Chapter 17: Goodbye Astral, Black Mist

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The two raced to the exit of the foreign lab to look for John. They looked everywhere, but he was nowhere in sight.

"This is hopeless," Astral complained, getting frustrated. Because of that, a small aura of red fire with a little bit of static flashing across covered his body.

"Astral, calm down," Black Mist hissed. "We'll find Dad. Just be patient and use that strategic thinking."

"Right." Astral sighed and thought for a while.

This is a large complex, so we must look in the most possible places. Maybe in the main lab? Possibly...

"I do not have a good idea of where," Astral reported.

"Well, I'll just have to sense him out." Black Mist closed his eyes. "He's in...the main lab being held hostage."

"That is exactly what my first guess was."

"Then let's go!"

The twins rushed down the hall and looked for the main lab. They made sure that they weren't seen and that they weren't being followed.

"He's just up ahead," Black Mist informed. "I can sense him."

Astral nodded and followed his brother until they burst through the doors.

"Freeze!" a voice from within shouted.

Astral and Black Mist froze, glaring at everyone in defiance, daring them to attack.

"Boys, get out of here," John warned. "Get to Sarah."

Astral shook his head. "No, Father. We will not go," he said in defiance. "We will not let you stay here as well."

John sighed. "It's dangerous here. You two should leave before something bad happens."

"Thing is," Black Mist started in his sassy tone, "we're not gonna obey this time." He summoned his tentacles and grinned. "I was made for this moment!"

Astral zipped up to one of the black-suited men and placed his hands on the man's head, sending the very electricity that became his weapon into his brain.

The man didn't have time to react, and he fell down dead. Astral smiled in satisfaction.

"This actually helps," Astral commented.

Then, a voice shouted, "If you keep going, the doctor dies!"

Astral and Black Mist turned to see one man in white pointing a gun to John's head.

This set the trigger for Astral's rage. The moment he saw John was in danger, fire poured out of his entire body, catching on the equipment, which weren't fire resistant. A huge explosion boomed in the room, and fire consumed the whole place.

Fire everywhere...pain, sorrow, fear...death...blood everywhere...the men in black...Everyone started panicking, but not the men in black.

John took that chance to go to Astral and Black Mist. "Hurry, get out of here!" he shouted.

"No," Black Mist said. "We can't just leave."

"What are you going to do?" John asked.

"Make them pay," Astral growled. "I can never forgive them! Why can't they just let us live peacefully? It makes no sense to me."

"Ditto," Black Mist agreed. "They need to pay."

John smiled. "I knew that putting that battle spirit in you two was going to get you in this situation." He chuckled.

Astral smiled. "Does that mean we don't have to go right now?"


Black Mist grinned, his tentacles squirming like worms. "Alright. This is gonna be fun!"

The twins started burning, shocking, and stabbing the men in black and white, not letting anyone escape. They ruthlessly killed every single one of their enemies.

"Do you like the rush?" Black Mist asked, his voice full of excitement.

"Yeah," Astral breathed. "It's incredible! It must be the adrenaline, huh?"

One man snuck up to Black Mist, but Black Mist dodged the bullet quickly. "Nice try," he hissed. He stabbed the man with his hand.

John, who was a surprisingly good fighter, fought any man from the government who tried to shoot any of the boys. Just then, he got shot in the shoulder.

"Father!" Astral shouted in surprise. "Father!"

"Dad!" Black Mist exclaimed.

"Father! What are you doing?!" Astral screamed as John got back up after getting shot.

"Don't...don't worry...boys." John smiled. "I'll protect you..."

Black Mist whipped out one of his tentacles and killed another one. "Dad, get back!"

Astral hurled a fireball with uncontrolled aim. Luckily, it hit its target. "Father, please stay back. You have been shot! You need that seen to!"

John swayed on his feet. He stumbled in front of the boys and held his arms out. John smiled before he was shot through the lung.

"No!" Astral screamed. He rushed over to John. "Father!"

" two. Give it to Kazuma's son. You him..."

"Father...? Father!"

"Dad! Don't leave us!"

Tears welled in their eyes as John died right before them.

"Father...?" Astral whispered, forgetting about the men in black. He shook John softly, then he shook him violently. "Father!"

One man walked up to them and grinned. The man dressed in black raised the gun that killed John to the twins.

"Now, to deal with you two. You may have the powers of fire and lightening on your side, but we won't make that same mistake." He raised his gun to kill Astral.

"If you want him, you go through me!" Black Mist threw a black whip, and it attached itself to the gun. He pulled the tentacle, which was still attached to his arm, and sent the gun flying in his hands. He crushed it.

Then, Astral summoned fire to his hands. "You killed Mother and Father! You will pay!" He sent the fire to the man, and he burned.

Astral was in a fiery rage, and he threw fire balls at the men in black. Black Mist fought them in close combat with the occasional tentacle.

"You will pay for killing them!" Astral screamed, throwing a fiery beam at them.

Black Mist, who was also enraged, summoned a bunch of his tentacles. He stabbed everyone in sight, which meant everyone.

When they finished their rampage, they exited the building, where Yuma was waiting.

"What happened?" Yuma asked.

Astral took off the pendant. "Yuma, Father told us to give this to you should something happen to him." Astral handed the pendant to Yuma. "He told us we could trust you."

Yuma took the pendant and put it on carefully. "O-okay."

Lightning tore through the sky and rain splattered down on the three of them. Astral looked up.

"Is this my doing?" he asked.

"It sure seems that way," Black Mist answered. "Ever since you got the power to control lightning, it's been storming like crazy whenever you got mad, surprised, or sad."

Astral looked at his hands. "It seems so..." His right hand was covered in sputtering fire, and his left had small currents of electricity running through it. "I will need to control it."

"It's pretty cool that you have that ability, Astral," Yuma said. "I wish I could control those two."

Astral chuckled. "With the ability Father gave me, I am able to control any element that has been exposed to me, Yuma. That includes the very air we breathe."

"And now water," Yuma pointed out. "You're being exposed to water right now."

"Yes, you are correct. Now I can control water. Thank you, Father." He closed his eyes, silently thanking his dead father.

"Come on," Black Mist coaxed. "Let's go back to the lab. Michelle might know what to do."

Astral nodded. He and Yuma followed Black Mist to the lab to tell them the bad news.

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