Chapter 18: The Bad News

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Black Mist, Astral, and Yuma entered the lab to find Michelle and the others there. Michelle looked at the twins expectantly.

"Father and Mother are dead," Astral said bluntly while going to his room. "The men in black shot them, and they're dead. Just like in my visions."

"Is this true?" Michelle asked as Black Mist and Yuma passed by.

Black Mist nodded. "Yeah. We got our revenge, though." With that, the two headed to Astral's room.

When they entered, they saw Astral just hovering in one place in front of his desk. The notebook was still open on a page with Korean characters. This was the last language he mastered before he was moved to the other house.

"I miss Father..." he whispered.

"I know, Astral. I miss Dad, too," Black Mist agreed.

"Why...? Why did he have to leave?"

Red fire consumed Astral with small currents of static surrounding that flame.

"Why did he have to leave?" Astral sobbed. He fell to his knees, the events taking its toll.

"Astral, please don't lose control of your emotions," Black Mist urged.

"Father...and Mother...they're gone!"

The flame grew bigger and hotter, becoming blue fire due to the heat.

"They're never coming back! I knew this would happen, yet I could not so anything to prevent it!" Tears flowed down his cheeks. "I'm useless," he whispered.

"No," Yuma argued. "You said so yourself that your dad told you that nothing can change the future. You're not to blame."

"Yes I am. If I had just hidden in a better place like Father told me, I would never have been caught! If I had never been caught, Father would not feel the need to give me this ability and ruin their future!"

Black Mist punched Astral's face. "Shut up!" he shouted. "It's not your fault!" He grabbed Astral roughly by the shoulders. "Just stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault."

Astral, who was emotionally weaker than his twin, looked up at Black Mist. His eyes started to water, and he cried in his brother's arms.

Black Mist pulled Astral closer and stroked his hair. "Go ahead and cry. Just let it out," he said in a soothing tone. He heard the door open and close as Yuma left to leave them to their family business.

"I-I'm weak, aren't I?" Astral said through sobs. "I couldn't-"

"Stop it," Black Mist said sternly. "Just stop it. Dad himself said that the future you saw couldn't be changed. Nothing could be changed. You know this well."

Astral nodded and let the tears flow, his breathing short.

Michelle entered the room quietly. "Are you two okay?" she asked with sympathy. "I know it must be hard to lose both your parents."

"We're fine," Black Mist replied. "Astral just needs time to calm down." He looked over to Michelle. "You know what I mean."

Michelle nodded. "Okay. Come out when you're ready."

Black Mist nodded.

"What are we going to do now?" Astral asked softly. "Will we stay in the lab from now on?"

"I don't think so. Dad gave us that pendant for some kind of reason. He said to give it to the boy if something happens to him."

Astral nodded. He pulled away from Black Mist and wiped away his tears. "What do you think is so special about that pendant?"

"No idea." Black Mist grabbed Astral's hand and pulled him up. "Come on. Let's go to the main lab."

"Okay." Astral gripped his brother's hand tightly, and they both exited the room.

"That was quicker than I expected," Michelle said. "John told me to tell you that the pendant has a space inside of it. You can go into that space."

"Really?" Black Mist asked. "That's cool."

"Yes. That's why John wanted you to give it to him." Michelle opened the door. "Go now. Your friend is waiting."

The two nodded and went outside. There, they saw Yuma leaning against the building.

"You ready to go?" Yuma asked.

Astral nodded. "Did Michelle tell you about the pendant?"

"Yeah. It's pretty cool." Yuma pushed himself off of the wall. "Let's go."

Black Mist took Astral's hand and touched the pendant. The two were surrounded in light, and they found themselves in front of a large airship.

"Wow..." Black Mist breathed. "Who knew this was inside such a small pendant."

Astral stared in wonder at the airship. "Did Father make this, too?"

"I'm pretty sure he did. Dad always did the unexpected."

"Yes..." Astral looked over to Black Mist. "Do you think they will leave us alone now?"

"Dunno." Black Mist shrugged. "We'll have to erase any evidence that we exist."

"How do we do that?"

"Easy." Black Mist grinned. "We'll kill all who know, and then we burn every single piece of evidence the government has." He cracked his knuckles and smirked.

Astral chuckled. "Brother, you are truly evil."

"Well, I can't help that Dad gave me evil thoughts."

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