The Spring Dance

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Emmaline's POV:
"Wait, so you and Eddie dry humped and he fell asleep after?" Alyssa asked. I sighed and said "yes, and I feel gross about it." "Why?" "What so you mean why? He literally fell asleep! It was like a pump and dump!" Alyssa grimaced and said "oh my god, no. He probably just came too hard and passed out. Guys pass out really easily." "Peter never did." "He sucked, Em. And I'm sure Eddie didn't mean to. And you really like him. Don't let this ruin anything you might have with him." "Could he have been disgusted with me?" "No, he came. If he was, he wouldn't have even done anything with you. I think you might be overthinking it." I shook my head and said "then why do I feel so bad about it? He just blew me off. I didn't expect him to make me his girlfriend or anything but he could've at least held me after." "Why don't you call him and tell him that?" Alyssa suggested. "No." I replied. She shrugged and said "I'm sure Eddie is waking up right now realizing he messed up. He's going to call you and apologize and everything will be fine." I took a breath and said "I really hope so."


My eyes widened at the posters and banners advertising the spring dance. I hadn't talked to Eddie and was scared to. Alyssa had told me to just go for it and not to make it awkward when in reality it wasn't. I was just slightly weirded out by the whole situation and hoped it didn't ruin Eddie and I's friendship. Alyssa stood at her locker and said "well, I'm going to go with Rhett." "He doesn't even go here." I said. Alyssa shrugged and said "so? He's my boyfriend." I nodded and felt arms around my waist. "Emmy!" Milo said. I gave him a hug and he said "you've been spending all your time with Eddie Munson. Is he your boyfriend?" "No. He's not." I told him. Alyssa patted my shoulder and said "don't stress about Eddie." I nodded and my eyes scanned the hallway for him, wondering why I hadn't seen him yet. I closed my locker and walked alongside Milo and Alyssa as we walked to class. Then I heard it. Eddie's laugh. I looked to the left and saw him talking to Chrissy Cunningham. My lips parted at the way she giggled and blushed as he spoke to her. Jealousy and hurt filled my body, more of the latter seeming to spread. Eddie made eye contact with me and immediately started to approach me. "Em!" I was quick to turn the other way and Alyssa grabbed me, stopping me. "Let me go." I told her. "Fix things with Eddie. I promise it won't be awkward. Just talk to him." She said. Milo looked between us and said "what did I miss?" "Come on." Alyssa pulled him away from me and Eddie caught up to me. "Hey." He said. I gulped and said "hey." He scratched the back of his head and said "can we talk?" I nodded and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me through the hall. "Eddie, we'll be late for English." "I'll make an excuse. Just come on." He pulled me outside and off to the side. The two of us stood on the side of the school and he said "I feel like an asshole. I didn't mean to fall asleep." "It wasn't good. That's why." I retorted. Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and said "huh? What do you mean? I-It was bad?" He looked as if he was going to deflate. His face morphed into a frown and I said "I was bad." "No. You weren't. Em, you were....amazing. Holy shit." Now it was my turn to furrow my eyebrows. "I came really hard. So fucking hard. And I passed out. And like I said you were amazing. W-Was it bad for you?" I shook my head and said "no. It felt really good. I'd never felt anything like that before." "Good. Ok. Good. Uhm, we're still friends, right? No bad feelings?" I nodded and said "we're all good." Eddie then gave me a hug. I was taken aback but relished in the contact. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and hummed softly. "I thought you were mad at me." Eddie mumbled. I inhaled and said "I thought you had used me." I exhaled nervously and Eddie seemed to squeeze me. "No. No, sweetheart. I would never. I'm not a sex god if you can believe it. One good orgasm and I'm gone." I laughed and nuzzled my face into his chest that was covered with a Motley Crue t-shirt. It seemed like Eddie and I were ok. For now.


