She's not with him anymore. He broke her heart. He cheated on her. In her face. He kissed some goddamn girl that wasn't her. That's why she was drunk and that's why Andy was going to take advantage of her. I couldn't let that happen to her. I'd do it for you. Hell, I'd even do it for Mike's stuck up sister. It's not ok. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. And her and I have been hanging out. She feels comfortable around me. For the first time in four years, Emmaline Brooks actually wants to be around me. She's so fucking sweet, Rosie. If you can't give her a chance then you have to leave." Rosalie gave me a hug and said "I didn't know, Eddie. I don't keep up with the school gossip, you know that. I figured she was just here while her boyfriend was out looking for her. I don't want them to hurt you, Eddie." "Just give her a chance. Get to know her. She's the girl of my dreams." Rosalie sighed and said "fine." "Thank you. Thank you." I thanked her as I put my hands together, pretending I was praying. Rosalie rolled her eyes and the two of us exited my bedroom. "Em, stay." Emmaline's hand hovered over the handle and she looked at me. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes. Eddie invited you. So stay." Rosalie said. Emmaline nodded and walked away from the door. She sat down next to Dustin who was talking her ear off. "Leave her alone." I told Rosalie. She nodded and said "fine." I went to grab the tape and showed it to the group. "The Mutilator. 1984. A group of friends goes to a vacation house for the weekend only to get slayed one by one by an unknown assailant." I used my campaign voice to grab everyone's attention. Gareth and Jeff looked at the tape in my hands, looking at the cover. Rosalie sat down next to Mike and said "are you going to start it?" "Now, Rosalie, the pizza isn't here. Plus, we have to make sure nobody is going to ruin the movie. Am I bold to assume that everyone will be quiet?" I asked the group. Dustin put his finger to his mouth and said "I'm silent." Jeff and Gareth nodded. I looked at Mike who nodded and said "I'm quiet." Rosalie flipped me off as I looked at her. "Last not but least, Princess Emmaline." Emmaline looked up at me and said "I'm not going to ruin it." She crossed one of her legs over the other as she got comfortable. "Are you sure?" Emmaline nodded and said "uh huh. I'll be quiet." "Good. I'll at least put the movie in before the pizza gets here so it's ready." Dustin leaned over to Gareth and they talked quietly. I looked over my shoulder at Emmaline who looked unbelievably uncomfortable. The VHS tape sat on a black screen and clicked. "Fuck!" I groaned. Gareth looked over and said "what?" "The asshole who rented this last didn't rewind it!" Jeff huffed and said "what a dick." "Be kind, rewind!" Dustin said. Emmaline giggled at Dustin's comment and he said "you liked that one?" "Dustin, you've always been funny. Even when you were little and I babysat you." "You babysat Henderson?!" Gareth said. Emmaline nodded and said "y-yeah." "Makes sense why you guys are friends." Jeff said. I turned back to the tv and started rewinding the VHS tape. The tape whirred as it rewound. I then went to grab the pizza as I heard the door. I set the three pizza boxes down on the counter. "Come and get it!" I yelled. The boys on my couch immediately stood up and ran over to the kitchen. I shook my head as they were all crammed in the kitchen trying to get pizza. Emmaline still sat on the couch and I made my way over to her. "Come on." I told her. Emmaline stood up and said "I was waiting for everyone else." "Come on. I got the pepperoni just for you." Gareth walked past us, three pieces of pizza on his plate and went to sit down. Jeff followed him, the same amount of pizza on his plate. "Move!" Mike said to Dustin. Dustin shoved Mike who bumped into the fridge. "Hey!" I said. Mike grabbed his plate and left the kitchen. Rosalie stood at the edge of the kitchen. Dustin held a plate of pizza in his hands. He offered it to Emmaline who said "that's yours." "I can get another plate. Take these pieces. They have extra pepperoni. And I know you like pepperoni." Emmaline took the plate from Dustin and said "thank you." "Of course." I patted Dustin's shoulder and Emmaline awaited for me to get some pizza. "What do you want to drink?" I said. "Can I have water?" Emmaline looked up at me and I grabbed her a bottle of water. "Here you go." Emmaline nodded and said "thank you." Rosalie stepped into the kitchen and went to get her food. I grabbed two slices and then Dustin pulled Emmaline to the couch. Everyone was sitting and awaiting for me to push play. "Is everyone ready?" "Yeah." Everyone seemed to answer. I pushed play and then sat in between Dustin and Emmaline. Dustin rolled his eyes and scooted down the couch. Emmaline was at the end of the couch and she gave me a smile. The movie started and Gareth seemed to shovel his pizza into his mouth. Mike and Dustin laughed at the corny jokes being said by the characters on the screen. The characters weren't getting killed quick enough for Jeff who complained and Gareth was quick to tell him to shut up. As Linda and Mike went for a swim, the boys in the room cheered. "Finally! Some fucking action!" Gareth said. Rosalie rolled her eyes and said "hush." Jeff and Gareth talked quietly about hoping to see a tit shot. Emmaline sat up a little and got more invested as the music started to pick up. Linda laid on her back in the pool, the gratuitous tit shot appearing. Mike's mouth hung agape and Dustin covered his eyes. Jeff and Gareth cheered. "Whoo!" "There it is!" "Shut up!" I shouted. Gareth and Jeff became stiff and Emmaline's eyes seemed to light up as Linda was drowned. Emmaline Brooks loved horror movies. She actually enjoyed watching the stupid teenagers get killed. Jesus, she's perfect. She's fucking unreal. Too sweet to be in the popular club and has a love for horror movies. The killer removed Linda from the pool effortlessly, taking Mike and Linda's clothes