Chapter One

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( Terribly Desirable ) ✝︎ ─── 01.
Days Gone Bye.

     USING GUNS was never Melody Dixon's strong suit, despite who her family was. She never picked up on the skill, saying it was far too manly for her taste and stuck to painting her nails with the nail polish her mother had gotten for her as a birthday present. Melody was regretting not learning to shoot a gun, or learning any survival skill for that matter.

Her mother had custody of her almost her whole life and made sure that Melody never touched a weapon. Her father, on the other hand, stuck a crossbow straight into her hands when her mother died, telling her that she better be a quick learner or she'd be left in the woods.

Thankfully, she was a quick learner.

After seeing how quick she was to learn with a crossbow, Daryl helped her as much as he could without making it seem like he actually cared about her. He barely knew the girl for Christ sake, he only got to see her a few times when she was a kid and even then it was only when he and his brother were giving her her birthday and Christmas gifts. Now that she had been with him for almost two years, he quickly grew to care about her more than he had ever cared about anyone in his life.

She also hated her uncle, but family was family and as much as she wanted to shoot an arrow in between his eyes, she held back.

He wasn't worth it, plus, he did get her anything she asked for.

"Girl, if you keep on feeding the birds, we ain't gonna have any food left," Shane called to her as he walked over to the van, hands on his hips as he stares up at her. Melody smiles, throwing one last piece of food before climbing down and leaning against the side of the van.

"You gonna arrest me for feeding the poor, helpless birds?" Melody teases, twirling her hair around her finger. Shane rolled his eyes at her. She laughs, patting his chest as she walks away. "Lighten up, Walsh," She called over her shoulder.

Carl looked up at her as she walked over to him and Lori, a grin forming on his face when she winked at him and gave him the comic book that she had gotten Glenn to find on his last run which she had kept in the back of her shorts for safe keeping. "Thanks," Carl grins, already flipping through it. Melody ruffled his hair, gaining protests from the boy.

"You seen my dad by any chance?" Melody asked him, looking around for her father. Carl shook his head, engrossed in the comic book. Melody hums, joining him on the small chairs. She looked over at the comic book, frowning as she tilts her head. "So, what's this one about?" She asked.

Carl flips it to the cover, showing her the faded picture of Batman. She nods, still not understanding but going along with it. She was never into comic books, or superheroes for that matter. After realising that Carl wasn't going to look up from the comic anytime soon, Melody got up, ruffling his hair one last time before leaving.

Glenn needed to hurry up and get back, she was beginning to get impatient. Time was ticking by faster than she would like and she needed that pill. Badly.

"── Officer Shane Walsh, broadcasting to person unknown, please respond."

Melody looked over to see mostly everyone huddled around the radio, a frown on her face as she looked around.

"He's gone," Shane says, looking over at Dale.

"There are others," Lori spoke up. "It's not just us."

"We knew there would be, right?" Shane replies. "That's why we left the C.B on."

Melody rolled her eyes, leaning her arm against Carl's head. He huffed but didn't make any effort to remove it. "It ain't doing us any good," Melody chastised, looking over at Shane. "Barely picks up any signal and most of the time it's just static."

Lori nodded her head in agreement. "She's right, we should put up warnings on eighty five to warn people away from the city."

"Folks got no idea what they're getting into," Amy chimes in. Melody points to her in agreement, making a face at Carl when he looked up at her.

"Well, we haven't had time," Shane tells them, standing up and grabbing his hat. Melody rolls her eyes, sharing a look with Carl. ❛Dick,❜ She mouthed to Carl, who stifles his laugh.

"I think you need to get that stick out of your ass and do it," Melody replies, covering Carl's ears despite being the one to teach him profanities whenever Lori wasn't around. "It ain't that hard to put a few warnings up. Hell, I'd do it if you just let me go."

Shane looked over at her with a warning look. "Your dad would kill all of us if I let you go out there which is why you're here."

"I'll go," Lori says to him, looking back at Melody who nodded her head. "Give me a vehicle."

"Nobody goes anywhere alone, you know that," Shane rubbed the back of his neck, looking at Lori with a look Melody couldn't quite decipher.

"Yes, sir," Lori answers, walking away. Carl goes to follow after her, getting stopped by Melody who shakes her head at him as Shane followed after Lori.

"Lets go read your comic book," Melody offers to Carl, who ponders for a few moments before shaking his head. Melody sighs, nodding her head before letting him go find Lori. "Fine," She huffs dramatically. "I'll just read it all to myself."

Carl grins, shaking his head before walking to the tents. Melody looked over at Carol, noticing how she was constantly glancing over at Ed. Melody cleared her throat at she walked over to her, smiling as she sat down next to Sophia.

"Y'Know, Glenn found this really pretty dress for me a few days ago but it's far too small for me," Melody hums as she looks at Sophia. "But I think it'll fit you just fine."

Sophia's face lights up at the mention of a new dress, twisting her fingers in her lap. Melody smiles sweetly at her.

"You want it?" Melody asked, getting ready to stand up. Sophia nods shyly, looking down at the ground. Melody grins, crouching down next to her. "I'll go get it for you then you can see if you like it. Don't be afraid to tell me if it's ugly, promise my feelings won't get hurt."

Sophia giggles at the playful wink Melody gave her, nodding once more before Melody left to get the dress. Glenn hadn't really found a dress on one of his runs, it was Melody when she had ❛snuck❜ out with them on the run a few days ago and she had made a stop by a clothing store to find some more clothes and happened to come across the dress which she decided to take just for Sophia.

After reaching her tent, she unzipped it and stepped inside it. She glanced at the crossbow she kept underneath her bed that Daryl had gave to her. Break it and I'll kill you, he had said to her. Merle had gave her a small knife to keep under her pillow. Never know who might come in at night, always better to be prepared, he had warned.

Her fingers twitched to hold the crossbow again, she desperately wanted to go back out and kill some walkers. It was a great way to pass time, even if it did mean staining her outfits with that disgusting blood and guts that came out of them.

She looked away from the weapons, rummaging through the small bag of clothes she had gotten and pulled out the small dress that she had got for Sophia. She zipped her tent back up after leaving it, glancing around for any signs of walkers or other survivors before making her way back to Sophia and Carol.

Melody smiles as she held the dress out to Sophia. "Well? What do you think?"

"I like it," Sophia grins, thanking her as she takes it. Carol sends Melody an appreciative smile, squeezing her hand. Melody squeezes her hand back, glancing over at Ed who was glaring over at them. She glared back at him, desperate to see him get what was coming to him.

It would be so easy to just shoot an arrow straight through his heart from the top of the van. She was sure that if she done it, Carol and Sophia would eventually come around and thank her. He was just an evil prick who deserved to be left out there with the walkers.

Seriously, where the fuck was Glenn with her pill?

this is crappy and short
but just deal with it.

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