Chapter Two: Worm'd

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The worm immediately spat my mirror onto the ground, the frame bent at weird angles.

Shrivinling up, the worm hissed and started spewing blood. With a pained shrill, the worm collapsed onto the ground, violent spasming. Eventually, it stopped moving and turned into dust, leaving behind the magic mirror shards.

The light crimson fluid seemed to sparkle with the mirror shards. I grab the mirror frame and examine it closer as dread filled my gut.

That was my only way out of here...

I'm several miles underground and I don't know my way back up.

... Maybe it's good I don't know my way back up.

I'd honestly rather prefer being trapped underground than crawling back to Brandon and telling him that my mirror managed to break.

I sigh and trudge deeper into the dark cavern.


As I walked, no matter how many precious minerals I mined, my mind couldn't help but wonder back to Brandon. The topazes seemed to sparkle like his eyes, the rubies reminded me of his beautiful heart, the glittering emeralds remind me of the trees that he loves so much-

I need to stop.

I need to stop with everything.

This isn't right to be so totally infatuated with a man- especially a man who has shoved me to the ground, ripped out my heart and tore it to shreds.

I don't need Brandon.

I have me.


I have...




I don't realize that I'm crying until I notice that the emerald I was staring at was stained with my tears. Choking on my breath, I try my best to hold in sobs.

This isn't supposed to hurt.

I left him behind-

This shouldn't hurt anymore!

He shouldn't have any control over me.

I sigh and curl up on the ground.

"Fi, get up" A voice whispered. "Please?"

My eyes shot open and I immediately jump from the ground.

I'm greeted by a handsome face and a friendly smile. The Man I was looking at visited me long ago in my dreams. His chiseled features haven't change, nor had the hill setting where I first met him.

Am I asleep?

I don't... remember falling asleep.

"Come on, Fi. You're not one to fall asleep on your favorite hill" the man said. On a closer look, I realize that this is not the man I met long ago in a dream. No, this man had bright lavender eyes instead of deep brown ones.

"That's not my name" I reply stiffly.

The man rolled his eyes. "Oh yes! Fiona Kateri Forester! Head Warden of Emerald Keep! Please excuse my informality" he said sarcastically, giving me a knowing look.

"That's not my name" I repeated.

The man raised an eyebrow. "Quit joking, Fi."

"I'm serious!" I said, making the man smirk. "Hi serious. Nice to meet you! Now enough fooling around, we have business to- Fi? Fi... Hey, Wake up" The man's voice became cloudy as I watched him fade from view.

A figure harshly kicked my leg. "Wake! Up!" Ki said.

I scream and open my eyes, startled. Ki promptly stops kicking me.

With a harsh glare, I spit out,"Why did you wake me??"

"I was worried" Ki whispered. "I couldn't tap into your thoughts, more or less see what you were dreaming. It was like I was completely blocked out!"

I didn't think much of it as I rolled my eyes, the previous encounter with that man leaving me with a bit of sass.

"Feather" Ki spoke softly. "I was scared"

The way his eyes bore into me- Instead of having playful brown eyes, I was met with dark serious ones, shifting and darting at every move I made.

Something was not right.

Ki quickly sighed, sensing that I knew of his true unease. "I'm taking you home" he whispered.

"No" I say sternly.

"Yes" Ki said, cutting his eyes at me. "You've had enough adventure for one day"

As he tries to come up with more excuses for me to go home, I notice his eyes twitching... And... how bloodshot they were... and the dark bags under his eyes....

Frowning, I gently press my hand against his chest. Without warning, Ki collapsed onto the ground, huffing with exhaustion.

As I crouch down, I notice a deep gash on the side of his head.

It soon becomes apparent to me that he's barely gotten any rest- Mentally, That is.

He's been worked into the ground, comforting me and watching over me.

See, Ki's the guy I should've fallen in love with.

"I'll go home..." I whisper to Ki. Immediately, his eyes flooded with relief. "That's... great. I'll be sure to fix your magic mirror as soon as we get back" he replied.

Ki then grabbed my ankle and teleported home.


As soon as my feet land on the familiar wooden floor of my home, emotions flood through me, making me feel disoriented.

My things drop to the ground and I look at Ki. I was surprised to see that he was immediately chatting up Molly, as if he wasn't pushed beyond the point of exhaustion.

I shoot a concerned glance towards Molly, nodding my head towards Ki.

"Well anyways, I brought your girl home, Feel free to check her for bumps and bruises- And I'll just fix up her magic mirror and start helping out around here" Ki said, wrapping up the conversation.

Molly glanced at me, with a knowing look. "Before I check her up, I do notice that she's paler than usual- I think part of her magic illness is coming back" She lied. She then winked at me.

"Come help me make a potion" Molly said.

Ki immediately nodded. "Of course!"

Molly smiled and led Ki away.

Lucky for me, Ki doesn't know too much about medicine.

My eyes go wide as I realize that Ki could've read my thoughts and immediately walked back to me!

But instead... he walked away with Molly.

Poor guy... He's too weak to worm himself inside of my head...

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