As the week went on, everyone was asking someone to the dance that was this weekend. I think the school was trying to cram this in before spring break which was such an odd idea. It was Wednesday now. Alyssa would be going with her boyfriend Rhett. "Have you had anyone ask you?" She said. I shrugged and said "no not really." The popular kids had begged me to hang out with them at the dance and I kindly refused. I seemed to get excited when I heard Eddie's voice but that quickly disappeared when he was talking to Chrissy again. I sighed sadly and Alyssa followed my eyes to the metalhead teasing the Queen of Hawkins High. "Do you think he likes her?" I asked meekly. Alyssa shrugged and said "no." "You're just saying that." "It doesn't look like that, Em. I think he's literally just talking to her. And you should see the way he looks at you." I scoffed and said "he doesn't look at me any kind of way." "He does." Alyssa and I walked out to the front of the school and was stopped by Dustin. "Good. We're just waiting on Eddie." He said. "Dustin, I wanna go home!" Robin Buckley whined. She then noticed me and Alyssa. "H-Hi." I smiled at her and said "hi." "Henderson, I need to go home and get ready for work and make sure Robin gets to work and I don't have time for..." Steve Harrington got out of the parked car in front of us. My eyes widened at seeing him up close. "Hey, Em." His voice was softer than usual. I looked at his perfect hair and the moles that littered his neck, the small amount of chest hair peeking out at the top of his shirt. "Hi, Steve." I replied. I looked away from the pretty boy in front of me. "How was school?" He awkwardly said. I looked back up at him and said "good. Nothing crazy." He went to open his mouth again but Dustin said "Eddie!" Eddie approached the group and said "what is this?" He then saw me and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a hug. "I just had the best idea. You all hang out together and prepare for the dance. Nancy will meet you guys at Steve's. Best idea ever. Boom!" Steve's eyes widened and Eddie quirked an eyebrow. "Why is it my house?" He said. Dustin shrugged and said "you'll all meet there and then go to get dresses and suits. You can chaperone, Steve." "Noooo." He groaned. Dustin rolled his eyes and said "yes. Just do it." "I'm not going to the stupid dance, Dustin." Eddie said as he pulled away from me. The curly haired freshman said "you don't know that. There's probably a girl waiting for the great Eddie Munson to ask her to the dance." Steve sighed and said "does anyone wanna ride with me?" Before Robin could shoot up her hand he said "besides Robin?" She glared at him and Eddie said "no thanks." "What about you?" Alyssa looked at Steve and said "I drove." "And Em?" All eyes were on me as they awaited me to answer. "It doesn't matter. I'll ride with whoever." I was slightly irritated with Eddie's comment about the dance and I wanted to go with him so bad. And he'd been up Chrissy's ass lately and it had been bothering me. "Wanna ride with me?" Steve said. I looked at Alyssa who said "go ahead." I shrugged and said "sure." "Em." Eddie said. I looked at him and said "we're all going to the same place. It's fine." "Um, hello? Where's my invite?" Milo said. Dustin looked at him and said "I guess you could go. It's up to Steve though." Steve sighed and said "whatever. Just let's go. Everyone follow me." I got into Steve's car, getting in the back. Robin was up front. She turned around to look at me and said "hi. I'm Robin." "I'm Emmaline." She smiled really big and said "it's nice to be around another girl. I'm around Steve all the time." Steve rolled his eyes and said "and you love me, Robin." "I do. I do. But, I'm surrounded by testosterone." "That's how I feel sometimes with Eddie." I mumbled. Steve looked in the rear view mirror and said "how close are you to Eddie? I barely know the guy. And I've seen you at his house when I've dropped Dustin off." "We're close. Best friends." "Really? Me and Steve are best friends too!" Robin said. Steve stopped at a red light and I said "oh. I thought you guys were together." "No." They said in unison which was so odd. "We're platonic with a capital P." I nodded at Robin and said "oh. Eddie and I are platonic too." "Really? I