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Emmaline's POV:
I jolted awake from a nightmare that had me shaking. Eddie laid asleep in my bed next to me. He wasn't supposed to be here considering it was a school night. But my parents were leaving early Friday morning for a trip for a couple of days or longer if everything went well. Spring break was right around the corner. Today was Thursday. Usually my family and I would take a trip during spring break but I practically begged them to let me stay in Hawkins so I could spend time with Eddie. I went to get out of bed, removing Eddie's arms from around my waist. The metalhead groaned and then rolled onto his side, facing away from me. I went into my bathroom, wetting my face with water. I took a breath and tried to shake the dream out of my head. Flashes of Dustin pleading for someone to stop, Peter and Jack cornering me somewhere, Eddie and Steve punching their teeth in. It didn't make sense. I wanted to desperately understand what the dream was or why I'd dream about something like that. The part about Dustin scared me the most. I walked back into my bedroom and laid down next to Eddie. He immediately pulled me onto his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and he said "where'd you go?" "I had to pee." Eddie sighed and squeezed me. I looked up at him, his lips parted as sleep slowly started to take over him again. "Eddie?" I whispered after a few minutes of silence. My boyfriend hummed in response. "I had a nightmare." Eddie's eyes shot open and he looked at me with concern written on his face. Eddie sat up while still holding me to his chest. He kissed my forehead and said "m'sorry, babe." I held fistfuls of his t-shirt and said "it didn't really make sense but you were there and Dustin was there. Something bad was happening. But I don't know what." I buried my face into the crook of his neck and Eddie rubbed my back. "You're ok, sweetheart. It was just a stupid dream. Freddy Krueger isn't going to get you." I hit Eddie's arm and he laughed while squeezing me. "Eddie." I said. He kissed my forehead and said "I know, babe." "You'll stay with me during spring break? The whole week?" "Of course. After the campaign we can go to mine or yours and get away from everyone else. Just me and you." I smiled and Eddie did the same. "You're so pretty." Eddie covered his face with his hands and groaned. "You're pretty." "Aw shucks." Eddie said, his voice muffled from his hands. I giggled softly and Eddie had the biggest smile on his face as he removed his hands from his face. Eddie then kissed my lips passionately before the two of us went back to sleep.


"Dolly, we're leaving!" My mom's voice said. Eddie groaned and rolled on his stomach. I got out of my bed and closed the door behind me. I went downstairs and my mother was counting bags. Willard was in the kitchen biting into a piece of toast. "I thought you guys weren't leaving until Friday." I said. Mom sighed and said "yeah we were but you know how your father is. He likes to get everywhere on time. And he wants to leave a day early. If everything goes well, we should be home next Saturday. And maybe we could have dinner with Eddie on Sunday?" I nodded and said "sure. Eddie would love that." "He's such a sweet boy." My father looked at me and said "we hardly see him." "Sorry about that. We've been busy with school and stuff. Eddie's going to graduate this year." I said to him. Willard sniggered and said "finally?" I glared at him and said "shut up." Mom shook her head and said "leave him alone, Willard. Eddie's a nice boy who treats your sister well." "Who's been held back for three years." Dad mumbled. Mom looked at him and hit him in the arm. "Victor." I narrowed my eyes at my dad and said "how did you know that?" "Gossip I guess. I've run into Wayne Munson a few times since you guys have been together." I nodded and said "he's a good guy, dad." "I know, Emmaline. If I thought he wasn't, you wouldn't be with him. Tell him that I said hello when you see him." My heart swelled at the thought of my dad liking Eddie. It made me happy. I rubbed at my eyes and mom said "go back to sleep. I know you have a couple of hours left before school. Sorry for waking you. I just didn't want to not see you when we left." I gave my mother a hug and said "I appreciate it, mom. I hope you and dad have fun. Call when you get there? Or after I get out of school?" Mom nodded and said "I can do that, Dolly. I love you." "I love you too." My mother kissed my cheek and then gave me a hug. My father gave me a big hug and then walked out the door. They carried their bags and Willard followed them out. I went back upstairs to my bedroom. The sun was barely out and I closed my door. I slowly got back into my bed, sighing. Eddie shifted his body and groaned softly. I yawned and looked at the time.


