Who Wants to Live Forever

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Third person POV:
Alyssa had been paralyzed by Vecna. He wormed his way into her mind and made sure she could no longer fight back. "Alyssa, it's time for all of this to end. Stop fighting me." "How could you do this?! How could you?!" He didn't answer her. She now saw him in his burned form. The form that loomed over the Upside Down. "In the lab, I thought you'd be the one to free me. But it didn't happen. Your parents snatched you out of that lab. I had to instill my work in Eleven. We could've ruled everything. You and I, we're so powerful. We could have everything. We still can. But you choose to fight for your friends." Alyssa shook her head at him and said "you were trapped in that lab just like all of us. Wouldn't you have wanted to live a normal life? Like me? Why would you still want to do this? End everything? Kill my friends? They haven't done anything to you. Take this up with me. It's not Eleven you're mad at. It's me." "Oh no. Do not think I'm not mad at Eleven. She turned me into this. I'll end her just like I'll end you. Just like I'll end your friends. I need a loyal follower. And it seems like I'm about to get one." The memory Alyssa had of something bad happening to Eddie ran through her mind. "No." Alyssa whispered. Vecna chuckled darkly and said "you and your friends' world is going to come crashing down. You will lose everything." Alyssa tried to push him out of her mind but she was then transported back to Hawkins Lab. Alyssa panted softly and looked around. Henry Creel stood with his blonde hair and kind eyes, looking down at her. "Why don't I teach you something?" Alyssa nodded and Henry held out his hand for her. She took his hand and followed him. "See if you can open this. It's nothing too hard. But, maybe one day we can escape." "Escape?" Alyssa asked. Henry nodded. "Me and you. We could get out of here. Kill anyone who gets in our way. You don't want to stay here with Papa forever, do you?" Alyssa shook her head and said "no." Alyssa didn't understand the full extent of Henry wanting to escape with her and destroy the world. She always thought the two of them could leave with her parents. Henry wasn't forced to stay in this lab. She didn't know that he was 001. One was a myth. She didn't know his cruel intentions and Alyssa was reliving a memory that had been buried so deep in her brain. "Open it." Henry said. Alyssa held her hand out in front of her, the nails holding the vent in place going flying. She gasped in disbelief and Henry said "now, one day we can plan our escape." "Why not now?" She asked. "Papa will know. We have to plan it. Make sure he never finds out. And you'll have to do something that might hurt me." Alyssa looked at him with furrowed brows and said "I'd never hurt you." Henry half smiled and said "in time. Don't worry. You could never hurt me. We'd better get back. I don't want papa to hurt you. Better me than you." "No." Alyssa said. Henry cupped her cheek and said "it's ok. Come on. Let's get back." Meanwhile in the Upside Down, Rhett was screaming for Alyssa to come back. While Eddie Munson was sacrificing himself to Vecna. Vecna showed him what would happen if he didn't. He wasn't going to let Emmaline suffer that fate. "Come and get me, you sons of bitches!" Eddie yelled. Dustin was coming down the rope, landing on the mattress. He reached for Emmaline's arm as she rushed out of the trailer, watching Eddie get knocked down. The swarm of bats circling him and swooping down. "No." She said. Emmaline watched in horror as the demobats feasted on her boyfriend. Dustin landed on his ankle the wrong way, yelling out in pain. Alyssa could hear bits and pieces of her friends screaming and struggling. She couldn't break free from Vecna's hold. Emmaline went over to where Eddie laid with her spear. She yelled out in anger as she stabbed the bats attacking him. Eddie's eyes widened and he was quick to stand up, ignoring the pain shooting through his body. A large bat tried to jump on Emmaline's back. Eddie grabbed Emmaline and shielded her, knocking them both to the ground. Emmaline screamed in shock as the bat attached itself to Eddie's back. Eddie's screams of pain echoed into the Upside Down. One reattached itself to the bloody wound on his side and Emmaline hastily reached for her spear as one bit into Eddie's neck. Eddie's head fell onto Emmaline's shoulder, his body becoming limp. Emmaline stabbed the bat on Eddie's side and he propped himself up, trying to cover Emmaline completely. Eddie wrapped his arms around Emmaline, caging her in. A bat landed on the back of Eddie's thigh. Burning pain spread through Eddie's body. He buried his face into the crook of Emmaline's neck. Soft groans left Eddie's lips as he desperately tried to save his girlfriend's life. A bat took a bite out of Emmaline's arm and she yelped, trying to get it off of her. Eddie lifted his head and grabbed her spear, stabbing it. He tried to shake the bat off his leg, sitting up. Tears filled his eyes and the bats tackled him off of Emmaline. "Ow, it hurts! It hurts!" Eddie sobbed. Emmaline jumped up and stabbed the bat on his back, his leg, his other