"You've fallen for The Princess."

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Emmaline's POV:
It's been two weeks since the movie night at Eddie's. He started to invite me over when it was just him and I. We also went to Lover's Lake a lot. Just the two of us in the quiet hours in the morning. The sun had barely risen. He had drug me out to spend the night in the back of his van. I sat up slowly and yawned. I slowly crawled out of the van so I could pee. We had left the van doors open just so the moonlight would shine in. There was also no threats at Lover's Lake. I quickly finished my business and got back into the van. Eddie groaned and rolled onto his stomach from the movement in the van. I noticed a hickey on his neck. I felt a small pit of jealously form in my stomach. I wondered who had given it to him. I didn't want to admit that I was having feelings towards the Munson boy. The both of us had become super physical with each other. I laid down next to him, wanting to be warmer. I got to see the hickey in its full glory. The purple mark on his neck taunting me. "I'm cold." I whispered, shaking him softly. Eddie opened one eye and rolled onto his back and said "here, sweetheart." I laid my head on his shoulder and Eddie's arm was now draped around me. He sighed as he struggled to keep his eyes open. "Who gave you that hickey?" I asked shyly. Eddie chuckled, his chest rumbling as he did so. "Some girl at school. She wanted some weed, tried to get it without paying me actual money." "Did you give it to her?" "No. I still made her pay. But, I might've fucked her anyway's after." I pushed him and said "gross!" "You asked!" "I didn't ask to hear about the girl you screwed." "She wasn't all that good, Em. I had to do most of the work." I pushed him again, my hands going to his side. Eddie jolted and said "ah, don't." I quickly remembered he was always so ticklish there. I smirked and poked him in his side. Eddie laughed and said "Em, don't!" Before I could attack him, he was quick to pin me down. Eddie was in between my legs as he hovered over me. "Looks like you got yourself caught, sweetheart." I tried to get my wrists free and he just tightened his grip on them. My legs were bent at the knee and I tried to scoot away from him. "Poor pretty princess. Got caught by the freak." He smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and said "let me go, Eddie." "I kinda like you underneath me." My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks heating up. "Seriously, Eddie." Eddie's smirk disappeared and he quickly let me go, pulling me up. I was sitting up and Eddie said "I was just messing with you." "I know. I'm not mad or anything." Eddie nodded and looked out towards the lake. The sunlight seemed to make his hickey shine. I then noticed another one hiding right where his T-shirt met his neck. I laid on my back and desperately tried to hide the frown that was on my face. Eddie laid his head on my stomach and I gasped softly. "Why're you all the way over here?" He mumbled. I shrugged and said "the pillows are over here." Eddie sniggered and said "could've brought them to where I was." "Well, you're here now, aren't you?" I quipped. Eddie nodded against my stomach. It took everything inside me not to run my fingers through his curls. "Have you talked to Peter?" "No." "That asshole hates my guts. You should see the looks he gives me. We have math class together. And he just glares. I bet he thinks we're together." I gulped and said "he does." Eddie sat up and looked at me. "Really?" I nodded. Eddie smirked and said "that's too good. Oh, that's good!" The laugh that slipped from his lips was cynical. He relished in the fact that my ex boyfriend thought him and I were together. And honestly I'd love it too. Had it not been for Peter's comment. "Not for me, Eddie." I replied with a frown. Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and said "what do you mean?" I didn't answer as I shook my head. "Em, tell me." "It's nothing." It was in fact not nothing. Peter and Jack Castello had cornered me in school earlier this week, telling me that I was a slut for hanging around Eddie. I didn't want to burden Eddie with a comment that wasn't true but bothered me. "Em." "Peter said I was a slut. Him and Jack. It doesn't matter." I fought the tears wanting to fall from my eyes. "Asshole. What a fucking asshole." Eddie mumbled. I swallowed a sob and said "it doesn't matter." Eddie grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. I held handfuls of his shirt, hugging him tightly. I buried my face into the crook of his neck, squeezing him. "It does matter. He's just pissed cause he lost you, Em. You ditched the popular kids for the freaks. And for me. The mean and scary Eddie Munson." I pulled away to look at Eddie, not removing my arms from him. "You're not mean and scary." Eddie smiled, a genuine one. His eyes sparkled and his face softened as he looked at me. "I'm glad you think so." I hugged