Chapter 13: Breathing Real Air

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They watched as their mom's car pulled up. Sarah stepped out of the car.

"Welcome back, Mother!" Astral called.

"Hello, Astral and Black Mist," Sarah called back. "Oh, John said that you should be able to go out now, Astral."

"Well, looks like we can go out back now," Black Mist said cheerfully.

"Yes." Sarah smiled. "It'll be nice for you to breathe real air."

Black Mist led Astral to the back. "Dad made a canopy in the back to prevent anyone from looking. It's pretty handy to go out for some fresh air."

They emerged into the back yard. Astral looked around and breathed the warm air. "This is how it feels?"

"Yeah. Feels great, doesn't it?" Black Mist closed his eyes and layed down on the grass. "It's cool under the shade, too."

Astral sat down next to Black Mist. "Yes, it is nice." He, too, closed his eyes and enjoyed the air. Right then, a vision burst into his mind again.

Fire scorched the neighborhood. Everybody panicked as they tried to put out the growing inferno. Many men were already evacuating the women and children quickly.

"It burns!" Astral cried. Even though the fire wasn't touching him, the flames found their way into his system. "Father, make it stop!"

"Shh, don't worry. The pain will pass," John assured. "Your body is just adjusting to the foreign weapon."

"Dad, what do we do?" Black Mist asked.

John pushed Astral to his brother. "Take him to the lab. It's fire resistant. You two and Sarah should be safe there. Go!"

Black Mist pulled Astral closer to keep him calm. "Alright. When will you be able to join us?"

"Soon. I'll be there soon." John continued to evacuate the people.

Sarah, Astral, and Black Mist rushed into one of their cars and drove off, getting stuck at the wall of cars.

"This is going to take forever," Sarah complained.

Black Mist clutched the pendant around Astral's neck. "I hope the other events won't happen."

"If...this ha-happened, then the...other ones w-will too," Astral pointed out. He leaned against Black Mist and gripped his hand as the burning sensation came back.

"What...?" Astral muttered. "This is..." He put his hand around the pendant he was wearing. He looked to Black Mist, who was sleeping soundly in the grass. "This is to happen...tomorrow...?"

Sarah looked outside. "Boys? Are you still out there?"

Astral looked over to his mother. He smiled like nothing was wrong. "Yes. Just enjoying the air. It feels nice."

Sarah chuckled. "Since you've never breathed the air, I can understand. Your father came back. Do you mind waking Black Mist up?"

"I will." Astral started shaking Black Mist's shoulder. "Psst, wake up. Father is home."

Black Mist mumbled in his sleep.

"Black Mist. Wake up!" Astral punched his face without holding back. This was the only way to wake him up.

Black Mist, whose reflexes were fast and easily triggered, woke up and twisted Astral's arm behind his back. Astral winced in pain.

"Well, that woke you," he said painfully. He twisted out of his brother's grip and rubbed his shoulder.

"Sorry," Black Mist said. "My reflexes trigger easily."

"I can tell," Astral muttered. "Anyways, Father is home."

"Alright." Black Mist and Astral went back inside rather reluctantly.

"Hey, Dad," Black Mist greeted with a wave.

"Hey," John said as he hung his white coat. "How are you two?"

"We're fine," Astral answered. "What about you, Father?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about a thing."

The thing was, Astral couldn't help but worry. How could he keep up the calm mask when the very next day, fire would be set.

"Astral, is there something wrong?" Sarah asked. "You seem a little distant."

"What? Oh, it is nothing," Astral said with a smile. He wanted to keep this a secret from his family so that they wouldn't worry. "I am fine."

That night, Black Mist confronted Astral. "Astral, what is wrong? You've been acting weird ever since we went outside. You can't hide it from me."

"What do you mean?" Astral asked innocently.

"It was another vision, wasn't it?" Black Mist sat next to Astral on the light side. "What was it this time?"

Astral shook his head. "I have no idea what you mean."

Black Mist grabbed Astral's shoulders. "You know damn well what I mean. You may have tricked Mom and Dad with the fake smiles, but you and I have accelerated minds. I know when something's up, so tell me."

Astral looked down and bit his lower lip. "Tomorrow...there will be a fire..." Astral whispered. "I have no idea how it starts, will happen."

"Astral, why didn't you tell us this earlier!?" Black Mist exclaimed. "We could have prepared!"

"Father said that we cannot change the future that I see...We could have done nothing."

Black Mist sighed. "Yeah, you're right." He got up. "Well, let's just hope that we'll be ready tomorrow."

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