Chapter 20.5

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Third person POV

Scarlet stepped up to Gilbert with her eyes shadowed. Her expression was solemn which Gilbert did not like.

" Scarlet....? What's wrong?" Gilbert asked Scarlet, a sense of foreboding came flooding his senses.

" Gil.... I-i...." he looked to Scarlet in worry. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second before Scarlet looked away." ...I'm sorry..."

" What..?" Gilbert's sense of foreboding came to a peak as she opened her mouth.

" ..... I want to break up...." she look at Gil and their eyes met once again.

" B-break... up....?" Gilbert was terrified at what she just said. His sense of foreboding came true.

" ...Yes..! I have someone I like... more than you..." a man stepped out of the shadows. His silver hair fluttering in the wind and his blue eyes were breathtaking. A gentle smile was on his face but Gilbert felt that was a fake smile.

" Yup. She's mine now~" he pulled Scarlet to his chest. All Gilbert could do was stare in shock. What Nami said was true. Scarlet was with another man.

" Ummm Gil...?" Scarlet asked as if poking him on the cheek.

" ...W-what..?" Gilbert replied shakily.

" I'm joking" was all she said as Gilbert realized what was happening. He blushed red in embarrassment as the two others laughed. Then a bunch of other laughs could be heard around the ship as the rest of the crew came out laughing.

" April Fools!" Everyone shouted at the relieved yet shocked Gilbert.


April Fools! I decided to do an April Fools special on this fanfic. Sorry I was a bit late in posting it...
well, Happy April Fools!

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