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The second I extend my arm, standing toward the figure, he warns, "Careful," he turns his head in the direction of Aohdan's estate, drawing my attention to it also when he states, "you very well might be a goddess, but you're also a true born hybrid in an era not your own..." his voice trails off, a spark igniting deep in his irises as we look back to one another, "...you don't know this stage of the game."

"Don't I?" I question understanding exactly who this is by his speech pattern.

"It would take no effort on my part to transport you right into that ballroom without a second for you to prepare," my blood runs cold as he notes, "I don't know what the future holds, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to kill everyone in that room in order to protect yourself...now would you?" I remain in silence, understanding what he's getting at. He might not know where ties lie in the future, but what he says is true...risking the lives that matter to me in an era right now that doesn't represent that...

...Aohdan, Rochelle...there's many that could be killed and I wouldn't bat an eye, but to risk those lives, it's not worth it.

"Do correct me if I'm wrong," he arches a brow, unfolding his arms from in front of his chest.

"Are you Tresor Vossen?" I ask, watching the way his features alter.

He chuckles and asks, "Am I famous or infamous?"

"What you did to my grandpa..." my hands draw into fists, recalling everything he'd told me growing up, knowing how this warlock is the one that ruined our—

"Whatever I did to him, was of his actions leading to faults," Tresor lifts his chin, not appreciating the way I'm accusing him of crimes that have already been committed...but not at the same time. His eyes search over me before he says, "I'm interested in why you killed the shade...among other things."

My lips pull into a tight line, not allowing for my guard to drop. I shake my head and reply, "Was she of importance to you? No, I know that answer...so, does it matter my intentions?"

A dark chuckle leaves Tresor's lips as he states, "With the way you killed her, yes...because now you're treading on a very fine line between retribution and vengeance. For a supposed goddess of your stature, Thea, it's unbecoming, so I must wonder exactly why your nature is blacker than my heart toward our sleeping god."

It's hard to keep the disdain from rising in my features...

...because through the words spoken, they hold the answer to a question many have wondered for ages once Grandpa had told the story of Tresor Vossen...

...this warlock does not align with Aeon.

Is he...good?

Or, are his intentions solely for selfish reasons?

"The shade influenced the wrong person and caused a death that's been felt for generations," I allow a fault in my barrier, wanting to understand more of Tresor now that he's shown me one of his cards.

"You believe her death will deviate the initially predicted outcome?" Tressor arches a brow and I understand what he means. He might not know of Laisha's motives entirely, but I click everything into place when he states, "It's deeply immersed in our souls, our truths and how they can be manipulated and influenced. It's not something that we induce, it's vigilance already there."

I nod my head and release a breath before saying, "It does no good removing the puppeteer, to only have the puppet remain unplayed...I won't leave anything up to chance, just like my mom."

"You're going to kill the puppet as well?" Tressor arches a brow and chuckles, "Good girl, you're smart. I don't want anyone dead who needn't be," He pauses as he asks, "Though, I can't have you interfering with my pieces—"

Cutting him off as I take a step forward, I state, "She's not a piece of yours..."

Tresor stares at me for a few moments, though a second later, he glances to the stars...right before one lands near my feet. There's a small sigh that leaves his lips, shaking his head as he says, "I should have seen this earlier, instead of accusing you of recklessly playing this game."

"Who is the game between...?" my voice trails off, his eyes meeting with mine.

"There are many players and that number can continue to grow if it isn't ended with your mother," Tresor rubs his chin and chuckles, "so I see..."

"What are you planning to do with my mom?" I remain composed, the fate of many resting in the way I communicate with this warlock...this incubus.

Tresor's eyes flash with something hidden, though it quickly surfaces when he states, "She's our two worlds salvation..." his wrist flicks around when his palm opens, seeing the runes etched into his skin before wisps of spiderwebs encircle it. A bright globe of light emits from above his palm, and even from where I'm standing, I can feel the radiance, the light it possesses...