side. The bat on his torso looked up only for Emmaline to stab it. She breathed heavily and Eddie fell onto his back, blood pooling around him. Emmaline looked at his wounds. Blood. Everywhere. His hellfire shirt and leather jacket torn. His hands shaking by his sides and his breaths shallow and quick. Alyssa snapped out of her trance, her eyes shooting open. She let out a scream and all the bats dropped dead. Every single one. Emmaline looked around in shock. "Eddie!" Dustin screamed. Emmaline fell to her knees and pulled Eddie into her lap. She stroked his head and said "I need you to get up, ok? We gotta go home. I gotta get you to the hospital." Eddie groaned and said "I can't move." "Eddie, get up." He shook his head and Emmaline said "get up!" Dustin limped his way over and Emmaline looked at him. "Help me get him up." Dustin nodded and tried to get his arm up under Eddie. Emmaline did the same. Eddie yelled out in pain as soon as they tried to move him. "It hurts! I can't! I can't." Emmaline's heart broke and she shook her head as she set Eddie back down. Dustin started to cry and Emmaline pulled him back into her lap. Eddie coughed and Emmaline closed her eyes, trying to fight through tears. "It's my year, Henderson. It's officially my year." Dustin shook his head and Emmaline said "Eddie, don't you dare." Eddie choked and gasped for air. "Don't c-cry, sweetheart. You're making me feel bad." "It's really hard not to." Emmaline told him. "You look after Henderson for me. And Henderson, look after my princess. Promise me." "Eddie, you're going to do that yourself." Dustin cried. "P-Promise me! Please. Promise." Dustin nodded as his heart shattered. Emmaline cupped Eddie's cheek, finally looking at the wound on his opposite cheek. "I didn't run away this time." Emmaline sobbed and said "you were so brave." "Eddie the brave." Dustin said. Eddie tried his best to smile and said "that sounds badass." Emmaline and Dustin chuckled. "Eddie, please get up. Please." Emmaline begged. Eddie wheezed and said "princess, I need you to know that I love you. I've loved you since I was 16. I love you. You'll always be my girl, ok?" Emmaline buried her face into the crook of his neck, trying to hold him as best she could. "I love you, man." Eddie said to Dustin. Dustin grabbed his hand and said "I love you too." Eddie choked one last time before going limp in Emmaline's arms. Dustin's eyes widened and he said "Em, look at me." Emmaline brought her face up to look at Dustin and he shook his head. Emmaline looked down at Eddie. "Eddie. No. Wake up." She shook Eddie and when he didn't move she shook him harder. "Wake up. Eddie, wake up! You promised! You promised!" Dustin looked around at the bats on the ground, then at Alyssa. Alyssa slowly came to in Rhett's arms. "No!" Emmaline screamed. Alyssa could barely comprehend what was going on. She thought this was all a bad dream. A vision that Vecna was showing her. "Eddie!" Dustin yelled. Emmaline's screams and cries broke Steve's heart when he approached them. Milo shook his head as he made his way towards Emmaline. Dustin leaned his head on Eddie's stomach and Emmaline rocked herself back and forth, still holding onto Eddie. A strangled sob left her lips when Steve knelt down next to her. "Help me get him up, Steve." Steve looked down at Eddie, his lips parting. Steve let a few tears go down his cheeks before Eddie's words ran through his mind. Robin covered her mouth in shock and Dustin's whole body shook with sobs. Emmaline stroked Eddie's head and she said "Steve." "Stand up. I'm gonna grab Eddie, ok?" Dustin looked up and Emmaline slowly set Eddie on the ground, standing up. Steve then took a breath. "Em, I'm sorry." He threw Emmaline over his shoulder and said "let's go." "What? No! We can't! We can't!" Emmaline said. Dustin looked down at Eddie. He took each of Eddie's rings, sobbing as he did so. Dustin reached for the guitar pick necklace, slowly taking it off his body. Dustin also grabbed Eddie's headband he wore. "Emmy, we have to go." Milo said. Emmaline thrashed in Steve's arm. "No! We can't leave him! He'll be alone! Please! Steve, we can't!" Steve held Emmaline tightly and couldn't answer her or he'd break down. "No! Dustin, we can't. Someone please! Eddie will be alone! Please don't leave him! Steve, leave me down here with him!" "Emmaline, we have to go. Stop." Steve said in a small voice. Dustin limped next to Steve and looked over his shoulder at Eddie one last time. "I hate you! I hate you, Steve! I hate you!" Emmaline sobbed. Steve let a soft cry leave his lips as Emmaline's words hit him like a truck. He'd made a promise to Eddie and would fulfill it. Steve stood under the gate and Emmaline tried to get out of his arms. "We can't leave him." She said. Alyssa laid limp in Rhett's arms and the group slowly made their way out of the Upside Down. Leaving Eddie to stay.

Ok so I wrote all these of these chapters back to back and I'm sobbing. This shit hurts yall! This book is not finished and nowhere near being done. I've got at least five more chapters left. Probably more but don't worry, this book is not over and I still have plans for it.

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