could've swore you were his girlfriend." Steve said as he turned around to look at me. I shook my head and said "no. We're just friends. We became friends after my boyfriend and I broke up." "You and Peter Birch." Robin said. I went to answer her and Steve said "Peter Birch? The cop's kid?" "Yes, doofus!" Robin said. Steve seemed to stare at me and I said "what?" "Nothing. He just doesn't seem like your type. And if he hurt you, he's an asshole." "He did." Steve threw his arms up in the air and said "see? Asshole. All the popular kids are assholes." "Didn't you used to be King Steve?" I quipped. Steve pushed on the gas as the light turned green and said "yeah, but I changed. For the better." "Exactly." Robin said to him. I leaned back against the seat and sighed softly. I felt Robin's eyes on me and I looked up at her. "You and Eddie would be so cute together! The contrast between you two! It'd be adorable!!" I was in shock a bit. Robin barely knew me and was saying I'd look good with Eddie. I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't have growing feelings for the Munson boy. He was too sweet to me and sometimes I felt like I didn't deserve it. "You think so?" My voice cracked from nerves. Robin nodded with a really big smile. She then turned back around. The rest of the car ride was filled with Steve and Robin singing whatever songs came on the radio. When we got to Steve's house, we all headed inside. Nancy Wheeler stepped inside a few minutes later and said "hey, guys. Dustin said we're all preparing for the dance on Saturday? I also think it's kind of crazy to announce a dance a week out." "I agree. I barely have enough time to make sure I get to school as it is." Robin said. Nancy rolled her eyes at Robin and then looked at me. "Emmaline. You know Dustin?" "I do. I used to babysit him and I give him rides to school from time to time." Nancy nodded and looked me up and down. I immediately felt self conscious. Steve sighed and said "alright well, let's just go and get shit for the dance. It doesn't have to be anything expensive. Just simple suits, guys." Eddie grimaced and said "we have to?" "Dustin says so. Let's just hurry up and get it over with." Steve then rounded up the guys and headed to his car. "So, who's car we taking?" Robin asked. Alyssa and Nancy were the only ones who had a car at the moment. Alyssa looked at Nancy and said "it's up to you." "I'll drive. My car is bigger anyway." We all then proceeded to get into Nancy's car. She drove us to the local dress shop. Nancy immediately left us, not saying anything. Robin winced and said "I'd prefer a suit." "You can get one. Unless you want our help." I offered. Robin looked around and said "I'll just grab one and you guys tell me if I should get it." She then walked off. Alyssa walked towards the blue dresses. I walked aimlessly around the store. Initially wanting a pink dress but realizing Eddie would most likely wear black and I wanted something that would contrast well with whatever he decided to wear. If he was even going. My eyes stopped on a short red dress. It had a layer of black sheer lace covering the red material. Black flowers laid across the lace and I picked the dress up. "Lyssa?" I said, hoping she heard me. "Yeah?" She replied a couple of rows over. "I'm going to try this dress on and I need you to review it when I come out." "Ok, I'll be right there." I went into the dressing room. I kicked off my sneakers and took off my sweater and jeans. I stood in my bra and panties, looking at myself in the mirror. I put the dress on, sliding it over my head. I gasped softly as I looked at the way it hugged my body, hugging my breasts. I spun, looking at the way my body was on display. I smiled to myself, knowing Eddie would like it. Well, I think he would. "Em, are you ready?" I came out of the dressing room and Alyssa said "oh. My. God. Please, tell me you're getting that one." "What do you think? Do you think Eddie will like it?" I asked. Alyssa nodded eagerly and said "he's going to die on the spot." I smiled really big and then quickly changed out of it, deciding that I was going to get the dress.

I brought the dress up to the register which one cost me too much. Alyssa held a long blue dress in her hands, a slit going up the leg.