him again, my face going back into his neck. Eddie's hand went up and down my back, his other hand resting on my hip. "Peter's the only boyfriend you had, right?" I nodded against his neck, inhaling his scent. He smelled like a mix of cigarettes and rain. "Yeah." I replied softly. Eddie's hand that was on my hip went up under my sweater that was actually Eddie's, his fingers making contact with my skin. I jumped at how cold they were. "If Peter's been your only boyfriend then you're not a slut." Eddie's fingers rubbed circles into my hip. "I know." I spoke in the same tone as before. Frogs and crickets chirped by the lake. It was so calm. Everything about this moment was calm and relaxing. I found myself nuzzling my face into Eddie's neck. Eddie hummed in response and the rings on his fingers made me jump again. "Sorry." He apologized. I shook my head and said "it's ok." It got silent between us. I had somewhat held back the majority of my tears. Which was shocking to me. I was usually such a cry baby. I was so sensitive sometimes. Being called a slut was something I didn't know would hurt that bad. But coming from my ex boyfriend who I loved, made it even worse. Jack Castello also shouldn't be opening his mouth when he's slept with most of the girls in school. "Sorry for being like this." I whispered. Eddie pulled away from me. "Like what?" His eyebrows furrowed and I said "this. Always needing you to make me feel better or always just being down." "Em, I don't care about any of that. We're friends. I want you to be happy. I also don't want some assholes calling you a slut when they know damn well you're not." My hands smoothed out his wrinkled t-shirt. "You're too kind to me, Eddie Munson." "You were kind to me first, sweetheart."

Eddie's POV:
"Eddie?" I looked up at Dustin who had a concerned look on his face. "You ok?" We had met up for Hellfire. I didn't remember much of this meeting because I was so zoned out. Emmaline Brooks was my every waking thought. "Yeah. I'm good." I replied. Dustin sat back down and said "you sure? You didn't talk much today. You can talk to me if you want." "I said I'm good." I snapped. Hurt spread across Dustin's face and he said "got it." He grabbed his bag and I felt like shit. I quickly said "Dustin, wait." Dustin looked up from the ground. He looked like a kicked puppy. "I'm just going through some stuff, man. Stuff that shouldn't be bothering me. I'm having trouble pushing these feelings away. It's getting harder. They fucking strangle me. I don't know what to do. Jesus Christ, I can't believe I'm talking to a freshman about this right now." I mumbled the last part. "Hey!" Dustin said offendedly. I rolled my eyes and Dustin sat down. "I don't think I've ever said these words I'm about to say out loud before. And if you repeat them...Dustin if you ever say these words and it's not just us, I'll kill you." Dustin nodded and said "I understand. I'll never say it. Cross my heart and hope to die." "Don't be so dramatic, Henderson." Dustin sighed and said "just say it, Eddie. Come on. I'm not going to judge." "Yeah, that's not what I'm worried about." "What're you worried about then? It's me." "I'm worried that she'll find out!" "Who?" "Emmaline Brooks." Dustin gasped and I glared at him. "You've fallen for the princess." "Henderson." I began but he was quick to interrupt me. "You've fallen for the princess! The princess, Eddie!" "I know! I'm a peasant compared to her! She dated princes! I don't think she'd ever go out with me, man." Dustin furrowed his eyebrows and said "why do you think that?" "I mean, look at me. I'm not Emmaline Brooks' type. I'm not a prince." I shook my head as I looked down. Dustin scooted closer to me and said "you're better than a prince, Eddie." "W-What do you mean?" I stuttered. Dustin chuckled softly and said "you're a knight. You're Em's knight in shining armor. Who saved her from the evil prince and his goons. You saved her." I gulped and said "I did. I guess. But, she....she's...." "She's perfect. You and her are perfect. You'd better get with her, Eddie. Make her fall for you. You can do it." Dustin told me. I shook my head again. "Yeah, I wish I could." "Have you even tried?" "No. I've just been...friends with her. I've been there for her whenever she needs it. I just don't think she'd ever think of me that way." I frowned. Dustin nudged me and said "you won't know till you try, Eddie. You have to get her. She's literally the coolest girl I know." "I know. You worship her." "I do! And you! And Steve!" "Steve? Gross." A knock on the door broke Dustin and I from our conversation. "You may enter." I said. Emmaline stepped into the room. "Hi, Eddie." She waved. My breath hitched and I said "hey, Em." "Did you guys wanna eat lunch here? The three of us?" Dustin looked at me with a huge grin. "Can we? Can we?" He asked excitedly. Emmaline held a bag full of food and quirked her eyebrow. "How about it, metalhead?" I smirked and said "sure. Why not?"