Willard walked about the house, probably going into work earlier. He worked on one of the farms on the outer rim of Hawkins. I knew I'd have to get up for school in a half hour. I grabbed the dungeons and dragons book from my nightstand. I had gotten it to try and learn a bit more about Eddie's favorite pastime. Besides playing his guitar. I turned on my lamp and started to read. I read over game strategies and character information. Different levels and strategies. Willard started up his truck, slamming the door as he got in. I rolled my eyes and Eddie huffed. I bit my lip to keep from laughing and continued to read. Once Willard pulled out of the driveway I figured it would be nice and quiet for the two of us. And it was. After 20 minutes of reading I started to get sleepy again. Eddie mumbled in his sleep and his breathing picked up. I shook him softly and said "Eddie." He seemed to relax and slowly come to. He opened his eyes, squinting at the light. His eyes flickered up to look at me. "Babe? What're you doing?" His voice was deep from sleeping. "My mom and dad left. They went on their vacation. They wanted to say goodbye and we have to go to school and it's stupid for me to go back to sleep." Eddie looked at the clock on my nightstand and didn't have a reaction. "We'll just go in late." Eddie shrugged. I shook my head and said "we can't do that, Eddie." "Yes we can, sweetheart. It's not a big deal." "Eddie, no. In order for you to graduate this year, you have to be on time. You can't be missing class. I'll just go in with you." I yawned again and Eddie sat up. "Baby." I closed my book and Eddie made me look at him. "How about we go in late today and we go in early tomorrow?" I narrowed my eyes at him and said "are you going to do that?" Eddie scoffed in disbelief and said "duh." "We'll see. You sure love your sleep." I said. Eddie shook his head and said "yeah I do. But, I love you more." I felt my cheeks heating up and I looked down. "I love you too." Eddie kissed my cheek and then reached over me to turn my lamp out. I then straddled Eddie's lap which made him chuckle. I kissed him passionately and ran my fingers through his hair. Eddie's hands immediately flew to my hips, the cool metal from his rings making goosebumps arise on my skin. I sucked in a breath of air before kissing Eddie again. He smiled into the kiss and rubbed circles into my hips. I cupped his cheek, deepening the kiss. I pulled away from him, Eddie smiling up at me. His brown eyes seemed to sparkle from the moonlight peeking in from my window. I went to get off Eddie's lap and he stopped me, pulling me back down. I gave his lips a peck and pushed on his shoulders, wanting to get up. "No. No. No." He quickly said. I sighed and said "I have to pee, Eds." Eddie wrapped his arms around my waist and said "in a minute." I rolled my eyes playfully and cupped his cheek, giving him a kiss. Eddie's lips moved against mine feverishly as soft whimpers left his lips. Eddie kissed my jaw and my neck. I pushed on his shoulders once again while giggling. "I have to pee!" Eddie shook his head and said "go. And hurry." I got off his lap and quickly rushed to the bathroom, washing my hands when I was finished. I then went to climb back into bed with Eddie, pulling the extra blanket up on our laps. Eddie playfully smacked my butt and I gasped. "Eddie!" He laughed and pulled me over to him, pinning me down on the bed. I tried to get free from his hold and he said "caught you, princess." "I let you catch me." I retorted. Eddie quirked an eyebrow and said "did you now?" "I did." Eddie brushed some of my curls away from my face. "I love you." Eddie whispered. I smiled and said "I love you too." Eddie kissed my cheek and my forehead. I kissed his lips quickly and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hold me." I said. Eddie kissed my neck and said "of course, sweetheart."