Robin held a light pink suit in her hands, almost white. "Will this make me look hideous? I need to know." Alyssa shook her head and said "that color will look great on you. I promise." Robin nodded and quickly purchased it. Nancy then got her dress which was a deep purple color. We all then headed back to Steve's. Steve grumbled about Milo getting on his nerves. Milo held a bag in his hands was absolutely proud that he had gotten a suit. Steve took his bag upstairs and I looked at Eddie who was empty handed. "Where's yours?" I asked. Eddie shook his head and said "it's in the car." He jutted his thumb over his shoulder. I nodded and said "oh." "Can I see yours?" I pulled the bag away from him as he reached for it. "Come on, Em." "You have to go to the dance to see it." I teased. Eddie shook his head with a smile. I handed my bag to Alyssa so she could put it in her car. Eddie then threw his arms around me. My back was to his chest and I grabbed his arms out of fear. "Eddie!" He leaned his head on my shoulder and buried his face into the crook of my neck. "So, I guess we're all going to this dance for Henderson." Steve said. Eddie nodded in response and said "yeah. It'll break his heart if we don't." Eddie's lips brushed up against the hickey he had left. "Are we all going to get dates?" Alyssa said. Steve shrugged and Nancy said "I'm not. My boyfriend is in California." "Eddie, can I take Rosalie?" Milo said. Eddie sniggered and said "good luck with that." "She won't go with me?" Eddie shrugged and said "I dunno. You can try." Milo nodded and said "I will." "My boyfriend will be taking me." Alyssa said. Steve looked at me and Eddie and said "that just leaves us." "I have someone in mind. I might ask them." Eddie said as he swayed me back and forth. I looked at him and said "and who's that?" "I won't tell." Eddie said in a teasing tone. "You can be my wingman, Eddie. Try to help me get a date." "Sure, Harrington." Eddie said. Steve then turned to Nancy and Eddie placed a kiss on my hickey before detaching himself from me. My eyes widened and Eddie looked over his shoulder with a smirk as he approached Steve, the hickeys I gave him on full display.


Friday. It was fucking Friday and nobody had asked me to the dance. I was pissed. Why the school made this dance short notice before spring break was actually insane. "He hasn't asked me." I said to Alyssa. She looked up at me and said "has he asked anyone?" I shook my head. Eddie Munson hasn't asked anyone to the dance but acted like he was going to. It kinda pissed me off. I was going to be hanging out with him after school today. I wanted to know if he was actually going to go to the dance. "Just ask him." I looked at Alyssa crazily. "No. I can't. I can't just ask him." "Yes you can. Ask him." "No. No. No. I can't. I'm too nervous." Alyssa sighed and said "you got this. When you see him later, ask him about the dance. See what he says and then just ask him. He's not going to say no." "And if he says no?" I questioned. "He won't! Just ask him! You can do it." I nodded at my best friend, deciding to take her advice. Eddie and I headed to his trailer to hang out. Everything was normal. Eddie played his guitar and I said "did you ever ask anyone to the dance?" Eddie shook his head. "No. Was too busy." My eyes went to his fingers that strummed against the strings. The room got silent except for Eddie's guitar playing softly. I took a deep breath and said "Eddie, do you want to go to the dance with me?" Eddie stopped playing his guitar and his eyes shot up to look at me. Eddie gulped and said "you want to go to the dance with me? That's hilarious." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what?" "That's not funny, Em. Whatever joke you're trying to make, it isn't funny." I stood up and said "I'm asking to go with you. I want to go with you." I emphasized on every word, wanting him to know I truly meant it. The cynical look on his face slowly disappeared and he said "you're serious?" I threw my arms up in the air and said "yes! Is the idea that ridiculous?! Am I just disgusting?! After Saturday things have been really weird between us and I just-" Eddie cut me off as he placed a kiss on the corner of my lips. "I'll go with you. You're the only one I wanted to go with. I just didn't have the guts to ask you. You're mean and scary, you know." He said the last part in a teasing tone and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Eddie chased after the kiss and quickly tried to disguise it by saying his necklace was pulling his hair and that it hurt. My eyes went to the guitar pick that hung on a long chain around his neck. "I'll uh pick you up at six tomorrow. And after the dance you could come back here and we could watch horror movies until we fall asleep." I nodded eagerly and said "yes. Please." Eddie chuckled and said "well, let me take you home so we can be well rested for tomorrow."