...it's heartwarming and beautiful.

"This is to be my gift to your mother, the dark goddess who's heart needs a balance of light and the strength in order to kill Aeon," Tresor watches the light himself, the reflection off his irises quickly diminishing his human form and replacing that with the demonic creature he truly is.

I tilt my head to the side, informing him, "My mom has my dad...he's her light and balance, but-"

"But you stand here in an era not your own," Tresor closes his fist around the light, extinguishing it. He takes a step toward me and reiterates, "You are here because our sleeping god is awake, the veil brought down solely by his hand to exact vengeance upon the earthen plane."

He's entirely right.

Tresor lifts his chin and says, "Regardless of the way you're going to take this information, though I'm sure your mother would have told family eventually...I killed your grandpa's mother who was a goddess in mortal form. She was to be a celestial goddess...though she remained a vampire, thus marking her mortality in her immortality." He pauses a moment and taps his temple, his tail moving side to side behind him, "The power she held would do nothing for this world...so...I took it and one day, I will bestow it upon your mother so she can end Aeon's terror before he awakens."

Tresor...he was playing a game with Grandpa, but...

"Uncle Kev?" I ask with uneasiness.

"Our lives are tied so long as the veil remains intact," Tresor glances off to the distance for a moment, "I need him as a way to remain in this plane of existence...nothing more-"

"Then why do you torment my grandpa?" My voice holds urgency because from what I can see, they should be fighting on the same side.

Tresor arches a brow and states, "I've done no such thing. If he tries to stop me-"

"Tell him," I plead, "tell him your plan, tell him what you need help with...why can't we work toward a common goal? No one wants what the future has already shown...no one..."

Tresor continues to look me over, holding my ground as he crosses the distance between us. While my eyes stare up, his look down into mine, his hand lifting before his fingertips lightly touches my cheek. I'm completely taken aback by the way his touch affects me...

...because it's not like an incubus' should...

Electric blue irises kindle with something anew as he asks, "Will you show me your soul, Thea?" I take a step back and he chuckles, "Or are all your words of trust nothing but a facade?" His demeanor has shifted greatly, the second we touch.

Exhaling slowly, I nod my head. Tresor's lips lower to mine before I realize he has kissed me. My lips part as I gasp, feeling a tightness in my chest, though it doesn't weaken for a moment because Tresor pulls away and I see and underlying whitish blue...before it is replaced with flecks of black and purple forming into wisps. It's not more than a second he takes, cutting the connection short, his touch leaving my skin.


...I don't...I don't understand.

Mom told me what she remembered of her encounter with Lars and what the wisps had looked like...that's not like what I just saw.

"How very interesting..." his voice trails off, his appearance instantly shifting, "...your soul is tainted. Hmm..." he mutters quietly to himself, though doesn't say anything further. I can see in his eyes that there's much he's debating, theories he won't tell me.

I remain quiet, allowing his observation of me.

Tresor snaps his fingers and his true appearance is again hidden. He nods his head while telling me, "I believe everything has purpose and meaning. The mere fact you stand before me is evidence enough. I understand you are altering sequences of events that lead to a fate that isn't desirably an outcome to live out."

While he pauses I moment, I nod my response...

...though my heart skips a beat at his next words.

"Obviously...I've come to the conclusion that I do not exist in the current future..." his voice holds a note to it.

Nodding my head, I reply, "As you said before...trust and establish...my grandpa killed you because of what he didn't understand and the fear Kirsten instilled in him. The doubts she placed in his mind, that your actions were of evil intent...even I believed that with the stories that have been told, that you wanted to set Aeon free..."

Tresor's features remain even, though he nods and replies, "I see..." he kneels before me, his arm outstretching until his hand touches mine. It's the same feeling that courses through me...though he tells me, "I owe you my life with the knowledge you possess and for the shade, you have disposed of that I wouldn't have thought a formidable opponent." He pauses a moment, his eyes lifting to meet with mine, "I believe we have an understanding, my goddess."

