The Princess

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Emmaline's POV:
The slasher movie that played on Eddie's tv was short lived as the two of us couldn't keep our hands off each other. I was currently straddling Eddie as our lips moved in sync. His hands rested on my hips, squeezing every so often. I ground my hips down onto his and Eddie groaned. I then went to his neck and left sweet kisses up and down it. "Em, sweetheart." Eddie began but stopped as I nibbled at his neck. He exhaled and I ran my hand through his hair, tugging slightly. "You're killing me, sweetheart." I smiled at him and he cupped my cheek. "I just wanna kiss you right now. We can go all the way later. I just wanna hold and kiss you right now." I nodded and left a passionate kiss on Eddie's lips. The metalhead smiled into the kiss, his hand holding my cheek gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close to me. I pulled away from him, looking down at how pretty he was. I played with his hair, pushing it behind his ears. I giggled softly and Eddie said "what?" "Your ears are all red. Are your ears burning, Eddie?" I teased. Eddie immediately covered his ears with his hair and said "no. They're not." He looked away from me and I smiled really big, hugging him. Eddie's hand went to move up and down my back. The squelching from some poor teenager's murder played into the room and I scrunched my face up in disgust. "Can we watch something else?" I asked. I pulled away and Eddie looked up at me. "Sure. What do you want?" "Anything. Or just talk to me about dungeons and dragons. Teach me some stuff. You could still hold and kiss me as you do." Eddie smirked and said "really? You wanna know about my nerdy fantasy game?" I nodded and said "please?" Eddie shrugged and turned off the tv. Any other night I'd want a horror movie but for whatever reason I didn't tonight. I just wanted every bit of Eddie's attention. He sat up and went to grab his dungeons and dragons stuff. "I wish you had The Black Cauldron." I mumbled. Eddie's head snapped up in my direction and he said "The Black Cauldron? The Disney movie?" "Yeah." "Em, I fucking love that movie. You literally remind of Elionwy." "And you're Taran with long hair." Eddie chuckled and said "I am, aren't I?" "Yes." He sat down next to me and started pulling things out of his dungeons and dragons set. He held up a figurine and said "this is the Demogorgan. As you can see he's got two heads. The left one is Aameul and the right one is Hethradiah. See his tentacles?" I nodded, observing the small figure in his hand. "If he were to wrap one of those around you, it causes your body to rot. Then you have to cast a spell to stop it. But you have to be quick with the spell. Otherwise it's over. And his tail can drain your life force." Eddie handed me the Demogorgan as he rummaged through the box. I looked at the detail of the figure, looking at it intently. "Is he scary? If you have to play against him?" I asked. Eddie looked over while holding another figurine in his hand. "Yeah. He can be. But, it all depends on the players and the dungeon master. The Demogorgan can make you go crazy. Now if I'm dungeon master, you might not live to see another day unless I feel like taking it easy on you." I shook my head at him and he held another figure in his hand. "Vecna." He began. I looked at the somewhat menacing creature. "Vecna is a nasty guy you don't want to go up against. He's an incredible spell caster and is a very prominent villain in D&D. Don't tell Henderson but, Vecna is going to be his and the Hellfire Club's big challenge during my campaign. I've been working on it for a while. I'm almost finished with it but with everything that's been going on with us...I haven't been working on it." I tilted my head in confusion and said "us?" "Yeah. Em, I've stressed out about how I was going to tell you that I fucking liked you all this time. And I just didn't know how to go about it. I didn't know if you liked me back. I mean, you could have anyone you want." I cupped Eddie's cheek and said "yeah, I could have anyone I want. But, I want you." Eddie closed the space between us by quickly kissing my lips. Eddie slowly pushed me onto his bed, deepening the kiss as he held me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, Eddie slowly pushing my legs apart so he could get in between them. I ran my fingers through his hair as he kissed my neck. I gasped as I felt his teeth bite down hard. Eddie immediately sat up and said "did I hurt you?" "N-No. I'm just not used to the feeling." I replied. "I can do it easier, sweetheart." I shook my head. "No. It's ok. If I make any noise I'm ok. I'll tell you if I don't like it." "Ok. You tell me, Em." Eddie went back down to my neck. He bit down like he had before. I held handfuls of his t-shirt and inhaled sharply. He then licked over the hickey, soothing the pain. "Oh, Eddie." I whispered. Eddie looked at me and said "don't do that, sweetheart." My lips parted and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "If you start something I'll have to finish it." I rolled my eyes playfully and Eddie kissed my lips. His entire box of dungeons and dragons stuff fell off his bed. He looked over his shoulder and said "Jesus Christ!" He got up and went to start picking it up. Vecna was left on the bed and I picked him up. I looked at him while Eddie grumbled from the floor. I giggled softly and he looked at me. "What?" He said. I shook my head and said "you're just cute when you're mad." Eddie grabbed Vecna from me and said "yeah yeah." Eddie then started organizing the box before sliding it under his bed where he could reach it. He sighed and I reached for him, wanting him close to me again. Eddie kissed my cheek and I said "I really like you, Eddie Munson." He smiled really big and said "I really like you too, Em." I brushed his hair away from his face, seeing the red of his burning ears. I giggled and Eddie said "stop laughing at my ears!" "You're so cute, Eddie." He rolled his eyes and kissed my lips. I pulled away and quickly hugged him. Eddie wrapped his arms around me and said "so are you." The two of us laid on his bed and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I hummed at the warmth from his body and Eddie pulled his blanket up over us. My eyes began to droop and the sound of Eddie's breathing slowly started to lull me to sleep. Eddie turned out the lamp next to his bed, the dark engulfing his bedroom. "Eddie?" I whispered. "Hmm?" He hummed. I wrapped my arms around him and said "don't leave in the morning. Stay here with me." "Elionwy, I'll do whatever you want. I'm right here. Couldn't leave you if I tried. Let's just lay here all day tomorrow, yeah?" I nodded against his shoulder and my heart fluttered at the new nickname he had given me. "Goodnight, Eds." "Goodnight, Em." I squeezed him before my brain started to travel to dreamland, my breathing beginning to relax.