Eddie's POV:
As soon as I got home after dropping off Emmaline, I rushed to the phone. Dustin had left one of his walkie talkies here. I pulled on the antenna and said "Dustin? Hello?" Static entered the air before his voice answered back. "Eddie? How're you even talking to me on this right now?" "You left this thing here. Anyway I need your help." "What's up?" "I need a suit. For the dance." "Why didn't you get one when you were at Steve's?" Dustin enunciated every word. I huffed and said "cause I wasn't going to go. I didn't have the guts to ask Emmaline and then..." "And then?" Dustin said. I took a breath and said "Em asked me. And now I don't have a suit and she thinks I do! I don't know what to do, Dustin!" "Boy, don't tell me you told that girl you have a suit when you don't." My uncle's voice said. I jumped and turned around. "Yeah. I did." I replied dejectedly. Wayne shook his head and said "I have one. Hang up that phone or whatever that thing is." "Eddie, we have to go to the store right now. You can't go to the dance with Em looking like an idiot because you don't have a suit." Dustin said and continued to ramble about how I was supposed to get one. "I gotta go." I mumbled. "Eddie, don't go!" I turned off the walkie talkie and followed Wayne into his room. He pulled a suit out of his closet. I furrowed my eyebrows and he said "this was a suit that I had when I was your age. I never got to wear it because life got in the way. It was for some event I can't remember what. But, it'll finally be worn. By you." I shook my head and said "it's old, Wayne." "Boy-" He began and I laughed softly. "I'm messing with you. Let me see it." "It should fit but still try it on. When's this dance?" "Tomorrow." I said with a gulp. Wayne's eyes widened and said "so, what were you going to do?" "Rush and go get a suit tomorrow?" I replied. Wayne shook his head and said "I can't believe you." I half smiled and Wayne patted my shoulder. "If you told me you were going to the dance I could've helped you." "I didn't think I was going to go." "Well, I'm glad you're going with Emmaline. She's such a sweet girl." I looked down to hide the blush and I said "Uncle Wayne, I really like her." "I know. And that's why you're going to give her the best night of her life tomorrow night." I nodded and let out an exhale.


I looked at myself in the mirror, standing in my uncle's suit. "Jesus Christ." I mumbled. I did a spin and stared at the suit, not recognizing myself. I couldn't even remember the last time I was in a suit. I gulped and then said "Jesus Christ." "What's wrong? You look fine." Wayne said. I shook my head and said "I look like an idiot! I don't look like myself. I'm not going." "And leave Emmaline? You'll break her heart." I took a deep breath and said "you're right. I'm so fucking nervous, Wayne." "That's normal. I'm sure she's nervous too. Don't stress. You're going to the dance with the girl you wanted to go with. Take these." He handed me a bouquet of flowers. I took the flowers from him and headed towards Emmaline's. My stomach sank as I approached the house, holding the flowers in my hands. I knocked on the door and I was met with a short haired blonde woman. "Are you Eddie?" She asked. I nodded and said "yes ma'am." "Dolly, Eddie's here!" "I'll be down in a minute!" Emmaline replied. I stepped in the house and I saw Emmaline's father. He looked me up and down and I said "I'm Eddie. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Brooks." He shook my hand and said "we've heard a lot about you." "I'm Mitzi." Emmaline's mom said. "Hello, Mrs. Brooks." "Is this the tool taking my sister to the dance?" A male voice said. "Willard!" Mitzi snapped. Willard walked over and said "mom, he's a metalhead." "So?" "Look at his hair!" Willard reached for my hair and I swatted his hand away. "Don't touch my hair." "Willard, leave him alone." Emmaline's voice entertained the air. My lips parted in shock as I looked at Emmaline. The red dress hugged her body in all the right places. Her chest was on display, the perfect amount of cleavage. My eyes went down to her thighs. I exhaled softly and looked up to see Em blushing. "You goddamn pretty." Willard raised his eyebrows and Mitzi clapped softly. Emmaline smiled really big and giggled at her family's reactions. "Sorry. I didn't mean to curse." I quickly apologized. Mitzi shook her head and said "you're fine. So, do you know what time you'll be home?" Emmaline held an overnight bag in her hand and said "I'm staying the night at Alyssa's after." "That's a crock of shit." Willard mumbled. Emmaline looked at him and said "shut up!" "Willard, leave your sister alone. Will you call us when you get to Alyssa's and you've left the dance?" Emmaline's dad asked her. She nodded and he leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Wait let me get a picture!" Mitzi rushed to go and get a camera. Emmaline approached