Eddie and I ended up going into school right at second period. Dustin rushed over and said "where were you guys?" "We came in late. Em needed some more sleep." Eddie told him. I half smiled at Dustin, wrapping my arms around Eddie. Dustin looked at me and said "did you get some good sleep?" "I did." Dustin smiled really big and said "good. And the campaign tomorrow is at the same time of the basketball game right?" "That's right, Henderson." "Are you coming?" Dustin asked me. I shrugged and said "I think so." Eddie looked at me in shock and said "what do you mean?" "I didn't know if I was allowed to." Eddie shook his head and said "of course you're allowed. I want you there." "Are you sure? I know it's like your thing. And Dustin's thing. I don't want to intrude." Eddie kissed my cheek and said "no fucking way is my princess intruding on my campaign." I blushed and Dustin said "I want you there too." I let go of Eddie and said "do you?" "I do! I really love you, Em." I gave the younger boy a hug and said "and I love you, Dustin." He smirked up at Eddie who said "don't push your luck." "Steve's going to the basketball game. He has a date or something." Dustin said to me. I nodded and said "yeah. Makes sense. He's too preppy for dungeons and dragons." The boys nodded in agreement and Dustin said "I'll see you guys at lunch?" "For sure." Dustin then ran off to catch up with Mike. "Eddie." Rosalie said. Eddie looked at his friend and said "hey, Rosie." "I'm coming to the campaign tomorrow. What are you doing during spring break?" "Depends. Gonna spend most of it with Em but we can definitely hang out. Em's parents are gone for the week." I looked at Eddie and said "that doesn't mean party time." "Not a party but just the group of us together. The Hellfire Club." Eddie kissed my forehead and Rosalie looked at me. "We could have a movie night like we did at Eddie's." She suggested. I nodded and said "sure." Gareth then tried to jump on Eddie's back, Jeff laughing loudly. Eddie started to roughhouse with his friends and Rosalie said "I'm sorry I was rude to you the first time we met. You've made Eddie really happy. When he's not with you, all he does is talk about you. I'm so glad that he has you. He hasn't been this happy in years." I smiled and said "really?" Rosalie nodded. "Hopefully during spring break we could be friends? Get to know each other better." I nodded and said "I'd really like that." Lorna Phillips walked down the hall with Peter on her arm. She giggled as Jason walked alongside them, Chrissy on his arm. "Hi, Emmaline!" Chrissy said with a wave. I waved to her and said "hi, Chrissy!" Jason nodded to me and Lorna didn't even acknowledge my existence. Peter however stared at me. His eyes seemed to linger on me. Eddie shoved Gareth into the lockers and Jeff was quick to try and tackle Eddie. Their rambunctious laughter tore me away from Peter's gaze. I smiled at the three boys as they continued to roughhouse. "More energy! More energy!" Milo said as he held his camera. I shook my head and Rosalie laughed softly. "Mr. Munson!" A voice said. Eddie froze and looked across the hall to see Mrs. O'Donnell. "Mrs. O'Donnell." Eddie said as he stood up straight. The older woman pointed a finger at him and said "you'd better not be late to my class." "I won't. I promise." He smirked. She narrowed her eyes and said "knock off the roughhousing." Eddie nodded and said "of course, Mrs. O'Donnell." Mrs. O'Donnell gave him a curt nod and stepped back into her classroom. Gareth smiled at me and said "how are you?" "I'm ok. You?" "I'm great. I'm ready to win during Eddie's campaign tomorrow." Eddie chuckled evilly and said "we'll see." Jeff rolled his eyes and said "I doubt the campaign will be impossible." "It might beee." Eddie sung. I hit him in the chest and said "don't tease them." "Thank you, Em." Jeff said. Eddie looked at him and said "you're lucky it's my princess protecting you." I giggled and we all started to make our way to class. As I sat down next to Alyssa in science I sighed. She was quick to have her textbook open to the correct page and I realized I didn't have my textbook. It was at home. I groaned internally and said "can I share your book with you? I forgot mine at home." "Always. Make sure you get the notes. The test tomorrow is supposed to be super hard." I huffed and jotted the notes down as our teacher walked into the room. He started the lesson and that was that. I only had one or two classes with Eddie. I luckily had a study hall at the same time. I went to my locker to put some of my books away. As I did, a note fell out of it. I recognized Eddie's scraggly handwriting immediately.