"Eddie!" I jumped at Wayne's voice and Eddie groaned from next to me. "Yeah?!" Eddie called out. I winced at his loud voice and Eddie looked at me. "Sorry, sweetheart." He said as he kissed my head. "I've got breakfast for you and Emmaline!" Eddie sighed and said "ok." I buried my face into Eddie's chest and he played with my hair. "Let's go eat what Wayne made and then we can spend the rest of the day in bed." I nodded and slowly sat up. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, my feet coming in contact with Eddie's carpet. I rubbed at my eyes and felt arms wrap around my waist. Eddie pressed a kiss to my neck which caused me to jump. "Gotcha." Eddie whispered. "Stop." I whined. Eddie kissed my cheek and then made me look at him, his hand coming up to cradle my face. "You're so pretty." His voice was soft and my eyes widened slightly. "Elionwy, you're looking at me like you've seen a ghost or something." "My mind is just blown by how sweet you are to me. How you wanted to be with me and now I'm yours." Eddie kissed my lips passionately and pulled away to kiss my forehead. He then stood up and held his arm out for me to take. I smiled at him as I took his arm. Eddie led me down the hall to the kitchen where Wayne was. "Emmaline, how are you?" He said. I gave him a smile and said "I'm good. How about you?" "I'm great. How was the dance last night? Eddie gave you a good night, I hope?" I looked up at Eddie who was smirking. "Eddie gave me a really good night. One that I needed. I also didn't want to go to the dance with anyone but him." "He asked you?" "I asked him." Wayne started to laugh and Eddie said "Wayne, stop." "Boy, I knew she was going to ask you because you wouldn't have the guts." Eddie groaned and said "uncle Wayne." The older man continued to laugh as he put spoonfuls of eggs on two plates. Eddie scratched the back of his head and walked to the fridge. "Boy, get out of the fridge." "I'm thirsty." "I've got orange juice. Go sit down." I watched the two of them bicker and I held back a laugh. Eddie grabbed my hand and led me to the living room couch. The Munson's did not have a dining room table which was totally fine. Wayne smiled at his nephew as he set a plate of food in front of Eddie. Eddie half smiled back at him and Wayne set a plate down for me. My heart swelled at the fact that Wayne would even make me a plate. "Thank you, Mr. Munson." I said. Wayne shook his head and said "if you're Eddie's girl then you can call me Wayne." Eddie stabbed his eggs with his fork, a whole forkful of eggs in his mouth. "Are you sure?" I asked. Wayne nodded and said "of course, Emmaline. I'm glad the both of you are happy. This boy's been pining over you for days." Eddie choked on his eggs and I patted Eddie's back. "Wayne." He wheezed as his cheeks turned red. Wayne ruffled Eddie's hair and he pouted as his hair got messed up. "It's my job to embarrass you, Eddie." Eddie grimaced as Wayne walked away. I smiled at Eddie and he blushed. I leaned my head on Eddie's shoulder and said "you and Wayne are so sweet, Eddie." "Yeah?" He quipped. I nodded and said "I was afraid Wayne might not like me." "How so?" "I don't know. He barely knows me." "Em, he's just glad that I'm super happy. He could tell that me just being around you improved my mood. And I was so stressed to take you to the dance and it was my uncle's suit." I gasped and sat up to look up at Eddie. "That was Wayne's suit?" Eddie nodded. "That's so cute, Eds!" I gushed. Eddie shook his head at me and I brushed his unruly hair off his shoulders. "You think so?" He said. "That's adorable, Eddie." Wayne then came in with his plate and the three of us ate breakfast together.