me and I handed her the flowers. "For me?" She gasped softly. "Of course." I replied. Emmaline smiled really big at me and Mitzi said "I got it. Look here." I put my arm around Emmaline's waist, my hand resting on her hip. I watched the smile spread across Emmaline's face. I looked at Mitzi and smiled, the nerves starting to go away. She took a couple of different ones. My eyes had slowly went back to Emmaline when the camera went off. "Mom, we gotta go." She nodded and said "have fun, dolly." "Hurt my sister and I kick your ass." I put my hands over my heart and said "never." I smirked at Willard who looked at me like I was crazy. "Leave him alone, Eds." She pulled me out of the house and the two of us went to my van. I couldn't take my eyes off Emmaline as she stood in front of me. "You're so pretty. I can't even function." Emmaline smiled and covered her face. "Stop." She said. I removed her hands from her face and said "you're so pretty." "Oh, Eddie." She whispered. I leaned down to kiss her forehead and she looked up at me, an emotion I didn't recognize swimming around in her eyes. It wasn't a bad one. From what I could tell. It was good. I think. I opened the van door and said "milady." "Thank you, good sir." Emmaline curtsied and got into the van, throwing her bag in the back. She went to close the door and I grabbed it before she could. I pulled on the seatbelt and crossed it over her body, my eyes landing on her thighs as I buckled her in. "Safety first." I told her. Emmaline smirked and I closed the door, going to my side. As I started the van, Metallica blasted into the air. I sang along with every word as Emmaline slightly cringed. "Em, sweetheart, Metallica is destined to be your favorite band." I told her as I turned the music down a bit. Emmaline shrugged and said "I like a couple of songs. I don't know about them becoming my favorite band." "You think Kirk Hammett is hot. Which shocks me cause James Hetfield is the singer and basically the frontman." "Just cause I think Kirk is hot doesn't mean they'll be my favorite band. I kinda like them because you do. And James is cool but I like Kirk better." Emmaline said. I shook my head as we drove to the school. When we arrived I was nervous to walk in there with Emmaline. "It's ok." I looked to Emmaline and said "do you think they'll all stare at us?" "Let them stare. I'm here with you and I'm so happy to be. I didn't want to go with anyone that wasn't you. Let's just have fun and dance the night away." Emmaline made me feel better about the situation and we walked in the school. Dustin looked over and said "Oh. My. God." Steve followed the freshman's gaze and said "whoa." "You guys look great! So great!" Dustin jumped up and down in front of Emmaline and I. Emmaline held onto my arm while smiling really big. "I never thought I'd see the day Eddie Munson would be in a suit." Steve said. I looked Steve's suit up and down and said "and that suits you incredibly well." Steve rolled his eyes and Dustin was so giddy that I had went to the dance with Emmaline. "I like your suit, Eddie." He winked. Emmaline looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and I said "I didn't have a suit. I had to get one." Emmaline let go of my arm which made me frown because I missed the contact. "So, when we all got our stuff. You lied." I shrugged and said "I guess. But I'm here and I have a suit, Em. Don't be mad." Emmaline fixed the collar on my shirt and smoothed out the sport coat. I half smiled and pulled her closer to me, my hand resting on her hip. Emmaline stumbled forward and leaned up to kiss my cheek. Dustin giggled and I said "alright, Henderson. Enough. Now, I'm gonna go dance with my girl and you're going to leave us alone and let us have a good night, right?" Dustin nodded and Steve said "come on. Let's go." He pulled Dustin away from us. The two of us walked down the hall towards the gym and when Emmaline saw Peter with Lorna she looked down. "Hey." I said. Emmaline looked up at me and said "he always liked her. I was nothing to him." I cupped her cheek and Emmaline's lips parted. "Forget that asshole. It's me and you. It's me and you." I told her. Emmaline's hands slowly came up to hold my hand to her cheek. "Me and you." She said. I nodded and said "uh huh. Me and you. This is our night remember? Fuck him." Emmaline's smile immediately returned and I smiled in response to hers. "There's my girl." Emmaline looked down to hide her blush and she immediately interlocked her hand with mine. It seemed like when the two of us walked into the gym everyone's eyes were on us. Chrissy gave me a thumbs up and I saluted her. "What's that about?" Emmaline said. "I went to Chrissy for advice. That's why I was talking to her all this week. I wasn't sure how I was going to ask you and she was sure that you wanted to go with me even though I didn't believe it. And yeah she just told me to