My cheeks turn bright red the second he says this and only continues to deepen when his lips brush the back of my hand. He places a kiss upon it, my heart skipping a beat.

I know when someone is using magic.

Tresor is not.

I know when a sex demon is using its innate abilities.

Tresor is not.

So why do I feel...

...it's the same way with Merle, but it feels like something is shrouded in front of me to see completely. Or...like my soul is splitting and the torn fragments are pulling away from one another.

"I..." my voice trails off as I clear my throat, Tresor rising to his feet as I tell him the last bit of information, "...my grandpa has the knowledge of the future as well, so that's the reason the two of you haven't butted heads the way you once did. That also means...he knows and might try to kill you...but now that we know—"

Tresor chuckles and says, "My dear, we are going to have an intervention."

"What?" My eyes widened.

"Trust and establish," Tresor arches a brow and states, "I'll prove and show that to Cormac...and perhaps, we very well can work to the common goal we have."

A soft smile makes its way onto my lips. Nodding my head, I reply, "Thank you."

There's a glint that reflects off his eyes as he says, "You should be getting back."

"I know..." I don't want to move though, our eyes remaining transfixed on one another.

Tresor chuckles, snapping his fingers and a dark purple rose appears before me. He holds the stem between his fingers, offering, "How foolish of me not to bring a gift for my goddess. Please accept this humble offering."

"I...thank you," I respectfully take the rose from him, blinking my eyelids close as I inhale the alluring scent. I feel the shift in my glamour is restored, along with the seal put back in place.

When I open my eyelids again, I can hear the music play all around me. Looking around, I'm in the ballroom with the Starlight Dance in full swing. I'm off to the side near one of the candles, the last one of a whole a purple hue to the flame before it shifts to an orange and red. Grandpa is dancing with Rose, Warren looking agitated as he and Wyn sit off to one of the walls, speaking to one another.

A few moments later, Linda approaches Wyn and they are quick to dance...along with Sidney offering Warren a dance. They disperse into the crowd, my heart remaining to beat evenly. I feel the rose held between my fingers still, lifting the flower closer to my field of view.

"Isn't that a pretty flower, Slave?" My skin crawls the second I hear Taft's voice make his presence known beside me.

Go away...

"Indeed it is, Sir," I reply shortly, glancing to see that Laisha stands with Aohdan, Arthur dancing with one of his slaves while Grandpa and Rose end their dance and move to the windows.

"You know..." he edges behind me, his hands touching the tops of my shoulders, "...I think we can still have a bit of fun."

Revolted by his touch, I don't breakaway...not going against him for a second to give him reason to further abuse his power with the code. Instead, I ask him, "My Master mentioned your beloved, Mistress Delaney?"

His nose brushes behind my ear and down my neck, my skin prickling as my stomach churns, "I've thought about it and I don't want to break my bond...but that doesn't mean we can't have any fun. That would be oh so disappointing...I can't fuck you, but we can do other things."

Taft takes the rose from my hand, my heart nearly missing a beat.


"Do you not want to please, Slave?" Taft is playing, fishing for a way to trip me up.

"I always do...Sir," my eyes remain on Grandpa and Rose, his back to me...though I see her glance over to me and arches a brow.

"Oh isn't this delicious," Taft chuckles and states, "Cormac fancies Rose...though I see the way you look at them."

It's a look of fucking please help me and save me from a sadistic bastard...I don't think he believes himself as perceptive in all actuality.


Taft steps around to stand directly in front of me, a grin on his face. He says, "You wouldn't want me to drag Arthur into this, now would you?"


"I'm sorry, Sir?" Confusion is clearly written on my features when he speaks Arthur's name.

"I do love our council leader..." Taft flashes me a dangerous smile, "...he's vindictive when he wants to be and he'll force Cormac to share with me...for a price."


I remain silent, staring right back at him.

