Chapter 14: Fire Fire

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"Boys, wake up!" Sarah exclaimed as she burst into their room. The house smelled of smoke and fire. "A fire started! It's not going out!"

Astral and Black Mist awoke with a start. Astral looked around with fear as his vision came true.

The three ran to get John, coughing as the smoke entered their lungs.

"John!" Sarah cried as she banged on his door. "John! Wake up!"

There was a bang, coughing, then the door opened as John crashed his shoulder against the door.

"Damn," he muttered. "How did this happen?"

"We have no idea," Black Mist answered, his voice becoming raspy because of the smoke.

Suddenly, an inferno erupted through the back door, causing all of them to jump.

"We have to get out of here," Astral croaked. "There's too much smoke. We can't breathe."

"Yeah," Black Mist agreed.

They made their way to the door as quickly as the fire let them. A spark landed on Astral's wrist, and a burning sensation went through his body. He stopped and clutched his arm.

"Astral, are you alright?" Black Mist asked, concerned for his brother.

"N-no," Astral strained. "I feel my bo-dy."

"The fire is becoming your weapon," John stated. He hurried over and picked Astral up. "We have to hurry and evacuate!"

They kept running to the door until they busted through. They looked around in the hazy wall of smoke and saw that people were already driving off.

"I'll help with evacuating," John volunteered, having to shout to be heard over the crackling flame. He let go of Astral as he started helping people evacuate.

Fire scorched the neighborhood. Everybody panicked as they tried to put out the growing inferno. Many men were already evacuating the women and children quickly.

"It burns!" Astral cried. He felt how that tiny spark was growing and burning. "Father, make it stop!"

"Shh, don't worry. The pain will pass," John assured. "Your body is just adjusting to the foreign weapon."

"Dad, what do we do?" Black Mist asked.

John pushed Astral to his brother. "Take him to the lab. It's fire resistant. You two and Sarah should be safe there. Go!"

Black Mist pulled Astral closer to keep him calm. "Alright. When will you be able to join us?"

"Soon. I'll be there soon." John continued to evacuate the people.

Sarah, Astral, and Black Mist rushed into one of their cars and drove off, getting stuck at the wall of cars.

"This is going to take forever," Sarah complained.

Black Mist clutched the pendant around Astral's neck. "I hope the other events won't happen."

"If...this ha-happened, then the...other ones w-will too," Astral pointed out. He leaned against Black Mist and gripped his hand as the burning sensation came back.

Black Mist pulled Astral closer. "It hurts, doesn't it?"

"Y-yes," Astral strained. "It burns in my body. I-it feels like m-my veins are on fire." He cried out in pain as the burning got worse.

Finally, the wall moved forward as the thing that was blocking the road was cleared. Sarah drove on.

"So, where did John say to go?" Sarah asked as she navigated the car away from the neighborhood.

"The lab," Black Mist answered, cradling the now sleeping Astral in his arms to keep him calm. "He said it's fire resistant. We'll be safe there."

"Alright." Sarah maneuvered the car in the direction of the lab.

Eventually, they arrived at a clear road, and Sarah was able to drive freely.

"Are we there yet?" Astral asked sleepily as he woke up.

"Almost," Sarah said. She looked at them through the rear view mirror. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Astral answered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and sitting up.

Feeling a burning where Astral was laying, Black Mist felt Astral's forehead. "Your temperature went up drastically."

"It did?" Astral blinked sleepily. "Now that you say it, I feel a bit light-headed. Probably a side effect of the fire inside my body." He layed back down and closed his eyes. "I'm going to try and sleep it off."

Black Mist pulled Astral closer, not minding the heat. "Mom, how much further is it?"

"Just a little bit further. Don't worry." Sarah's face lit up. "There it is!" She pulled up in the driveway.

Michelle greeted them as the car parked. "Hello. John told me what was happening through the radio we gave him."

Sarah opened the door for Black Mist, who was carrying a sleeping Astral in a piggyback style. Astral tensed a little.

"Michelle, when do you think John will get here?" Sarah asked.

"Probably in a few minutes," Michelle answered. "We gave him a device that'll let him teleport to us. It's something we made."

Sarah sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. At least I'll know that he can get here. I wonder if he'll make it out alive, though."

"It isn't Father's time yet," Astral groaned, still riding on Black Mist's back. "I saw it. He is going to get shot."

"Is he?" Michelle asked. "Do you know when?"

Astral shook his head and closed his eyes again. His heavy breathing implied that he was asleep.

"I'll take him to his room," Michelle offered.

"Alright," Black Mist said, allowing Michelle to take Astral.

"Come with me, Black Mist." Michelle gestured for Black Mist to follow. "We have a room for you, too. It's separated from Astral's."

"I'll wait in the main lab for John," Sarah said.

Michelle walked to Astral's room to drop him off. "This is his room," she told Black Mist.

Then, Astral woke up. "It hasn't changed," he commented. He squirmed in Michelle's grip until he slithered out. He smiled as he went into the room. "It really hasn't changed."

"Are you alright?" Michelle asked.

"I am fine. Look." Astral closed his eyes and held out his right hand. A small flame sparked. "See, I can control it!" he said excitedly.

"Awesome!" Black Mist said. "Now we have fire!"

"Black Mist, come with me," Michelle instructed.

Michelle led Black Mist to another room next to Astral's. "This is where I'll stay?" Black Mist asked.

"Yeah. Sorry, but they all look alike."

"It's fine." Black Mist entered. "I feel tired. After today's events, I have to rest."

Nodding in understanding, Michelle left the room and closed the door.

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