fucking ask you but I couldn't. Cause I was so scared. But I'm so glad you asked me and not some asshole." "I only wanted to go with you, Eddie." I gave her a hug and Emmaline kissed my neck and I immediately felt my heartbeat pick up. "I thought you liked Chrissy." Emmaline said as she pulled away from me. I felt a small twinge of pain in my heart. "Chrissy? The Queen of Hawkins high? No way. Someone else has caught my eye and she abandoned the cruelty of the kingdom. She's still a princess but she's on the run with the knight who rescued her from the kingdom." Emmaline stared at me in shock and said "Eddie Munson, don't say something you don't mean." I stepped closer to her and said "Emmaline Brooks, you're that princess. I've actually liked you since you were a freshman. When I started teasing you. That's why I did it. Was because I didn't know how to just ask you out." Words by F.R. David started to play and Emmaline dragged me to the dance floor, not responding to me. I furrowed my eyebrows as she started to dance. I was frozen as I watched her. "Come on!" She said. "You want me to dance to this?" I asked. Emmaline spun and said "I know for a fact you like this song because I've seen your cassette tapes." I grabbed her which caused her to stop dancing. "Then you must've went through the ones I had in the closet. That's naughty, princess." "I was looking for something other than metal, Ed's!" She whined. I smiled really big and Emmaline pushed my hair out of my face. Her eyes went to my lips and she quickly looked away. Now it was my turn to look at her lips, coated with red lipstick. I knew if I kissed her it'd smear her makeup and would be all over my face. I exhaled softly and leaned in. Emmaline met me in the middle, kissing my lips. Emmaline moved her lips against mine and I was quick to follow the rhythm of her lips. My hand slowly came up to cup her cheek, deepening the kiss. Emmaline's hands were on my shoulders, using me to steady herself. I kissed her lips feverishly, Emmaline's lips slowing as she let me take control. Soft smacking sounds filled my ears as I kissed the girl of my dreams. As I pulled away, Emmaline pressed her forehead to mine. I was grateful for my long hair in this moment as I could feel my ears burning. I knew my face was probably as red as a tomato and I could barely comprehend what just happened. Emmaline wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. I removed my hand from her cheek as she did so. Some sappy love song was now playing. Something super slow that I wouldn't ever listen to and I slowly swayed us back and forth. Emmaline gave me a squeeze and I leaned my head on top of hers. Rosalie looked over and gave me a smile, giving me a thumbs up. I nodded to her and Milo stared in shock. He went to yell Emmaline's name and Rosalie was quick to cover his mouth. "Thank you." I mouthed. Rosalie saluted me and drug Milo off away from the both of us. As the slow song came to an end, Emmaline pulled away to look up at me. My arms went to the small of her back, caging her in so she couldn't go anywhere. Emmaline giggled and said "you've got lipstick all on your face. I'm so sorry." I shook my head and said "you're fine, sweetheart. I don't mind." Emmaline reached in the very small crossbody purse that laid on her shoulder. She pulled out a napkin and I said "do you just keep napkins with you all the time?" "I do. You never know when you'll need them." I nodded in agreement and Emmaline started to wipe the lipstick off my face. The pink and purple lighting made Emmaline look ethereal as she stood in front of me. "You're so....goddamn pretty." Emmaline smiled really big and said "thank you." If you would've told me two months ago that I would've ended up kissing Emmaline Brooks at the spring dance I would've told you that you were crazy. Everything was perfect. I couldn't ask for anything else in this moment. "How about we dance to a couple of more songs and then go back to mine and watch some horror movies." Emmaline nodded and said "ok. We can leave whenever you're ready." "I wanna dance with you a little bit longer. But, it does sound really nice to leave everyone here and just be where it's just us." "Of course." I took her hand in mine and said "Em?" "Yeah?" She was currently looking at our hands, a smile spreading across her face. "I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?" Emmaline looked up at me and said "I've been wanting you to ask me that for a couple of weeks now, Eddie." I kissed her cheek and she said "yes. I will." Standing in the middle of the Hawkins gym, I felt like the luckiest guy in the room.

The end is indeed trash and this chapter is too long and the longest chapter so far. Soooo I hope you all enjoyed and this was supposed to be up days ago but I've been busy and work is always kicking my fucking ass as usual.

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