Eddie's POV:
Emmaline was curled up next to me asleep. We had gotten up early to eat breakfast with my uncle and after that we had went back to nap. I stroked her head, my fingers running through her curls. Emmaline hummed happily and scooted closer to me. "I'm heading out, boy." Wayne's voice said. I looked up at him and said "ok. Thanks for this morning. We really appreciate it. I really appreciated it." Wayne smiled at me and said "I'm glad. You'd better keep her. She's a good one. I know you just got together do her right." I looked back down at Emmaline who was asleep. "I will, Uncle Wayne." "I left some money for you guys if you wanted to get some food later." I nodded at him and Wayne left the room. The girl of my dreams was laying in my bed, asleep and content. I was lucky to have been able to win her over. After pining for her for years, it seemed almost impossible. Now the moment was here and it was happening. I carefully got out of the bed so I wouldn't wake her up, going over to my nightstand. I pulled some money out of my draws and shoved it in my pocket. I got into my van and headed to Family Video. As I walked in, Robin greeted me with a wave. "Hi, Eddie!" Her hyper voice said. I waved back and she said "are you looking for anything in particular?" "Yeah. Uh, I wanted to see if you guys had The Black Cauldron. Em really likes the movie and uh I wanted to get it for her." Robin pointed to the kids department and said "Steve's actually stocking over there. I'm sure he could help you find it. And congratulations on getting the girl." She winked at me and I smiled in response. I made my way over to the kids section, walking past a group of girls from school who stopped in their tracks when they saw me. I stepped out of the way and gestured for them to walk past. "Guys, it's just Eddie." The voice of Chrissy Cunningham entered the air as she walked past me. Her friends seemed to follow but making sure to look at me as if I were a horror movie killer. I rolled my eyes slightly and saw Steve with a box of movies, putting them on the shelf. "Hey, Harrington." Steve looked over at me and said "hey. What's up?" "Here to get a movie." Steve nodded and said "all the cooler movies are on the opposite side of the store." "I'm here for Em. It's a surprise. She really likes The Black Cauldron. I wanted to rent it for her." I scratched the back of my head and Steve started to look around on the shelf. "I think we have that. It wasn't Disney's greatest." He mumbled. "It's still good." I retorted. Steve looked over his shoulder and said "I mean I guess." "It's just too weird for you, Harrington?" "A little." "That's right. You're King Steve. I forgot people like me are weird to you. Does that make Em weird because she likes a Disney movie that didn't do too well?" I quipped, my voice coming off a little harsh. "I'm not King Steve anymore." Steve said softly. I crossed my arms over my chest and said "and why is that?" "Cause I was an asshole. I've changed, you know? I thought change was bad. I thought I had to be an asshole. But, I saw the way I hurt people. So, I changed. It's not weird at all. You can like whatever you want, man. Dustin is a lot like that. He likes all the stuff I think is weird but it makes him who he is. And he has you now. I'm glad. Hawkins High can be a nightmare. I don't know you that well, Eddie. Sorry if I come off a certain way. I just don't really know how to interact with you. But, I'll get better as time goes on. I mean, Dustin really likes you. And as for you and Em, that's awesome. I can tell she's got a good heart. And you deserve to be happy. You're pretty cool and people just need to get to know you." My eyes widened slightly and I said "well, well, King Steve gives me a heartfelt speech in the middle of Family Video." I laughed softly and Steve did the same. Steve picked up the movie and said "I'll cash you out. Come on." The two of us walked up to the counter and Robin gasped. "That's such a cute movie! Gurgi is my favorite!" I laughed and said "yeah, he's pretty cute." Steve typed some stuff on the computer and his eyes didn't leave the screen as the bell above the door jingled. "Welcome to Family Video." Robin greeted. "The freak's here." Jason's voice spat. I looked over to see Peter Birch with him. Peter looked me up and down, a scoff leaving his lips. They walked over to the comedy section and Steve said "it's on me." "What's on you?" I said as I turned around to face him. "The movie. Take it. I'll cover it." I shook my head and said "no, man. Here. I've got the money." I slapped some cash on the counter and now Steve shook his head. "I've got it." Steve emphasized. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "really?" "Yeah. And next time if I need something. You can pay me back. But, just take it. Have fun with Em." I took the movie from him and shook my head in disbelief. "Thanks." Steve gave me a half smile and said "no problem." As I heard Jason's voice getting closer I quickly rushed out of the store. The drive back to my trailer was filled with the thought of Steve Harrington being nice to me. It really didn't make sense. It kind of baffled me. But, I was going to take it for what it was. As I stepped into the trailer, Emmaline stepped out my bedroom. Her hair was damp and she said "where'd you go?" I held up the movie in my hand and said "got us a movie." Emmaline walked over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, smelling the coconut shampoo that she'd used in her hair. "Missed you." She whispered. I kissed her head and then made her look up at me, my hand under her chin. I kissed her lips which made me smile. Emmaline cupped my cheek and brought me closer to her. "I've got something for you." I said as I pecked her lips before pulling away. Emmaline looked up at me with furrowed brows. I shook the VHS in my hand and Emmaline took it from me. She gasped and said "did you rent this for us?" "Yeah. Harrington actually let me have it for free. I was kinda shocked but yeah. I wanted to watch it with you." Emmaline smiled really big and said "oh my gosh, Eddie. I'm so excited." My heart swelled as I knew she was happy. "Can we watch it now?" "Do you wanna?" Emmaline nodded eagerly and I gestured to my room. Emmaline giggled as she rushed down the hallway. I shook my head at her giddiness, absolutely loving it. "Someone actually rewound it! Yes!" I walked in my room to see Emmaline crouched down in front of my tv, the tape already in the player. I also noticed she had one of my old band t-shirts on. A Kiss one. "What's your favorite Kiss song, baby?" Emmaline's cheeks had a hint of pink as she said "I dunno. My brother listens to them. I guess if I had to pick, Ladies Room." "Ladies Room?" Emmaline nodded and looked away from me. "Don't make fun of me." "I'm not, sweetheart." I grabbed her by her waist, pulling her onto my bed. She yelped in surprise and I was quick to kiss her lips. Emmaline's fingers ran through my hair and she moaned softly. I placed sweet kisses up and down her neck and the gasps that left her lips almost sent me spiraling. The phone started to ring in the kitchen. "Why does that phone always ring and the one in your room doesn't?" Emmaline said. I shrugged and said "I dunno. My phone is faulty." I went to get up and Emmaline shook her head. "Let it ring. Stay here." I went to kiss her neck but Emmaline beat me to it, her lips grazing against my Adam's apple. I sighed as she kissed my neck gently. The phone stopped ringing after a couple of rings, silence entering the trailer except for the sounds of Emmaline's lips smacking against my neck. Emmaline kissed my sweet spot which caused me to groan through my nose. "Found it." Emmaline whispered. I went to respond when she kissed there again, proceeding to make a hickey. The phone started ringing again. As much as I wanted to focus on Emmaline, the phone was distracting me. "S-Shit, princess." Emmaline smirked against my neck and I quickly sat up. Emmaline huffed softly, her lip jutting out as she pouted. "I'll be right back. Just let me answer the phone. So it'll stop ringing." Emmaline nodded and I left the room, going to the kitchen. "Hello?" I said. "Eddie, I'm bored." Dustin's voice said. I scoffed and said "ok." "Ok? That's what you're going to say to me right now? I'M BORED." "Dustin, what do you want me to do about that?" "Can I come over?" "No." "Please, Eddie?" "No, Em is here right now. We're trying to watch a movie." "Can I come over after the movie? Please? Like in a couple of hours? I won't bother you until then. You can just come get me." I sighed deeply and Dustin said "pleaseeeeeee?" "Ok. Fine. I'll call you when we're finished. You better not just show up here, Henderson." "I swear on my mother." "Good." I hung up the phone and walked back into my bedroom. Emmaline still pouted and I laid in her lap. "Elionwy, don't be mad. You have all my attention." Emmaline didn't answer as she turned her head away from me. I sat up and made her look at me. "Princess Elionwy. That was Gurgi calling. He wants to come over after our movie. Are you ok with that?" "Gurgi? Is Dustin Gurgi?" "Dustin is Gurgi, baby." Emmaline sighed softly and said "Taran, will I have your undivided attention until Gurgi arrives?" "Hell yeah. Let's light this candle." Emmaline giggled and kissed all over my face. "You're killing me, Elionwy." "I could never kill you, Taran." Emmaline pushed play on the movie and then looked intently at the screen as the movie started. Her eyes lit up at the screen as Walt Disney Pictures went across it. I kissed her cheek and she immediately hugged me. "You're so sweet to me, Eddie." I rubbed her back and said "you deserve everything, sweetheart." My eyes would go to Emmaline as she watched the movie. She was so excited and seemed to be enjoying it so much. I was grateful for this moment and didn't want anything to ever change it.

The end sucks!! I'm bad at ending things. But my life has seemed to shift positively which is shocking to me. I apologize for not writing this book as often and stuff. My life has been ridiculously busy but in a good way. Stranger Things 4 events will be happening soon!! I wanted to build up Eddie and Emmaline's relationship. But I hope you guys are enjoying these long ass chapters!!

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