"A total slut! How she's already coupled up with the freak! It's disgusting!" Peter's voice said. I stopped in my tracks, trying my best not to let my shoes kick the rocks in front of me. I was on my way to my dealing spot, out in the woods. But who's smoking behind the bleachers. "She could have anyone she wants. Why choose the freak?" Jason asked. "I don't know but she moved on quick, didn't she? I mean, the freak must fuck her pretty good." The voice of Jack Castello entered the air. Jason sniggered and Peter said "fuck you!" Andy chuckled and said "I wish she would've given me a chance." "You tried to date rape her, asshole." Peter spat. "And you were kissing some random girl. Who was that again?" Andy scoffed. I decided to go ahead and make my way towards the woods. I walked past them, acting like I didn't just hear their entire conversation. "Freak." Jason mumbled. I blew him a kiss as I kept walking. Jason shuddered and Peter said "hey." I ignored him as I kept walking. "Hey! Freak!" I walked backwards so I could face them and still walk to the woods. "What can I do for you, Birch?" "You could have the pick of the school. Whatever weird girl would date you. Why take Em from me?" The prince of Hawkins stared at me, anger appearing in his eyes. "I didn't take her. I was there for her when nobody else was." Peter took a step towards me and Jason grabbed his arm. "Leave it." Jack looked me up and down and Andy said "let it go, Peter." Peter yanked his arm from Jason and I turned my back, going towards the woods. "Peter, no!" I was tackled by Peter who grabbed me by my shirt, slamming me into the ground. "Peter, it's not worth it!" Jason yelled. Jack stood on the left side of Peter and tried to pull him off me. I punched Peter in the gut and he managed to get me in the jaw. "Fuck you, freak!" Peter pulled his fist back and Andy caught it before he could hit me. Andy looked at me, his eyes wide. Peter punched me in the lip. "Peter, let it go!" Jason pulled him off of me. I scrambled away from Peter, making sure to kick him in the chest. "Munson!!" He screamed. I hauled ass into the woods and heard Andy saying "let him go!" I panted softly once I made it to the picnic table. I brought my hand up to my lip, seeing the blood. "Asshole." I mumbled. I then sat down and awaited to make some sales.

Emmaline's POV:
"Dustin, have you seen Eddie?" I asked. Dustin looked at me and said "I think he's selling." I nodded, leaving the freshman and walking out to the woods. Branches snapped underneath my feet as I approached the picnic table. "Listen, I don't have time for the bullshit today so if you're here thinking you're going to get free weed, the answer is no. Pay up or get out." Eddie said without looking up. I saw the bruise on his jaw and I wasn't even close to the table. "Eddie, your face." I said softly. Eddie's head snapped up to look at me. Squirrels chittered in the trees above us, the spring breeze making goosebumps appear on my skin. "Em, it's nothing." He said. I shook my head and went to sit down across from him. "Eddie, your lip." I gasped. I reached for his face, bringing it up towards the sun to look at it. I was careful not to hurt him and I winced. "Eddie, who did this to you?" Eddie gulped and said "it doesn't matter." "It matters to me." He didn't answer. I went to his side of the table and sat down, taking his face in my hands once again. A muffled groan came from Eddie as I gently touched his bruise. "Sorry." I apologized. He shook his head and said "you're fine." "Do you want to come to my house after school? I can ice it for you." Eddie shrugged and said "sure." I turned his head to the right, looking at the cut in his lip. "You gonna tell me who did this, metalhead?" Eddie chuckled and said "you worried about me, sweetheart?" "A little. I don't like my friends being hurt. And this is serious, Eddie." I told him. Eddie sighed and said "it was your ex." My eyes widened. "Peter did this?!" I was in shock. I scoffed and said "I'm going to kick his ass." "Em, sweetheart, don't mess with him. It doesn't matter, ok? The freak can take a punch." I let go of his face and said "Eddie, I'm aware you can take a punch. Just because you can take it doesn't mean you have to. He just attacked you?" "Well." Eddie began. He stood up and started pacing. "I was on my way to deal. My usual time and place. I have to walk across the football field to get there. And there's Peter. Smoking behind the school