Meet me at my van

I smiled as I read the note. The sun that had been shining in the sky had long since disappeared. I shoved all my books into my locker and slung my backpack over my shoulder before heading to his van. Dark clouds swirled around in the sky as I pulled on the van door. Eddie pulled me inside and closed the door behind me. I put my backpack on the front seat and Eddie pulled me into his lap. Soft music played as I played with his guitar pick necklace. He started kissing my neck up and down. I could feel the slight hardness in his pants and I gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Eddie turned that kiss into a makeout session. As he attacked my neck I said "what's got you all worked up?" "Well, I fell asleep in history class. And I had a slight wet dream before getting woken up by Gareth. It wasn't anything serious. I didn't embarrass myself. But, I couldn't get you out of my mind. I fucking need you, baby." I ran my fingers through his curls and said "you can have me. Just lay back and let me do all the work, yeah?" Eddie smirked as the two of us started to peel our clothes off. Sprinkles of rain started to come down and I looked over my shoulder at the windshield. I watched small raindrops appear on the glass. Fever by The Cramps started playing from the stereo. Eddie pumped himself as he awaited me. I straddled him and slowly sunk down onto him. A sharp inhale came from him as I gasped. I hadn't ridden him before so I was trying to be careful and pace myself. Eddie was a big boy after all. I exhaled and Eddie said "you good, baby?" "Yeah. Just need a minute." Eddie nodded and said "take your time. I'm trying everything I can not to bust my load right now. My god, you're so pretty," I blushed and Eddie's hands roamed my body. They started at my hips and slowly moved up to my breasts. He gave each one a squeeze before going back down to my hips. His right hand traveled to my ass, giving it a soft squeeze. I slowly started to move. Eddie sighed in relief, his eyes fluttering closed. The rain started to pour, hitting the tin roof of Eddie's van. I started to bounce up and down, trying to start a rhythm. Heavy breaths left Eddie's lips, his hands squeezing my hips. His touch seemed to set me on fire. I leaned down and buried my face into the crook of his neck. I whimpered as he hit a new angle inside of me. He wrapped his arms around me and started thrusting up into me at a fast pace. "Eddie!" I gasped. Eddie grunted softly and I bit down on his shoulder. "Shit." He said as he started to slow down. I tried to move my hips as fast as I could but could barely move from him holding me down. I quickly sat up and used his chest for support, my hands pushing down on him. I moved my hips back and forth, the pleasure starting to build up in my stomach. "Just like that, baby. Don't stop. Don't stop." I smirked and said "feel good?" Eddie's lips were parted as he looked up at me. "So good. So good. You're gonna make me...oh fuck. You're gonna...I'm gonna.." "You gonna cum, Eddie?" Eddie nodded, not being able to speak. I was relishing in the fact that I had him like this. The metalhead underneath me could barely comprehend a single thought right now. And it was because of me. Eddie thrusted up into me and my nails dug into his chest as I moved my hips faster. "Yes. Yes. Yes." I said as I felt my legs starting to ache. "I'm right there. Fuck, I'm almost there." Eddie said. I stopped moving as the rope inside me finally snapped. Eddie's name left my lips as I came undone. Eddie watched in awe as my legs started to shake on either side of him. Eddie helped me through my orgasm and then was quick to flip me over. I was still coming down as he rutted into me. His thrusts were sloppy. "Baby. Baby. Baby. Oh my god. Oh my god." His moans were so desperate. "You gonna cum, Eddie?" I egged him on. Eddie whimpered and said "uh huh." "Cum for me, Eddie." "Where do you want it?" He managed to say between heavy breaths. He leaned his head on my shoulder. "Inside." I whispered. A broken moan left Eddie's lips. "Oh fuck! Fuck! Oh my god, I'm cumming. I'm cumming!" I felt him paint my insides with his cum. "Em! Oh my god. S-Shit." Eddie's face was in the crook of my neck as he rode out his orgasm. He collapsed on top of me and I slowly ran my fingers through his hair. I shook underneath him and shuddering breaths left my lips. Eddie's moans had died down and he was panting heavily. I stroked Eddie's head and he kissed my cheek. The both of us were desperately trying to catch our breaths and come off of cloud nine. After a few minutes of silence Eddie spoke up. "Fuck, baby. That was amazing." I giggled softly and said "yeah?" Eddie sat up to look at me and said "yeah. That was amazing. I think it's the best sex we've had yet." I rolled my eyes and Eddie cupped my cheek, kissing my lips. He slowly pulled out, wincing softly. He flopped onto his back and I quickly took the opportunity to lay on his chest. Eddie looked at his watch and said "lunch is soon." "You're hungry?" I quipped. Eddie nodded and said "I'm starving. Aren't you?" "Kind of." My eyes started to flutter close. The rain and the musk smell of Eddie and his breathing was slowly lulling me to sleep. "Awe, sweetheart." I opened my eyes and he said "we have to go back into school. As much as I wanna stay here and lay with you while the rain comes down, we have to go back." I groaned and said "I know. I wish we could stay a little longer." "I do have some snacks in here. We could have lunch in here but we did promise Dustin we'd be there today." I nodded in agreement and said "yeah. We did. Let's hurry and get dressed before I change my mind. I sat up and Eddie did the same. He kissed me and we slowly started to get dressed. Eddie's fingers ran over the tattoo that sat on my hip. I watched him look at it in awe. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Eddie's eyes flickered up to look at me and he said "you're gorgeous, Elionwy." "So are you, Taran." Eddie gave me his leather jacket to put over my head as we rushed through the rain. Once we got back into school the bell was ringing for the next period. Eddie and I were on our way to lunch. I removed his leather jacket from over my head and I went to hand it back to him when he put it on my shoulders. I half smiled up at him and Eddie kissed my head. He held out his hand and I gladly took it, following him to the cafeteria. I was grateful I had wore jeans today because it had been so chilly. I usually brought my lunch and stood with Eddie in line as he got some food. We walked to the usual table and Gareth said "how was study hall?" Eddie smirked and said "it was nice." Jeff grimaced and said "you two are gross." Gareth looked between me and Eddie and then said "wow, Eddie. Couldn't even wait until after school?" Eddie shrugged and said "what can I say?" I hit Eddie's shoulder and said "stop." His smirk grew even bigger and he gave my cheek multiple kisses, smacking sounds entering the air. I giggled and Eddie smiled as he grabbed me by my chin, kissing my lips. Dustin walked over to the table with Mike. He set his tray down and I said "hi, Gurgi!" Dustin smiled really big and said "hi, Elionwy!" I took off Dustin's hat to ruffle his hair. He laughed and then was quick to snatch his hat from me, placing it back on his head. "Hi, Taran." Dustin said to Eddie. Eddie patted Dustin's shoulder as he kissed my cheek. Today couldn't have been going any better. What Dustin, Eddie, and I didn't know was that tomorrow was the start of a nightmare.

This chapter was supposed to be first episode of season four and it turned into something different and I got carried away. The smut just happened. Sorry not sorry. But but but season four will start in the next chapter. Eddie's campaign and the start of Vecna's wrath.

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