Taft arches a brow and asks, "Well, Slave?"

I wish you'd go fuck yourself!

Taft's eyes shift for a second, turning on his heels as he heads toward the buffet table.


He passes right by Grandpa on the way, Grandpa remarking to him about something or another, but Taft never responds. He's in almost a trance-like state as he approaches the table and picks up the largest sausage link he can get his hands on. Grandpa looks at him with confusion, even Rose points...

...what's worse? Arthur's attention is drawn also when there are a few screams...Taft attempting to undress from his attire.

"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" Arthur is beside Taft in the blink of an eye, many vampires and slaves alike looking on, completely baffled by the council member's actions.

Grandpa's eyes scan over the crowd once, homing in...

"I need to fuck myself..." Taft's voice isn't all his own, turning to Arthur and looking at him with awe and splendor, "...unless, you want to do it for me...please?"

Arthur's features shift with confusion, his demeanor shifting before he turns to a smug looking Aohdan. I've never seen Aohdan so happy, a controlled laugh fought down before he clears his throat the second Arthur states, "I believe this dance has come to an end."

"The dance? Yes...Taft?" Aohdan can't help himself as he chuckles, "No."

...Grandpa's eyes lock onto me, his stare putting me on edge.

"Everyone is dismissed," Arthur is trying to fight off a handsy Taft, clinging to his side like a bitch in heat. He rubs his forehead and states, "Selection is tomorrow evening, all slaves will present themselves for the processes when called."

I'm trying to slip out unnoticed with the rest of the slaves, making it just around the staircase...before I feel a hand wrap around my upper arm. I freeze and glance over my shoulder and up at Grandpa. He raises his brows and asks, "Do we need to have a talk, Slave?"

"Uh...yes, Sir," I nod, lowering my gaze when he releases my arm. I follow up the staircase behind him, noticing that Rose is nowhere in sight. There are many things I wish to ask Grandpa about this night, though I know he's going to ask the same of me...with a few in particular points I know have not gone unnoticed.

After closing the door to his room behind him, I turn around to see Grandpa close some of the distance between us. He looks me over and asks, "What happened tonight?"


"No, let's start with you and Kirsten disappearing from the ballroom like two shadows," Grandpa cuts me off, specifying his question and narrowing down the playing field.

I glance away from him and reply, "I killed her."

"You killed her?" Grandpa asks, almost in disbelief, "Just like that?"

"Scarily...yes," I look back, capturing his gaze.

He releasing a sigh and asks, "I suppose in doing what you did, your seal was broken for a time being?"

"Yes," I reply.

"I told you my fears of your magic seeping through in this era, and-"

"I spoke to Tresor," I cut him right off, a dumbfound look replacing the one he'd previously been exhibiting. He remains quiet and allows for me to further explain, "With Kirsten gone, no one will influence Laisha and I've learned a lot...that Tresor-"

"Dot," Grandpa sighs, "Tresor-"

"Is here," the room shifts to a purplish hue, the air moving beside the two of us. When our gaze breaks away, we glance to see him standing there, Grandpa immediately taking a few steps away...though I remain unmoving.

"Grandpa, I need you to listen to him," I look into his perplexed eyes, pleading with him to do what he does best and listen to the voice in his head and not his heart.

After Grandpa nodded and agreed to listen to what Tresor had to say, we spent the better part of an hour explaining everything and the knowledge we all share. It was a long chat, but ended on a good note, with Grandpa a lot less skeptic...though he won't forgive Tresor for killing his mother, he sees that in order for the game to progress, pawns do need to be sacrificed. Unfortunately, it's hard to imagine it's someone you love and care about, but I quickly reminded him of how Marc became a disposable pawn as well when he didn't need to be in the first place.

