Pills x Till Tomorrow

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Nessa's POV-

I lead him to the door and he left. I let out a deep sigh and walked back deeper into the studio.

Putting on an act for everyone is hard, I want to be the sunshine of their day, but I can't even be the light to mine.

I'm tired.

Jaden's POV-

Midway to going back home, I realized I left my phone, I figured Nessa would be there so I didn't have to wait till tomorrow to get it back.

I turned around and headed on my way back to the studio.

Nessa's POV-

Where are they? Where were they when I needed it? I can't find them.

I opened my small handbag and the seven bottles that were in there fell out.

Pills, Pills, Pills, a handful of pills. Water. water. where, I need water. Yes, got it, water.

"In the name of the Lord, so help me have a peaceful death," I whispered filling my mouth with water.

I had a handful, but instead of using all, for now, I just swallowed 15 out of seventeen that were in my hand.

Two by two...

I heard the door open. I quickly put the two away.

Jaden's POV-

I got back to the studio. I walked in. Nessa looked startled as she put her hand behind her. "Hey, what you got there?" I asked as a joke, at first, slowly walking towards her.

"N-nothing, nothing" she stammered taking a huge gulp of water that was in her mouth.

"But you just-" I questioned looking at her hand. "Come on, show," I said.

"No," she said looking at me pissed.

"What's that?" I said pointing to the three wide-open bottles of pills on the table. was she...?

Nessa's POV-

I couldn't, I couldn't let anyone know. especially not him. never.

Jaden's POV-

I don't get it, why would she...

a million thoughts ran through my head at once. out of all people, why her?

"Nessa, show me your hand" I ordered.

"No" she replied. there was only one way...

"I'll tackle you, show me your fucking hand" I stated, startling her a bit.

"Do it. I dare you" she shot back.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, hearing something fall out of her hands and clatter on the floor.

"Are those...?" I was shocked. She went silent. "Oh so now you can't talk?" I questioned.

"Come on, I'm taking you home," I said picking up her stuff.

"so what, now you're gonna tell my parents?" she mumbled.

"I should, but I won't," I said grabbing the keys and her hand, leading her out.

I picked up my phone and went outside, locking up the studio as I did so. we walked up to the car, me opening the back door for her. I got in the front seat, and we drove off. She was quiet the whole ride, not a single word riddled out of her mouth.

Nessa's house was slightly far from the studio, which is kind of an inconvenience. I figured since Travis and Nessa also have a father-daughter bond, it'd be fine to take her to my house.

~10 minutes later~

Nessa didn't talk, but it was silent. way too silent. I looked at the rearview mirror to see her, unconscious. I thought she was asleep but no, she must've had the pills before I arrived. fucking hell.

"Shit," I mumbled, swerving the car.

I made a U-turn and called Travis. "Pick up, Pick up, Trav come on" I repeated as the phone rang. It went straight to voicemail "goddammit!" I yelled, banging the steering wheel.

I quickly called Cooper, the boy barely has a life so I suspected he'd answer, and he did.

Cooper- Yo, what's up?

Jaden- Can you call Nessa's parents you guys can meet us at the Uhm, Uhm, Downtown L.A hospital!

Cooper- what the fuck did you do to her

Jaden- dude calm down. I'll explain when you arrive. just hurry

Cooper- fine, but I swear to god Jaden if you—


Jaden's POV-

I hung up before he could finish. didn't have the time for that.

I could've prevented this if I didn't leave. right?

I'm an idiot.

If I didn't leave, she wouldn't have done this. it's my fault.

I'm not sure that I could've exactly prevented it, but I'm sure circumstances would've been somewhat different if I was there.

Everything seems so perfect for her.

Why would she even think about doing this?

I understand celebrities go through everything else the normal human goes through, but I'd never think of anything like this from Nessa.

The way Travis hypes her up and talks about her. Her family was the best, crazy talented individuals.

she had the most support in the world. Had friends that'd do anything for each other.

and her, she was Nessa Barrett. had a smile that could light up a whole room, no, fuck that. the whole universe. she had an amazing voice, almost heaven-like. God, she was ethereal to everyone's eyes, of course she was.

and I barely knew the girl.

Third Person-" Fuck Shakespeare I got Bree" quoting that

he wanted to blame himself.

If he could've just stayed.

but he needed to push that all back, right now she needed him.

he took a glance at the back, seeing her unconscious body. The clock was ticking. of course, he just had to be stuck in traffic. he sighed.

"hang on, ness, you'll make it till tomorrow." he took a deep breath

Stepping on the gas he swerved the car once again, speeding up each time he passed a vehicle. Everyone was honking at him, but he could care less. he also could get arrested, possibly. but god forbid that happens. 5 hour jail time was nothing compared to saving her.

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