cause he thinks he's a badass." Eddie made exaggerated faces as he spoke, his hands going all over the place. I giggled softly and he quirked and eyebrow. "What's funny, princess?" "Nothing. Continue." "Anyway, they were saying some not nice things about you. I heard everything. So, when they were finished I walked past. Like I hadn't heard anything. Jason called me a freak as usual. I blew him a kiss and kept going. That's when Peter asked me why I took you from him. I told him I didn't and went to leave. Then he tackled me. He tackled me and tried to wail on me but couldn't get any hits. Jason and Jack were holding him back. He managed to get me here." He pretended to punch himself in the jaw. "And here." He then pretended to punch himself in the lip. "So, yeah. Andy and Jack pulled him off me. And I ran. I just hightailed it out of there. I did manage to kick Peter in the chest though." I held in a laugh and said "he deserved it." "Could I get some weed?" A voice said. Eddie looked over and said "sure." A cheerleader sat in front of us, one that usually hung around Chrissy. I couldn't remember her name. "So, how much did you want?" Eddie took the bag out of his case and waved it around. The girl shrugged and said "I don't know. A gram? Two grams?" "Well, it'll be $20 for a gram and uh $30 for two." She nodded and dug in her purse, handing Eddie the money. As Eddie went to get her the drugs, she looked at me. "What's your name? Chrissy always talks about you." "Emmaline." "Emmaline! That's right. I'm Sam." Then it clicked. Samantha Young. "Hi." Eddie handed her a bag of weed and said "here you go." "Thanks, Eddie." She gave him a big smile, a sneaky wink not escaping my eyes. Eddie however didn't see the wink. He only smiled at her. He started to pack up his stuff and said "so, let's go to yours. I don't really want Wayne to see me like this anyway." I nodded and the two of us started to walk towards the parking lot. "I enjoy you taking me to school." Eddie put his hand over his heart and said "happy to do it." I smiled really big, almost losing my footing. Eddie reached for my waist, holding me up. "Whoa, you ok?" I looked up at Eddie and said "y-yeah. Thanks." Eddie gave me a half smile and he slowly let go of me. We started to walk to his van and I felt eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Peter glaring at me. I grabbed Eddie's arm and he looked down at me, following my gaze to Peter. "Drop it. Seriously." Jason said. Eddie saluted Peter who's glare softened as he saw my hands on Eddie's arm. He looked heartbroken and I looked away from my ex boyfriend as Eddie gestured for me to get into the van. The drive to my house consisted of Eddie blasting Metallica. "Creeping Death!" Eddie sung as he poked my side. I jumped and said "Eddie!" He stopped at a red light, throwing his head back as he laughed. I managed to get him back. "Ow! Hey!" He said as he grabbed my hand. I tried to get my hand free and his hold on my hand only tightened. Kirk Hammett's guitar solo seemed to get louder as Eddie wouldn't let me go. I poked him in the side with my other hand. Eddie jumped which caused me to let go. I giggled softly and Eddie shook his head at me. The light turned green and he practically sped to my house. "I can play that song." He said as we got out of the van. "What's it called?" "Creeping Death." He said in a dramatic voice, getting closer to me. I pushed him away and said "so, you can play Kirk Hammet's solo?" Eddie's eyes widened. "You know who Kirk Hammett is?" I nodded and said "yeah. I might've done some research. And he's hot." Eddie sniggered and said "I'm just glad you know who Kirk Hammett is." I smiled really big and the two of us went inside. "Mrs. Brooks?" Eddie called out. I covered his mouth and looked at him crazily. I looked at the driveway and didn't see my mom's car. A small breath of relief left my lips and I felt Eddie's tongue on my hand. "Gross!" I exclaimed. Eddie laughed and I wiped my hand on my jeans. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. He continued to laugh and I said "stay here." I went to the bathroom and grabbed some ointment for his lip. I came back into the kitchen and he was now sitting on the counter. "Sit still." Eddie nodded and I got some of the ointment and gently put it on his lip. "Ow!" He said. I narrowed my eyes at him and said "don't be a baby." "It burns!" He whined. I grabbed his chin and made him sit still. "Emmmm!" "Eddie, quit. It'll keep your lip from getting infected. I'm trying to help you. I already feel like shit that you got hurt." Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and said "what do you mean?" "My ex boyfriend can't get his head out of his ass and accept that he lost. He didn't even consider how it'd make me feel. He didn't call me all weekend and then we get to school on Monday and he thinks it's all ok? And Lorna has been all over him. It's disgusting. And then he goes and does this to you. You don't deserve it." I grabbed some frozen peas and held it to Eddie's jaw. "It's not your fault." Eddie said. I shrugged and didn't say anything. "It's not." Eddie gave me a half smile and I did the same back. "If you weren't hanging around with me, it wouldn't have happened." "They'd still call me names. But no, Peter Birch never would've tried to hit me. And honestly? It doesn't bother me. I've been in worse fights. He kinda sucks. He only had the upper hand because he jumped me." "I could've stopped it." I said. Eddie shook his head. "Don't blame yourself. I'm ok. I'll survive. Especially with you taking care of me!" I couldn't hold back the smile that made its way across my face. "There she is." Eddie leaned his head on my shoulder. My hand came up to hold him closer to me. "I can't feel my lip by the way." I laughed softly and said "don't worry it's supposed to numb it." Eddie lifted his head and I took the frozen peas away from his jaw, seeing that the bruise had only gone down a little. I put the peas back on his jaw and Eddie looked around the kitchen, his eyes going to the living room. My eyes went to that stupid hickey on his neck. I held back a scoff as I thought about some girl giving Eddie a hickey. My eyes traveled to his pink plump lips and his calloused hands. How I wanted his hands all over me. And I'd never admit it out loud. The way Eddie Munson was starting to cloud my thoughts scared me. We're supposed to be friends and I was slowly falling for the metalhead. He was sweet and gentlemanly. He made me laugh and I felt super comfortable around him. It also didn't help that I was dreaming about him now. Cute dreams and dirty dreams where I'd have to relieve myself when I woke up. "Do you still love him?" Eddie broke the silence. I gulped and looked up at Eddie. He awaited me to answer his question. "No." Peter Birch had broken my heart and there was nothing in the world that would get me to love him again. "So, if he walked in that door right now and proclaimed his love to you, and promised that he'd change, you wouldn't take him back?" I shook my head and said "no." Eddie played with the rings on his fingers and said "he really messed up, didn't he?" "I could never go back to him. Besides, he wasn't good for me anyways." I removed the bag of peas and Eddie said "does my jaw still look like a grape?" "It's gone down a little but it's still purple." I said. Eddie shrugged and said "I have my own personal doctor. And better yet, she's free." I chuckled and said "you're lucky I like you, Mr. Munson. Otherwise you'd have to pay." Eddie smirked up at me and said "that's cause you love me." I hid the way his comment made my heart beat a little bit faster and the blush that would've appeared had I not looked away. "Maybe so, Eddie. Maybe so." "Actually I do have a form of payment! Stay here." He gently pushed me out of his way as he hopped off the counter. He went outside to his van and then came back. He held the Metallica cassette in his hand. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "you can't give me your cassette tape." Eddie shook his head and said "I have like three of these." "Why?" "Cause I lose them too easily. The records are so much easier to keep up with." Eddie shoved the cassette tape in my direction and I took it from him. "Now you can hear Kirk Hammett's guitar solos whenever you want." Eddie's voice dropped an octave and he had closed the space between us. I looked down at the tape in my hands. "Maybe you could tell me your favorite songs on this album." Eddie smirked and said "sure, princess. I'll play them for you sometime." I smiled really big and Eddie did the same. "Wanna come upstairs? I'll show you some of my music." Eddie nodded and said "sure, sweetheart."

I didn't know how to end this and yeah. These chapters are getting longer and longer and I get carried away but hopefully yall are enjoying them!!

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