"Here's my peace offering," Tresor snaps his fingers and a second later, Uncle Kev appears before us. He falls to the ground, glancing around with confusion. "I'm sure you'll be needing to explain everything to your brother, but I'm releasing the blood tie I have over him...though I will still require a tie to his soul as a beacon to remain on this plane of existence. Otherwise, when the girl is born, I won't have a way to pass on the gift."

"Understandable," Grandpa nods, though he sees the way invisible symbols make themselves known on Uncle Kev's skin...only to be distorted and lifted away into the air as if they'd never been cast to begin with.

Tresor motions to me and states, "If you have any doubt for a second that I'm bluffing in not removing the complete control I once had over you or your brother, you can ask your granddaughter-"

"Granddaughter?!" Uncle Kev flips out, glancing all around us.

"Umm...hi?" I shift uneasily at the way Uncle Kev looks me over, disbelief filling his eyes.

Uncle Kev turns to Grandpa and asks, "You're joking. Tell me this is all a joke and Tresor is a magician you got for our birthday?" He looks frantically between the two, and pleads, "Haha, funny...funny jokes! Wave a magic wand so I can go fuck Missy and pretend I've gone home and left the winter solstice events, please tell-"

His words are cut off, my arms wrapping around him. He's hesitant at first, but Uncle Kev slowly lowers his arms and wraps them around my back. Tears fill my eyes, a wave of emotion rushing through me as I whisper, "I've missed you, Uncle Kev."

"I...I have a great niece..." his arms are warm as his chin rests on my head, holding me close to him, "...that means..."

"Yes, Kev, one day, you'll have a niece," Grandpa smiles with endearment, though he says nothing more when I give him a sideways glance. I don't want to ask anything of my uncle yet, not with everything else going on.

Perhaps, after the winter solstice when we are all safely back at Grandpa's estate.

When we pull away from one another, Uncle Kev's eyes stare down into mine. It's quite weird...seeing his appearance just like Grandpa's. Yes, they're twins...but I've only ever known my uncle as an incubus demon, the only way Nimue had been able to send him across the veil.

"What now?" Uncle Kev asks.

"We leave," Tresor nods and turns to Grandpa, "I'll reach out to you should I need you, otherwise, we won't have much contact as I have things I'm putting into place with my successors."

I can't help but snort out under my breath because after everything we talked about here and explained how his children had taken on his work after he'd been killed...

...if I were Tresor, I'd watch my back because we might not be the threat that takes him out any longer, but only time will tell.

Uncle Kev and Grandpa say their goodbyes, before Tresor and he disappears from the spot, the room lightening to a normal hue. Grandpa turns to me and asks, "What did you do to Taft?"

"Nothing," my face remains placid, not wanting Grandpa to believe that my wishful thoughts still hold their true power and to the extent of nothing this era has seen.

"Dot," he folds his arms in front of his chest.

I lower my chin and gaze, shaking my head as I sigh, "I'm sorry."

"I'm reiterating this," Grandpa sighs and steps forward, resting a hand on my shoulder before he lifts my chin with his fingertips, "you need to be careful."

"You need to be careful," I say right back at him, my glamour dropping for a split second as I allow my reddish-orange irises to lock with his, my wolf coming forward as the pupils reflect a golden hue. There's a moments pause as I state, "I won't hesitate to kill Taft ahead of schedule if he tries to force anything on me."

Grandpa furrows his brows and asks, "What are you talking about? I already put an end to-"

"The Starlight Dance," I cut him short and explain, "after I returned from ending Kirsten's existence, he approached me and said there are other ways he can have fun with me. If need be, he'd get Arthur involved."

Grandpa features shift because I've only seen it a few times...when he's let me down. He can hardly get out, "Dot...I..."

I breathe out calmly, tilting my head to the side as I tell him, "I don't care that Rose is the center of your world right now. I get it, she has to be..." after pausing for a few moments, fighting back the stinging sensation at the bridge of my nose, I finish with "...but don't forget, I'm also part of your future. I might be a tool on display for all others to observe...but that doesn't make me a disposable pawn."

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

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