with him since the two were skinny dipping. "Shit!" Mike exclaimed. Mike wandered off, looking for his girlfriend. He seemed to wander for a few minutes before he saw a shadow, thinking it was his girlfriend he tried to jump out and scare her. But he was wrong. Oh, he was so wrong. The killer came out from behind the wall with a weed wacker. Emmaline jumped at the sound of the lawn machine cutting into Mike's throat. She seemed to be closer to me since she jumped. I smirked to myself and slowly inched myself closer to her. "Oh!" Dustin said as his chest was now cut open and bleeding profusely. As the movie went on I seemed to zone out. I'd seen this movie before. I liked it. It wasn't one of my favorites but was one that was overlooked. It was a hidden gem for sure. The movie ended as the credits began to roll. Dustin and Mike immediately stood up as Steve's horn went off outside. Mike stepped out of the trailer, not saying anything. "Bye, Eddie." Dustin waved at me. I waved back and said "bye, Henderson." "Oh, and get Em home safe." Gareth and Jeff walked past Dustin as he stood in the doorway. I awaited for Emmaline to reply to Dustin and I looked next to me to see her asleep. My eyes practically bulged out of my head. "Eddie, did you hear me?" Dustin asked. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Yeah, I heard you. I'll get her home safe." I replied without looking at him. "Ok. Bye, Eddie." The younger boy left and Rosalie said "you are going to take her home, right?" "Of course. I'm not that kind of guy. Plus her mom's super strict. If I don't get her home soon, her mom will flip out." I said. Rosalie patted my shoulder and said "better wake her up then." Rosalie then got in her car and left. I slowly got up off the couch, rewinding the movie so the next person who got it wouldn't be stuck at the end. "Em?" I said softly. The curly haired girl didn't even move. I tapped her shoulder and hoped that'd be enough to wake her. It wasn't. I gently touched her shoulder, shaking her as if she'd break. "Em?" I said a little louder. Emmaline's eyes fluttered open and she looked around. "I fell asleep. I'm sorry." I shook my head and said "you're good. I do wanna take you home though." "Oh. Is it that late?" I looked at my watch and said "it's like 10:30." "Shit. Shit. Yeah." Emmaline sat up and rubbed at her eyes, immediately scolding herself as she had light eyeshadow on. Pink. The color brought out her eyes. "Just let me pee and we can go." Emmaline walked to the bathroom and I went to grab the keys to my van. I leaned against the wall, hearing the VHS click, signaling it was done. Emmaline came out of the bathroom and the two of us got in my van. "I had fun tonight." Emmaline spoke up after a few minutes of silence. The drive had been quiet except for the radio playing softly. Foreigner. It happened to be one of their love songs. "I'm glad, sweetheart. Can't wait to do it again. You pick the movie next time." I told her. Emmaline smiled and said "really?" "Yeah. I think you have good movie knowledge." The cool spring breeze came in through the window and Emmaline pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. As we pulled up to her house she said "thanks again for this. It's nice to feel included. I really appreciate you being so nice to me. I've been kind of feeling alone lately." "How so?" I asked curiously. Emmaline shifted in her seat and looked nervous. "You don't have to tell me." She shook her head at my comment. "No. I do. I was just trying to find the right words without sounding like a bitch. Uhm, Milo is one of my best friends. I love him. But, he's not Alyssa. Alyssa is my best friend. Her boyfriend Rhett is nice. And I'm happy that she's found her person. I really am. I just feel like...she's found him and I'm getting left behind. It happens. You know? People get into a relationship and that's all they care about. And it's valid. I understand it. I was like that with Peter. But, I never ignored Alyssa or blew her off. And I don't think she does it intentionally. She just gets busy and forgets to talk to her best friend. And I don't want to bring it up to her and have her be mad at me for it. I kind of feel like she'll think I'm just jealous or complaining. But, I'm not. I just miss my best friend. And you've been so sweet. You've helped me through it a little bit. I feel like I have a friend again. Milo is a good friend he just doesn't talk serious stuff. He can't get into anything deep. Thank you, Eddie. For being my friend. For everything. Everything so far." My mind was blown. The girl of my dreams thanking me for just hanging out with her. She's thanking me for being her friend. Ouch. It was a feeling I could push away I'm sure. I've only been pining after this girl for years. And I finally have her close to me. If being her friend is what I could get, I'll take it. I'd rather have her as a friend than not have her at all. "I'm sorry about your friend. I didn't know. I don't like when people feel excluded. That's kind of why I started Hellfire. So the nerds and the freaks have somewhere to be themselves. A safe place. And I'm glad you're apart of that now. If you uhm, ever need me. You can call. I'll give you my number." I grabbed a notepad I had in the back. I scribbled my number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. Emmaline smiled and said "thanks again, Eddie. And I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yep. I'll see you at school." "Not if I see you first." Emmaline then got out of my van and walked into her house. I turned around and headed back to my house. I exhaled deeply and knew I was going to have my hands full with Emmaline Brooks. Why did feelings have to get involved. I told myself earlier that I should be able to swallow them. Honestly? Now? Don't know if I can.

Another long ass chapter and I apologize!! My stranger things phase has come back and hit me hard. Not sure why but here it is. I hope you're all enjoying this!!

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